/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include <9P2000.h> #include #include <9p.h> #include "dat.h" typedef struct Wpid Wpid; struct Wpid { int pid; Window *w; Wpid *next; }; void pipectl(void*); int pipefd; Wpid *wpid; int snarffd; Channel *newpipechan; int newpipewin(int pid, char *p) { int id; Window *w; Wpid *wp; w = newwindow(); winname(w, p); wintagwrite(w, "Send ", 5); wp = emalloc(sizeof(Wpid)); wp->pid = pid; wp->w = w; wp->next = wpid; /* BUG: this happens in fsread proc (we don't use wpid, so it's okay) */ wpid = wp; id = w->id; sendp(newpipechan, w); return id; } int pipecommand(Window *w, char *s) { uint32_t q0, q1; char tmp[32], *t; int n, k; while(*s==' ' || *s=='\t' || *s=='\n') s++; if(strcmp(s, "Delete")==0){ windel(w, 1); threadexits(nil); return 1; } if(strcmp(s, "Del")==0){ if(windel(w, 0)) threadexits(nil); return 1; } if(strcmp(s, "Send") == 0){ if(w->addr < 0) w->addr = winopenfile(w, "addr"); ctlprint(w->ctl, "addr=dot\n"); sys_seek(w->addr, 0UL, 0); if(jehanne_read(w->addr, tmp, 2*12) == 2*12){ q0 = atol(tmp+0*12); q1 = atol(tmp+1*12); if(q0 == q1){ t = nil; k = 0; if(snarffd > 0){ sys_seek(0, snarffd, 0); for(;;){ t = realloc(t, k+8192+2); if(t == nil) error("alloc failed: %r\n"); n = jehanne_read(snarffd, t+k, 8192); if(n <= 0) break; k += n; } t[k] = 0; } }else{ t = emalloc((q1-q0)*UTFmax+2); winread(w, q0, q1, t); k = strlen(t); } if(t!=nil && t[0]!='\0'){ if(t[k-1]!='\n' && t[k-1]!='\004'){ t[k++] = '\n'; t[k] = '\0'; } sendit(t); } free(t); } return 1; } return 0; } void pipectl(void *v) { Window *w; Event *e; w = v; proccreate(wineventproc, w, STACK); windormant(w); winsetaddr(w, "0", 0); for(;;){ e = recvp(w->cevent); switch(e->c1){ default: Unknown: fprint(2, "unknown message %c%c\n", e->c1, e->c2); break; case 'E': /* write to body; can't affect us */ break; case 'F': /* generated by our actions; ignore */ break; case 'K': /* ignore */ break; case 'M': switch(e->c2){ case 'x': case 'X': execevent(w, e, pipecommand); break; case 'l': /* reflect all searches back to acme */ case 'L': if(e->flag & 2) recvp(w->cevent); winwriteevent(w, e); break; case 'I': /* modify away; we don't care */ case 'i': case 'D': case 'd': break; default: goto Unknown; } } } } void newpipethread(void* _) { Window *w; while(w = recvp(newpipechan)) threadcreate(pipectl, w, STACK); } void startpipe(void) { newpipechan = chancreate(sizeof(Window*), 0); threadcreate(newpipethread, nil, STACK); snarffd = sys_open("/dev/snarf", OREAD|OCEXEC); }