# Jehanne Jehanne is a [simple][simplicity] operating system. Jehanne has noble ancestors: - most of userland tools, a lot of wisdom and some kernel modules, come from [9front][9front] - the kernel is a fork of Charles Forsyth's [Plan9-9k][plan9-9k] - ~~most of the build system and~~ some valuable piece of code come from [Harvey OS][harvey] Still the project is named after a humble peasant, the famous French heretic [Joan of Arc][arc], because it diverges deeply from the design and conventions of its predecessors. ## Overview This is the main repository, used to build the system as a whole: - [arch](./arch/) contains one folder for each supported architecture, with specific C headers, libraries and executables (note that by architecture we intend any kind of physical or virtual machine that is able to run code, thus rc is actually an architecture) - [sys](./sys) is the system folder * [include](./sys/include) contains portable C headers * [lib](./sys/lib) contains data and scripts used by the running system * [man](./sys/man) contains manual pages * [src](./sys/src) contains the sources of the system - [doc](./doc/) contains useful documentation for Jehanne development * [license](./doc/license/) contains detailed info about Jehanne [licenses][lic] * [hacking](./doc/hacking/) contains details about how to build and modify Jehanne - [hacking](./hacking) contains the utilities used to develop Jehanne - [qa](./qa) contains the regression tests - [mnt](./mnt) contains default mount targets - [usr](./usr) contains the users' folders - [pkgs](./pkgs) will contains the installed packages The running system also includes supplemental folders like `/lib`, `/cmd` and `/dev` that are bound during the boot as required. ## Build To build Jehanne and play with it, you need to have git, qemu, gcc, binutils and bison installed. For example on Debian GNU/Linux 10 you should be able to get going with sudo apt-get install libxt-dev libtool-bin git build-essential flex bison qemu-system autoconf autoconf-archive curl automake After the repository clone, you can give a look with git submodule init # we have a lot of submodules git submodule update --init --recursive --remote --depth 1 ./hacking/devshell.sh # start a shell with appropriate environment ./hacking/continuous-build.sh # to build everything (will take a while) ./hacking/runOver9P.sh # to start the system in QEMU ./hacking/drawterm.sh # to connect Jehanne with drawterm ## Hacking Jehanne is a work in progress. The limited amount of time that I can dedicate to its development and the [pending licensing issues](http://jehanne.h--k.it/2022/01/06/jehanne_is_moving.html#leaving-github) made me realize that Jehanne is really a **personal** Research OS, as it was correctly defined, years ago, by [Aiju](https://aiju.de/about_me/). So I decided to adopt the [contribution strategy](https://github.com/klange/toaruos#are-contributions-accepted) of a more mature OS, like [TuaruOS](https://toaruos.org/) is: contributions in the form of code should be discussed in advance. Feel free to [reach me on the Fediverse](https://qoto.org/@Shamar)! However, if you really want to contribute to Jehanne, my suggestion is to contribute to [9front](https://9front.org) first: 9front is the most mature and stable among Plan 9's evolutions, it's developed by great hackers with a [great sense of humor](https://fqa.9front.org/fqa0.html#0.1). :-D Contributing to 9front will be much more fun and formative than contributing to Jehanne, and I will happily port your code when ready. [simplicity]: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/simplicity/ "What is simplicity?" [harvey]: http://harvey-os.org "Harvey OS" [9front]: http://9front.org/ "THE PLAN FELL OFF" [plan9-9k]: https://bitbucket.org/forsyth/plan9-9k "Experimental 64-bit Plan 9 kernel" [nix]: https://github.com/rminnich/nix-os [arc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Arc "Jeanne d'Arc" [lic]: ./LICENSE.md "A summary of Jehanne licensing"