#!/bin/bash # This file is part of Jehanne. # # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Giacomo Tesio if [ "$JEHANNE" = "" ]; then echo ./hacking/QA.sh requires the shell started by ./hacking/devshell.sh exit 1 fi trap : 2 $JEHANNE/hacking/bin/ufs -d=0 -root=$JEHANNE & ufspid=$! export machineflag=pc if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ] && [ -e /dev/kvm ]; then export kvmflag='-enable-kvm' export machineflag='pc,accel=kvm' if [ ! -w /dev/kvm ]; then # we don't have access as a regular user export kvmdo=sudo fi fi if [ "$KERNDIR" = "" ]; then KERNDIR=$JEHANNE/arch/$ARCH/kern/ fi if [ "$KERNEL" = "" ]; then KERNEL=jehanne.32bit fi if [ "$NCPU" = "" ]; then NCPU=1 fi if [ "$CPU_MODEL" = "" ]; then CPU_MODEL=Opteron_G1 fi QEMU_USER=`whoami` appendLine="console=0 nobootprompt=tcp maxcores=1024 fs= auth= nvram=/boot/nvram nvrlen=512 nvroff=0 qemu-user=$QEMU_USER $KAPPEND" appendLine="-append '$appendLine'" kernelLine="-kernel $KERNEL $*" if [ "$DISK" = "" ]; then if [ "$QA_DISK" != "" ]; then # disk to run QA checks export DISK=$QA_DISK # will boot from disk, no need for kernel and so on appendLine="" kernelLine="" else export DISK=$JEHANNE/hacking/sample-disk.img fi fi if [ -a $DISK ]; then bootDisk="-device ahci,id=ahci -drive id=boot,file=$DISK,index=0,cache=writeback,if=none -device ide-drive,drive=boot,bus=ahci.0" fi cd $KERNDIR read -r cmd <