stages: - test - build - sign - publish test: image: nextcloudci/android:android-49 stage: test script: - ./gradlew test build: image: nextcloudci/android:android-49 stage: build only: - master script: - ./gradlew build artifacts: paths: - app/build/outputs/ expire_in: 15 minutes sign: image: nextcloudci/android:android-49 stage: sign only: - master variables: OUTPUT: "signed.apk" GITEA: "" KS_FILE: "ci_keystore.jks" script: - ./scripts/ artifacts: paths: - signed.apk expire_in: 15 minutes latest: image: tutum/curl stage: publish only: - master variables: WEBDAV_USERNAME: "GitNexBot" PLUGIN_FILE: "signed.apk" PLUGIN_DESTINATION: "" script: - curl -T "$PLUGIN_FILE" -u "$WEBDAV_USERNAME":"$WEBDAV_PASSWORD" "$PLUGIN_DESTINATION" release: image: tutum/curl stage: publish only: - tags variables: WEBDAV_USERNAME: "GitNexBot" PLUGIN_FILE: "signed.apk" script: - "[[ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == *'-rc'* ]] && echo 'Upload blocked. Build seems to be a release candidate.' && exit 0" - curl -T "$PLUGIN_FILE" -u "$WEBDAV_USERNAME":"$WEBDAV_PASSWORD" ''"$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"'.apk'