/* Copyright (c) 20XX 9front * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" Channel *getb, *putb, *syncb; Buf bfree; BufReq *freereq, *freereqlast; static void markbusy(Buf *b) { b->busy = 1; if(b->fnext != nil){ b->fnext->fprev = b->fprev; b->fprev->fnext = b->fnext; b->fnext = b->fprev = nil; } } static void markfree(Buf *b) { b->busy = 0; b->fnext = &bfree; b->fprev = bfree.fprev; b->fnext->fprev = b; b->fprev->fnext = b; } static void changedev(Buf *b, Dev *d, uint64_t off) { if(b->dnext != nil){ b->dnext->dprev = b->dprev; b->dprev->dnext = b->dnext; b->dprev = nil; b->dnext = nil; } b->off = off; b->d = d; if(d != nil){ b->dnext = &d->buf[b->off & BUFHASH]; b->dprev = b->dnext->dprev; b->dnext->dprev = b; b->dprev->dnext = b; } } static void delayreq(BufReq req, BufReq **first, BufReq **last) { BufReq *r; r = emalloc(sizeof(*r)); *r = req; r->next = nil; if(*first == nil) *first = r; else (*last)->next = r; *last = r; } static BufReq undelayreq(BufReq **first, BufReq **last) { BufReq r; r = **first; free(*first); *first = r.next; if(r.next == nil) *last = nil; return r; } static void work(Dev *d, Buf *b) { qlock(&d->workl); b->wnext = &d->work; b->wprev = b->wnext->wprev; b->wnext->wprev = b; b->wprev->wnext = b; rwakeup(&d->workr); qunlock(&d->workl); } static void givebuf(BufReq req, Buf *b) { Buf *c, *l; again: if(req.d == b->d && req.off == b->off){ markbusy(b); send(req.resp, &b); return; } l = &req.d->buf[req.off & BUFHASH]; for(c = l->dnext; c != l; c = c->dnext) if(c->off == req.off){ if(c->busy) delayreq(req, &c->next, &c->last); else{ markbusy(c); send(req.resp, &c); } if(b->next == nil) return; req = undelayreq(&b->next, &b->last); goto again; } if(b->next != nil){ givebuf(undelayreq(&b->next, &b->last), b); b = bfree.fnext; } if(b == &bfree){ delayreq(req, &freereq, &freereqlast); return; } markbusy(b); if(b->d != nil && b->op & BDELWRI){ delayreq(req, &b->next, &b->last); b->op &= ~BDELWRI; b->op |= BWRITE; b->resp = putb; work(b->d, b); return; } changedev(b, req.d, req.off); b->op &= ~(BWRITE|BDELWRI|BWRIM); if(req.nodata) send(req.resp, &b); else{ b->resp = req.resp; work(b->d, b); } } static void handleget(BufReq req) { givebuf(req, bfree.fnext); } static void handleput(Buf *b) { if(b->op & BWRIM){ b->op &= ~(BWRIM | BDELWRI); b->op |= BWRITE; b->resp = putb; work(b->d, b); return; } if(b->error != nil){ b->error = nil; b->op &= ~BDELWRI; changedev(b, nil, -1); } b->op &= ~BWRITE; markfree(b); if(b->next != nil) givebuf(undelayreq(&b->next, &b->last), b); else if(freereq != nil) givebuf(undelayreq(&freereq, &freereqlast), b); } static void handlesync(Channel *resp) { Buf *b, *c; for(b = bfree.fnext; b != &bfree; b = c){ c = b->fnext; if(b->d != nil && b->op & BDELWRI){ markbusy(b); b->resp = putb; b->op &= ~BDELWRI; b->op |= BWRITE; work(b->d, b); } } if(resp != nil) sendp(resp, nil); } static void bufproc(void* _) { BufReq req; Buf *buf; Channel *r; Alt a[] = {{getb, &req, CHANRCV}, {putb, &buf, CHANRCV}, {syncb, &r, CHANRCV}, {nil, nil, CHANEND}}; workerinit(); for(;;) switch(alt(a)){ case 0: handleget(req); break; case 1: handleput(buf); break; case 2: handlesync(r); break; case -1: sysfatal("alt: %r"); } } static char * typenames[] = { [TRAW] "raw", [TSUPERBLOCK] "superblock", [TDENTRY] "dentry", [TINDIR] "indir", [TREF] "ref", nil }; static int Tfmt(Fmt *f) { int t; t = va_arg(f->args, uint); if(t >= nelem(typenames) || typenames[t] == nil) return fmtprint(f, "??? (%d)", t); return fmtstrcpy(f, typenames[t]); } void bufinit(int nbuf) { Buf *b; fmtinstall('T', Tfmt); b = emalloc(sizeof(*b) * nbuf); bfree.fnext = bfree.fprev = &bfree; while(nbuf--) markfree(b++); getb = chancreate(sizeof(BufReq), 0); putb = chancreate(sizeof(Buf *), 32); syncb = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 0); proccreate(bufproc, nil, mainstacksize); } Buf * getbuf(Dev *d, uint64_t off, int type, int nodata) { ThrData *th; BufReq req; Buf *b; if(off >= d->size) abort(); th = getthrdata(); req.d = d; req.off = off; req.resp = th->resp; req.nodata = nodata; send(getb, &req); recv(th->resp, &b); if(b->error != nil){ werrstr("%s", b->error); putbuf(b); return nil; } if(nodata) b->type = type; if(b->type != type && type != TDONTCARE){ dprint("type mismatch, dev %s, block %lld, got %T, want %T, caller %#p\n", d->name, off, b->type, type, getcallerpc()); werrstr("phase error -- type mismatch"); putbuf(b); return nil; } b->callerpc = getcallerpc(); return b; } void putbuf(Buf *b) { send(putb, &b); } void sync(int wait) { Channel *r; Dev *d; Buf b; r = nil; if(wait) r = getthrdata()->resp; sendp(syncb, r); memset(&b, 0, sizeof(Buf)); if(wait){ recvp(r); for(d = devs; d != nil; d = d->next){ b.d = nil; b.resp = r; b.busy = 1; work(d, &b); recvp(r); } } }