import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/models/github.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/models/theme.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/widgets/issue_icon.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:timeago/timeago.dart' as timeago; import 'avatar.dart'; import '../widgets/link.dart'; import '../utils/utils.dart'; class EventItem extends StatelessWidget { final GithubEvent e; EventItem(this.e); InlineSpan _buildLinkSpan(BuildContext context, String text, String url) { final theme = Provider.of(context); return TextSpan( text: text, style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.primary), recognizer: TapGestureRecognizer() ..onTap = () { theme.push(context, url); }, ); } InlineSpan _buildRepo(BuildContext context, [String fullName]) { final name = fullName ??; return _buildLinkSpan(context, name, '/github/$name'); } InlineSpan _buildIssue(BuildContext context, int number, {bool isPullRequest = false}) { return _buildLinkSpan(context, '#$number', '/github/${e.repoOwner}/${e.repoName}/${isPullRequest ? 'pull' : 'issues'}/$number'); } Widget _buildItem({ @required BuildContext context, @required List spans, Widget card, }) { final theme = Provider.of(context); return Container( padding: CommonStyle.padding, child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Avatar( url:, linkUrl: '/github/' +, SizedBox(width: 10), Expanded( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: join(SizedBox(height: 6), [ TextSpan( style: TextStyle( fontSize: 17, color: theme.palette.text, ), children: [ _buildLinkSpan(context,, '/github/${}'), ...spans, ], ), ), Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text(timeago.format(e.createdAt), style: TextStyle( fontSize: 14, color: theme.palette.tertiaryText, )), ], ), if (card != null) card ]), ), ), ], ), ], ), ); } Widget _buildDefaultItem(BuildContext context) { final theme = Provider.of(context); return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' ' + e.type, style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.primary), ) ], card: Text('Woops, ${e.type} not implemented yet'), ); } Widget _buildCommitsCard(BuildContext context) { final theme = Provider.of(context); return Link( url: '/github/${e.repoOwner}/${e.repoName}/compare/${e.payload.before}/${e.payload.head}', child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(12), decoration: BoxDecoration( color: theme.palette.grayBackground, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4))), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ TextSpan( style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.text, fontSize: 15), children: [ TextSpan( text: e.payload.commits.length.toString() + ' commits to '), WidgetSpan( child: PrimerBranchName( e.payload.ref.replaceFirst('refs/heads/', '')), ), ], ), ), SizedBox(height: 8), { return Row( children: [ Text( commit.sha.substring(0, 7), style: TextStyle( color: theme.palette.primary, fontSize: 15, fontFamily: CommonStyle.monospace, ), ), SizedBox(width: 6), Expanded( child: Text( commit.message, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, maxLines: 1, style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.text, fontSize: 15), ), ) ], ); }).toList() ], ), ), ); } // Todo: Add a screen for the url Widget _buildCommitCommentCard(BuildContext context) { final theme = Provider.of(context); return Link( url: e.payload.comment.htmlUrl, child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(12), decoration: BoxDecoration( color: theme.palette.grayBackground, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4))), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Row( children: [ Text( e.payload.comment.commitId.substring(0, 7), style: TextStyle( color: theme.palette.primary, fontSize: 15, fontFamily: CommonStyle.monospace, ), ), SizedBox(width: 6), Expanded( child: Text( e.payload.comment.body, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, maxLines: 1, style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.text, fontSize: 15), ), ) ], ), ], ), ), ); } Widget _buildIssueCard( BuildContext context, GithubEventIssue issue, String body, {isPullRequest = false}) { final theme = Provider.of(context); IssueIconState state; if (isPullRequest) { if (issue.merged == true) { state = IssueIconState.prMerged; } else if (issue.state == 'open') { state = IssueIconState.prOpen; } else { state = IssueIconState.prClosed; } } else { if (issue.state == 'open') { state =; } else { state = IssueIconState.closed; } } return Link( url: '/github/${e.repoOwner}/${e.repoName}/${isPullRequest ? 'pull' : 'issues'}/${issue.number}', child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(12), decoration: BoxDecoration( color: theme.palette.grayBackground, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4))), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: join(SizedBox(height: 6), [ Row( children: [ IssueIcon(state, size: 20), SizedBox(width: 4), Expanded( child: Text( '#' + issue.number.toString() + ' ' + issue.title, style: TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, fontSize: 17, color: theme.palette.text, ), overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ), ), ], ), if (body != null && body.isNotEmpty) Text( body, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, maxLines: 3, style: TextStyle(color: theme.palette.secondaryText, fontSize: 15), ), Row( children: [ Avatar(url: issue.user.avatarUrl, size: AvatarSize.extraSmall), SizedBox(width: 8), Text(issue.user.login, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 14, color: theme.palette.tertiaryText, )), Expanded(child: Container()), if (issue.comments != null) ...[ Icon( Octicons.comment, size: 14, color: theme.palette.tertiaryText, ), SizedBox(width: 4), Text(issue.comments.toString(), style: TextStyle( fontSize: 14, color: theme.palette.tertiaryText, )), ] ], ) ]), ), ), ); } @override build(BuildContext context) { // all events types here: // switch (e.type) { case 'CheckRunEvent': return _buildItem(context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' ${e.payload.action} a check run for ${} '), ]); case 'CheckSuiteEvent': // Needs checks permission String conclusion = ""; switch (e.payload.checkSuite.conclusion) { case 'success': case 'failure': conclusion = 'it is a ' + e.payload.checkSuite.conclusion; break; case 'neutral': case 'cancelled': case 'timed_out': case 'stale': conclusion = 'it is ' + e.payload.checkSuite.conclusion; break; case 'action_required': conclusion = ' it requires more action'; break; } return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' ${e.payload.action} the check suite and the conclusion is that $conclusion'), ], ); case 'CommitCommentEvent': return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' commented on a commit '), TextSpan(text: ' at '), _buildRepo(context), ], card: _buildCommitCommentCard(context), ); case 'ContentReferenceEvent': return _buildItem(context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' ${e.payload.action} a content reference at '), _buildLinkSpan(context, e.payload.contentReference.reference, e.payload.contentReference.reference), ]); case 'CreateEvent': return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' created a ${e.payload.refType}'), TextSpan( text: '${e.payload.ref == null ? '' : ' ' + e.payload.ref + 'at'} '), _buildRepo(context), ], ); case 'DeleteEvent': return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' deleted the ${e.payload.refType}'), TextSpan( text: '${e.payload.ref == null ? '' : ' ' + e.payload.ref + 'at'} '), _buildRepo(context), ], ); case 'ForkEvent': final forkeeOwner = e.payload.forkee['owner']['login'] as String; final forkeeName = e.payload.forkee['name'] as String; return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' forked '), _buildRepo(context, '$forkeeOwner/$forkeeName'), TextSpan(text: ' from '), _buildRepo(context), ], ); case 'GollumEvent': String pageNamesCreated = ""; String pageNamesEdited = ""; for (GithubPagesItem page in e.payload.pages) { if (page.action == "edited") { pageNamesEdited += ", " + page.pageName; } else { pageNamesCreated += ", " + page.pageName; } } if (pageNamesCreated.length > 0) { pageNamesCreated = " created the pages: \n" + pageNamesCreated + "\n"; } if (pageNamesEdited.length > 0) { pageNamesEdited = " edited the pages: \n" + pageNamesEdited + "\n"; } return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [TextSpan(text: ' $pageNamesCreated\n$pageNamesEdited ')]); case 'InstallationEvent': String action = e.payload.action; if (action == 'new_permissions_accepted') { action = "new permission were accepted for"; } return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' $action for the Github App with id ${}'), ], ); case 'InstallationRepositoriesEvent': List repositoriesAdded = e.payload.installation.repositoriesAdded; List repositoriesRemoved = e.payload.installation.repositoriesRemoved; String addedRepos = ""; String removedRepos = ""; for (GithubNotificationItemRepo repo in repositoriesAdded) { addedRepos += repo.fullName + ", "; } for (GithubNotificationItemRepo repo in repositoriesRemoved) { removedRepos += repo.fullName + ", "; } String finalListOfRepos = ""; if (addedRepos != "") { finalListOfRepos += addedRepos + " were added to\n "; } if (removedRepos != "") { finalListOfRepos += removedRepos + " were removed from"; } return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' $finalListOfRepos the installation id ${} '), ], ); case 'IssueCommentEvent': return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' commented on ${e.payload.issue.isPullRequestComment ? 'pull request' : 'issue'} '), _buildIssue( context, e.payload.issue.number, isPullRequest: e.payload.issue.isPullRequestComment, ), TextSpan(text: ' at '), _buildRepo(context), ], card: _buildIssueCard( context, e.payload.issue, e.payload.comment.body, isPullRequest: e.payload.issue.isPullRequestComment, ), ); case 'IssuesEvent': final issue = e.payload.issue; return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' ${e.payload.action} issue '), _buildIssue(context, issue.number), TextSpan(text: ' at '), _buildRepo(context), ], card: _buildIssueCard(context, issue, issue.body), ); case 'MarketplacePurchaseEvent': final action = e.payload.action; var messageToDisplay; switch (action) { case "purchased": messageToDisplay = "purchased a Marketplace Plan"; break; case "cancelled": messageToDisplay = "cancelled their Marketplace Plan"; break; case "pending_change": messageToDisplay = " Marketplace Plan is pending change"; break; case "pending_change_cancelled": messageToDisplay = " Pending Marketplace Plan was cancelled"; break; case "changed": messageToDisplay = " changed their Marketplace Plan"; break; } return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' $messageToDisplay ', ), _buildRepo(context), ], ); case 'MemberEvent': final action = e.payload.action; return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' was ${e.payload.action} ${action == 'added' ? 'to' : 'from'} '), _buildRepo(context), ], ); case 'ProjectCardEvent': String action = e.payload.action; if (action == 'converted') { action = ' converted the project card into an issue '; } else { action = action + ' the project card '; } return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' $action at '), _buildRepo(context), ], ); case 'ProjectColumnEvent': return _buildItem(context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' ${e.payload.action} the project column ${} at '), _buildRepo(context), ]); case 'ProjectEvent': return _buildItem(context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' ${e.payload.action} the project ${} '), ]); case 'PublicEvent': return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' made '), _buildRepo(context), TextSpan(text: ' public'), ], ); case 'PullRequestEvent': final pr = e.payload.pullRequest; return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' ${e.payload.action} pull request '), _buildIssue(context, pr.number, isPullRequest: true), TextSpan(text: ' at '), _buildRepo(context), ], card: _buildIssueCard(context, pr, pr.body, isPullRequest: true), ); case 'PullRequestReviewEvent': final pr = e.payload.pullRequest; return _buildItem(context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' ${e.payload.action} the pull request review '), _buildIssue(context, pr.number, isPullRequest: true), TextSpan(text: ' at '), _buildRepo(context), ]); case 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent': final pr = e.payload.pullRequest; return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' reviewed pull request '), _buildIssue(context, pr.number, isPullRequest: true), TextSpan(text: ' at '), _buildRepo(context), ], card: _buildIssueCard(context, pr, e.payload.comment.body, isPullRequest: true), ); case 'PushEvent': return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [TextSpan(text: ' pushed to '), _buildRepo(context)], card: _buildCommitsCard(context), ); case 'ReleaseEvent': return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [ TextSpan(text: ' released '), _buildLinkSpan( context, e.payload.release.tagName, e.payload.release.htmlUrl), TextSpan(text: ' at '), _buildRepo(context) ], ); // case 'RepositoryImportEvent': // // Uses Source Imports API case 'RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertEvent': return _buildItem(context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' Security alert involving the package ${e.payload.alert.affectedPackageName} between versions ${e.payload.alert.affectedRange} was {e.payload.action}ed', ) ]); case 'SecurityAdvisoryEvent': return _buildItem(context: context, spans: [ TextSpan( text: ' Security advisory regarding ${e.payload.securityAdvisory.summary} was ${e.payload.action} ', ) ]); case 'WatchEvent': return _buildItem( context: context, spans: [TextSpan(text: ' starred '), _buildRepo(context)], ); default: return _buildDefaultItem(context); } } }