
479 lines
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* FileUtil.kt
* Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Ultrasonic developers
* Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
package org.moire.ultrasonic.util
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Environment
import android.text.TextUtils
import java.io.BufferedWriter
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileInputStream
import java.io.FileOutputStream
import java.io.FileWriter
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.ObjectInputStream
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream
import java.io.Serializable
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.SortedSet
import java.util.TreeSet
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import org.koin.java.KoinJavaComponent
import org.moire.ultrasonic.app.UApp
import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory
import timber.log.Timber
object FileUtil {
private val FILE_SYSTEM_UNSAFE = arrayOf("/", "\\", "..", ":", "\"", "?", "*", "<", ">", "|")
private val FILE_SYSTEM_UNSAFE_DIR = arrayOf("\\", "..", ":", "\"", "?", "*", "<", ">", "|")
listOf("mp3", "ogg", "aac", "flac", "m4a", "wav", "wma", "opus")
listOf("flv", "mp4", "m4v", "wmv", "avi", "mov", "mpg", "mkv")
private val PLAYLIST_FILE_EXTENSIONS = listOf("m3u")
private val TITLE_WITH_TRACK = Pattern.compile("^\\d\\d-.*")
const val SUFFIX_LARGE = ".jpeg"
const val SUFFIX_SMALL = ".jpeg-small"
private const val UNNAMED = "unnamed"
private val permissionUtil = KoinJavaComponent.inject<PermissionUtil>(
fun getSongFile(song: MusicDirectory.Entry): File {
val dir = getAlbumDirectory(song)
// Do not generate new name for offline files. Offline files will have their Path as their Id.
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(song.id)) {
if (song.id.startsWith(dir.absolutePath)) return File(song.id)
// Generate a file name for the song
val fileName = StringBuilder(256)
val track = song.track
// check if filename already had track number
if (song.title != null && !TITLE_WITH_TRACK.matcher(song.title!!).matches()) {
if (track != null) {
if (track < 10) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(song.transcodedSuffix)) {
} else {
return File(dir, fileName.toString())
fun getPlaylistFile(server: String?, name: String?): File {
val playlistDir = getPlaylistDirectory(server)
return File(playlistDir, String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s.m3u", fileSystemSafe(name)))
val playlistDirectory: File
get() {
val playlistDir = File(ultrasonicDirectory, "playlists")
return playlistDir
fun getPlaylistDirectory(server: String? = null): File {
val playlistDir: File
if (server != null) {
playlistDir = File(playlistDirectory, server)
} else {
playlistDir = playlistDirectory
return playlistDir
* Get the album art file for a given album entry
* @param entry The album entry
* @return File object. Not guaranteed that it exists
fun getAlbumArtFile(entry: MusicDirectory.Entry): File {
val albumDir = getAlbumDirectory(entry)
return getAlbumArtFile(albumDir)
* Get the cache key for a given album entry
* @param entry The album entry
* @param large Whether to get the key for the large or the default image
* @return String The hash key
fun getAlbumArtKey(entry: MusicDirectory.Child?, large: Boolean): String? {
if (entry == null) return null
val albumDir = getAlbumDirectory(entry)
return getAlbumArtKey(albumDir, large)
* Get the cache key for a given artist
* @param name The artist name
* @param large Whether to get the key for the large or the default image
* @return String The hash key
fun getArtistArtKey(name: String?, large: Boolean): String {
val artist = fileSystemSafe(name)
val dir = File(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s/%s/%s", musicDirectory.path, artist, UNNAMED))
return getAlbumArtKey(dir, large)
* Get the cache key for a given album entry
* @param albumDir The album directory
* @param large Whether to get the key for the large or the default image
* @return String The hash key
private fun getAlbumArtKey(albumDir: File, large: Boolean): String {
val suffix = if (large) SUFFIX_LARGE else SUFFIX_SMALL
return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s%s", Util.md5Hex(albumDir.path), suffix)
fun getAvatarFile(username: String?): File? {
if (username == null) {
return null
val albumArtDir = albumArtDirectory
val md5Hex = Util.md5Hex(username)
return File(albumArtDir, String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s%s", md5Hex, SUFFIX_LARGE))
* Get the album art file for a given album directory
* @param albumDir The album directory
* @return File object. Not guaranteed that it exists
fun getAlbumArtFile(albumDir: File): File {
val albumArtDir = albumArtDirectory
val key = getAlbumArtKey(albumDir, true)
return File(albumArtDir, key)
* Get the album art file for a given cache key
* @param cacheKey The key (== the filename)
* @return File object. Not guaranteed that it exists
fun getAlbumArtFile(cacheKey: String?): File? {
val albumArtDir = albumArtDirectory
return if (cacheKey == null) {
} else File(albumArtDir, cacheKey)
val albumArtDirectory: File
get() {
val albumArtDir = File(ultrasonicDirectory, "artwork")
ensureDirectoryExistsAndIsReadWritable(File(albumArtDir, ".nomedia"))
return albumArtDir
fun getAlbumDirectory(entry: MusicDirectory.Child): File {
val dir: File
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(entry.path)) {
val f = File(fileSystemSafeDir(entry.path))
dir = File(
if (entry.isDirectory) f.path else f.parent ?: ""
} else {
val artist = fileSystemSafe(entry.artist)
var album = fileSystemSafe(entry.album)
if (UNNAMED == album) {
album = fileSystemSafe(entry.title)
dir = File(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s/%s/%s", musicDirectory.path, artist, album))
return dir
fun createDirectoryForParent(file: File) {
val dir = file.parentFile
if (dir != null && !dir.exists()) {
if (!dir.mkdirs()) {
Timber.e("Failed to create directory %s", dir)
private fun getOrCreateDirectory(name: String): File {
val dir = File(ultrasonicDirectory, name)
if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) {
Timber.e("Failed to create %s", name)
return dir
// After Android M, the location of the files must be queried differently.
// GetExternalFilesDir will always return a directory which Ultrasonic
// can access without any extra privileges.
val ultrasonicDirectory: File
get() {
return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) File(
) else UApp.applicationContext().getExternalFilesDir(null)!!
// After Android M, the location of the files must be queried differently.
// GetExternalFilesDir will always return a directory which Ultrasonic
// can access without any extra privileges.
val defaultMusicDirectory: File
get() = getOrCreateDirectory("music")
val musicDirectory: File
get() {
val path = Settings.cacheLocation
val dir = File(path)
val hasAccess = ensureDirectoryExistsAndIsReadWritable(dir)
if (!hasAccess) permissionUtil.value.handlePermissionFailed(null)
return if (hasAccess) dir else defaultMusicDirectory
fun ensureDirectoryExistsAndIsReadWritable(dir: File?): Boolean {
if (dir == null) {
return false
if (dir.exists()) {
if (!dir.isDirectory) {
Timber.w("%s exists but is not a directory.", dir)
return false
} else {
if (dir.mkdirs()) {
Timber.i("Created directory %s", dir)
} else {
Timber.w("Failed to create directory %s", dir)
return false
if (!dir.canRead()) {
Timber.w("No read permission for directory %s", dir)
return false
if (!dir.canWrite()) {
Timber.w("No write permission for directory %s", dir)
return false
return true
* Makes a given filename safe by replacing special characters like slashes ("/" and "\")
* with dashes ("-").
* @param name The filename in question.
* @return The filename with special characters replaced by hyphens.
private fun fileSystemSafe(name: String?): String {
if (name == null || name.trim { it <= ' ' }.isEmpty()) {
return UNNAMED
var filename: String = name
filename = filename.replace(s, "-")
return filename
* Makes a given filename safe by replacing special characters like colons (":")
* with dashes ("-").
* @param path The path of the directory in question.
* @return The the directory name with special characters replaced by hyphens.
private fun fileSystemSafeDir(path: String?): String {
var filepath = path
if (filepath == null || filepath.trim { it <= ' ' }.isEmpty()) {
return ""
filepath = filepath!!.replace(s, "-")
return filepath!!
* Similar to [File.listFiles], but returns a sorted set.
* Never returns `null`, instead a warning is logged, and an empty set is returned.
fun listFiles(dir: File): SortedSet<File> {
val files = dir.listFiles()
if (files == null) {
Timber.w("Failed to list children for %s", dir.path)
return TreeSet()
return TreeSet(files.asList())
fun listMediaFiles(dir: File): SortedSet<File> {
val files = listFiles(dir)
val iterator = files.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val file = iterator.next()
if (!file.isDirectory && !isMediaFile(file)) {
return files
private fun isMediaFile(file: File): Boolean {
val extension = getExtension(file.name)
return MUSIC_FILE_EXTENSIONS.contains(extension) ||
fun isPlaylistFile(file: File): Boolean {
val extension = getExtension(file.name)
return PLAYLIST_FILE_EXTENSIONS.contains(extension)
* Returns the extension (the substring after the last dot) of the given file. The dot
* is not included in the returned extension.
* @param name The filename in question.
* @return The extension, or an empty string if no extension is found.
fun getExtension(name: String): String {
val index = name.lastIndexOf('.')
return if (index == -1) "" else name.substring(index + 1).lowercase(Locale.ROOT)
* Returns the base name (the substring before the last dot) of the given file. The dot
* is not included in the returned basename.
* @param name The filename in question.
* @return The base name, or an empty string if no basename is found.
fun getBaseName(name: String): String {
val index = name.lastIndexOf('.')
return if (index == -1) name else name.substring(0, index)
* Returns the file name of a .partial file of the given file.
* @param name The filename in question.
* @return The .partial file name
fun getPartialFile(name: String): String {
return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s.partial.%s", getBaseName(name), getExtension(name))
* Returns the file name of a .complete file of the given file.
* @param name The filename in question.
* @return The .complete file name
fun getCompleteFile(name: String): String {
return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s.complete.%s", getBaseName(name), getExtension(name))
fun <T : Serializable?> serialize(context: Context, obj: T, fileName: String): Boolean {
val file = File(context.cacheDir, fileName)
var out: ObjectOutputStream? = null
return try {
out = ObjectOutputStream(FileOutputStream(file))
Timber.i("Serialized object to %s", file)
} catch (ignored: Exception) {
Timber.w("Failed to serialize object to %s", file)
} finally {
fun <T : Serializable?> deserialize(context: Context, fileName: String): T? {
val file = File(context.cacheDir, fileName)
if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile) {
return null
var inStream: ObjectInputStream? = null
return try {
inStream = ObjectInputStream(FileInputStream(file))
val readObject = inStream.readObject()
val result = readObject as T
Timber.i("Deserialized object from %s", file)
} catch (all: Throwable) {
Timber.w(all, "Failed to deserialize object from %s", file)
} finally {
fun savePlaylist(
playlistFile: File?,
playlist: MusicDirectory,
name: String
) {
val fw = FileWriter(playlistFile)
val bw = BufferedWriter(fw)
try {
for (e in playlist.getTracks()) {
var filePath = getSongFile(e).absolutePath
if (!File(filePath).exists()) {
val ext = getExtension(filePath)
val base = getBaseName(filePath)
filePath = "$base.complete.$ext"
fw.write(filePath + "\n")
} catch (e: IOException) {
Timber.w("Failed to save playlist: %s", name)
throw e
} finally {