/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ /* Portions of this file are Copyright (C) 9front's team. * See /doc/license/9front-mit for details about the licensing. * See http://code.9front.org/hg/plan9front/ for a list of authors. */ #include #include #include #include #include char* readfile(char *name); char* readenv(char*); void setenv(char*, char*); void cpenv(char*, char*); void closefds(void); void fexec(void(*)(void)); void rcexec(void); void cpustart(void); int procopen(int pid, char *name, int mode); void printfile(int fd); char *service; char *cmd; char *cpu; char *systemname; int manual; int iscpu; void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *user; int fd; closefds(); sys_alarm(0); service = "cpu"; manual = 0; ARGBEGIN{ case 'c': service = "cpu"; break; case 'm': manual = 1; break; case 't': service = "terminal"; break; }ARGEND cmd = *argv; fd = procopen(getpid(), "ctl", OWRITE); if(fd >= 0){ if(jehanne_write(fd, "pri 10", 6) != 6) fprint(2, "init: warning: can't set priority: %r\n"); sys_close(fd); } cpu = readenv(ENV_CPUTYPE); setenv(ENV_OBJTYPE, cpu); setenv(ENV_SERVICE, service); cpenv("/cfg/timezone", "timezone"); user = readfile("#c/user"); if(user == nil) user = "*unknown*"; systemname = readfile("#c/sysname"); if(systemname == nil) systemname = "*unknown*"; newns(user, 0); iscpu = strcmp(service, "cpu")==0; if(iscpu && manual == 0) fexec(cpustart); for(;;){ print("\ninit: starting /cmd/rc\n"); fexec(rcexec); manual = 1; cmd = 0; sleep(1000); } } void printfile(int fd) { int n; char buf[256]; if(fd >= 0){ n = sys_fd2path(fd, buf, 256); if(n < 0){ fprint(2, "printfile(%d): fd2path: %r\n", fd); return; } print("%s:\n", buf); while((n = jehanne_read(fd, buf, 256)) > 0){ jehanne_write(1, buf, n); sleep(500); } print("\n"); } } static int gotnote; void pinhead(void *c, char *msg) { gotnote = 1; fprint(2, "init got note '%s'\n", msg); sys_noted(NCONT); } void fexec(void (*execfn)(void)) { Waitmsg *w; int pid; switch(pid=fork()){ case 0: sys_rfork(RFNOTEG); (*execfn)(); print("init: exec error: %r\n"); exits("exec"); case -1: print("init: fork error: %r\n"); exits("fork"); default: casedefault: sys_notify(pinhead); gotnote = 0; w = wait(); if(w == nil){ if(gotnote) goto casedefault; print("init: wait error: %r\n"); break; } if(w->pid != pid){ free(w); goto casedefault; } if(strstr(w->msg, "exec error") != 0){ print("init: exit string %s\n", w->msg); print("init: sleeping because exec failed\n"); free(w); for(;;) sleep(1000); } if(w->msg[0]) print("init: rc exit status: %s\n", w->msg); free(w); break; } } void rcexec(void) { if(cmd) execl("/cmd/rc", "rc", "-c", cmd, nil); else if(manual || iscpu){ execl("/cmd/rc", "rc", "-m/arch/rc/lib/rcmain", "-i", nil); }else if(strcmp(service, "terminal") == 0) execl("/cmd/rc", "rc", "-c", ". /sys/lib/rc/startup/terminal; HOME=/usr/$USER; cd && . lib/profile", nil); else execl("/cmd/rc", "rc", nil); } void cpustart(void) { execl("/cmd/rc", "rc", "-c", "/cfg/startup", nil); } char* readfile(char *name) { int f, len; Dir *d; char *val; f = sys_open(name, OREAD); if(f < 0){ print("init: can't open %s: %r\n", name); return nil; } d = dirfstat(f); if(d == nil){ print("init: can't stat %s: %r\n", name); sys_close(f); return nil; } len = d->length; free(d); if(len == 0) /* device files can be zero length but have contents */ len = 64; val = malloc(len+1); if(val == nil){ print("init: can't malloc %s: %r\n", name); sys_close(f); return nil; } len = jehanne_read(f, val, len); sys_close(f); if(len < 0){ print("init: can't read %s: %r\n", name); return nil; }else val[len] = '\0'; return val; } char* readenv(char *name) { char *val; char buf[128+4]; snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "#e/%s", name); val = readfile(buf); if(val == nil) val = "*unknown*"; return val; } void setenv(char *name, char *val) { int fd; char buf[128+4]; snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "#e/%s", name); fd = ocreate(buf, OWRITE, 0644); if(fd < 0) fprint(2, "init: can't create %s: %r\n", buf); else{ jehanne_write(fd, val, strlen(val)); sys_close(fd); } } void cpenv(char *from, char *envname) { char *val; val = readfile(from); if(val != nil){ setenv(envname, val); free(val); } } /* * clean up after /boot */ void closefds(void) { int i; for(i = 3; i < 30; i++) sys_close(i); } int procopen(int pid, char *name, int mode) { char buf[128]; int fd; snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "#p/%d/%s", pid, name); fd = sys_open(buf, mode); if(fd < 0) fprint(2, "init: warning: can't open %s: %r\n", name); return fd; }