#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "keysym2ucs.h" /* * alias defs for image types to overcome name conflicts */ #define Point IPoint #define Rectangle IRectangle #define Display IDisplay #define Font IFont #define Screen IScreen #include "u.h" #include "lib.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "user.h" #include "draw.h" #include "memdraw.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "screen.h" #undef time #undef Point #undef Rectangle #undef Display #undef Font #undef Screen typedef struct ICursor ICursor; struct ICursor { int w; int h; int hotx; int hoty; char *src; char *mask; }; #define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x)) enum { DblTime = 300 /* double click time in msec */ }; XColor map[256]; /* Plan 9 colormap array */ XColor map7[128]; /* Plan 9 colormap array */ uchar map7to8[128][2]; Colormap xcmap; /* Default shared colormap */ int plan9tox11[256]; /* Values for mapping between */ int x11toplan9[256]; /* X11 and Plan 9 */ int x24bitswap = 0; /* swap endian for 24bit RGB */ int xtblbit; extern int mousequeue; /* for copy/paste, lifted from plan9ports */ Atom clipboard; Atom utf8string; Atom targets; Atom text; Atom compoundtext; static XModifierKeymap *modmap; static int keypermod; static Drawable xdrawable; /* static Atom wm_take_focus; */ static void xexpose(XEvent*); static void xmouse(XEvent*); static void xkeyboard(XEvent*); static void xmapping(XEvent*); static void xdestroy(XEvent*); static void xselect(XEvent*, Display*); static void xproc(void*); static Memimage* xinitscreen(void); static void initmap(Window); static GC creategc(Drawable); static void graphicscmap(XColor*); int xscreendepth; Drawable xscreenid; Display* xdisplay; /* used holding draw lock */ Display* xkmcon; /* used only in xproc */ Display* xsnarfcon; /* used holding clip.lk */ Visual *xvis; GC xgcfill, xgccopy, xgcsimplesrc, xgczero, xgcreplsrc; GC xgcfill0, xgccopy0, xgcsimplesrc0, xgczero0, xgcreplsrc0; ulong xblack; ulong xwhite; ulong xscreenchan; static int putsnarf, assertsnarf; extern Memimage* xallocmemimage(IRectangle, ulong, int); Memimage *gscreen; Screeninfo screen; XImage *ximage; void screeninit(void) { _memmkcmap(); gscreen = xinitscreen(); kproc("xscreen", xproc, nil); memimageinit(); terminit(); drawqlock(); flushmemscreen(gscreen->r); drawqunlock(); } uchar* attachscreen(IRectangle *r, ulong *chan, int *depth, int *width, int *softscreen, void **X) { *r = gscreen->r; *chan = gscreen->chan; *depth = gscreen->depth; *width = gscreen->width; *X = gscreen->X; *softscreen = 1; return gscreen->data->bdata; } void flushmemscreen(IRectangle r) { assert(!drawcanqlock()); if(r.min.x >= r.max.x || r.min.y >= r.max.y) return; XCopyArea(xdisplay, xscreenid, xdrawable, xgccopy, r.min.x, r.min.y, Dx(r), Dy(r), r.min.x, r.min.y); XFlush(xdisplay); } static int revbyte(int b) { int r; r = 0; r |= (b&0x01) << 7; r |= (b&0x02) << 5; r |= (b&0x04) << 3; r |= (b&0x08) << 1; r |= (b&0x10) >> 1; r |= (b&0x20) >> 3; r |= (b&0x40) >> 5; r |= (b&0x80) >> 7; return r; } void mouseset(IPoint xy) { drawqlock(); XWarpPointer(xdisplay, None, xdrawable, 0, 0, 0, 0, xy.x, xy.y); XFlush(xdisplay); drawqunlock(); } static Cursor xcursor; void setcursor(void) { Cursor xc; XColor fg, bg; Pixmap xsrc, xmask; int i; uchar src[2*16], mask[2*16]; for(i=0; i<2*16; i++){ src[i] = revbyte(cursor.set[i]); mask[i] = revbyte(cursor.set[i] | cursor.clr[i]); } drawqlock(); fg = map[0]; bg = map[255]; xsrc = XCreateBitmapFromData(xdisplay, xdrawable, (char*)src, 16, 16); xmask = XCreateBitmapFromData(xdisplay, xdrawable, (char*)mask, 16, 16); xc = XCreatePixmapCursor(xdisplay, xsrc, xmask, &fg, &bg, -cursor.offset.x, -cursor.offset.y); if(xc != 0) { XDefineCursor(xdisplay, xdrawable, xc); if(xcursor != 0) XFreeCursor(xdisplay, xcursor); xcursor = xc; } XFreePixmap(xdisplay, xsrc); XFreePixmap(xdisplay, xmask); XFlush(xdisplay); drawqunlock(); } void cursorarrow(void) { drawqlock(); if(xcursor != 0){ XFreeCursor(xdisplay, xcursor); xcursor = 0; } XUndefineCursor(xdisplay, xdrawable); XFlush(xdisplay); drawqunlock(); } static void xproc(void *arg) { ulong mask; XEvent event; mask = KeyPressMask| ButtonPressMask| ButtonReleaseMask| PointerMotionMask| Button1MotionMask| Button2MotionMask| Button3MotionMask| Button4MotionMask| Button5MotionMask| ExposureMask| StructureNotifyMask; XSelectInput(xkmcon, xdrawable, mask); for(;;) { //XWindowEvent(xkmcon, xdrawable, mask, &event); XNextEvent(xkmcon, &event); xselect(&event, xkmcon); xkeyboard(&event); xmouse(&event); xexpose(&event); xmapping(&event); xdestroy(&event); } } static int shutup(Display *d, XErrorEvent *e) { char buf[200]; iprint("X error: error code=%d, request_code=%d, minor=%d\n", e->error_code, e->request_code, e->minor_code); XGetErrorText(d, e->error_code, buf, sizeof(buf)); iprint("%s\n", buf); USED(d); USED(e); return 0; } static int panicshutup(Display *d) { panic("x error"); return -1; } static Memimage* xinitscreen(void) { Memimage *gscreen; int i, xsize, ysize, pmid; char *argv[2]; char *disp_val; Window rootwin; IRectangle r; XWMHints hints; Screen *screen; XVisualInfo xvi; int rootscreennum; XTextProperty name; XClassHint classhints; XSizeHints normalhints; XSetWindowAttributes attrs; XPixmapFormatValues *pfmt; int n; Memdata *md; xscreenid = 0; xdrawable = 0; xdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(xdisplay == 0){ disp_val = getenv("DISPLAY"); if(disp_val == 0) disp_val = "not set"; iprint("drawterm: open %r, DISPLAY is %s\n", disp_val); exit(0); } XSetErrorHandler(shutup); XSetIOErrorHandler(panicshutup); rootscreennum = DefaultScreen(xdisplay); rootwin = DefaultRootWindow(xdisplay); xscreendepth = DefaultDepth(xdisplay, rootscreennum); if(XMatchVisualInfo(xdisplay, rootscreennum, 16, TrueColor, &xvi) || XMatchVisualInfo(xdisplay, rootscreennum, 16, DirectColor, &xvi)){ xvis = xvi.visual; xscreendepth = 16; xtblbit = 1; } else if(XMatchVisualInfo(xdisplay, rootscreennum, 24, TrueColor, &xvi) || XMatchVisualInfo(xdisplay, rootscreennum, 24, DirectColor, &xvi)){ xvis = xvi.visual; xscreendepth = 24; xtblbit = 1; } else if(XMatchVisualInfo(xdisplay, rootscreennum, 8, PseudoColor, &xvi) || XMatchVisualInfo(xdisplay, rootscreennum, 8, StaticColor, &xvi)){ if(xscreendepth > 8) panic("drawterm: can't deal with colormapped depth %d screens\n", xscreendepth); xvis = xvi.visual; xscreendepth = 8; } else{ if(xscreendepth != 8) panic("drawterm: can't deal with depth %d screens\n", xscreendepth); xvis = DefaultVisual(xdisplay, rootscreennum); } /* * xscreendepth is only the number of significant pixel bits, * not the total. We need to walk the display list to find * how many actual bits are being used per pixel. */ xscreenchan = 0; /* not a valid channel */ pfmt = XListPixmapFormats(xdisplay, &n); for(i=0; iclass != StaticColor){ graphicscmap(map); initmap(rootwin); } if((modmap = XGetModifierMapping(xdisplay))) keypermod = modmap->max_keypermod; r.min = ZP; r.max.x = WidthOfScreen(screen); r.max.y = HeightOfScreen(screen); md = mallocz(sizeof(Memdata), 1); xsize = Dx(r)*3/4; ysize = Dy(r)*3/4; attrs.colormap = xcmap; attrs.background_pixel = 0; attrs.border_pixel = 0; /* attrs.override_redirect = 1;*/ /* WM leave me alone! |CWOverrideRedirect */ xdrawable = XCreateWindow(xdisplay, rootwin, 0, 0, xsize, ysize, 0, xscreendepth, InputOutput, xvis, CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWColormap, &attrs); /* * set up property as required by ICCCM */ name.value = (uchar*)"drawterm"; name.encoding = XA_STRING; name.format = 8; name.nitems = strlen((char*)name.value); normalhints.flags = USSize|PMaxSize; normalhints.max_width = Dx(r); normalhints.max_height = Dy(r); normalhints.width = xsize; normalhints.height = ysize; hints.flags = InputHint|StateHint; hints.input = 1; hints.initial_state = NormalState; classhints.res_name = "drawterm"; classhints.res_class = "Drawterm"; argv[0] = "drawterm"; argv[1] = nil; XSetWMProperties(xdisplay, xdrawable, &name, /* XA_WM_NAME property for ICCCM */ &name, /* XA_WM_ICON_NAME */ argv, /* XA_WM_COMMAND */ 1, /* argc */ &normalhints, /* XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS */ &hints, /* XA_WM_HINTS */ &classhints); /* XA_WM_CLASS */ XFlush(xdisplay); /* * put the window on the screen */ XMapWindow(xdisplay, xdrawable); XFlush(xdisplay); xscreenid = XCreatePixmap(xdisplay, xdrawable, Dx(r), Dy(r), xscreendepth); gscreen = xallocmemimage(r, xscreenchan, xscreenid); xgcfill = creategc(xscreenid); XSetFillStyle(xdisplay, xgcfill, FillSolid); xgccopy = creategc(xscreenid); xgcsimplesrc = creategc(xscreenid); XSetFillStyle(xdisplay, xgcsimplesrc, FillStippled); xgczero = creategc(xscreenid); xgcreplsrc = creategc(xscreenid); XSetFillStyle(xdisplay, xgcreplsrc, FillTiled); pmid = XCreatePixmap(xdisplay, xdrawable, 1, 1, 1); xgcfill0 = creategc(pmid); XSetForeground(xdisplay, xgcfill0, 0); XSetFillStyle(xdisplay, xgcfill0, FillSolid); xgccopy0 = creategc(pmid); xgcsimplesrc0 = creategc(pmid); XSetFillStyle(xdisplay, xgcsimplesrc0, FillStippled); xgczero0 = creategc(pmid); xgcreplsrc0 = creategc(pmid); XSetFillStyle(xdisplay, xgcreplsrc0, FillTiled); XFreePixmap(xdisplay, pmid); XSetForeground(xdisplay, xgccopy, plan9tox11[0]); XFillRectangle(xdisplay, xscreenid, xgccopy, 0, 0, xsize, ysize); xkmcon = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(xkmcon == 0){ disp_val = getenv("DISPLAY"); if(disp_val == 0) disp_val = "not set"; iprint("drawterm: open %r, DISPLAY is %s\n", disp_val); exit(0); } xsnarfcon = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(xsnarfcon == 0){ disp_val = getenv("DISPLAY"); if(disp_val == 0) disp_val = "not set"; iprint("drawterm: open %r, DISPLAY is %s\n", disp_val); exit(0); } clipboard = XInternAtom(xkmcon, "CLIPBOARD", False); utf8string = XInternAtom(xkmcon, "UTF8_STRING", False); targets = XInternAtom(xkmcon, "TARGETS", False); text = XInternAtom(xkmcon, "TEXT", False); compoundtext = XInternAtom(xkmcon, "COMPOUND_TEXT", False); xblack = screen->black_pixel; xwhite = screen->white_pixel; return gscreen; } static void graphicscmap(XColor *map) { int r, g, b, cr, cg, cb, v, num, den, idx, v7, idx7; for(r=0; r!=4; r++) { for(g = 0; g != 4; g++) { for(b = 0; b!=4; b++) { for(v = 0; v!=4; v++) { den=r; if(g > den) den=g; if(b > den) den=b; /* divide check -- pick grey shades */ if(den==0) cr=cg=cb=v*17; else { num=17*(4*den+v); cr=r*num/den; cg=g*num/den; cb=b*num/den; } idx = r*64 + v*16 + ((g*4 + b + v - r) & 15); map[idx].red = cr*0x0101; map[idx].green = cg*0x0101; map[idx].blue = cb*0x0101; map[idx].pixel = idx; map[idx].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; v7 = v >> 1; idx7 = r*32 + v7*16 + g*4 + b; if((v & 1) == v7){ map7to8[idx7][0] = idx; if(den == 0) { /* divide check -- pick grey shades */ cr = ((255.0/7.0)*v7)+0.5; cg = cr; cb = cr; } else { num=17*15*(4*den+v7*2)/14; cr=r*num/den; cg=g*num/den; cb=b*num/den; } map7[idx7].red = cr*0x0101; map7[idx7].green = cg*0x0101; map7[idx7].blue = cb*0x0101; map7[idx7].pixel = idx7; map7[idx7].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; } else map7to8[idx7][1] = idx; } } } } } /* * Initialize and install the drawterm colormap as a private colormap for this * application. Drawterm gets the best colors here when it has the cursor focus. */ static void initmap(Window w) { XColor c; int i; ulong p, pp; char buf[30]; if(xscreendepth <= 1) return; if(xscreendepth >= 24) { /* The pixel value returned from XGetPixel needs to * be converted to RGB so we can call rgb2cmap() * to translate between 24 bit X and our color. Unfortunately, * the return value appears to be display server endian * dependant. Therefore, we run some heuristics to later * determine how to mask the int value correctly. * Yeah, I know we can look at xvis->byte_order but * some displays say MSB even though they run on LSB. * Besides, this is more anal. */ c = map[19]; /* find out index into colormap for our RGB */ if(!XAllocColor(xdisplay, xcmap, &c)) panic("drawterm: screen-x11 can't alloc color"); p = c.pixel; pp = rgb2cmap((p>>16)&0xff,(p>>8)&0xff,p&0xff); if(pp!=map[19].pixel) { /* check if endian is other way */ pp = rgb2cmap(p&0xff,(p>>8)&0xff,(p>>16)&0xff); if(pp!=map[19].pixel) panic("cannot detect x server byte order"); switch(xscreenchan){ case RGB24: xscreenchan = BGR24; break; case XRGB32: xscreenchan = XBGR32; break; default: panic("don't know how to byteswap channel %s", chantostr(buf, xscreenchan)); break; } } } else if(xvis->class == TrueColor || xvis->class == DirectColor) { } else if(xvis->class == PseudoColor) { if(xtblbit == 0){ xcmap = XCreateColormap(xdisplay, w, xvis, AllocAll); XStoreColors(xdisplay, xcmap, map, 256); for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { plan9tox11[i] = i; x11toplan9[i] = i; } } else { for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) { c = map7[i]; if(!XAllocColor(xdisplay, xcmap, &c)) { iprint("drawterm: can't alloc colors in default map, don't use -7\n"); exit(0); } plan9tox11[map7to8[i][0]] = c.pixel; plan9tox11[map7to8[i][1]] = c.pixel; x11toplan9[c.pixel] = map7to8[i][0]; } } } else panic("drawterm: unsupported visual class %d\n", xvis->class); } static void xdestroy(XEvent *e) { XDestroyWindowEvent *xe; if(e->type != DestroyNotify) return; xe = (XDestroyWindowEvent*)e; if(xe->window == xdrawable) exit(0); } static void xmapping(XEvent *e) { XMappingEvent *xe; if(e->type != MappingNotify) return; xe = (XMappingEvent*)e; if(modmap) XFreeModifiermap(modmap); modmap = XGetModifierMapping(xe->display); if(modmap) keypermod = modmap->max_keypermod; } /* * Disable generation of GraphicsExpose/NoExpose events in the GC. */ static GC creategc(Drawable d) { XGCValues gcv; gcv.function = GXcopy; gcv.graphics_exposures = False; return XCreateGC(xdisplay, d, GCFunction|GCGraphicsExposures, &gcv); } static void xexpose(XEvent *e) { IRectangle r; XExposeEvent *xe; if(e->type != Expose) return; xe = (XExposeEvent*)e; r.min.x = xe->x; r.min.y = xe->y; r.max.x = xe->x + xe->width; r.max.y = xe->y + xe->height; drawflushr(r); } static void xkeyboard(XEvent *e) { KeySym k; /* * I tried using XtGetActionKeysym, but it didn't seem to * do case conversion properly * (at least, with Xterminal servers and R4 intrinsics) */ if(e->xany.type != KeyPress) return; XLookupString((XKeyEvent*)e, NULL, 0, &k, NULL); if(k == XK_Multi_key || k == NoSymbol) return; if(k&0xFF00){ switch(k){ case XK_BackSpace: case XK_Tab: case XK_Escape: case XK_Delete: case XK_KP_0: case XK_KP_1: case XK_KP_2: case XK_KP_3: case XK_KP_4: case XK_KP_5: case XK_KP_6: case XK_KP_7: case XK_KP_8: case XK_KP_9: case XK_KP_Divide: case XK_KP_Multiply: case XK_KP_Subtract: case XK_KP_Add: case XK_KP_Decimal: k &= 0x7F; break; case XK_Linefeed: k = '\r'; break; case XK_KP_Space: k = ' '; break; case XK_Home: case XK_KP_Home: k = Khome; break; case XK_Left: case XK_KP_Left: k = Kleft; break; case XK_Up: case XK_KP_Up: k = Kup; break; case XK_Down: case XK_KP_Down: k = Kdown; break; case XK_Right: case XK_KP_Right: k = Kright; break; case XK_Page_Down: case XK_KP_Page_Down: k = Kpgdown; break; case XK_End: case XK_KP_End: k = Kend; break; case XK_Page_Up: case XK_KP_Page_Up: k = Kpgup; break; case XK_Insert: case XK_KP_Insert: k = Kins; break; case XK_KP_Enter: case XK_Return: k = '\n'; break; case XK_Alt_L: case XK_Alt_R: k = Kalt; break; case XK_Shift_L: case XK_Shift_R: case XK_Control_L: case XK_Control_R: case XK_Caps_Lock: case XK_Shift_Lock: case XK_Meta_L: case XK_Meta_R: case XK_Super_L: case XK_Super_R: case XK_Hyper_L: case XK_Hyper_R: return; default: /* not ISO-1 or tty control */ if(k>0xff){ k = keysym2ucs(k); /* supplied by X */ if(k == -1) return; } break; } } /* Compensate for servers that call a minus a hyphen */ if(k == XK_hyphen) k = XK_minus; /* Do control mapping ourselves if translator doesn't */ if(e->xkey.state&ControlMask) k &= 0x9f; if(k == NoSymbol) { return; } kbdputc(kbdq, k); } static void xmouse(XEvent *e) { Mousestate ms; int i, s; XButtonEvent *be; XMotionEvent *me; if(putsnarf != assertsnarf){ assertsnarf = putsnarf; XSetSelectionOwner(xkmcon, XA_PRIMARY, xdrawable, CurrentTime); if(clipboard != None) XSetSelectionOwner(xkmcon, clipboard, xdrawable, CurrentTime); XFlush(xkmcon); } switch(e->type){ case ButtonPress: be = (XButtonEvent *)e; /* * Fake message, just sent to make us announce snarf. * Apparently state and button are 16 and 8 bits on * the wire, since they are truncated by the time they * get to us. */ if(be->send_event && (~be->state&0xFFFF)==0 && (~be->button&0xFF)==0) return; ms.xy.x = be->x; ms.xy.y = be->y; s = be->state; ms.msec = be->time; switch(be->button){ case 1: s |= Button1Mask; break; case 2: s |= Button2Mask; break; case 3: s |= Button3Mask; break; case 4: s |= Button4Mask; break; case 5: s |= Button5Mask; break; } break; case ButtonRelease: be = (XButtonEvent *)e; ms.xy.x = be->x; ms.xy.y = be->y; ms.msec = be->time; s = be->state; switch(be->button){ case 1: s &= ~Button1Mask; break; case 2: s &= ~Button2Mask; break; case 3: s &= ~Button3Mask; break; case 4: s &= ~Button4Mask; break; case 5: s &= ~Button5Mask; break; } break; case MotionNotify: me = (XMotionEvent *)e; s = me->state; ms.xy.x = me->x; ms.xy.y = me->y; ms.msec = me->time; break; default: return; } ms.buttons = 0; if(s & Button1Mask) ms.buttons |= 1; if(s & Button2Mask) ms.buttons |= 2; if(s & Button3Mask) ms.buttons |= 4; if(s & Button4Mask) ms.buttons |= 8; if(s & Button5Mask) ms.buttons |= 16; lock(&mouse.lk); i = mouse.wi; if(mousequeue) { if(i == mouse.ri || mouse.lastb != ms.buttons || mouse.trans) { mouse.wi = (i+1)%Mousequeue; if(mouse.wi == mouse.ri) mouse.ri = (mouse.ri+1)%Mousequeue; mouse.trans = mouse.lastb != ms.buttons; } else { i = (i-1+Mousequeue)%Mousequeue; } } else { mouse.wi = (i+1)%Mousequeue; mouse.ri = i; } mouse.queue[i] = ms; mouse.lastb = ms.buttons; unlock(&mouse.lk); wakeup(&mouse.r); } void getcolor(ulong i, ulong *r, ulong *g, ulong *b) { ulong v; v = cmap2rgb(i); *r = (v>>16)&0xFF; *g = (v>>8)&0xFF; *b = v&0xFF; } void setcolor(ulong i, ulong r, ulong g, ulong b) { /* no-op */ } int atlocalconsole(void) { char *p, *q; char buf[128]; p = getenv("DRAWTERM_ATLOCALCONSOLE"); if(p && atoi(p) == 1) return 1; p = getenv("DISPLAY"); if(p == nil) return 0; /* extract host part */ q = strchr(p, ':'); if(q == nil) return 0; *q = 0; if(strcmp(p, "") == 0) return 1; /* try to match against system name (i.e. for ssh) */ if(gethostname(buf, sizeof buf) == 0){ if(strcmp(p, buf) == 0) return 1; if(strncmp(p, buf, strlen(p)) == 0 && buf[strlen(p)]=='.') return 1; } return 0; } /* * Cut and paste. Just couldn't stand to make this simple... */ typedef struct Clip Clip; struct Clip { char buf[SnarfSize]; QLock lk; }; Clip clip; #undef long /* sic */ #undef ulong static char* _xgetsnarf(Display *xd) { uchar *data, *xdata; Atom clipboard, type, prop; unsigned long len, lastlen, dummy; int fmt, i; Window w; qlock(&clip.lk); /* * Have we snarfed recently and the X server hasn't caught up? */ if(putsnarf != assertsnarf) goto mine; /* * Is there a primary selection (highlighted text in an xterm)? */ clipboard = XA_PRIMARY; w = XGetSelectionOwner(xd, XA_PRIMARY); if(w == xdrawable){ mine: data = (uchar*)strdup(clip.buf); goto out; } /* * If not, is there a clipboard selection? */ if(w == None && clipboard != None){ clipboard = clipboard; w = XGetSelectionOwner(xd, clipboard); if(w == xdrawable) goto mine; } /* * If not, give up. */ if(w == None){ data = nil; goto out; } /* * We should be waiting for SelectionNotify here, but it might never * come, and we have no way to time out. Instead, we will clear * local property #1, request our buddy to fill it in for us, and poll * until he's done or we get tired of waiting. * * We should try to go for utf8string instead of XA_STRING, * but that would add to the polling. */ prop = 1; XChangeProperty(xd, xdrawable, prop, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar*)"", 0); XConvertSelection(xd, clipboard, XA_STRING, prop, xdrawable, CurrentTime); XFlush(xd); lastlen = 0; for(i=0; i<10 || (lastlen!=0 && i<30); i++){ usleep(100*1000); XGetWindowProperty(xd, xdrawable, prop, 0, 0, 0, AnyPropertyType, &type, &fmt, &dummy, &len, &data); if(lastlen == len && len > 0) break; lastlen = len; } if(i == 10){ data = nil; goto out; } /* get the property */ data = nil; XGetWindowProperty(xd, xdrawable, prop, 0, SnarfSize/sizeof(unsigned long), 0, AnyPropertyType, &type, &fmt, &len, &dummy, &xdata); if((type != XA_STRING && type != utf8string) || len == 0){ if(xdata) XFree(xdata); data = nil; }else{ if(xdata){ data = (uchar*)strdup((char*)xdata); XFree(xdata); }else data = nil; } out: qunlock(&clip.lk); return (char*)data; } static void _xputsnarf(Display *xd, char *data) { XButtonEvent e; if(strlen(data) >= SnarfSize) return; qlock(&clip.lk); strcpy(clip.buf, data); /* leave note for mouse proc to assert selection ownership */ putsnarf++; /* send mouse a fake event so snarf is announced */ memset(&e, 0, sizeof e); e.type = ButtonPress; e.window = xdrawable; e.state = ~0; e.button = ~0; XSendEvent(xd, xdrawable, True, ButtonPressMask, (XEvent*)&e); XFlush(xd); qunlock(&clip.lk); } static void xselect(XEvent *e, Display *xd) { char *name; XEvent r; XSelectionRequestEvent *xe; Atom a[4]; if(e->xany.type != SelectionRequest) return; memset(&r, 0, sizeof r); xe = (XSelectionRequestEvent*)e; if(0) iprint("xselect target=%d requestor=%d property=%d selection=%d\n", xe->target, xe->requestor, xe->property, xe->selection); r.xselection.property = xe->property; if(xe->target == targets){ a[0] = XA_STRING; a[1] = utf8string; a[2] = text; a[3] = compoundtext; XChangeProperty(xd, xe->requestor, xe->property, xe->target, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar*)a, sizeof a); }else if(xe->target == XA_STRING || xe->target == utf8string || xe->target == text || xe->target == compoundtext){ /* if the target is STRING we're supposed to reply with Latin1 XXX */ qlock(&clip.lk); XChangeProperty(xd, xe->requestor, xe->property, xe->target, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar*)clip.buf, strlen(clip.buf)); qunlock(&clip.lk); }else{ iprint("get %d\n", xe->target); name = XGetAtomName(xd, xe->target); if(name == nil) iprint("XGetAtomName failed\n"); else if(strcmp(name, "TIMESTAMP") != 0) iprint("%s: cannot handle selection request for '%s' (%d)\n", argv0, name, (int)xe->target); r.xselection.property = None; } r.xselection.display = xe->display; /* r.xselection.property filled above */ r.xselection.target = xe->target; r.xselection.type = SelectionNotify; r.xselection.requestor = xe->requestor; r.xselection.time = xe->time; r.xselection.send_event = True; r.xselection.selection = xe->selection; XSendEvent(xd, xe->requestor, False, 0, &r); XFlush(xd); } char* clipread(void) { return _xgetsnarf(xsnarfcon); } int clipwrite(char *buf) { _xputsnarf(xsnarfcon, buf); return 0; }