@file:Suppress("IllegalIdentifier") package org.moire.ultrasonic.domain import org.amshove.kluent.`should be equal to` import org.junit.Test import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.Artist import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.Index import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.Indexes /** * Unit tests for extension functions in [APIIndexesConverter.kt]. */ class APIIndexesConverterTest { @Test fun `Should convert Indexes entity`() { val artistsA = listOf( Artist(id = "4", name = "AC/DC"), Artist(id = "45", name = "ABBA") ) val artistsT = listOf( Artist(id = "10", name = "Taproot"), Artist(id = "12", name = "Teebee") ) val entity = Indexes( lastModified = 154, ignoredArticles = "Le Tre Ze", indexList = listOf( Index(name = "A", artists = artistsA), Index(name = "T", artists = artistsT) ), shortcutList = artistsA ) val convertedEntity = entity.toDomainEntity() val expectedArtists = (artistsA + artistsT).map { it.toDomainEntity() }.toMutableList() with(convertedEntity) { lastModified `should be equal to` entity.lastModified ignoredArticles `should be equal to` entity.ignoredArticles artists.size `should be equal to` expectedArtists.size artists `should be equal to` expectedArtists shortcuts `should be equal to` artistsA.map { it.toDomainEntity() }.toMutableList() } } }