/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ /* Portions of this file are Copyright (C) 9front's team. * See /doc/license/9front-mit for details about the licensing. * See http://git.9front.org/plan9front/plan9front/HEAD/info.html for a list of authors. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rsa2any.h" RSApriv* getrsakey(int argc, char **argv, int needprivate, Attr **pa) { char *file, *s, *p; int sz; RSApriv *key; Biobuf *b; int regen; Attr *a; if(argc == 0) file = "#d/0"; else file = argv[0]; key = mallocz(sizeof(RSApriv), 1); if(key == nil) return nil; if((b = Bopen(file, OREAD)) == nil){ werrstr("open %s: %r", file); return nil; } s = Brdstr(b, '\n', 1); if(s == nil){ werrstr("read %s: %r", file); return nil; } if(strncmp(s, "key ", 4) != 0){ werrstr("bad key format"); return nil; } regen = 0; a = _parseattr(s+4); if(a == nil){ werrstr("empty key"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "proto")) == nil){ werrstr("no proto"); return nil; } if(strcmp(p, "rsa") != 0){ werrstr("proto not rsa"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "ek")) == nil){ werrstr("no ek"); return nil; } if((key->pub.ek = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad ek"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "n")) == nil){ werrstr("no n"); return nil; } if((key->pub.n = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad n"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "size")) == nil) fprint(2, "warning: missing size; will add\n"); else if((sz = strtol(p, &p, 10)) == 0 || *p != 0) fprint(2, "warning: bad size; will correct\n"); else if(sz != mpsignif(key->pub.n)) fprint(2, "warning: wrong size (got %d, expected %d); will correct\n", sz, mpsignif(key->pub.n)); if(!needprivate) goto call; if((p = _strfindattr(a, "!dk")) == nil){ werrstr("no !dk"); return nil; } if((key->dk = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad !dk"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "!p")) == nil){ werrstr("no !p"); return nil; } if((key->p = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad !p"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "!q")) == nil){ werrstr("no !q"); return nil; } if((key->q = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad !q"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "!kp")) == nil){ fprint(2, "warning: no !kp\n"); regen = 1; goto regen; } if((key->kp = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ fprint(2, "warning: bad !kp\n"); regen = 1; goto regen; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "!kq")) == nil){ fprint(2, "warning: no !kq\n"); regen = 1; goto regen; } if((key->kq = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ fprint(2, "warning: bad !kq\n"); regen = 1; goto regen; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "!c2")) == nil){ fprint(2, "warning: no !c2\n"); regen = 1; goto regen; } if((key->c2 = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ fprint(2, "warning: bad !c2\n"); regen = 1; goto regen; } regen: if(regen){ RSApriv *k2; k2 = rsafill(key->pub.n, key->pub.ek, key->dk, key->p, key->q); if(k2 == nil){ werrstr("regenerating chinese-remainder parts failed: %r"); return nil; } key = k2; } call: a = _delattr(a, "ek"); a = _delattr(a, "n"); a = _delattr(a, "size"); a = _delattr(a, "!dk"); a = _delattr(a, "!p"); a = _delattr(a, "!q"); a = _delattr(a, "!c2"); a = _delattr(a, "!kp"); a = _delattr(a, "!kq"); if(pa) *pa = a; return key; } DSApriv* getdsakey(int argc, char **argv, int needprivate, Attr **pa) { char *file, *s, *p; DSApriv *key; Biobuf *b; Attr *a; if(argc == 0) file = "#d/0"; else file = argv[0]; key = mallocz(sizeof(RSApriv), 1); if(key == nil) return nil; if((b = Bopen(file, OREAD)) == nil){ werrstr("open %s: %r", file); return nil; } s = Brdstr(b, '\n', 1); if(s == nil){ werrstr("read %s: %r", file); return nil; } if(strncmp(s, "key ", 4) != 0){ werrstr("bad key format"); return nil; } a = _parseattr(s+4); if(a == nil){ werrstr("empty key"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "proto")) == nil){ werrstr("no proto"); return nil; } if(strcmp(p, "dsa") != 0){ werrstr("proto not dsa"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "p")) == nil){ werrstr("no p"); return nil; } if((key->pub.p = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad p"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "q")) == nil){ werrstr("no q"); return nil; } if((key->pub.q = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad q"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "alpha")) == nil){ werrstr("no alpha"); return nil; } if((key->pub.alpha = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad alpha"); return nil; } if((p = _strfindattr(a, "key")) == nil){ werrstr("no key="); return nil; } if((key->pub.key = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad key="); return nil; } if(!needprivate) goto call; if((p = _strfindattr(a, "!secret")) == nil){ werrstr("no !secret"); return nil; } if((key->secret = strtomp(p, &p, 16, nil)) == nil || *p != 0){ werrstr("bad !secret"); return nil; } call: a = _delattr(a, "p"); a = _delattr(a, "q"); a = _delattr(a, "alpha"); a = _delattr(a, "key"); a = _delattr(a, "!secret"); if(pa) *pa = a; return key; } uint8_t* put4(uint8_t *p, uint32_t n) { p[0] = (n>>24)&0xFF; p[1] = (n>>16)&0xFF; p[2] = (n>>8)&0xFF; p[3] = n&0xFF; return p+4; } uint8_t* putn(uint8_t *p, void *v, uint32_t n) { memmove(p, v, n); p += n; return p; } uint8_t* putstr(uint8_t *p, char *s) { p = put4(p, strlen(s)); p = putn(p, s, strlen(s)); return p; } uint8_t* putmp2(uint8_t *p, mpint *b) { int bits, n; if(mpcmp(b, mpzero) == 0) return put4(p, 0); bits = mpsignif(b); n = (bits+7)/8; if(bits%8 == 0){ p = put4(p, n+1); *p++ = 0; }else p = put4(p, n); mptobe(b, p, n, nil); p += n; return p; }