import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/widgets/app_bar_title.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import '../scaffolds/refresh_stateless.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/models/notification.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/models/theme.dart'; import 'package:git_touch/models/settings.dart'; import '../widgets/notification_item.dart'; import '../widgets/list_group.dart'; import '../widgets/link.dart'; import '../widgets/empty.dart'; import '../utils/utils.dart'; class NotificationScreen extends StatefulWidget { @override NotificationScreenState createState() => NotificationScreenState(); } class NotificationScreenState extends State { String error = ''; int active = 0; bool loading = false; Map groupMap = {}; @override void initState() { super.initState(); nextTick(_onSwitchTab); } Future> fetchNotifications(int index) async { List items = await Provider.of(context).getWithCredentials( '/notifications?all=${index == 2}&participating=${index == 1}'); var ns = => NotificationPayload.fromJson(item)).toList(); if (index == 0) { Provider.of(context).setCount(ns.length); } Map _groupMap = {}; ns.forEach((item) { String repo = item.owner + '/' +; if (_groupMap[repo] == null) { _groupMap[repo] = NotificationGroup(item.owner,; } _groupMap[repo].items.add(item); }); if (_groupMap.isNotEmpty) { // query state of issues and pull requests var schema = '{'; _groupMap.forEach((repo, group) { // Check if issue and pull request exist if (group.items.where((item) { return item.type == 'Issue' || item.type == 'PullRequest'; }).isEmpty) { return; } schema += '${group.key}: repository(owner: "${group.owner}", name: "${}") {'; group.items.forEach((item) { var key = item.key; switch (item.type) { case 'Issue': schema += ''' $key: issue(number: ${item.number}) { state } '''; break; case 'PullRequest': schema += ''' $key: pullRequest(number: ${item.number}) { state } '''; break; } }); schema += '}'; }); schema += '}'; // print(schema); var data = await Provider.of(context).query(schema); _groupMap.forEach((repo, group) { group.items.forEach((item) { var groupData = data[group.key]; if (groupData == null) return; var itemData = data[group.key][item.key]; if (itemData != null) { item.state = itemData['state']; } }); }); // print(data); } return _groupMap; } Widget _buildGroupItem( BuildContext context, MapEntry entry, ) { var group = entry.value; var repo = group.repo; return ListGroup( title: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ Text( repo, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w600), ), Link( material: false, onTap: () async { await Provider.of(context) .putWithCredentials('/repos/$repo/notifications'); await _onSwitchTab(); }, child: Icon( Octicons.check, color: Colors.black45, size: 24, ), ), ], ), items: group.items, itemBuilder: (item, index) { return NotificationItem( payload: item, markAsRead: () { if (mounted) { setState(() { groupMap[entry.key].items[index].unread = false; }); } }, ); }, ); } Future _onSwitchTab([int index]) async { if (loading) return; setState(() { error = ''; if (index != null) { active = index; } loading = true; }); try { groupMap = await fetchNotifications(active); } catch (err) { error = err.toString(); throw err; } finally { if (mounted) { setState(() { loading = false; }); } } } var textMap = { 0: 'Unread', 1: 'Paticipating', 2: 'All', }; Widget _buildTitle() { switch (Provider.of(context).theme) { case AppThemeType.cupertino: // var textStyle = DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style; return DefaultTextStyle( style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16), child: SizedBox.expand( child: CupertinoSegmentedControl( groupValue: active, onValueChanged: _onSwitchTab, children:, text) => MapEntry(key, Text(text))), ), ), ); default: return AppBarTitle('Notifications'); } } void _confirm() async { var value = await Provider.of(context) .showConfirm(context, 'Mark all as read?'); if (value) { await Provider.of(context) .putWithCredentials('/notifications'); await _onSwitchTab(); } } @override Widget build(context) { return RefreshStatelessScaffold( title: _buildTitle(), bottom: TabBar( onTap: _onSwitchTab, tabs: textMap.entries .map((entry) => Tab(text: entry.value.toUpperCase())) .toList(), ), // trailing: GestureDetector( // child: Icon(Icons.more_vert, size: 20), // onTap: () async { // int value = await showCupertinoDialog( // context: context, // builder: (context) { // return CupertinoAlertDialog( // title: Text('Select filter'), // actions: { // return CupertinoDialogAction( // child: Text(entry.value), // onPressed: () { // Navigator.pop(context, entry.key); // }, // ); // }).toList(), // ); // }, // ); // _onSwitchTab(value); // }, // ), actions: [ IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.done_all), onPressed: _confirm, ) ], onRefresh: _onSwitchTab, loading: loading, error: error, bodyBuilder: () { return groupMap.isEmpty ? EmptyWidget() : Column(children: [ Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10)), ...groupMap.entries .map((entry) => _buildGroupItem(context, entry)) .toList() ]); }, ); } }