
360 lines
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* StorageFile.kt
* Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Ultrasonic developers
* Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
package org.moire.ultrasonic.util
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor
import android.net.Uri
import android.provider.DocumentsContract
import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import org.moire.ultrasonic.app.UApp
import timber.log.Timber
* The DocumentsContract based implementation of AbstractFile
* This class is used when a user selected directory is set as media storage
class StorageFile(
override val parent: StorageFile?,
var uri: Uri,
override val name: String,
override val isDirectory: Boolean
) : AbstractFile() {
override val isFile: Boolean = !isDirectory
override val length: Long
get() {
try {
val resolver = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver
val column = arrayOf(DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_SIZE)
resolver.query(uri, column, null, null, null)?.use { cursor ->
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return cursor.getLong(0)
} catch (_: IllegalArgumentException) {
Timber.d("Tried to get length of $uri but it probably doesn't exists")
return 0
override val lastModified: Long
get() {
try {
val resolver = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver
val column = arrayOf(DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFIED)
resolver.query(uri, column, null, null, null)?.use { cursor ->
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return cursor.getLong(0)
} catch (_: IllegalArgumentException) {
Timber.d("Tried to get length of $uri but it probably doesn't exists")
return 0
override val path: String
get() {
// We can't assume that the file's Uri is related to its path,
// so we generate our own path by concatenating the names on the path.
if (parent != null) return parent.path + "/" + name
return uri.toString()
override fun delete(): Boolean {
val deleted = DocumentsContract.deleteDocument(
if (!deleted) return false
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(path, path)
return true
override fun listFiles(): Array<AbstractFile> {
return getChildren().toTypedArray()
override fun getFileOutputStream(append: Boolean): OutputStream {
val mode = if (append) "wa" else "w"
val descriptor = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(
return descriptor?.createOutputStream()
?: throw IOException("Couldn't retrieve OutputStream")
override fun getFileInputStream(): InputStream {
return UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)
?: throw IOException("Couldn't retrieve InputStream")
override fun getDocumentFileDescriptor(openMode: String): AssetFileDescriptor? {
return UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(
override fun getOrCreateFileFromPath(path: String): AbstractFile {
if (storageFilePathDictionary.containsKey(path))
return storageFilePathDictionary[path]!!
val parent = getStorageFileForParentDirectory(path)
?: throw IOException("Parent directory doesn't exist")
val name = FileUtil.getNameFromPath(path)
val file = getFromParentAndName(parent, name)
storageFilePathDictionary[path] = file
return file
override fun isPathExists(path: String): Boolean {
return getFromPath(path) != null
override fun getFromPath(path: String): StorageFile? {
if (storageFilePathDictionary.containsKey(path))
return storageFilePathDictionary[path]!!
if (notExistingPathDictionary.contains(path)) return null
val parent = getStorageFileForParentDirectory(path)
if (parent == null) {
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(path, path)
return null
val fileName = FileUtil.getNameFromPath(path)
var file: StorageFile? = null
parent.listFiles().forEach {
if (it.name == fileName) file = it as StorageFile
storageFilePathDictionary[it.path] = it as StorageFile
if (file == null) {
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(path, path)
return null
return file
override fun createDirsOnPath(path: String) {
val segments = getUriSegments(path)
?: throw IOException("Can't get path because the root has changed")
var file = Storage.mediaRoot.value as StorageFile
segments.forEach { segment ->
val foundFile = file.listFiles().singleOrNull { it.name == segment }
if (foundFile != null) {
file = foundFile as StorageFile
} else {
val createdUri = DocumentsContract.createDocument(
) ?: throw IOException("Can't create directory")
file = StorageFile(file, createdUri, segment, true)
override fun rename(pathFrom: AbstractFile, pathTo: String) {
val fileFrom = pathFrom as StorageFile
if (!fileFrom.exists()) throw IOException("File to rename doesn't exist")
Timber.d("Renaming from %s to %s", fileFrom.path, pathTo)
val parentTo = getFromPath(FileUtil.getParentPath(pathTo)!!)
?: throw IOException("Destination folder doesn't exist")
val fileTo = getFromParentAndName(parentTo, FileUtil.getNameFromPath(pathTo))
copyFileContents(fileFrom, fileTo)
private fun exists(): Boolean {
val resolver = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver
val column = arrayOf(DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME)
resolver.query(uri, column, null, null, null)?.use { cursor ->
if (cursor.count != 0) return true
return false
private fun getChildren(): List<StorageFile> {
val resolver = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver
val childrenUri = DocumentsContract.buildChildDocumentsUriUsingTree(
return resolver.query(childrenUri, columns, null, null, null)?.use { cursor ->
val result = mutableListOf<StorageFile>()
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
val documentId = cursor.getString(0)
val displayName = cursor.getString(1)
val mimeType = cursor.getString(2)
val documentUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(uri, documentId)
val storageFile = StorageFile(
(mimeType == DocumentsContract.Document.MIME_TYPE_DIR)
result += storageFile
return@use result
} ?: emptyList()
companion object {
// These caches are necessary because SAF is very slow.
// Ultrasonic assumes that the files won't change while it is in the foreground.
// TODO to really handle concurrency we'd need API24.
// If this isn't good enough we can add locking.
val storageFilePathDictionary = ConcurrentHashMap<String, StorageFile>()
val notExistingPathDictionary = ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>()
val mimeTypeMap: MimeTypeMap = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton()
private val columns = arrayOf(
private fun copyFileContents(sourceFile: AbstractFile, destinationFile: AbstractFile) {
sourceFile.getFileInputStream().use { inputStream ->
destinationFile.getFileOutputStream(false).use { outputStream ->
private fun getFromParentAndName(parent: StorageFile, name: String): StorageFile {
val foundFile = parent.listFiles().firstOrNull { it.name == name }
if (foundFile != null) return foundFile as StorageFile
val createdUri = DocumentsContract.createDocument(
) ?: throw IOException("Can't create file")
return StorageFile(parent, createdUri, name, false)
private fun getStorageFileForParentDirectory(path: String): StorageFile? {
val parentPath = FileUtil.getParentPath(path)!!
if (storageFilePathDictionary.containsKey(parentPath))
return storageFilePathDictionary[parentPath]!!
if (notExistingPathDictionary.contains(parentPath)) return null
val parent = findStorageFileForParentDirectory(parentPath)
if (parent == null) {
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(parentPath, parentPath)
} else {
storageFilePathDictionary[parentPath] = parent
return parent
private fun findStorageFileForParentDirectory(path: String): StorageFile? {
val segments = getUriSegments(path)
?: throw IOException("Can't get path because the root has changed")
var file = Storage.mediaRoot.value as StorageFile
segments.forEach { segment ->
val currentPath = file.path + "/" + segment
if (notExistingPathDictionary.contains(currentPath)) return null
if (storageFilePathDictionary.containsKey(currentPath)) {
file = storageFilePathDictionary[currentPath]!!
} else {
var foundFile: StorageFile? = null
file.listFiles().forEach {
if (it.name == segment) foundFile = it as StorageFile
storageFilePathDictionary[it.path] = it as StorageFile
if (foundFile == null) {
notExistingPathDictionary.putIfAbsent(path, path)
return null
file = foundFile!!
return file
private fun getUriSegments(uri: String): List<String>? {
val rootPath = Storage.mediaRoot.value.path
if (!uri.startsWith(rootPath)) return null
val pathWithoutRoot = uri.substringAfter(rootPath)
return pathWithoutRoot.split('/').filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
fun String.extension(): String {
val index = this.indexOfLast { ch -> ch == '.' }
if (index == -1) return ""
if (index == this.lastIndex) return ""
return this.substring(index + 1)
fun String.withoutExtension(): String {
val index = this.indexOfLast { ch -> ch == '.' }
if (index == -1) return this
return this.substring(0, index)
fun InputStream.copyInto(outputStream: OutputStream) {
var read: Int
val buffer = ByteArray(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
while (true) {
read = this.read(buffer)
if (read == -1) {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, read)