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synced 2025-03-06 12:17:50 +01:00
469 lines
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469 lines
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import 'dart:core';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:git_touch/models/theme.dart';
import 'package:git_touch/widgets/label.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../utils/utils.dart';
import 'comment_item.dart';
class TimelineEventItem extends StatelessWidget {
final String actor;
final IconData iconData;
final Color iconColor;
final TextSpan textSpan;
final p;
this.iconData = Octicons.octoface,
this.iconColor = Colors.grey,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final theme = Provider.of<ThemeModel>(context);
return Row(
children: <Widget>[
SizedBox(width: 6),
Icon(iconData, color: iconColor, size: 20),
SizedBox(width: 12),
child: Text.rich(
style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.text, fontSize: 16),
children: [
// TODO: actor is null
createUserSpan(context, actor),
// TextSpan(text: ' ' + TimeAgo.formatFromString(item['createdAt']))
class TimelineItem extends StatelessWidget {
final Map<String, dynamic> p;
TextSpan _buildReviewText(BuildContext context, item) {
switch (item['state']) {
case 'APPROVED':
return TextSpan(text: ' approved these changes');
return TextSpan(text: ' reviewed ');
return warningSpan;
InlineSpan _buildLabel(p) {
return WidgetSpan(
child: MyLabel(
name: p['label']['name'],
cssColor: p['label']['color'],
Widget _buildByType(BuildContext context, String type) {
final theme = Provider.of<ThemeModel>(context);
var defaultItem = TimelineEventItem(
actor: '',
iconData: Octicons.octoface,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: 'Woops, $type type not implemented yet'),
p: p,
switch (type) {
// common types
case 'PullRequestCommit':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['prCommit']['author']['user'] == null
? null
: p['prCommit']['author']['user']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.git_commit,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' added commit '),
TextSpan(text: p['prCommit']['oid'].substring(0, 8))
p: p,
case 'IssueComment':
return CommentItem.gh(p);
case 'CrossReferencedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.primitive_dot,
iconColor: GithubPalette.open,
textSpan: TextSpan(
text: ' referenced this on #' + p['source']['number'].toString()),
p: p,
case 'ClosedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.circle_slash,
iconColor: GithubPalette.closed,
textSpan: TextSpan(text: ' closed this '),
p: p,
case 'ReopenedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.primitive_dot,
iconColor: GithubPalette.open,
textSpan: TextSpan(text: ' reopened this '),
p: p,
case 'SubscribedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(text: ' subscribed to this issue '),
p: p,
case 'UnsubscribedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(text: ' unsubscribed from this issue '),
p: p,
case 'ReferencedEvent':
// TODO: isCrossRepository
if (p['commit'] == null) {
return Container();
if (p['isCrossRepository']) {
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.bookmark,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' referenced this pull request from commit '),
TextSpan(text: p['commit']['oid'].substring(0, 8)),
TextSpan(text: ' from ' + p['commitRepository']['name']),
p: p,
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.bookmark,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' referenced this pull request from commit '),
TextSpan(text: p['commit']['oid'].substring(0, 8)),
p: p,
case 'AssignedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.key,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' assigned this to '),
// TextSpan(text: p['user']['login'])
// User field is depracated. Assignee should be used
TextSpan(text: p['assignee']),
p: p,
case 'UnassignedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.key,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' unassigned this from '),
TextSpan(text: p['assignee']),
p: p,
case 'LabeledEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.tag,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' added '),
TextSpan(text: ' label'),
p: p,
case 'UnlabeledEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.tag,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' removed '),
TextSpan(text: ' label'),
p: p,
case 'MilestonedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.milestone,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' added this to '),
TextSpan(text: p['milestoneTitle']),
TextSpan(text: ' milestone'),
p: p,
case 'DemilestonedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.milestone,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' removed this from '),
TextSpan(text: p['milestoneTitle']),
TextSpan(text: ' milestone'),
p: p,
case 'RenamedTitleEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.pencil,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' changed the title '),
text: p['previousTitle'],
style: TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.lineThrough),
TextSpan(text: ' to '),
TextSpan(text: p['currentTitle'])
p: p,
case 'LockedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.lock,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' locked this conversation '),
p: p,
case 'UnlockedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.key,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' unlocked this conversation '),
p: p,
// issue only types
case 'TransferredEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(
children: [
text: ' transferred this issue from ' +
// pull request only types
case 'CommitCommentThread':
return defaultItem; // TODO:
case 'PullRequestReview':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['author']['login'],
iconColor: GithubPalette.open,
iconData: Octicons.check,
textSpan: _buildReviewText(context, p),
p: p,
case 'PullRequestReviewThread':
case 'PullRequestReviewComment':
return defaultItem; // TODO:
case 'MergedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.git_merge,
iconColor: GithubPalette.merged,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' merged commit '),
TextSpan(text: p['commit']['oid'].substring(0, 8)),
TextSpan(text: ' into '),
TextSpan(text: p['mergeRefName']),
p: p,
case 'MentionedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.bookmark,
textSpan: TextSpan(text: ' was mentioned '),
case 'PinnedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.pin,
textSpan: TextSpan(text: ' pinned this issue '),
case 'DeployedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(
text: ' deployed the pull request ' + p['pullRequest']['name']),
case 'DeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(
text: ' changed the deployment environment to ' +
case 'HeadRefDeletedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
iconData: Octicons.git_branch,
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' deleted the '),
TextSpan(text: p['headRefName']),
TextSpan(text: ' branch'),
p: p,
case 'HeadRefRestoredEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' restored the '),
child: PrimerBranchName(p['pullRequest']['headRef']['name'])),
TextSpan(text: ' branch')
case 'HeadRefForcePushedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
iconData: Octicons.repo_force_push,
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(
children: [
TextSpan(text: ' force-pushed the '),
child: PrimerBranchName(p['pullRequest']['headRef']['name'])),
TextSpan(text: ' branch from '),
text: (p['beforeCommit']['oid'] as String).substring(0, 7),
style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.primary),
TextSpan(text: ' to '),
text: (p['afterCommit']['oid'] as String).substring(0, 7),
style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.primary),
p: p,
case 'BaseRefForcePushedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
iconData: Octicons.repo_force_push,
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(
children: [
TextSpan(text: ' force-pushed the '),
child: PrimerBranchName(p['pullRequest']['baseRef']['name'])),
TextSpan(text: ' branch from '),
text: (p['beforeCommit']['oid'] as String).substring(0, 7),
style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.primary),
TextSpan(text: ' to '),
text: (p['afterCommit']['oid'] as String).substring(0, 7),
style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.primary),
p: p,
case 'ReviewRequestedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
iconData: Octicons.eye,
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' requested a review from '),
createUserSpan(context, p['requestedReviewer']['login']),
p: p,
case 'ReviewRequestRemovedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
iconData: Octicons.eye,
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' removed '),
createUserSpan(context, p['requestedReviewer']['login']),
TextSpan(text: ' from the review request '),
p: p,
case 'ReviewDismissedEvent':
return TimelineEventItem(
iconData: Octicons.eye,
actor: p['actor']['login'],
textSpan: TextSpan(children: [
TextSpan(text: ' dismissed the pull request review requested by '),
createUserSpan(context, p['pullRequest']['author']['login'])
return defaultItem;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final type = p['__typename'] as String;
Widget widget = Container(
padding: CommonStyle.padding,
child: _buildByType(context, type),
if (type == 'PullRequestReview') {
final comments = p['comments']['nodes'] as List;
if (comments.isNotEmpty) {
widget = Column(
children: <Widget>[
padding: CommonStyle.padding.copyWith(left: 50),
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
for (var v in comments) CommentItem.gh(v),
return widget;