
356 lines
13 KiB

* StorageFile.kt
* Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Ultrasonic developers
* Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
package org.moire.ultrasonic.util
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor
import android.net.Uri
import android.provider.DocumentsContract
import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import org.moire.ultrasonic.app.UApp
import timber.log.Timber
class StorageFile(
override val parent: StorageFile?,
var uri: Uri,
override val name: String,
override val isDirectory: Boolean
) : AbstractFile() {
override val isFile: Boolean = !isDirectory
override val length: Long
get() {
try {
val resolver = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver
val column = arrayOf(DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_SIZE)
resolver.query(uri, column, null, null, null)?.use { cursor ->
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return cursor.getLong(0)
} catch (_: IllegalArgumentException) {
Timber.d("Tried to get length of $uri but it probably doesn't exists")
return 0
override val lastModified: Long
get() {
try {
val resolver = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver
val column = arrayOf(DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFIED)
resolver.query(uri, column, null, null, null)?.use { cursor ->
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return cursor.getLong(0)
} catch (_: IllegalArgumentException) {
Timber.d("Tried to get length of $uri but it probably doesn't exists")
return 0
override val path: String
get() {
// We can't assume that the file's Uri is related to its path,
// so we generate our own path by concatenating the names on the path.
if (parent != null) return parent.path + "/" + name
return uri.toString()
override fun delete(): Boolean {
val deleted = DocumentsContract.deleteDocument(
if (!deleted) return false
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(path, path)
return true
override fun listFiles(): Array<AbstractFile> {
return getChildren().toTypedArray()
override fun getFileOutputStream(append: Boolean): OutputStream {
val mode = if (append) "wa" else "w"
val descriptor = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(
return descriptor?.createOutputStream()
?: throw IOException("Couldn't retrieve OutputStream")
override fun getFileInputStream(): InputStream {
return UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)
?: throw IOException("Couldn't retrieve InputStream")
override fun getDocumentFileDescriptor(openMode: String): AssetFileDescriptor? {
return UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(
override fun getOrCreateFileFromPath(path: String): AbstractFile {
if (storageFilePathDictionary.containsKey(path))
return storageFilePathDictionary[path]!!
val parent = getStorageFileForParentDirectory(path)
?: throw IOException("Parent directory doesn't exist")
val name = FileUtil.getNameFromPath(path)
val file = getFromParentAndName(parent, name)
storageFilePathDictionary[path] = file
return file
override fun isPathExists(path: String): Boolean {
return getFromPath(path) != null
override fun getFromPath(path: String): StorageFile? {
if (storageFilePathDictionary.containsKey(path))
return storageFilePathDictionary[path]!!
if (notExistingPathDictionary.contains(path)) return null
val parent = getStorageFileForParentDirectory(path)
if (parent == null) {
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(path, path)
return null
val fileName = FileUtil.getNameFromPath(path)
var file: StorageFile? = null
parent.listFiles().forEach {
if (it.name == fileName) file = it as StorageFile
storageFilePathDictionary[it.path] = it as StorageFile
if (file == null) {
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(path, path)
return null
return file
override fun createDirsOnPath(path: String) {
val segments = getUriSegments(path)
?: throw IOException("Can't get path because the root has changed")
var file = Storage.mediaRoot.value as StorageFile
segments.forEach { segment ->
val foundFile = file.listFiles().singleOrNull { it.name == segment }
if (foundFile != null) {
file = foundFile as StorageFile
} else {
val createdUri = DocumentsContract.createDocument(
) ?: throw IOException("Can't create directory")
file = StorageFile(file, createdUri, segment, true)
override fun rename(pathFrom: AbstractFile, pathTo: String) {
val fileFrom = pathFrom as StorageFile
if (!fileFrom.exists()) throw IOException("File to rename doesn't exist")
Timber.d("Renaming from %s to %s", fileFrom.path, pathTo)
val parentTo = getFromPath(FileUtil.getParentPath(pathTo)!!)
?: throw IOException("Destination folder doesn't exist")
val fileTo = getFromParentAndName(parentTo, FileUtil.getNameFromPath(pathTo))
copyFileContents(fileFrom, fileTo)
private fun exists(): Boolean {
val resolver = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver
val column = arrayOf(DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME)
resolver.query(uri, column, null, null, null)?.use { cursor ->
if (cursor.count != 0) return true
return false
private fun getChildren(): List<StorageFile> {
val resolver = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver
val childrenUri = DocumentsContract.buildChildDocumentsUriUsingTree(
return resolver.query(childrenUri, columns, null, null, null)?.use { cursor ->
val result = mutableListOf<StorageFile>()
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
val documentId = cursor.getString(0)
val displayName = cursor.getString(1)
val mimeType = cursor.getString(2)
val documentUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(uri, documentId)
val storageFile = StorageFile(
(mimeType == DocumentsContract.Document.MIME_TYPE_DIR)
result += storageFile
return@use result
} ?: emptyList()
companion object {
// These caches are necessary because SAF is very slow.
// Ultrasonic assumes that the files won't change while it is in the foreground.
// TODO to really handle concurrency we'd need API24.
// If this isn't good enough we can add locking.
val storageFilePathDictionary = ConcurrentHashMap<String, StorageFile>()
val notExistingPathDictionary = ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>()
val mimeTypeMap: MimeTypeMap = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton()
private val columns = arrayOf(
private fun copyFileContents(sourceFile: AbstractFile, destinationFile: AbstractFile) {
sourceFile.getFileInputStream().use { inputStream ->
destinationFile.getFileOutputStream(false).use { outputStream ->
private fun getFromParentAndName(parent: StorageFile, name: String): StorageFile {
val foundFile = parent.listFiles().firstOrNull { it.name == name }
if (foundFile != null) return foundFile as StorageFile
val createdUri = DocumentsContract.createDocument(
) ?: throw IOException("Can't create file")
return StorageFile(parent, createdUri, name, false)
private fun getStorageFileForParentDirectory(path: String): StorageFile? {
val parentPath = FileUtil.getParentPath(path)!!
if (storageFilePathDictionary.containsKey(parentPath))
return storageFilePathDictionary[parentPath]!!
if (notExistingPathDictionary.contains(parentPath)) return null
val parent = findStorageFileForParentDirectory(parentPath)
if (parent == null) {
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(parentPath, parentPath)
} else {
storageFilePathDictionary[parentPath] = parent
return parent
private fun findStorageFileForParentDirectory(path: String): StorageFile? {
val segments = getUriSegments(path)
?: throw IOException("Can't get path because the root has changed")
var file = Storage.mediaRoot.value as StorageFile
segments.forEach { segment ->
val currentPath = file.path + "/" + segment
if (notExistingPathDictionary.contains(currentPath)) return null
if (storageFilePathDictionary.containsKey(currentPath)) {
file = storageFilePathDictionary[currentPath]!!
} else {
var foundFile: StorageFile? = null
file.listFiles().forEach {
if (it.name == segment) foundFile = it as StorageFile
storageFilePathDictionary[it.path] = it as StorageFile
if (foundFile == null) {
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(path, path)
return null
file = foundFile!!
return file
private fun getUriSegments(uri: String): List<String>? {
val rootPath = Storage.mediaRoot.value.path
if (!uri.startsWith(rootPath)) return null
val pathWithoutRoot = uri.substringAfter(rootPath)
return pathWithoutRoot.split('/').filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
fun String.extension(): String {
val index = this.indexOfLast { ch -> ch == '.' }
if (index == -1) return ""
if (index == this.lastIndex) return ""
return this.substring(index + 1)
fun String.withoutExtension(): String {
val index = this.indexOfLast { ch -> ch == '.' }
if (index == -1) return this
return this.substring(0, index)
fun InputStream.copyInto(outputStream: OutputStream) {
var read: Int
val buffer = ByteArray(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
while (true) {
read = this.read(buffer)
if (read == -1) {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, read)