2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
2019-10-11 13:15:05 +00:00
2019-10-04 16:08:40 +02:00
2020-03-31 00:12:50 +02:00
2019-06-02 07:11:17 +00:00
2019-09-22 17:48:41 +02:00
[<img alt="Become a Patroen" src="https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/become_a_patron_button@2x.png" height="40"/> ](https://www.patreon.com/mmarif )
[<img alt="Donate using Liberapay" src="https://liberapay.com/assets/widgets/donate.svg" height="40"/> ](https://liberapay.com/mmarif/donate )
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
# GitNex - Android client for Gitea
GitNex is a free, open-source Android client for Git repository management tool Gitea. Gitea is a community managed fork of Gogs, lightweight code hosting solution written in Go.
GitNex is licensed under GPLv3 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.
No trackers are used and source code is available here for anyone to audit.
## Downloads
2019-09-22 16:49:07 +02:00
[<img alt='Get it on F-droid' src='https://gitlab.com/fdroid/artwork/raw/master/badge/get-it-on.png' height="80"/> ](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.mian.gitnex/ )
[<img alt='Get it on Google Play' src='https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en_badge_web_generic.png' height="80"/> ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mian.gitnex )
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
[<img alt='Download APK' src='https://gitnex.com/img/download-apk.png' height="80"/> ](https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/releases )
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
## Note about Gitea version
2020-03-15 15:09:26 +00:00
Please make sure that you are on latest stable release or later for better app experience.
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
Check the versions [compatibility page ](https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/wiki/Compatibility ) which lists all the supported versions with compatibility ratio.
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
## Build from source
Option 1 - Download the source code, open it in Android Studio and build it there.
Option 2 - Open terminal(Linux) and cd to the project dir. Run `./gradlew build` .
## Features
2019-11-27 22:55:09 +05:00
- File and directory browser
- Create files
- Explore repositories
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
- Issues list
2019-11-27 22:55:09 +05:00
- Pull requests
- Merge pull request
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
- [MANY MORE ](https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/wiki/Features )
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
## Contributing
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
[CONTRIBUTING ](https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/src/branch/master/CONTRIBUTING.md )
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
2019-10-07 13:08:28 +02:00
## Translation
Help us translate GitNex to your native language.
We use [Crowdin ](https://crowdin.com/project/gitnex ) for translation.
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
If your language is not listed, please request [here ](https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/issues ) to add it to the project.
2019-10-07 13:08:28 +02:00
**Link: https://crowdin.com/project/GitNex**
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
## Screenshots:
2019-10-07 13:09:33 +02:00
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
< img src = "https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/raw/branch/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/001.png" alt = "001.png" width = "200" / > | < img src = "https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/raw/branch/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/002.png" alt = "002.png" width = "200" / > | < img src = "https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/raw/branch/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/003.png" alt = "003.png" width = "200" / > | < img src = "https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/raw/branch/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/004.png" alt = "004.png" width = "200" / >
2019-10-07 13:09:33 +02:00
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
< img src = "https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/raw/branch/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/005.png" alt = "005.png" width = "200" / > | < img src = "https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/raw/branch/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/006.png" alt = "006.png" width = "200" / > | < img src = "https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/raw/branch/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/007.png" alt = "007.png" width = "200" / > | < img src = "https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/raw/branch/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/008.png" alt = "008.png" width = "200" / >
2019-10-07 13:09:33 +02:00
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
## FAQ
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
[Faq ](https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/wiki/FAQ )
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
## Links
[Website ](https://gitnex.com )
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
[Wiki ](https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/wiki/Home )
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
[Website Repository ](https://gitlab.com/mmarif4u/gitnex-website )
2019-10-09 16:09:07 +02:00
[Troubleshoot Guide ](https://gitea.com/gitnex/GitNex/wiki/Troubleshoot-Guide )
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
## Thanks
Thanks to all the open source libraries, contributors and donators.
Open source libraries
- Retrofit
- Gson
- Okhttp
- ViHtarb/tooltip
- Picasso
- Markwon
- Prettytime
- Amulyakhare/textdrawable
- Vdurmont/emoji-java
- Abumoallim/android-multi-select-dialog
- Pes/materialcolorpicker
- Hendraanggrian/socialview
2019-11-27 22:55:09 +05:00
- HamidrezaAmz/BreadcrumbsView
- Chrisbanes/PhotoView
- Pddstudio/highlightjs-android
- Apache/commons-io
- Caverock/androidsvg
- Droidsonroids.gif/android-gif-drawable
2020-01-30 18:00:31 +00:00
- Barteksc/AndroidPdfViewer
2020-03-29 16:18:16 +05:00
- Mikepenz/fastadapter
2019-06-04 02:25:05 +05:00
[Follow me on Fediverse - mastodon.social/@mmarif ](https://mastodon.social/@mmarif )