/* Copyright (C) Charles Forsyth * See /doc/license/NOTICE.Plan9-9k.txt for details about the licensing. */ /* Portions of this file are Copyright (C) 9front's team. * See /doc/license/9front-mit for details about the licensing. * See http://code.9front.org/hg/plan9front/ for a list of authors. */ /* * Performance counters */ #include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include "pmc.h" enum{ Qdir = 0, Qdesc, Qcore, PmcCtlRdStr = 4*1024, }; #define PMCTYPE(x) (((unsigned)x)&0xffful) #define PMCID(x) (((unsigned)x)>>12) #define PMCQID(i, t) ((((unsigned)i)<<12)|(t)) static Dirtab *toptab; static Lock toptablck; static int ntoptab; int pmcdebug; static void topdirinit(void) { Dirtab *d; int nent; nent = 1 + MACHMAX; toptab = jehanne_mallocz(nent * sizeof(Dirtab), 1); if (toptab == nil) return; d = toptab; jehanne_strncpy(d->name, "ctrdesc", KNAMELEN); mkqid(&d->qid, Qdesc, 0, 0); d->perm = 0440; } static int corefilesinit(void) { int i, nc, newn; Dirtab *d; Mach *mp; nc = 0; lock(&toptablck); for(i = 0; i < MACHMAX; i++) { if((mp = sys->machptr[i]) != nil && mp->online != 0){ d = &toptab[nc + 1]; /* if you take them out, be careful in pmcgen too */ if(d->name[0] != '\0'){ if(PMCQID(i, Qcore) == d->qid.path){ nc++; continue; }else{ /* a new one appeared, make space, should almost never happen */ jehanne_memmove(d + 1, d, (MACHMAX - i)*sizeof(*d)); jehanne_memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d)); } } jehanne_snprint(d->name, KNAMELEN, "core%4.4ud", i); mkqid(&d->qid, PMCQID(i, Qcore), 0, 0); d->perm = 0660; nc++; } } newn = 1 + nc; ntoptab = newn; unlock(&toptablck); return newn; } static void pmcinit(void) { pmcconfigure(); topdirinit(); corefilesinit(); } static Chan * pmcattach(Chan *c, Chan *ac, char *spec, int flags) { corefilesinit(); return devattach(L'ε', spec); } int pmcgen(Chan *c, char *, Dirtab*, int, int s, Dir *dp) { int ntab; Dirtab *d; ntab = corefilesinit(); if(s == DEVDOTDOT){ devdir(c, (Qid){Qdir, 0, QTDIR}, "#ε", 0, eve, 0555, dp); c->aux = nil; return 1; } /* first, for directories, generate children */ switch((int)PMCTYPE(c->qid.path)){ case Qdir: case Qcore: if(s >= ntab) return -1; d = &toptab[s]; devdir(c, d->qid, d->name, d->length, eve, d->perm, dp); return 1; default: return -1; } } static Walkqid* pmcwalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { if(PMCTYPE(c->qid.path) == Qcore) c->aux = (void *)PMCID(c->qid.path); /* core no */ return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, nil, 0, pmcgen); } static long pmcstat(Chan *c, uint8_t *dp, long n) { return devstat(c, dp, n, nil, 0, pmcgen); } static Chan* pmcopen(Chan *c, int omode) { if (!iseve()) error(Eperm); return devopen(c, omode, nil, 0, pmcgen); } static void pmcclose(Chan *) { } static int pmcctlstr(char *str, int nstr, PmcCtl *p, int64_t v) { int ns; ns = 0; ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "%#ullx ", v); if (p->enab && p->enab != PmcCtlNullval) ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "on "); else ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "off "); if (p->user && p->user != PmcCtlNullval) ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "user "); else ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "nouser "); if (p->os && p->user != PmcCtlNullval) ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "os "); else ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "noos "); /* TODO, inverse pmctrans? */ if(!p->nodesc) ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "%s", p->descstr); else ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "no desc"); ns += jehanne_snprint(str + ns, nstr - ns, "\n"); return ns; } /* this should be safe to use even if there is no core anymore */ static long pmcread(Chan *c, void *a, long n, int64_t offset) { uint32_t type; PmcCtl p; char *s; uint64_t v; uint64_t coreno; int nr, i, ns, nn; type = PMCTYPE(c->qid.path); coreno = PMCID(c->qid.path); if(type == Qdir) return devdirread(c, a, n, nil, 0, pmcgen); s = jehanne_malloc(PmcCtlRdStr); if(waserror()){ jehanne_free(s); nexterror(); } p.coreno = coreno; nr = pmcnregs(); switch(type){ case Qcore: ns = 0; for(i = 0; i < nr; i ++){ if (pmcgetctl(coreno, &p, i) < 0) error("bad ctr"); if(! p.enab) continue; v = pmcgetctr(coreno, i); ns += jehanne_snprint(s + ns, PmcCtlRdStr - ns, "%2.2ud ", i); nn = pmcctlstr(s + ns, PmcCtlRdStr - ns, &p, v); if (n < 0) error("bad pmc"); ns += nn; } break; case Qdesc: if (pmcdescstr(s, PmcCtlRdStr) < 0) error("bad pmc"); break; default: error(Eperm); } n = readstr(offset, a, n, s); jehanne_free(s); poperror(); return n; } static int isset(char *str) { return jehanne_strncmp(str, "-", 2) != 0; } static int pickregno(int coreno) { PmcCtl p; int nr, i; nr = pmcnregs(); for(i = 0; i < nr; i++){ if (pmcgetctl(coreno, &p, i) || p.enab) continue; return i; } return -1; } static int fillctl(PmcCtl *p, Cmdbuf *cb, int start, int end) { int i; if(end > cb->nf -1) end = cb->nf -1; for(i = start; i <= end; i++){ if(pmcdebug != 0) jehanne_print("setting field %d to %s\n", i, cb->f[i]); if(!isset(cb->f[i])) continue; else if(jehanne_strcmp("on", cb->f[i]) == 0) p->enab = 1; else if(jehanne_strcmp("off", cb->f[i]) == 0) p->enab = 0; else if(jehanne_strcmp("user", cb->f[i]) == 0) p->user = 1; else if(jehanne_strcmp("os", cb->f[i]) == 0) p->os = 1; else if(jehanne_strcmp("nouser", cb->f[i]) == 0) p->user = 0; else if(jehanne_strcmp("noos", cb->f[i]) == 0) p->os = 0; else error("bad ctl"); } return 0; } /* this should be safe to use even if there is no core anymore */ static long pmcwrite(Chan *c, void *a, long n, int64_t) { Cmdbuf *cb; uint64_t coreno; int regno, i, ns; PmcCtl p; char *s; if (c->qid.type == QTDIR) error(Eperm); if (c->qid.path == Qdesc) error(Eperm); coreno = PMCID(c->qid.path);; p.coreno = coreno; /* TODO, multiple lines? */ cb = parsecmd(a, n); if(waserror()){ jehanne_free(cb); nexterror(); } if(cb->nf < 1) error("short ctl"); if(jehanne_strcmp("debug", cb->f[0]) == 0) pmcdebug = ~pmcdebug; else{ if(cb->nf < 2) error("short ctl"); if(!isset(cb->f[0])){ /* racy, it does not reserve the core */ regno = pickregno(coreno); if(regno < 0) error("no free regno"); if(pmcdebug != 0) jehanne_print("picked regno %d\n", regno); }else{ regno = jehanne_strtoull(cb->f[0], 0, 0); if(regno > pmcnregs()) error("ctr number too big"); if(pmcdebug != 0) jehanne_print("setting regno %d\n", regno); } if(isset(cb->f[1])) pmcsetctr(coreno, jehanne_strtoull(cb->f[1], 0, 0), regno); pmcinitctl(&p); fillctl(&p, cb, 2, 4); ns = 0; s = p.descstr; s[0] = '\0'; for(i = 5; i < cb->nf; i++){ if(!isset(cb->f[i])) continue; ns += jehanne_snprint(s + ns, KNAMELEN - ns, "%s ", cb->f[i]); p.nodesc = 0; } if(pmcdebug != 0) jehanne_print("setting desc to %s\n", p.descstr); pmcsetctl(coreno, &p, regno); } jehanne_free(cb); poperror(); return n; } Dev pmcdevtab = { L'ε', "pmc", pmcinit, devinit, devshutdown, pmcattach, pmcwalk, pmcstat, pmcopen, devcreate, pmcclose, pmcread, devbread, pmcwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat, };