/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ /* Portions of this file are Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Giacomo Tesio * See /doc/license/gpl-2.0.txt for details about the licensing. */ /* Portions of this file are Copyright (C) 9front's team. * See /doc/license/9front-mit for details about the licensing. * See http://git.9front.org/plan9front/plan9front/HEAD/info.html for a list of authors. */ /* password.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "SConn.h" #include "secstore.h" static Biobuf* openPW(char *id, int mode) { int nfn = strlen(SECSTORE_DIR)+strlen(id)+20; char *fn; Biobuf *b; if(validatefile(id) == nil || strcmp(id,".") == 0) return nil; fn = emalloc(nfn); snprint(fn, nfn, "%s/who/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id); b = Bopen(fn, mode); free(fn); return b; } static uint32_t mtimePW(char *id) { uint32_t mt; char *fn; Dir *d; fn = smprint("%s/who/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id); d = dirstat(fn); mt = (d? d->mtime: 0); free(d); free(fn); return mt; } PW * getPW(char *id, int dead_or_alive) { uint32_t now = time(0); char *f1, *f2, *oid; /* fields 1, 2 = attribute, value */ Biobuf *bin; PW *pw; oid = id; if((bin = openPW(id, OREAD)) == 0){ id = "FICTITIOUS"; if((bin = openPW(id, OREAD)) == 0){ werrstr("accounts %s and FICTITIOUS do not exist", oid); return nil; } } pw = emalloc(sizeof *pw); pw->id = estrdup(id); pw->status |= Enabled; while( (f1 = Brdline(bin, '\n')) != 0){ f1[Blinelen(bin)-1] = 0; for(f2 = f1; *f2 && *f2 != ' ' && *f2 != '\t'; f2++) ; if(*f2) for(*f2++ = 0; *f2 && (*f2==' ' || *f2=='\t'); f2++) ; if(strcmp(f1, "exp") == 0) pw->expire = strtoul(f2, 0, 10); else if(strcmp(f1, "DISABLED") == 0) pw->status &= ~Enabled; else if(strcmp(f1, "STA") == 0) pw->status |= STA; else if(strcmp(f1, "failed") == 0) pw->failed = strtoul(f2, 0, 10); else if(strcmp(f1, "other") == 0) pw->other = estrdup(f2); else if(strcmp(f1, "PAK-Hi") == 0) pw->Hi = strtomp(f2, nil, 64, nil); } Bterm(bin); if(pw->Hi == nil){ werrstr("corrupted account file for %s", pw->id); freePW(pw); return nil; } if(dead_or_alive) return pw; /* return for editing, whether valid now or not */ if(pw->expire != 0 && pw->expire <= now){ /* %.28s excludes ctime's newline */ werrstr("account %s expired at %.28s", pw->id, ctime(pw->expire)); freePW(pw); return nil; } if((pw->status & Enabled) == 0){ werrstr("account %s disabled", pw->id); freePW(pw); return nil; } if(pw->failed < 10) return pw; /* success */ if(now < mtimePW(id)+300){ werrstr("too many failures; try again in five minutes"); freePW(pw); return nil; } pw->failed = 0; putPW(pw); /* reset failed-login-counter after five minutes */ return pw; } int putPW(PW *pw) { Biobuf *bout; char *hexHi; if((bout = openPW(pw->id, OWRITE|OTRUNC)) ==0){ werrstr("can't open PW file for %s", pw->id); return -1; } Bprint(bout, "exp %lud\n", pw->expire); if(!(pw->status & Enabled)) Bprint(bout, "DISABLED\n"); if(pw->status & STA) Bprint(bout, "STA\n"); if(pw->failed) Bprint(bout, "failed\t%d\n", pw->failed); if(pw->other) Bprint(bout,"other\t%s\n", pw->other); hexHi = mptoa(pw->Hi, 64, nil, 0); Bprint(bout, "PAK-Hi\t%s\n", hexHi); free(hexHi); return 0; } void freePW(PW *pw) { if(pw == nil) return; free(pw->id); free(pw->other); mpfree(pw->Hi); free(pw); }