pipeline: build: image: alvrme/alpine-android:android-31-jdk11 commands: - ./gradlew assembleFreeRelease when: path: [ app/**, build.gradle ] sign: image: alvrme/alpine-android:android-31-jdk11 environment: OUTPUT: "signed.apk" INSTANCE: "https://codeberg.org" KS_FILE: "gitnex_ci_keystore.jks" commands: - ./scripts/sign-build.sh secrets: [ BOT_TOKEN, KS_PASS, KEY_PASS, KS_REPO ] when: event: [ push, tag ] branch: main path: [ app/**, build.gradle ] upload: image: curlimages/curl:7.82.0 group: upload environment: WEBDAV_USERNAME: "GitNexBot" PLUGIN_FILE: "signed.apk" PLUGIN_DESTINATION: "https://cloud.swatian.com/remote.php/dav/files/GitNexBot/gitnex/builds/latest.apk" commands: - curl -T "$PLUGIN_FILE" -u "$WEBDAV_USERNAME":"$WEBDAV_PASSWORD" "$PLUGIN_DESTINATION" secrets: [ WEBDAV_PASSWORD ] when: event: [ push, tag ] branch: main path: [ app/**, build.gradle ] upload-release: image: curlimages/curl:7.82.0 group: upload environment: WEBDAV_USERNAME: "GitNexBot" PLUGIN_FILE: "signed.apk" commands: - "[[ $CI_COMMIT_TAG == *'-rc'* ]] && echo 'Upload blocked. Build seems to be a release candidate.' && exit 0" - curl -T "$PLUGIN_FILE" -u "$WEBDAV_USERNAME":"$WEBDAV_PASSWORD" 'https://cloud.swatian.com/remote.php/dav/files/GitNexBot/gitnex/releases/'"$CI_COMMIT_TAG"'.apk' secrets: [ WEBDAV_PASSWORD ] when: event: [ tag ]