The new header envvars.h contains the names of commonly used
environment variables, such as $user, $ifs, $path and so on.
These defines are useful for Jehanne core applications that
use them to comunicate some values.
They are not strictly required, but having such defines we
can easily change the naming convention (from lowercase to uppercase).
With this commit all functions declared in libc.h have been renamed
with the "jehanne_" prefix. This is done for several reason:
- it removes conflicts during symbol resolution when linking
standard C libraries like newlib or musl
- it allows programs depending on a standard C library to directly
link to a library depending on our non standard libc (eg libsec).
To ease transiction two files are provided:
- sys/include/lib9.h that can be included instead of <libc.h> to use
the old names (via a simple set of macros)
- sys/src/lib/c/lib9.c that can be compiled with a program where the
macro provided by lib9.h are too dumb (see for example rc or grep).
In the kernel port/lib.h has been modified accordingly and some of
the functions it directly provides has been renamed too (eg malloc
in qmalloc.c and print in devcons.c).
Jehanne is going to use a new file protocol, but Plan 9 is really
coupled with 9P2000.
Renamed fcall.h as 9P2000.h and introduced specific constants such
as NP_OREAD, NP_OWRITE and so on, so that we can use different values
in the kernel and new protocol.
Renamed devmnt to devninep, since it's actually a device serving 9P2000
file systems.
Also, fixed 9P2000 support in Jehanne, that was broken with the introduction