DEFAULT menu.c32 # to force boot jump to a rc shell (without executing /lib/namespace, thus no command in /cmd), add # init='/arch/amd64/cmd/rc -i' # to the APPEND line (before ---) # NOTE: double quotes won't work, only singe quotes are accepted LABEL FromUSB KERNEL mboot.c32 APPEND jehanne.32bit nobootprompt=local!/shr/usb/sdU67d95 maxcores=1024 auth= nvram=/shr/usb/sdU67d95/nvram nvrlen=512 nvroff=0 --- initrd LABEL FromAHCI KERNEL mboot.c32 APPEND jehanne.32bit nobootprompt=local!#S/sdE0 maxcores=1024 auth= nvram=#S/sdE0/nvram nvrlen=512 nvroff=0 --- initrd LABEL FromIDE KERNEL mboot.c32 APPEND jehanne.32bit nobootprompt=local!#S/sdC0 maxcores=1024 auth= nvram=#S/sdC0/nvram nvrlen=512 nvroff=0 --- initrd