185 lines
3.4 KiB
185 lines
3.4 KiB
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ip.h>
v4parseip(uchar *to, char *from)
int i;
char *p;
p = from;
for(i = 0; i < 4 && *p; i++){
to[i] = strtoul(p, &p, 0);
if(*p == '.')
case 0: /* class A - 1 uchar net */
case 1:
if(i == 3){
to[3] = to[2];
to[2] = to[1];
to[1] = 0;
} else if (i == 2){
to[3] = to[1];
to[1] = 0;
case 2: /* class B - 2 uchar net */
if(i == 3){
to[3] = to[2];
to[2] = 0;
return p;
static int
ipcharok(int c)
return c == '.' || c == ':' || (isascii(c) && isxdigit(c));
static int
delimchar(int c)
if(c == '\0')
return 1;
if(c == '.' || c == ':' || (isascii(c) && isalnum(c)))
return 0;
return 1;
* `from' may contain an address followed by other characters,
* at least in /boot, so we permit whitespace (and more) after the address.
* we do ensure that "delete" cannot be parsed as "de::".
* some callers don't check the return value for errors, so
* set `to' to something distinctive in the case of a parse error.
parseip(uchar *to, char *from)
int i, elipsis = 0, v4 = 1;
ulong x;
char *p, *op;
memset(to, 0, IPaddrlen);
p = from;
for(i = 0; i < IPaddrlen && ipcharok(*p); i+=2){
op = p;
x = strtoul(p, &p, 16);
if(*p == '.' || (*p == 0 && i == 0)){ /* ends with v4? */
p = v4parseip(to+i, op);
i += 4;
/* v6: at most 4 hex digits, followed by colon or delim */
if(x != (ushort)x || (*p != ':' && !delimchar(*p))) {
memset(to, 0, IPaddrlen);
return -1; /* parse error */
to[i] = x>>8;
to[i+1] = x;
if(*p == ':'){
v4 = 0;
if(*++p == ':'){ /* :: is elided zero short(s) */
if (elipsis) {
memset(to, 0, IPaddrlen);
return -1; /* second :: */
elipsis = i+2;
} else if (p == op) /* strtoul made no progress? */
if (p == from || !delimchar(*p)) {
memset(to, 0, IPaddrlen);
return -1; /* parse error */
if(i < IPaddrlen){
memmove(&to[elipsis+IPaddrlen-i], &to[elipsis], i-elipsis);
memset(&to[elipsis], 0, IPaddrlen-i);
to[10] = to[11] = 0xff;
return nhgetl(to + IPv4off);
} else
return 6;
* hack to allow ip v4 masks to be entered in the old
* style
parseipmask(uchar *to, char *from)
int i, w;
vlong x;
uchar *p;
if(*from == '/'){
/* as a number of prefix bits */
i = atoi(from+1);
if(i < 0)
i = 0;
if(i > 128)
i = 128;
w = i;
memset(to, 0, IPaddrlen);
for(p = to; i >= 8; i -= 8)
*p++ = 0xff;
if(i > 0)
*p = ~((1<<(8-i))-1);
x = nhgetl(to+IPv4off);
* identify as ipv6 if the mask is inexpressible as a v4 mask
* (because it has too few mask bits). Arguably, we could
* always return 6 here.
if (w < 8*(IPaddrlen-IPv4addrlen))
return 6;
} else {
/* as a straight v4 bit mask */
x = parseip(to, from);
if (x != -1)
x = (ulong)nhgetl(to + IPv4off);
if(memcmp(to, v4prefix, IPv4off) == 0)
memset(to, 0xff, IPv4off);
return x;
* parse a v4 ip address/mask in cidr format
v4parsecidr(uchar *addr, uchar *mask, char *from)
int i;
char *p;
uchar *a;
p = v4parseip(addr, from);
if(*p == '/'){
/* as a number of prefix bits */
i = strtoul(p+1, &p, 0);
if(i > 32)
i = 32;
memset(mask, 0, IPv4addrlen);
for(a = mask; i >= 8; i -= 8)
*a++ = 0xff;
if(i > 0)
*a = ~((1<<(8-i))-1);
} else
memcpy(mask, defmask(addr), IPv4addrlen);
return p;