## # What do you want to address? (This step is required; examples are shown below) - [ ] Bug - [ ] Feature - [ ] Suggestion ## # Describe your matter briefly (This step is required) ##### What did you expect? (Useful when addressing bugs) --- _(This step is optional)_ ##### Some additional details (Useful, when we are trying to reproduce a bug) --- _(This step is optional; an example is shown below)_ * The version of **Gitea** you are using: * The version of **GitNex** you are using: * Phone **OS** version and model: * The type of certificate you are using (self-signed, signed): * How you used to log in (via password or token): ##### We would appreciate some screenshots or stacktrace's, but this is also not required. --- _(Screenshots and stacktrace's can go here)_ #### Thank you for your time.