/* Copyright (C) Charles Forsyth * See /doc/license/NOTICE.Plan9-9k.txt for details about the licensing. */ /* Portions of this file are Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Giacomo Tesio * See /doc/license/gpl-2.0.txt for details about the licensing. */ /* Portions of this file are Copyright (C) 9front's team. * See /doc/license/9front-mit for details about the licensing. * See http://code.9front.org/hg/plan9front/ for a list of authors. */ #include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" enum { PATHSLOP = 20, PATHMSLOP = 20, }; struct { Lock; int fid; Chan *free; Chan *list; }chanalloc; typedef struct Elemlist Elemlist; struct Elemlist { char *aname; /* original name */ char *name; /* copy of name, so '/' can be overwritten */ int nelems; char **elems; int *off; int mustbedir; int nerror; int prefix; }; char* chanpath(Chan *c) { if(c == nil) return ""; if(c->path == nil) return ""; if(c->path->s == nil) return ""; return c->path->s; } int isdotdot(char *p) { return p[0]=='.' && p[1]=='.' && p[2]=='\0'; } /* * Rather than strncpy, which zeros the rest of the buffer, kstrcpy * truncates if necessary, always zero terminates, does not zero fill, * and puts ... at the end of the string if it's too long. Usually used to * save a string in up->genbuf; */ void kstrcpy(char *s, char *t, int ns) { int nt; nt = jehanne_strlen(t); if(nt+1 <= ns){ jehanne_memmove(s, t, nt+1); return; } /* too long */ if(ns < 4){ /* but very short! */ jehanne_strncpy(s, t, ns); return; } /* truncate with ... at character boundary (very rare case) */ jehanne_memmove(s, t, ns-4); ns -= 4; s[ns] = '\0'; /* look for first byte of UTF-8 sequence by skipping continuation bytes */ while(ns>0 && (s[--ns]&0xC0)==0x80) ; jehanne_strcpy(s+ns, "..."); } int emptystr(char *s) { if(s == nil) return 1; if(s[0] == '\0') return 1; return 0; } /* * Atomically replace *p with copy of s */ void kstrdup(char **p, char *s) { int n; char *t, *prev; n = jehanne_strlen(s); /* if it's a user, we can wait for memory; if not, something's very wrong */ if(up){ t = smalloc(n+1); }else{ t = jehanne_malloc(n+1); if(t == nil) panic("kstrdup: no memory"); } jehanne_setmalloctag(t, getcallerpc()); jehanne_memmove(t, s, n); t[n] = '\0'; prev = *p; *p = t; jehanne_free(prev); } Chan* newchan(void) { Chan *c; lock(&chanalloc); c = chanalloc.free; if(c != 0) chanalloc.free = c->next; unlock(&chanalloc); if(c == nil){ c = smalloc(sizeof(Chan)); lock(&chanalloc); c->fid = ++chanalloc.fid; c->link = chanalloc.list; chanalloc.list = c; unlock(&chanalloc); } c->dev = nil; c->flag = 0; c->r.ref = 1; c->devno = 0; c->offset = 0; c->devoffset = 0; c->iounit = 0; c->umh = 0; c->uri = 0; c->dri = 0; c->aux = 0; c->mchan = 0; c->mux = 0; jehanne_memset(&c->mqid, 0, sizeof(c->mqid)); c->path = 0; c->ismtpt = 0; return c; } Ref npath; Path* newpath(char *s) { int i; Path *p; p = smalloc(sizeof(Path)); i = jehanne_strlen(s); p->len = i; p->alen = i+PATHSLOP; p->s = smalloc(p->alen); jehanne_memmove(p->s, s, i+1); p->r.ref = 1; incref(&npath); /* * Cannot use newpath for arbitrary names because the mtpt * array will not be populated correctly. The names #/ and / are * allowed, but other names with / in them draw warnings. */ if(jehanne_strchr(s, '/') && jehanne_strcmp(s, "#/") != 0 && jehanne_strcmp(s, "/") != 0) jehanne_print("newpath: %s from %#p\n", s, getcallerpc()); p->mlen = 1; p->malen = PATHMSLOP; p->mtpt = smalloc(p->malen*sizeof p->mtpt[0]); return p; } static Path* copypath(Path *p) { int i; Path *pp; pp = smalloc(sizeof(Path)); pp->r.ref = 1; incref(&npath); DBG("copypath %s %#p => %#p\n", p->s, p, pp); pp->len = p->len; pp->alen = p->alen; pp->s = smalloc(p->alen); jehanne_memmove(pp->s, p->s, p->len+1); pp->mlen = p->mlen; pp->malen = p->malen; pp->mtpt = smalloc(p->malen*sizeof pp->mtpt[0]); for(i=0; imlen; i++){ pp->mtpt[i] = p->mtpt[i]; if(pp->mtpt[i]) incref(&pp->mtpt[i]->r); } return pp; } void pathclose(Path *p) { int i; if(p == nil) return; //XXX DBG("pathclose %#p %s ref=%d =>", p, p->s, p->r.ref); for(i=0; imlen; i++) DBG(" %#p", p->mtpt[i]); DBG("\n"); if(decref(&p->r)) return; decref(&npath); jehanne_free(p->s); for(i=0; imlen; i++) if(p->mtpt[i]) cclose(p->mtpt[i]); jehanne_free(p->mtpt); jehanne_free(p); } /* * In place, rewrite name to compress multiple /, eliminate ., and process .. * (Really only called to remove a trailing .. that has been added. * Otherwise would need to update n->mtpt as well.) */ static void fixdotdotname(Path *p) { char *r; if(p->s[0] == '#'){ r = jehanne_strchr(p->s, '/'); if(r == nil) return; jehanne_cleanname(r); /* * The correct name is #i rather than #i/, * but the correct name of #/ is #/. */ if(jehanne_strcmp(r, "/")==0 && p->s[1] != '/') *r = '\0'; }else jehanne_cleanname(p->s); p->len = jehanne_strlen(p->s); } static Path* uniquepath(Path *p) { Path *new; if(p->r.ref > 1){ /* copy on write */ new = copypath(p); pathclose(p); p = new; } return p; } static Path* addelem(Path *p, char *s, Chan *from) { char *t; int a, i; Chan *c, **tt; if(s[0]=='.' && s[1]=='\0') return p; p = uniquepath(p); i = jehanne_strlen(s); if(p->len+1+i+1 > p->alen){ a = p->len+1+i+1 + PATHSLOP; t = smalloc(a); jehanne_memmove(t, p->s, p->len+1); jehanne_free(p->s); p->s = t; p->alen = a; } /* don't insert extra slash if one is present */ if(p->len>0 && p->s[p->len-1]!='/' && s[0]!='/') p->s[p->len++] = '/'; jehanne_memmove(p->s+p->len, s, i+1); p->len += i; if(isdotdot(s)){ fixdotdotname(p); DBG("addelem %s .. => rm %#p\n", p->s, p->mtpt[p->mlen-1]); if(p->mlen>1 && (c = p->mtpt[--p->mlen])){ p->mtpt[p->mlen] = nil; cclose(c); } }else{ if(p->mlen >= p->malen){ p->malen = p->mlen+1+PATHMSLOP; tt = smalloc(p->malen*sizeof tt[0]); jehanne_memmove(tt, p->mtpt, p->mlen*sizeof tt[0]); jehanne_free(p->mtpt); p->mtpt = tt; } DBG("addelem %s %s => add %#p\n", p->s, s, from); p->mtpt[p->mlen++] = from; if(from) incref(&from->r); } return p; } void chanfree(Chan *c) { c->flag = CFREE; if(c->dirrock != nil){ jehanne_free(c->dirrock); c->dirrock = 0; c->nrock = 0; c->mrock = 0; } if(c->umh != nil){ putmhead(c->umh); c->umh = nil; } if(c->umc != nil){ cclose(c->umc); c->umc = nil; } if(c->mux != nil){ muxclose(c->mux); c->mux = nil; } if(c->mchan != nil){ cclose(c->mchan); c->mchan = nil; } if(c->dev != nil){ //XDYNX //devtabdecr(c->dev); c->dev = nil; } pathclose(c->path); c->path = nil; lock(&chanalloc); c->next = chanalloc.free; chanalloc.free = c; unlock(&chanalloc); } void cclose(Chan *c) { if(c == nil || c->r.ref < 1 || c->flag&CFREE) panic("cclose %#p", getcallerpc()); DBG("cclose %#p name=%s ref=%d\n", c, c->path->s, c->r.ref); if(decref(&c->r)) return; if(!waserror()){ if(c->dev != nil) //XDYNX c->dev->close(c); poperror(); } chanfree(c); } /* * Queue a chan to be closed by one of the clunk procs. */ struct { Chan *head; Chan *tail; Lock l; QLock q; Rendez r; int active; int running; } clunkq; static void closeproc(void*); void ccloseq(Chan *c) { int32_t seq; if(c == nil || c->r.ref < 1 || c->flag&CFREE) panic("ccloseq %#p", getcallerpc()); DBG("ccloseq %#p name=%s ref=%d\n", c, chanpath(c), c->r.ref); if(decref(&c->r)) return; lock(&clunkq.l); c->next = nil; if(clunkq.head != nil) clunkq.tail->next = c; else clunkq.head = c; clunkq.tail = c; unlock(&clunkq.l); if(!wakeup(&clunkq.r)){ seq = ainc(&clunkq.active); if(seq < 10) kproc("closeproc", closeproc, (void*)(uintptr_t)seq); else adec(&clunkq.active); } } static int clunkwork(void* _1) { return clunkq.head != nil; } static void closeproc(void *a) { Chan *c; int seq; seq = (uintptr_t)a; for(;;){ ainc(&clunkq.running); qlock(&clunkq.q); while(clunkq.head == nil){ if(!waserror()){ tsleep(&clunkq.r, clunkwork, nil, 5000); poperror(); } } lock(&clunkq.l); c = clunkq.head; clunkq.head = c->next; unlock(&clunkq.l); qunlock(&clunkq.q); if(!waserror()){ if(c->dev != nil) //XDYNX c->dev->close(c); poperror(); } chanfree(c); if(adec(&clunkq.running) >= 5 && seq > 5){ adec(&clunkq.active); pexit("", 1); } } } /* * Make sure we have the only copy of c. (Copy on write.) */ Chan* cunique(Chan *c) { Chan *nc; if(c->r.ref != 1){ nc = cclone(c); cclose(c); c = nc; } return c; } int eqqid(Qid a, Qid b) { return a.path == b.path && a.vers == b.vers; } static int eqchan(Chan *a, Chan *b, int skipvers) { if(a->qid.path != b->qid.path) return 0; if(!skipvers && a->qid.vers != b->qid.vers) return 0; if(a->dev->dc != b->dev->dc) return 0; if(a->devno != b->devno) return 0; return 1; } int eqchanddq(Chan *c, int dc, uint32_t devno, Qid qid, int skipvers) { if(c->qid.path != qid.path) return 0; if(!skipvers && c->qid.vers != qid.vers) return 0; if(c->dev->dc != dc) return 0; if(c->devno != devno) return 0; return 1; } Mhead* newmhead(Chan *from) { Mhead *mh; mh = smalloc(sizeof(Mhead)); mh->r.ref = 1; mh->from = from; incref(&from->r); return mh; } int cmount(Chan **newp, Chan *old, int flag, char *spec) { int order, flg; Chan *new; Mhead *mhead, **l, *mh; Mount *nm, *f, *um, **h; Pgrp *pg; order = flag&MORDER; if(order != MREPL && (QTDIR & (old->qid.type^(*newp)->qid.type))) error(Emount); if(old->umh) jehanne_print("cmount: unexpected umh, caller %#p\n", getcallerpc()); if(!(old->qid.type & QTDIR) && order != MREPL) error(Emount); new = *newp; mh = new->umh; /* * Not allowed to bind when the old directory is itself a union. * (Maybe it should be allowed, but I don't see what the semantics * would be.) * * We need to check mh->mount->next to tell unions apart from * simple mount points, so that things like * mount -c fd /root * bind -c /root / * work. * * The check of mount->mflag allows things like * mount fd /root * bind -c /root / * * This is far more complicated than it should be, but I don't * see an easier way at the moment. */ if((flag&MCREATE) && mh && mh->mount && (mh->mount->next || !(mh->mount->mflag&MCREATE))) error(Emount); pg = up->pgrp; wlock(&pg->ns); l = &MOUNTH(pg, old->qid); for(mhead = *l; mhead; mhead = mhead->hash){ if(eqchan(mhead->from, old, 1)) break; l = &mhead->hash; } if(mhead == nil){ /* * nothing mounted here yet. create a mount * head and add to the hash table. */ mhead = newmhead(old); *l = mhead; /* * if this is a union mount, add the old * node to the mount chain. */ if(order != MREPL) mhead->mount = newmount(mhead, old, 0, 0); } wlock(&mhead->lock); if(waserror()){ wunlock(&mhead->lock); nexterror(); } wunlock(&pg->ns); nm = newmount(mhead, new, flag, spec); if(mh != nil && mh->mount != nil){ /* * copy a union when binding it onto a directory */ flg = order; if(order == MREPL) flg = MAFTER; h = &nm->next; um = mh->mount; for(um = um->next; um; um = um->next){ f = newmount(mhead, um->to, flg, um->spec); *h = f; h = &f->next; } } if(mhead->mount && order == MREPL){ mountfree(mhead->mount); mhead->mount = 0; } if(flag & MCREATE) nm->mflag |= MCREATE; if(mhead->mount && order == MAFTER){ for(f = mhead->mount; f->next; f = f->next) ; f->next = nm; }else{ for(f = nm; f->next; f = f->next) ; f->next = mhead->mount; mhead->mount = nm; } wunlock(&mhead->lock); poperror(); return nm->mountid; } void cunmount(Chan *mnt, Chan *mounted) { Pgrp *pg; Mhead *mh, **l; Mount *f, **p; if(mnt->umh) /* should not happen */ jehanne_print("cunmount newp extra umh %#p has %#p\n", mnt, mnt->umh); /* * It _can_ happen that mounted->umh is non-nil, * because mounted is the result of namec(Aopen) * (see sysfile.c:/^sysunmount). * If we open a union directory, it will have a umh. * Although surprising, this is okay, since the * cclose will take care of freeing the umh. */ pg = up->pgrp; wlock(&pg->ns); l = &MOUNTH(pg, mnt->qid); for(mh = *l; mh; mh = mh->hash){ if(eqchan(mh->from, mnt, 1)) break; l = &mh->hash; } if(mh == 0){ wunlock(&pg->ns); error(Eunmount); } wlock(&mh->lock); if(mounted == 0){ *l = mh->hash; wunlock(&pg->ns); mountfree(mh->mount); mh->mount = nil; cclose(mh->from); wunlock(&mh->lock); putmhead(mh); return; } p = &mh->mount; for(f = *p; f; f = f->next){ /* BUG: Needs to be 2 pass */ if(eqchan(f->to, mounted, 1) || (f->to->mchan && eqchan(f->to->mchan, mounted, 1))){ *p = f->next; f->next = 0; mountfree(f); if(mh->mount == nil){ *l = mh->hash; cclose(mh->from); wunlock(&mh->lock); wunlock(&pg->ns); putmhead(mh); return; } wunlock(&mh->lock); wunlock(&pg->ns); return; } p = &f->next; } wunlock(&mh->lock); wunlock(&pg->ns); error(Eunion); } Chan* cclone(Chan *c) { Chan *nc; Walkqid *wq; if(c == nil || c->r.ref < 1 || c->flag&CFREE) panic("cclone: %#p", getcallerpc()); wq = c->dev->walk(c, nil, nil, 0); //XDYNX? if(wq == nil) error("clone failed"); nc = wq->clone; jehanne_free(wq); nc->path = c->path; if(c->path) incref(&c->path->r); return nc; } /* also used by sysfile.c:/^mountfix */ int findmount(Chan **cp, Mhead **mp, int dc, uint32_t devno, Qid qid) { Pgrp *pg; Mhead *mh; pg = up->pgrp; rlock(&pg->ns); for(mh = MOUNTH(pg, qid); mh; mh = mh->hash){ rlock(&mh->lock); if(mh->from == nil){ jehanne_print("mh %#p: mh->from nil\n", mh); runlock(&mh->lock); continue; } if(eqchanddq(mh->from, dc, devno, qid, 1)){ runlock(&pg->ns); if(mp != nil){ incref(&mh->r); if(*mp != nil) putmhead(*mp); *mp = mh; } if(*cp != nil) cclose(*cp); incref(&mh->mount->to->r); *cp = mh->mount->to; runlock(&mh->lock); return 1; } runlock(&mh->lock); } runlock(&pg->ns); return 0; } /* * Calls findmount but also updates path. */ static int domount(Chan **cp, Mhead **mp, Path **path) { Chan **lc; Path *p; if(findmount(cp, mp, (*cp)->dev->dc, (*cp)->devno, (*cp)->qid) == 0) return 0; if(path){ p = *path; p = uniquepath(p); if(p->mlen <= 0) jehanne_print("domount: path %s has mlen==%d\n", p->s, p->mlen); else{ lc = &p->mtpt[p->mlen-1]; DBG("domount %#p %s => add %#p (was %#p)\n", p, p->s, (*mp)->from, p->mtpt[p->mlen-1]); incref(&(*mp)->from->r); if(*lc) cclose(*lc); *lc = (*mp)->from; } *path = p; } return 1; } /* * If c is the right-hand-side of a mount point, returns the left hand side. * Changes name to reflect the fact that we've uncrossed the mountpoint, * so name had better be ours to change! */ static Chan* undomount(Chan *c, Path *path) { Chan *nc; if(path->r.ref != 1 || path->mlen == 0) jehanne_print("undomount: path %s ref %d mlen %d caller %#p\n", path->s, path->r.ref, path->mlen, getcallerpc()); if(path->mlen>0 && (nc=path->mtpt[path->mlen-1]) != nil){ DBG("undomount %#p %s => remove %p\n", path, path->s, nc); cclose(c); path->mtpt[path->mlen-1] = nil; c = nc; } return c; } /* * Call dev walk but catch errors. */ static Walkqid* ewalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { Walkqid *wq; if(waserror()) return nil; wq = c->dev->walk(c, nc, name, nname); poperror(); return wq; } /* * Either walks all the way or not at all. No partial results in *cp. * *nerror is the number of names to display in an error message. */ static char Edoesnotexist[] = "does not exist"; int walk(Chan **cp, char **names, int nnames, int nomount, int *nerror) { int dc, devno, didmount, dotdot, i, n, nhave, ntry; Chan *c, *nc, *mtpt; Path *path; Mhead *mh, *nmh; Mount *f; Walkqid *wq; c = *cp; incref(&c->r); path = c->path; incref(&path->r); mh = nil; /* * While we haven't gotten all the way down the path: * 1. step through a mount point, if any * 2. send a walk request for initial dotdot or initial prefix without dotdot * 3. move to the first mountpoint along the way. * 4. repeat. * * Each time through the loop: * * If didmount==0, c is on the undomount side of the mount point. * If didmount==1, c is on the domount side of the mount point. * Either way, c's full path is path. */ didmount = 0; for(nhave=0; nhaveqid.type & QTDIR)){ if(nerror) *nerror = nhave; pathclose(path); cclose(c); jehanne_strcpy(up->errstr, Enotdir); putmhead(mh); return -1; } ntry = nnames - nhave; if(ntry > MAXWELEM) ntry = MAXWELEM; dotdot = 0; for(i=0; idev->dc; devno = c->devno; if((wq = ewalk(c, nil, names+nhave, ntry)) == nil){ /* try a union mount, if any */ if(mh && !nomount){ /* * mh->mount->to == c, so start at mh->mount->next */ rlock(&mh->lock); if(mh->mount != nil){ for(f = mh->mount->next; f != nil; f = f->next){ if((wq = ewalk(f->to, nil, names+nhave, ntry)) != nil){ dc = f->to->dev->dc; devno = f->to->devno; break; } } } runlock(&mh->lock); } if(wq == nil){ cclose(c); pathclose(path); if(nerror) *nerror = nhave+1; putmhead(mh); return -1; } } nmh = nil; didmount = 0; if(dotdot){ assert(wq->nqid == 1); assert(wq->clone != nil); path = addelem(path, "..", nil); nc = undomount(wq->clone, path); n = 1; }else{ nc = nil; if(!nomount){ for(i=0; inqid && iqid[i])){ didmount = 1; break; } } } if(nc == nil){ /* no mount points along path */ if(wq->clone == nil){ cclose(c); pathclose(path); if(wq->nqid==0 || (wq->qid[wq->nqid-1].type & QTDIR)){ if(nerror) *nerror = nhave+wq->nqid+1; jehanne_strcpy(up->errstr, Edoesnotexist); }else{ if(nerror) *nerror = nhave+wq->nqid; jehanne_strcpy(up->errstr, Enotdir); } jehanne_free(wq); putmhead(mh); return -1; } n = wq->nqid; nc = wq->clone; }else{ /* stopped early, at a mount point */ didmount = 1; if(wq->clone != nil){ cclose(wq->clone); wq->clone = nil; } n = i+1; } for(i=0; ifrom; path = addelem(path, names[nhave+i], mtpt); } } cclose(c); c = nc; putmhead(mh); mh = nmh; jehanne_free(wq); } putmhead(mh); c = cunique(c); if(c->umh != nil){ //BUG jehanne_print("walk umh\n"); putmhead(c->umh); c->umh = nil; } pathclose(c->path); c->path = path; cclose(*cp); *cp = c; if(nerror) *nerror = nhave; return 0; } /* * c is a mounted non-creatable directory. find a creatable one. */ Chan* createdir(Chan *c, Mhead *mh) { Chan *nc; Mount *f; rlock(&mh->lock); if(waserror()){ runlock(&mh->lock); nexterror(); } for(f = mh->mount; f; f = f->next){ if(f->mflag&MCREATE){ nc = cclone(f->to); runlock(&mh->lock); poperror(); cclose(c); return nc; } } error(Enocreate); return 0; } static void saveregisters(void) { } static void growparse(Elemlist *e) { char **new; int *inew; enum { Delta = 8 }; if(e->nelems % Delta == 0){ new = smalloc((e->nelems+Delta) * sizeof(char*)); jehanne_memmove(new, e->elems, e->nelems*sizeof(char*)); jehanne_free(e->elems); e->elems = new; inew = smalloc((e->nelems+Delta+1) * sizeof(int)); jehanne_memmove(inew, e->off, (e->nelems+1)*sizeof(int)); jehanne_free(e->off); e->off = inew; } } /* * The name is known to be valid. * Copy the name so slashes can be overwritten. * An empty string will set nelem=0. * A path ending in / or /. or /.//./ etc. will have * e.mustbedir = 1, so that we correctly * reject, e.g., "/adm/users/." when /adm/users is a file * rather than a directory. */ static void parsename(char *aname, Elemlist *e) { char *name, *slash; kstrdup(&e->name, aname); name = e->name; e->nelems = 0; e->elems = nil; e->off = smalloc(sizeof(int)); e->off[0] = skipslash(name) - name; for(;;){ name = skipslash(name); if(*name == '\0'){ e->off[e->nelems] = name+jehanne_strlen(name) - e->name; e->mustbedir = 1; break; } growparse(e); e->elems[e->nelems++] = name; slash = jehanne_utfrune(name, '/'); if(slash == nil){ e->off[e->nelems] = name+jehanne_strlen(name) - e->name; e->mustbedir = 0; break; } e->off[e->nelems] = slash - e->name; *slash++ = '\0'; name = slash; } if(DBGFLG > 1){ int i; DBG("parsename %s:", e->name); for(i=0; i<=e->nelems; i++) DBG(" %d", e->off[i]); DBG("\n"); } } static void* memrchr(void *va, int c, long n) { uint8_t *a, *e; a = va; for(e=a+n-1; e>a; e--) if(*e == c) return e; return nil; } static void namelenerror(char *aname, int len, char *err) { char *ename, *name, *next; int i, errlen; /* * If the name is short enough, just use the whole thing. */ errlen = jehanne_strlen(err); if(len < ERRMAX/3 || len+errlen < 2*ERRMAX/3) jehanne_snprint(up->genbuf, sizeof up->genbuf, "%.*s", jehanne_utfnlen(aname, len), aname); else{ /* * Print a suffix of the name, but try to get a little info. */ ename = aname+len; next = ename; do{ name = next; next = memrchr(aname, '/', name-aname); if(next == nil) next = aname; len = ename-next; }while(len < ERRMAX/3 || len + errlen < 2*ERRMAX/3); /* * If the name is ridiculously long, chop it. */ if(name == ename){ name = ename-ERRMAX/4; if(name <= aname) panic("bad math in namelenerror"); /* walk out of current UTF sequence */ for(i=0; (*name&0xC0)==0x80 && igenbuf, sizeof up->genbuf, "...%.*s", jehanne_utfnlen(name, ename-name), name); } jehanne_snprint(up->errstr, ERRMAX, "%#q %s", up->genbuf, err); nexterror(); } void nameerror(char *name, char *err) { namelenerror(name, jehanne_strlen(name), err); } /* * Turn a name into a channel. * &name[0] is known to be a valid address. It may be a kernel address. * * Opening with amode Aopen, Acreate, Aremove, or Aaccess guarantees * that the result will be the only reference to that particular fid. * This is necessary since we might pass the result to * devtab[]->remove(). * * Opening Atodir or Amount does not guarantee this. * * Under certain circumstances, opening Aaccess will cause * an unnecessary clone in order to get a cunique Chan so it * can attach the correct name. Sysstat and sys_stat need the * correct name so they can rewrite the stat info. */ Chan* namec(char *aname, int amode, long omode, long perm) { int len, n, nomount; Chan *c, *cnew; Path *path; Elemlist e; Rune r; Mhead *mh; char tmperrbuf[ERRMAX]; char *name; Dev *dev; if(aname[0] == '\0') error("empty file name"); aname = validnamedup(aname, 1); if(waserror()){ jehanne_free(aname); nexterror(); } DBG("namec %s %d %d\n", aname, amode, omode); name = aname; /* * Find the starting off point (the current slash, the root of * a device tree, or the current dot) as well as the name to * evaluate starting there. */ nomount = 0; switch(name[0]){ case '/': c = up->slash; incref(&c->r); break; case '#': nomount = 1; n = 0; if(name[1] == '*'){ name += 2; while(*name != '\0' && *name != '/' && *name != '!'){ if(n >= sizeof(up->genbuf)-1) error(Efilename); up->genbuf[n++] = *name++; } up->genbuf[n] = '\0'; dev = devbyname(up->genbuf); if(dev == nil) error(Ebadsharp); r = dev->dc; up->genbuf[0] = '#'; n = 1+jehanne_runetochar(up->genbuf+1, &r); if(*name == '!'){ name++; while(*name != '\0' && *name != '/'){ if(n >= sizeof(up->genbuf)-1) error(Efilename); up->genbuf[n++] = *name++; } } up->genbuf[n] = '\0'; }else{ n = 0; while(*name != '\0' && (*name != '/' || n < 2)){ if(n >= sizeof(up->genbuf)-1) error(Efilename); up->genbuf[n++] = *name++; } up->genbuf[n] = '\0'; n = jehanne_chartorune(&r, up->genbuf+1)+1; } /* actually / is caught by parsing earlier */ if(jehanne_utfrune("9", r)) error(Enoattach); /* * noattach is sandboxing. * * the OK exceptions are: * | current process's pipes * 0 current process's kernel infos * d current process's file descriptors * e current process's environment * NOTE: Plan9 also allows * c time and pid, but also cons and consctl * p control of your own processes (and unfortunately * any others left unprotected) * but Jehanne disable them to improve security. * * Who actually need them can bind #c and #p somewhere * before rfork(RFNOMNT) */ if(up->pgrp->noattach && jehanne_utfrune("|0de", r)==nil) error(Enoattach); dev = devtabget(r, 1); //XDYNX if(dev == nil) error(Ebadsharp); c = dev->attach(nil, nil, up->genbuf+n, 0); break; default: c = up->dot; incref(&c->r); break; } e.aname = aname; e.prefix = name - aname; e.name = nil; e.elems = nil; e.off = nil; e.nelems = 0; e.nerror = 0; if(waserror()){ cclose(c); jehanne_free(e.name); jehanne_free(e.elems); /* * Prepare nice error, showing first e.nerror elements of name. */ if(e.nerror == 0) nexterror(); jehanne_strcpy(tmperrbuf, up->errstr); if(e.off[e.nerror]==0) jehanne_print("nerror=%d but off=%d\n", e.nerror, e.off[e.nerror]); if(DBGFLG > 0){ DBG("showing %d+%d/%d (of %d) of %s (%d %d)\n", e.prefix, e.off[e.nerror], e.nerror, e.nelems, aname, e.off[0], e.off[1]); } len = e.prefix+e.off[e.nerror]; jehanne_free(e.off); namelenerror(aname, len, tmperrbuf); } /* * Build a list of elements in the name. */ parsename(name, &e); /* * On create, .... */ if(amode == Acreate){ /* perm must have DMDIR if last element is / or /. */ if(e.mustbedir && !(perm&DMDIR) && omode >= 0){ e.nerror = e.nelems; error("create without DMDIR"); } /* don't try to walk the last path element just yet. */ if(e.nelems == 0) error(Eexist); e.nelems--; } if(walk(&c, e.elems, e.nelems, nomount, &e.nerror) < 0){ if(e.nerror < 0 || e.nerror > e.nelems){ jehanne_print("namec %s walk error nerror=%d\n", aname, e.nerror); e.nerror = 0; } nexterror(); } if(e.mustbedir && !(c->qid.type & QTDIR)) error(Enotdir); if(amode == Aopen && (omode&7) == OEXEC && (c->qid.type & QTDIR)) error("cannot exec directory"); switch(amode){ case Abind: /* no need to maintain path - cannot dotdot an Abind */ mh = nil; if(!nomount) domount(&c, &mh, nil); if(c->umh != nil) putmhead(c->umh); c->umh = mh; break; case Aaccess: case Aremove: case Aopen: /* save&update the name; domount might change c */ path = c->path; incref(&path->r); if(waserror()){ pathclose(path); nexterror(); } mh = nil; if(!nomount) domount(&c, &mh, &path); /* our own copy to open or remove */ c = cunique(c); /* now it's our copy anyway, we can put the name back */ poperror(); pathclose(c->path); c->path = path; /* record whether c is on a mount point */ c->ismtpt = mh!=nil; switch(amode){ case Aaccess: case Aremove: putmhead(mh); break; case Aopen: case Acreate: if(c->umh != nil){ jehanne_print("cunique umh Open\n"); putmhead(c->umh); c->umh = nil; } /* only save the mount head if it's a multiple element union */ if(mh && mh->mount && mh->mount->next) c->umh = mh; else putmhead(mh); /* save registers else error() in open has wrong value of c saved */ saveregisters(); c = c->dev->open(c, omode&~OCEXEC); if(omode & OCEXEC) c->flag |= CCEXEC; if(omode & ORCLOSE) c->flag |= CRCLOSE; break; } break; case Atodir: /* * Directories (e.g. for cd) are left before the mount point, * so one may mount on / or . and see the effect. */ if(!(c->qid.type & QTDIR)) error(Enotdir); break; case Amount: /* * When mounting on an already mounted upon directory, * one wants subsequent mounts to be attached to the * original directory, not the replacement. Don't domount. */ break; case Acreate: /* * We've already walked all but the last element. * If the last exists just give up. */ e.nelems++; e.nerror++; if(walk(&c, e.elems+e.nelems-1, 1, nomount, nil) == 0) if(omode >=0) /* a negative omode means this is a message for the server */ error(Eexist); mh = nil; cnew = nil; /* is this assignment necessary? */ if(!waserror()){ /* try create */ if(!nomount && findmount(&cnew, &mh, c->dev->dc, c->devno, c->qid)) cnew = createdir(cnew, mh); else{ cnew = c; incref(&cnew->r); } /* * We need our own copy of the Chan because we're * about to send a create, which will move it. Once we have * our own copy, we can fix the name, which might be wrong * if findmount gave us a new Chan. */ cnew = cunique(cnew); pathclose(cnew->path); cnew->path = c->path; incref(&cnew->path->r); cnew = cnew->dev->create(cnew, e.elems[e.nelems-1], omode&~(OCEXEC), perm); poperror(); if(omode & OCEXEC) cnew->flag |= CCEXEC; if(omode & ORCLOSE) cnew->flag |= CRCLOSE; putmhead(mh); cclose(c); c = cnew; c->path = addelem(c->path, e.elems[e.nelems-1], nil); break; } /* create failed */ cclose(cnew); putmhead(mh); nexterror(); default: panic("unknown namec access %d", amode); } /* place final element in genbuf for e.g. exec */ if(e.nelems > 0) kstrcpy(up->genbuf, e.elems[e.nelems-1], sizeof up->genbuf); else kstrcpy(up->genbuf, ".", sizeof up->genbuf); jehanne_free(e.name); jehanne_free(e.elems); jehanne_free(e.off); poperror(); /* e c */ jehanne_free(aname); poperror(); /* aname */ return c; } /* * name is valid. skip leading / and ./ as much as possible */ char* skipslash(char *name) { while(name[0]=='/' || (name[0]=='.' && (name[1]==0 || name[1]=='/'))) name++; return name; } char isfrog[256]={ /*NUL*/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /*BKS*/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /*DLE*/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /*CAN*/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ['/'] 1, [0x7f] 1, }; /* * Check that the name * a) is in valid memory. * b) is shorter than 2^16 bytes, so it can fit in a 9P string field. * c) contains no frogs. * The first byte is known to be addressable by the requester, so the * routine works for kernel and user memory both. * The parameter slashok flags whether a slash character is an error * or a valid character. * * The parameter dup flags whether the string should be copied * out of user space before being scanned the second time. * (Otherwise a malicious thread could remove the NUL, causing us * to access unchecked addresses.) */ static char* validname0(char *aname, int slashok, int dup, uintptr_t pc) { char *ename, *name, *s; int c, n; Rune r; name = aname; if(!iskaddr(name)){ if(!dup) jehanne_print("warning: validname* called from %#p with user pointer", pc); ename = vmemchr(name, 0, (1<<16)); }else ename = jehanne_memchr(name, 0, (1<<16)); if(ename==nil || ename-name>=(1<<16)) error("name too long"); s = nil; if(dup){ n = ename-name; s = smalloc(n+1); jehanne_memmove(s, name, n); s[n] = 0; aname = s; name = s; jehanne_setmalloctag(s, pc); } while(*name){ /* all characters above '~' are ok */ c = *(uint8_t*)name; if(c >= Runeself) name += jehanne_chartorune(&r, name); else{ if(isfrog[c]) if(!slashok || c!='/'){ jehanne_snprint(up->genbuf, sizeof(up->genbuf), "%s: %q", Ebadchar, aname); jehanne_free(s); error(up->genbuf); } name++; } } return s; } void validname(char *aname, int slashok) { validname0(aname, slashok, 0, getcallerpc()); } char* validnamedup(char *aname, int slashok) { return validname0(aname, slashok, 1, getcallerpc()); } void isdir(Chan *c) { if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) return; error(Enotdir); } /* * This is necessary because there are many * pointers to the top of a given mount list: * * - the mhead in the namespace hash table * - the mhead in chans returned from findmount: * used in namec and then by unionread. * - the mhead in chans returned from createdir: * used in the open/create race protect, which is gone. * * The RWlock in the Mhead protects the mount list it contains. * The mount list is deleted when we cunmount. * The RWlock ensures that nothing is using the mount list at that time. * * It is okay to replace c->mh with whatever you want as * long as you are sure you have a unique reference to it. * * This comment might belong somewhere else. */ void putmhead(Mhead *mh) { if(mh && decref(&mh->r) == 0){ mh->mount = (Mount*)0xCafeBeef; jehanne_free(mh); } }