import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/models/auth.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/models/theme.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/scaffolds/single.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/utils/utils.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/widgets/action_button.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/widgets/app_bar_title.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/widgets/text_field.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import '../widgets/link.dart'; import '../widgets/loading.dart'; import '../widgets/avatar.dart'; import '../generated/l10n.dart'; class LoginScreen extends StatefulWidget { @override _LoginScreenState createState() => _LoginScreenState(); } class _LoginScreenState extends State { final _tokenController = TextEditingController(); final _domainController = TextEditingController(); // For Bitbucket final _usernameController = TextEditingController(); final _passwordController = TextEditingController(); // @override // initState() { // super.initState(); // _tokenController.addListener(() { // print(_tokenController.text); // }); // } Widget _buildAccountItem(int index) { final theme = Provider.of(context); final auth = Provider.of(context); final account = auth.accounts[index]; return Link( onTap: () { auth.setActiveAccountAndReload(index); }, onLongPress: () { theme.showActions(context, [ ActionItem( text: S.of(context).removeAccount, isDestructiveAction: true, onTap: (_) { auth.removeAccount(index); }, ), ]); }, child: Container( padding: CommonStyle.padding, decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: theme.palette.border)), ), child: Row( children: [ Avatar(url: account.avatarUrl, size: AvatarSize.large), Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 10)), Expanded( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text( account.login, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: theme.palette.text), ), Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 6)), Text( account.domain, style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.secondaryText), ) ], ), ), (index == auth.activeAccountIndex) ? Icon(Icons.check) : Container(), ], ), ), ); } Widget _buildAddItem({IconData brand, String text, Function onTap}) { final theme = Provider.of(context); return Link( child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 20), decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: theme.palette.border)), ), child: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Icon(Icons.add), SizedBox(width: 4), Icon(brand), SizedBox(width: 8), Text(text, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16)), ], ), ), onTap: onTap, ); } Widget _buildPopup( BuildContext context, { List notes, bool showDomain = false, }) { return Column( children: [ if (showDomain) MyTextField(controller: _domainController, placeholder: 'Domain'), SizedBox(height: 8), MyTextField(placeholder: 'Access token', controller: _tokenController), SizedBox(height: 8), if (notes != null) ...notes, ], ); } void showError(err) { context .read() .showConfirm(context, Text(S.of(context).somethingBadHappens + '$err')); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final auth = Provider.of(context); final theme = Provider.of(context); return SingleScaffold( title: AppBarTitle(S.of(context).selectAccount), body: auth.loading ? Center(child: Loading()) : Container( child: Column( children: [ ...List.generate(auth.accounts.length, _buildAccountItem), _buildAddItem( text: S.of(context).githubAccount, brand: FontAwesome5Brands.github, onTap: () async { theme.showActions(context, [ ActionItem( text: 'via OAuth', onTap: (_) { auth.redirectToGithubOauth(); }, ), ActionItem( text: 'via OAuth (Public repos only)', onTap: (_) { auth.redirectToGithubOauth(true); }, ), ActionItem( text: 'via Personal token', onTap: (_) async { final result = await theme.showConfirm( context, _buildPopup(context, notes: [ Text( S.of(context).permissionRequiredMessage, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), ), SizedBox(height: 8), Text( 'user, repo, read:org, notifications', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: theme.palette.primary), ) ]), ); if (result == true) { try { await auth .loginWithToken(_tokenController.text); _tokenController.clear(); } catch (err) { showError(err); } } }, ), ]); }, ), _buildAddItem( text: S.of(context).gitlabAccount, brand: FontAwesome5Brands.gitlab, onTap: () async { _domainController.text = ''; final result = await theme.showConfirm( context, _buildPopup( context, showDomain: true, notes: [ Text( S.of(context).permissionRequiredMessage, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), ), SizedBox(height: 8), Text( 'api, read_user, read_repository', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: theme.palette.primary), ) ], ), ); if (result == true) { try { await auth.loginToGitlab( _domainController.text, _tokenController.text); _tokenController.clear(); } catch (err) { showError(err); } } }, ), _buildAddItem( text: S.of(context).bitbucketAccount, brand: FontAwesome5Brands.bitbucket, onTap: () async { _domainController.text = ''; final result = await theme.showConfirm( context, Column( children: [ MyTextField( controller: _domainController, placeholder: 'Domain'), SizedBox(height: 8), MyTextField( placeholder: 'Username', controller: _usernameController), SizedBox(height: 8), MyTextField( placeholder: 'App password', controller: _passwordController), SizedBox(height: 8), TextSpan(children: [ TextSpan( text: 'Note: App password is different with the password. Follow ', ), TextSpan( text: 'this guide', style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.primary), recognizer: TapGestureRecognizer() ..onTap = () { theme.push(context, ''); }, ), TextSpan(text: ' to create one.') ]), ), SizedBox(height: 8), Text( S.of(context).permissionRequiredMessage, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), ), SizedBox(height: 8), Text( 'Account: read\nTeam membership: read\nProjects: read\nRepositories: read\nPull requests: read\nIssues: read\nSnippets: read', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: theme.palette.primary), ) ], ), ); if (result == true) { try { await auth.loginToBb( _domainController.text, _usernameController.text, _passwordController.text); } catch (err) { showError(err); } } }, ), _buildAddItem( text: S.of(context).giteaAccount, brand: Octicons.git_branch, // TODO: brand icon onTap: () async { _domainController.text = ''; final result = await theme.showConfirm( context, Column( children: [ _buildPopup(context, showDomain: true), [ TextSpan( text: 'Note: To login with Codeberg change the domain name to: ', ), ])), SizedBox(height: 8), Text( '', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: theme.palette.primary), ), ], )); if (result == true) { try { await auth.loginToGitea( _domainController.text, _tokenController.text); _tokenController.clear(); } catch (err) { showError(err); } } }, ), _buildAddItem( text: S.of(context).giteeAccount + '(码云)', brand: Octicons.git_branch, // TODO: brand icon onTap: () async { final result = await theme.showConfirm( context, _buildPopup(context), ); if (result == true) { try { await auth.loginToGitee(_tokenController.text); _tokenController.clear(); } catch (err) { showError(err); } } }, ), _buildAddItem( text: 'Gogs Account', brand: Octicons.git_branch, // TODO: brand icon onTap: () async { _domainController.text = ''; final result = await theme.showConfirm( context, _buildPopup(context, showDomain: true), ); if (result == true) { try { await auth.loginToGogs( _domainController.text, _tokenController.text); _tokenController.clear(); } catch (err) { showError(err); } } }, ), Container( padding: CommonStyle.padding, child: Text( S.of(context).longPressToRemoveAccount, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: theme.palette.secondaryText, ), ), ) ], ), ), ); } }