mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 09:10:04 +01:00
948 lines
17 KiB
948 lines
17 KiB
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'intl/messages_all.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// Generator: Flutter Intl IDE plugin
// Made by Localizely
// **************************************************************************
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, lines_longer_than_80_chars
// ignore_for_file: join_return_with_assignment, prefer_final_in_for_each
// ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values
class S {
static S current;
static const AppLocalizationDelegate delegate = AppLocalizationDelegate();
static Future<S> load(Locale locale) {
final name = (locale.countryCode?.isEmpty ?? false)
? locale.languageCode
: locale.toString();
final localeName = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(name);
return initializeMessages(localeName).then((_) {
Intl.defaultLocale = localeName;
S.current = S();
return S.current;
static S of(BuildContext context) {
return Localizations.of<S>(context, S);
/// `Hello World!`
String get helloWorld {
return Intl.message(
'Hello World!',
name: 'helloWorld',
desc: 'The conventional newborn programmer greeting',
args: [],
/// `News`
String get news {
return Intl.message(
name: 'news',
desc: 'The News tab',
args: [],
/// `Notification`
String get notification {
return Intl.message(
name: 'notification',
desc: 'The Notification tab',
args: [],
/// `Trending`
String get trending {
return Intl.message(
name: 'trending',
desc: 'Trending',
args: [],
/// `Search`
String get search {
return Intl.message(
name: 'search',
desc: 'The Search tab',
args: [],
/// `Me`
String get me {
return Intl.message(
name: 'me',
desc: 'The Me tab',
args: [],
/// `Participating`
String get participating {
return Intl.message(
name: 'participating',
desc: 'The participating Tab',
args: [],
/// `Repositories`
String get repositories {
return Intl.message(
name: 'repositories',
desc: 'repository text',
args: [],
/// `Unfollow`
String get unfollow {
return Intl.message(
name: 'unfollow',
desc: 'unfollow someone',
args: [],
/// `Follow`
String get follow {
return Intl.message(
name: 'follow',
desc: 'follow someone',
args: [],
/// `Stars`
String get stars {
return Intl.message(
name: 'stars',
desc: 'stars on a repo',
args: [],
/// `Followers`
String get followers {
return Intl.message(
name: 'followers',
desc: 'followers for a person',
args: [],
/// `Following`
String get following {
return Intl.message(
name: 'following',
desc: 'people followed by a person',
args: [],
/// `Events`
String get events {
return Intl.message(
name: 'events',
desc: 'events for a user',
args: [],
/// `Gists`
String get gists {
return Intl.message(
name: 'gists',
desc: 'gists for a user',
args: [],
/// `Organizations`
String get organizations {
return Intl.message(
name: 'organizations',
desc: 'organizations for a user',
args: [],
/// `Members`
String get members {
return Intl.message(
name: 'members',
desc: 'members of an organization',
args: [],
/// `popular repositories`
String get popularRepositories {
return Intl.message(
'popular repositories',
name: 'popularRepositories',
desc: 'popular repositories',
args: [],
/// `pinned repositories`
String get pinnedRepositories {
return Intl.message(
'pinned repositories',
name: 'pinnedRepositories',
desc: 'pinned repositories',
args: [],
/// `Settings`
String get settings {
return Intl.message(
name: 'settings',
desc: 'settings',
args: [],
/// `system`
String get system {
return Intl.message(
name: 'system',
desc: 'system',
args: [],
/// `GitHub status`
String get githubStatus {
return Intl.message(
'GitHub status',
name: 'githubStatus',
desc: 'github status',
args: [],
/// `Review Permissions`
String get reviewPermissions {
return Intl.message(
'Review Permissions',
name: 'reviewPermissions',
desc: 'review Permissions',
args: [],
/// `GitLab status`
String get gitlabStatus {
return Intl.message(
'GitLab status',
name: 'gitlabStatus',
desc: 'GitLab status',
args: [],
/// `Gitea status`
String get giteaStatus {
return Intl.message(
'Gitea status',
name: 'giteaStatus',
desc: 'Gitea status',
args: [],
/// `Switch accounts`
String get switchAccounts {
return Intl.message(
'Switch accounts',
name: 'switchAccounts',
desc: 'Switch accounts',
args: [],
/// `Brightness`
String get brightness {
return Intl.message(
name: 'brightness',
desc: 'brightness',
args: [],
/// `Follow System`
String get followSystem {
return Intl.message(
'Follow System',
name: 'followSystem',
desc: 'follow systems setting',
args: [],
/// `Light`
String get light {
return Intl.message(
name: 'light',
desc: 'light mode',
args: [],
/// `Dark`
String get dark {
return Intl.message(
name: 'dark',
desc: 'dark mode',
args: [],
/// `Scaffold Theme`
String get scaffoldTheme {
return Intl.message(
'Scaffold Theme',
name: 'scaffoldTheme',
desc: 'Kind of theme - cupertino or material',
args: [],
/// `Cupertino`
String get cupertino {
return Intl.message(
name: 'cupertino',
desc: 'Cupertino scaffold theme',
args: [],
/// `Material`
String get material {
return Intl.message(
name: 'material',
desc: 'Material scaffold theme',
args: [],
/// `Code Theme`
String get codeTheme {
return Intl.message(
'Code Theme',
name: 'codeTheme',
desc: 'code theme',
args: [],
/// `Markdown Render Engine`
String get markdownRenderEngine {
return Intl.message(
'Markdown Render Engine',
name: 'markdownRenderEngine',
desc: 'flutter or webview rendering for markdown',
args: [],
/// `Flutter`
String get flutter {
return Intl.message(
name: 'flutter',
desc: 'render flutter for markdown',
args: [],
/// `WebView`
String get webview {
return Intl.message(
name: 'webview',
desc: 'render webview for markdown',
args: [],
/// `feedback`
String get feedback {
return Intl.message(
name: 'feedback',
desc: 'provide feedback',
args: [],
/// `Submit an issue`
String get submitAnIssue {
return Intl.message(
'Submit an issue',
name: 'submitAnIssue',
desc: 'submit issue for app',
args: [],
/// `Rate This App`
String get rateThisApp {
return Intl.message(
'Rate This App',
name: 'rateThisApp',
desc: 'rate the app',
args: [],
/// `Email`
String get email {
return Intl.message(
name: 'email',
desc: 'Email to report issues',
args: [],
/// `about`
String get about {
return Intl.message(
name: 'about',
desc: 'about section',
args: [],
/// `Version`
String get version {
return Intl.message(
name: 'version',
desc: 'app version',
args: [],
/// `Source Code`
String get sourceCode {
return Intl.message(
'Source Code',
name: 'sourceCode',
desc: 'source code for app',
args: [],
/// `Repository`
String get repository {
return Intl.message(
name: 'repository',
desc: 'Repository screen title',
args: [],
/// `Repository Actions`
String get repositoryActions {
return Intl.message(
'Repository Actions',
name: 'repositoryActions',
desc: 'Repository Actions',
args: [],
/// `Projects`
String get projects {
return Intl.message(
name: 'projects',
desc: 'projects',
args: [],
/// `Releases`
String get releases {
return Intl.message(
name: 'releases',
desc: 'releases',
args: [],
/// `Watchers`
String get watchers {
return Intl.message(
name: 'watchers',
desc: 'watchers',
args: [],
/// `Forks`
String get forks {
return Intl.message(
name: 'forks',
desc: 'forks',
args: [],
/// `Issues`
String get issues {
return Intl.message(
name: 'issues',
desc: 'issues',
args: [],
/// `Pull requests`
String get pullRequests {
return Intl.message(
'Pull requests',
name: 'pullRequests',
desc: 'Pull Requests',
args: [],
/// `Commits`
String get commits {
return Intl.message(
name: 'commits',
desc: 'Commits',
args: [],
/// `Branches`
String get branches {
return Intl.message(
name: 'branches',
desc: 'branches',
args: [],
/// `Contributors`
String get contributors {
return Intl.message(
name: 'contributors',
desc: 'contributors',
args: [],
/// `Unread`
String get unread {
return Intl.message(
name: 'unread',
desc: 'unread',
args: [],
/// `All`
String get all {
return Intl.message(
name: 'all',
desc: 'all',
args: [],
/// `Developers`
String get developers {
return Intl.message(
name: 'developers',
desc: 'developers',
args: [],
/// `Explore`
String get explore {
return Intl.message(
name: 'explore',
desc: 'explore',
args: [],
/// `Teams`
String get teams {
return Intl.message(
name: 'teams',
desc: 'teams',
args: [],
/// `File`
String get file {
return Intl.message(
name: 'file',
desc: 'file',
args: [],
/// `Files`
String get files {
return Intl.message(
name: 'files',
desc: 'file plural',
args: [],
/// `Actions`
String get actions {
return Intl.message(
name: 'actions',
desc: 'actions',
args: [],
/// `Groups`
String get groups {
return Intl.message(
name: 'groups',
desc: 'groups',
args: [],
/// `Merge Requests`
String get mergeRequests {
return Intl.message(
'Merge Requests',
name: 'mergeRequests',
desc: 'Merge request',
args: [],
/// `Activity`
String get activity {
return Intl.message(
name: 'activity',
desc: 'activity',
args: [],
/// `Project`
String get project {
return Intl.message(
name: 'project',
desc: 'project',
args: [],
/// `Select account`
String get selectAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Select account',
name: 'selectAccount',
desc: 'select account message',
args: [],
/// `Remove account`
String get removeAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Remove account',
name: 'removeAccount',
desc: 'remove account',
args: [],
/// `Something bad happens:`
String get somethingBadHappens {
return Intl.message(
'Something bad happens:',
name: 'somethingBadHappens',
desc: 'error message',
args: [],
/// `GitHub Account`
String get githubAccount {
return Intl.message(
'GitHub Account',
name: 'githubAccount',
desc: 'Gitea Account',
args: [],
/// `GitTouch needs these permissions`
String get permissionRequiredMessage {
return Intl.message(
'GitTouch needs these permissions',
name: 'permissionRequiredMessage',
desc: 'Permission Required Message',
args: [],
/// `Not Found`
String get notFoundMessage {
return Intl.message(
'Not Found',
name: 'notFoundMessage',
desc: 'Not found page header',
args: [],
/// `Woops, This page is not implemented yet`
String get notFoundTextDisplay {
return Intl.message(
'Woops, This page is not implemented yet',
name: 'notFoundTextDisplay',
desc: 'Not found error message',
args: [],
/// `GitLab Account`
String get gitlabAccount {
return Intl.message(
'GitLab Account',
name: 'gitlabAccount',
desc: 'Gitlab Account',
args: [],
/// `Bitbucket Account`
String get bitbucketAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Bitbucket Account',
name: 'bitbucketAccount',
desc: 'Bitbucket Account',
args: [],
/// `Long Press to remove account`
String get longPressToRemoveAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Long Press to remove account',
name: 'longPressToRemoveAccount',
desc: 'Long Press to remove account',
args: [],
/// `Gitee Account`
String get giteaAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Gitee Account',
name: 'giteaAccount',
desc: 'Gitea Account',
args: [],
/// `Gitee Account`
String get giteeAccount {
return Intl.message(
'Gitee Account',
name: 'giteeAccount',
desc: 'Gitee Account',
args: [],
/// `User`
String get user {
return Intl.message(
name: 'user',
desc: 'user',
args: [],
/// `Group`
String get group {
return Intl.message(
name: 'group',
desc: 'group',
args: [],
/// `Issue`
String get issue {
return Intl.message(
name: 'issue',
desc: 'issue',
args: [],
/// `Code`
String get code {
return Intl.message(
name: 'code',
desc: 'Code',
args: [],
/// `Project Actions`
String get projectActions {
return Intl.message(
'Project Actions',
name: 'projectActions',
desc: 'Project Actions',
args: [],
String get syntaxHighlighting {
return Intl.message(
name: 'syntaxHighlighting',
desc: 'Syntax Highlighting',
args: [],
/// `Font Family`
String get fontFamily {
return Intl.message(
'Font Family',
name: 'fontFamily',
desc: 'Font Family',
args: [],
/// `Font Size`
String get fontSize {
return Intl.message(
'Font Size',
name: 'fontSize',
desc: 'font size',
args: [],
String get fontStyle {
return Intl.message(
name: 'fontStyle',
desc: 'font style',
args: [],
class AppLocalizationDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<S> {
const AppLocalizationDelegate();
List<Locale> get supportedLocales {
return const <Locale>[
Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'en'),
Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'hi'),
bool isSupported(Locale locale) => _isSupported(locale);
Future<S> load(Locale locale) => S.load(locale);
bool shouldReload(AppLocalizationDelegate old) => false;
bool _isSupported(Locale locale) {
if (locale != null) {
for (var supportedLocale in supportedLocales) {
if (supportedLocale.languageCode == locale.languageCode) {
return true;
return false;