gcc native: separate gcc and libgcc compilation
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,132 +29,132 @@ function failOnError {
date > $LOG
# mock makeinfo (to avoid it as a dependency)
rm -f $JEHANNE/hacking/bin/makeinfo
ln -s `which echo` $JEHANNE/hacking/bin/makeinfo
# verify libtool is installed
libtool --version >> /dev/null
failOnError $? "libtool installation check"
(cd $WORKING_DIR/src && fetch) >> $LOG
failOnError $? "fetching sources"
echo -n Building libstdc++-v3... | tee -a $LOG
# libstdc++-v3 is part of GCC but must be built after newlib.
export GCC_BUILD_DIR=$WORKING_DIR/build/gcc &&
mkdir -p $GCC_BUILD_DIR &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/isl-0.18.tar.bz2 &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/isl-0.18 &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/isl &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/gmp-6.1.0.tar.bz2 &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/gmp-6.1.0 &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/gmp &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpfr-3.1.4.tar.bz2 &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpfr-3.1.4 &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpfr &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpc-1.0.3 &&
rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpc &&
mkdir -p $GCC_BUILD_DIR/x86_64-jehanne/libstdc++-v3 &&
cd $GCC_BUILD_DIR/x86_64-jehanne/libstdc++-v3 &&
rm -f config.cache &&
$WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/libstdc++-v3/configure --srcdir=$WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/libstdc++-v3 --cache-file=./config.cache --enable-multilib --with-cross-host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=/ --with-build-sysroot=$JEHANNE --enable-languages=c,c++,lto --program-transform-name='s&^&x86_64-jehanne-&' --disable-option-checking --with-target-subdir=x86_64-jehanne --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-jehanne --target=x86_64-jehanne &&
make &&
make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/libstdc++-v3/9.2.0/ install
) >> $LOG 2>&1
failOnError $? "building libstdc++-v3"
echo done.
# Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/libstdc++-v3/9.2.0/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
find $JEHANNE/posix/|grep '\.la$'|xargs rm
echo -n Building libgmp... | tee -a $LOG
cd $WORKING_DIR/src/libgmp &&
( grep -q jehanne configfsf.sub || patch -p0 < $CROSS_DIR/patch/libgmp.patch ) &&
./configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --disable-shared --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=$JEHANNE &&
make &&
make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/libgmp/6.1.2/ install &&
libtool --mode=finish $JEHANNE/posix/lib
) >> $LOG 2>&1
failOnError $? "Building libgmp"
echo done.
# Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/libgmp/6.1.2/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
rm $JEHANNE/posix/lib/*.la
echo -n Building libmpfr... | tee -a $LOG
cd $WORKING_DIR/src/libmpfr &&
( grep -q jehanne config.sub || patch -p0 < $CROSS_DIR/patch/libmpfr.patch ) &&
./configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --disable-shared --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=$JEHANNE --with-gmp=$JEHANNE/posix/ &&
cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in doc/Makefile.in &&
make &&
make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/libmpfr/4.0.1/ install &&
libtool --mode=finish $JEHANNE/posix/lib
) >> $LOG 2>&1
failOnError $? "Building libmpfr"
echo done.
# Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/libmpfr/4.0.1/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
rm $JEHANNE/posix/lib/*.la
echo -n Building libmpc... | tee -a $LOG
cd $WORKING_DIR/src/libmpc &&
( grep -q jehanne config.sub || ( chmod u+w config.sub &&
patch -p0 < $CROSS_DIR/patch/libmpc.patch &&
chmod u-w config.sub ) ) &&
./configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --disable-shared --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=$JEHANNE --with-gmp=$JEHANNE/posix/ --with-mpfr=$JEHANNE/posix/ &&
cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in doc/Makefile.in &&
make &&
make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/libmpc/1.1.0/ install &&
libtool --mode=finish $JEHANNE/posix/lib
) >> $LOG 2>&1
failOnError $? "Building libmpc"
echo done.
# Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/libmpc/1.1.0/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
rm $JEHANNE/posix/lib/*.la
echo -n Building binutils... | tee -a $LOG
# Patch and build binutils
if [ "$BINUTILS_BUILD_DIR" = "" ]; then
export BINUTILS_BUILD_DIR=$WORKING_DIR/build/binutils-native
if [ ! -d $BINUTILS_BUILD_DIR ]; then
export LIBS="-L$JEHANNE/posix/lib -L$JEHANNE/arch/amd64/lib -lmpc -lmpfr -lgmp -lnewlibc -lposix -lc" &&
export CC_FOR_BUILD='CPATH="" LIBS="" gcc' &&
$WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=/ --with-build-sysroot=$JEHANNE --with-gmp=$JEHANNE/posix/ --with-mpfr=$JEHANNE/posix/ --with-mpc=$JEHANNE/posix/ --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --enable-newlib-long-time_t --disable-nls --disable-werror &&
cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/bfd/doc/Makefile.in &&
cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/bfd/po/Makefile.in &&
cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/gas/doc/Makefile.in &&
cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/binutils/doc/Makefile.in &&
make &&
make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/binutils/2.33.1/ install
) >> $LOG 2>&1
failOnError $? "Building binutils"
echo done.
# Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/binutils/2.33.1/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
rm $JEHANNE/posix/lib/*.la
## mock makeinfo (to avoid it as a dependency)
#rm -f $JEHANNE/hacking/bin/makeinfo
#ln -s `which echo` $JEHANNE/hacking/bin/makeinfo
## verify libtool is installed
#libtool --version >> /dev/null
#failOnError $? "libtool installation check"
#(cd $WORKING_DIR/src && fetch) >> $LOG
#failOnError $? "fetching sources"
#echo -n Building libstdc++-v3... | tee -a $LOG
## libstdc++-v3 is part of GCC but must be built after newlib.
# export GCC_BUILD_DIR=$WORKING_DIR/build/gcc &&
# mkdir -p $GCC_BUILD_DIR &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/isl-0.18.tar.bz2 &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/isl-0.18 &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/isl &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/gmp-6.1.0.tar.bz2 &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/gmp-6.1.0 &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/gmp &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpfr-3.1.4.tar.bz2 &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpfr-3.1.4 &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpfr &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpc-1.0.3 &&
# rm -fr $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/mpc &&
# cd $GCC_BUILD_DIR &&
# mkdir -p $GCC_BUILD_DIR/x86_64-jehanne/libstdc++-v3 &&
# cd $GCC_BUILD_DIR/x86_64-jehanne/libstdc++-v3 &&
# rm -f config.cache &&
# $WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/libstdc++-v3/configure --srcdir=$WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/libstdc++-v3 --cache-file=./config.cache --enable-multilib --with-cross-host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=/ --with-build-sysroot=$JEHANNE --enable-languages=c,c++,lto --program-transform-name='s&^&x86_64-jehanne-&' --disable-option-checking --with-target-subdir=x86_64-jehanne --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-jehanne --target=x86_64-jehanne &&
# make &&
# make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/libstdc++-v3/9.2.0/ install
#) >> $LOG 2>&1
#failOnError $? "building libstdc++-v3"
#echo done.
## Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
#cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/libstdc++-v3/9.2.0/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
#find $JEHANNE/posix/|grep '\.la$'|xargs rm
#echo -n Building libgmp... | tee -a $LOG
# cd $WORKING_DIR/src/libgmp &&
# ( grep -q jehanne configfsf.sub || patch -p0 < $CROSS_DIR/patch/libgmp.patch ) &&
# ./configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --disable-shared --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=$JEHANNE &&
# make &&
# make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/libgmp/6.1.2/ install &&
# libtool --mode=finish $JEHANNE/posix/lib
#) >> $LOG 2>&1
#failOnError $? "Building libgmp"
#echo done.
## Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
#cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/libgmp/6.1.2/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
#rm $JEHANNE/posix/lib/*.la
#echo -n Building libmpfr... | tee -a $LOG
# cd $WORKING_DIR/src/libmpfr &&
# ( grep -q jehanne config.sub || patch -p0 < $CROSS_DIR/patch/libmpfr.patch ) &&
# ./configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --disable-shared --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=$JEHANNE --with-gmp=$JEHANNE/posix/ &&
# cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in doc/Makefile.in &&
# make &&
# make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/libmpfr/4.0.1/ install &&
# libtool --mode=finish $JEHANNE/posix/lib
#) >> $LOG 2>&1
#failOnError $? "Building libmpfr"
#echo done.
## Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
#cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/libmpfr/4.0.1/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
#rm $JEHANNE/posix/lib/*.la
#echo -n Building libmpc... | tee -a $LOG
# cd $WORKING_DIR/src/libmpc &&
# ( grep -q jehanne config.sub || ( chmod u+w config.sub &&
# patch -p0 < $CROSS_DIR/patch/libmpc.patch &&
# chmod u-w config.sub ) ) &&
# ./configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --disable-shared --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=$JEHANNE --with-gmp=$JEHANNE/posix/ --with-mpfr=$JEHANNE/posix/ &&
# cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in doc/Makefile.in &&
# make &&
# make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/libmpc/1.1.0/ install &&
# libtool --mode=finish $JEHANNE/posix/lib
#) >> $LOG 2>&1
#failOnError $? "Building libmpc"
#echo done.
## Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
#cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/libmpc/1.1.0/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
#rm $JEHANNE/posix/lib/*.la
#echo -n Building binutils... | tee -a $LOG
## Patch and build binutils
#if [ "$BINUTILS_BUILD_DIR" = "" ]; then
# export BINUTILS_BUILD_DIR=$WORKING_DIR/build/binutils-native
#if [ ! -d $BINUTILS_BUILD_DIR ]; then
# export LIBS="-L$JEHANNE/posix/lib -L$JEHANNE/arch/amd64/lib -lmpc -lmpfr -lgmp -lnewlibc -lposix -lc" &&
# export CC_FOR_BUILD='CPATH="" LIBS="" gcc' &&
# $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=/ --with-build-sysroot=$JEHANNE --with-gmp=$JEHANNE/posix/ --with-mpfr=$JEHANNE/posix/ --with-mpc=$JEHANNE/posix/ --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --enable-newlib-long-time_t --disable-nls --disable-werror &&
# cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/bfd/doc/Makefile.in &&
# cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/bfd/po/Makefile.in &&
# cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/gas/doc/Makefile.in &&
# cp $CROSS_DIR/patch/MakeNothing.in $WORKING_DIR/src/binutils/binutils/doc/Makefile.in &&
# make &&
# make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/binutils/2.33.1/ install
#) >> $LOG 2>&1
#failOnError $? "Building binutils"
#echo done.
## Copy to /posix (to emulate bind during cross compilation)
#cp -pfr $JEHANNE/pkgs/binutils/2.33.1/posix/* $JEHANNE/posix
#rm $JEHANNE/posix/lib/*.la
echo -n Building gcc... | tee -a $LOG
# Patch and build gcc
@ -163,8 +163,13 @@ echo -n Building gcc... | tee -a $LOG
mkdir -p $GCC_BUILD_DIR &&
$WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/configure --host=x86_64-jehanne --without-isl --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=/ --with-build-sysroot=$JEHANNE --enable-languages=c,c++ --with-gmp=$JEHANNE/posix --with-mpfr=$JEHANNE/posix --with-mpc=$JEHANNE/posix --disable-shared --disable-threads --disable-tls --disable-bootstrap --disable-libgomp --disable-werror --disable-nls &&
make all-gcc all-target-libgcc &&
make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/gcc/9.2.0/ install-gcc install-target-libgcc
make all-gcc &&
make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/gcc/9.2.0/ install-gcc &&
mkdir -p $GCC_BUILD_DIR/x86_64-jehanne/libgcc &&
cd $GCC_BUILD_DIR/x86_64-jehanne/libgcc &&
$WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/libgcc/configure --srcdir=$WORKING_DIR/src/gcc/libgcc --without-isl --prefix=/posix --with-sysroot=/ --with-build-sysroot=$JEHANNE --with-gmp=$JEHANNE/posix --with-mpfr=$JEHANNE/posix --with-mpc=$JEHANNE/posix --disable-shared --disable-threads --disable-tls --disable-bootstrap --disable-libgomp --disable-werror --disable-nls --enable-languages=c,c++,lto --program-transform-name=s,y,y, --disable-option-checking --with-target-subdir=x86_64-jehanne --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-jehanne --target=x86_64-jehanne &&
make &&
cd $GCC_BUILD_DIR && make DESTDIR=$JEHANNE/pkgs/gcc/9.2.0/ install-target-libgcc
) >> $LOG 2>&1
failOnError $? "building gcc"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user