# Jehanne Jehanne is a [simple][simplicity] operating system. It is a fork of [Harvey][harvey] (which in turn is a fork of [Plan 9 from Bell Labs][plan9] merged with [Nix][nix] sources) but diverges from the design and conventions of its ancestors whenever they are at odds with its goals. For this reason project is named after the famous French heretic [Joan of Arc][arc]. [simplicity]: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/simplicity/ "What is simplicity?" [harvey]: http://harvey-os.org "Harvey OS" [plan9]: https://github.com/brho/plan9 "UC Berkeley release of Plan 9 under the GPLv2" [nix]: https://github.com/rminnich/nix-os [arc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Arc "Jeanne d'Arc"