/* This file is part of Subsonic. Subsonic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Subsonic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Subsonic. If not, see . Copyright 2020 (C) Jozsef Varga */ package org.moire.ultrasonic.view import android.content.Context import android.graphics.drawable.AnimationDrawable import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable import android.text.TextUtils import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.widget.Checkable import org.koin.java.KoinJavaComponent.get import org.koin.java.KoinJavaComponent.inject import org.moire.ultrasonic.R import org.moire.ultrasonic.data.ActiveServerProvider.Companion.isOffline import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory import org.moire.ultrasonic.featureflags.Feature import org.moire.ultrasonic.featureflags.FeatureStorage import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.DownloadFile import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.MediaPlayerController import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.VideoPlayerType import org.moire.ultrasonic.view.EntryAdapter.SongViewHolder import timber.log.Timber /** * Used to display songs and videos in a `ListView`. */ class SongView(context: Context) : UpdateView(context), Checkable { var entry: MusicDirectory.Entry? = null private set private var isMaximized = false private var leftImage: Drawable? = null private var previousLeftImageType: ImageType? = null private var previousRightImageType: ImageType? = null private var leftImageType: ImageType? = null private var downloadFile: DownloadFile? = null private var playing = false private var viewHolder: SongViewHolder? = null private val useFiveStarRating: Boolean = get(FeatureStorage::class.java).isFeatureEnabled(Feature.FIVE_STAR_RATING) private val mediaPlayerControllerLazy = inject(MediaPlayerController::class.java) fun setLayout(song: MusicDirectory.Entry) { inflater?.inflate( if (song.isVideo) R.layout.video_list_item else R.layout.song_list_item, this, true ) viewHolder = SongViewHolder() viewHolder!!.check = findViewById(R.id.song_check) viewHolder!!.rating = findViewById(R.id.song_rating) viewHolder!!.fiveStar1 = findViewById(R.id.song_five_star_1) viewHolder!!.fiveStar2 = findViewById(R.id.song_five_star_2) viewHolder!!.fiveStar3 = findViewById(R.id.song_five_star_3) viewHolder!!.fiveStar4 = findViewById(R.id.song_five_star_4) viewHolder!!.fiveStar5 = findViewById(R.id.song_five_star_5) viewHolder!!.star = findViewById(R.id.song_star) viewHolder!!.drag = findViewById(R.id.song_drag) viewHolder!!.track = findViewById(R.id.song_track) viewHolder!!.title = findViewById(R.id.song_title) viewHolder!!.artist = findViewById(R.id.song_artist) viewHolder!!.duration = findViewById(R.id.song_duration) viewHolder!!.status = findViewById(R.id.song_status) tag = viewHolder } fun setViewHolder(viewHolder: SongViewHolder?) { this.viewHolder = viewHolder tag = this.viewHolder } fun setSong(song: MusicDirectory.Entry, checkable: Boolean, draggable: Boolean) { updateBackground() entry = song downloadFile = mediaPlayerControllerLazy.value.getDownloadFileForSong(song) val artist = StringBuilder(60) var bitRate: String? = null if (song.bitRate != null) bitRate = String.format( this.context.getString(R.string.song_details_kbps), song.bitRate ) val fileFormat: String? val suffix = song.suffix val transcodedSuffix = song.transcodedSuffix fileFormat = if ( TextUtils.isEmpty(transcodedSuffix) || transcodedSuffix == suffix || song.isVideo && Util.getVideoPlayerType(this.context) !== VideoPlayerType.FLASH ) suffix else String.format("%s > %s", suffix, transcodedSuffix) val artistName = song.artist if (artistName != null) { if (Util.shouldDisplayBitrateWithArtist(this.context)) { artist.append(artistName).append(" (").append( String.format( this.context.getString(R.string.song_details_all), if (bitRate == null) "" else String.format("%s ", bitRate), fileFormat ) ).append(')') } else { artist.append(artistName) } } val trackNumber = song.track ?: 0 if (Util.shouldShowTrackNumber(this.context) && trackNumber != 0) { viewHolder?.track?.text = String.format("%02d.", trackNumber) } else { viewHolder?.track?.visibility = GONE } val title = StringBuilder(60) title.append(song.title) if (song.isVideo && Util.shouldDisplayBitrateWithArtist(this.context)) { title.append(" (").append( String.format( this.context.getString(R.string.song_details_all), if (bitRate == null) "" else String.format("%s ", bitRate), fileFormat ) ).append(')') } viewHolder?.title?.text = title viewHolder?.artist?.text = artist val duration = song.duration if (duration != null) { viewHolder?.duration?.text = Util.formatTotalDuration(duration.toLong()) } viewHolder?.check?.visibility = if (checkable && !song.isVideo) VISIBLE else GONE viewHolder?.drag?.visibility = if (draggable) VISIBLE else GONE if (isOffline(this.context)) { viewHolder?.star?.visibility = GONE viewHolder?.rating?.visibility = GONE } else { if (useFiveStarRating) { viewHolder?.star?.visibility = GONE val rating = if (song.userRating == null) 0 else song.userRating!! viewHolder?.fiveStar1?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 0) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.fiveStar2?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 1) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.fiveStar3?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 2) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.fiveStar4?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 3) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.fiveStar5?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 4) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) } else { viewHolder?.rating?.visibility = GONE viewHolder?.star?.setImageDrawable( if (song.starred) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.star?.setOnClickListener { val isStarred = song.starred val id = song.id if (!isStarred) { viewHolder?.star?.setImageDrawable(starDrawable) song.starred = true } else { viewHolder?.star?.setImageDrawable(starHollowDrawable) song.starred = false } Thread { val musicService = getMusicService(this@SongView.context) try { if (!isStarred) { musicService.star(id, null, null, this@SongView.context, null) } else { musicService.unstar(id, null, null, this@SongView.context, null) } } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e) } }.start() } } } update() } override fun updateBackground() {} public override fun update() { updateBackground() downloadFile = mediaPlayerControllerLazy.value.getDownloadFileForSong(entry) val partialFile = downloadFile!!.partialFile if (downloadFile!!.isWorkDone) { val newLeftImageType = if (downloadFile!!.isSaved) ImageType.Pin else ImageType.Downloaded if (leftImageType != newLeftImageType) { leftImage = if (downloadFile!!.isSaved) pinImage else downloadedImage leftImageType = newLeftImageType } } else { leftImageType = ImageType.None leftImage = null } val rightImageType: ImageType val rightImage: Drawable? if ( downloadFile!!.isDownloading && !downloadFile!!.isDownloadCancelled && partialFile.exists() ) { viewHolder?.status?.text = Util.formatLocalizedBytes( partialFile.length(), this.context ) rightImageType = ImageType.Downloading rightImage = downloadingImage } else { rightImageType = ImageType.None rightImage = null val statusText = viewHolder?.status?.text if (!statusText.isNullOrEmpty()) viewHolder?.status?.text = null } if (previousLeftImageType != leftImageType || previousRightImageType != rightImageType) { previousLeftImageType = leftImageType previousRightImageType = rightImageType if (viewHolder?.status != null) { viewHolder?.status?.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( leftImage, null, rightImage, null ) if (rightImage === downloadingImage) { val frameAnimation = rightImage as AnimationDrawable? frameAnimation!!.setVisible(true, true) frameAnimation.start() } } } if (entry?.starred != true) { if (viewHolder?.star?.drawable !== starHollowDrawable) { viewHolder?.star?.setImageDrawable(starHollowDrawable) } } else { if (viewHolder?.star?.drawable !== starDrawable) { viewHolder?.star?.setImageDrawable(starDrawable) } } val rating = entry?.userRating ?: 0 viewHolder?.fiveStar1?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 0) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.fiveStar2?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 1) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.fiveStar3?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 2) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.fiveStar4?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 3) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) viewHolder?.fiveStar5?.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 4) starDrawable else starHollowDrawable ) val playing = mediaPlayerControllerLazy.value.currentPlaying === downloadFile if (playing) { if (!this.playing) { this.playing = true viewHolder?.title?.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( playingImage, null, null, null ) } } else { if (this.playing) { this.playing = false viewHolder?.title?.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) } } } override fun setChecked(b: Boolean) { viewHolder?.check?.isChecked = b } override fun isChecked(): Boolean { return viewHolder?.check?.isChecked ?: false } override fun toggle() { viewHolder?.check?.toggle() } fun maximizeOrMinimize() { isMaximized = !isMaximized viewHolder?.title?.setSingleLine(!isMaximized) viewHolder?.artist?.setSingleLine(!isMaximized) } enum class ImageType { None, Pin, Downloaded, Downloading } companion object { private var starHollowDrawable: Drawable? = null private var starDrawable: Drawable? = null private var pinImage: Drawable? = null private var downloadedImage: Drawable? = null private var downloadingImage: Drawable? = null private var playingImage: Drawable? = null private var theme: String? = null private var inflater: LayoutInflater? = null } init { val theme = Util.getTheme(context) val themesMatch = theme == Companion.theme inflater = LayoutInflater.from(this.context) if (!themesMatch) Companion.theme = theme if (starHollowDrawable == null || !themesMatch) { starHollowDrawable = Util.getDrawableFromAttribute(context, R.attr.star_hollow) } if (starDrawable == null || !themesMatch) { starDrawable = Util.getDrawableFromAttribute(context, R.attr.star_full) } if (pinImage == null || !themesMatch) { pinImage = Util.getDrawableFromAttribute(context, R.attr.pin) } if (downloadedImage == null || !themesMatch) { downloadedImage = Util.getDrawableFromAttribute(context, R.attr.downloaded) } if (downloadingImage == null || !themesMatch) { downloadingImage = Util.getDrawableFromAttribute(context, R.attr.downloading) } if (playingImage == null || !themesMatch) { playingImage = Util.getDrawableFromAttribute(context, R.attr.media_play_small) } } }