package org.moire.ultrasonic.service import import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import android.text.TextUtils import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.CompositeDisposable import import import import java.util.Locale import java.util.PriorityQueue import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent import org.koin.core.component.inject import import import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Artist import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Track import org.moire.ultrasonic.playback.LegacyPlaylistManager import org.moire.ultrasonic.subsonic.ImageLoaderProvider import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.CacheCleaner import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.CancellableTask import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.FileUtil import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.LRUCache import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Settings import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Storage import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util.safeClose import timber.log.Timber /** * This class is responsible for maintaining the playlist and downloading * its items from the network to the filesystem. * * TODO: Move entirely to subclass the Media3.DownloadService */ class Downloader( private val storageMonitor: ExternalStorageMonitor, private val legacyPlaylistManager: LegacyPlaylistManager, ) : KoinComponent { // Dependencies private val imageLoaderProvider: ImageLoaderProvider by inject() private val activeServerProvider: ActiveServerProvider by inject() private val mediaController: MediaPlayerController by inject() var started: Boolean = false var shouldStop: Boolean = false var isPolling: Boolean = false private val downloadQueue = PriorityQueue() private val activelyDownloading = mutableListOf() // The generic list models expect a LiveData, so even though we are using Rx for many events // surrounding playback the list of Downloads is published as LiveData. val observableDownloads = MutableLiveData>() // This cache helps us to avoid creating duplicate DownloadFile instances when showing Entries private val downloadFileCache = LRUCache(500) private var handler: Handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) private var wifiLock: WifiManager.WifiLock? = null private var backgroundPriorityCounter = 100 private val rxBusSubscription: CompositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable() init { Timber.i("Init called") // Check downloads if the playlist changed rxBusSubscription += RxBus.playlistObservable.subscribe { Timber.v("Playlist has changed, checking Downloads...") checkDownloads() } } private var downloadChecker = object : Runnable { override fun run() { try { Timber.w("Checking Downloads") checkDownloadsInternal() } catch (all: Exception) { Timber.e(all, "checkDownloads() failed.") } finally { if (!isPolling) { isPolling = true if (!shouldStop) { Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(this, CHECK_INTERVAL) } else { shouldStop = false isPolling = false } } } } } fun onDestroy() { stop() rxBusSubscription.dispose() clearBackground() observableDownloads.value = listOf() Timber.i("Downloader destroyed") } @Synchronized fun start() { if (started) return started = true // Start our loop handler.postDelayed(downloadChecker, 100) if (wifiLock == null) { wifiLock = Util.createWifiLock(toString()) wifiLock?.acquire() } } fun stop() { if (!started) return started = false shouldStop = true wifiLock?.release() wifiLock = null DownloadService.runningInstance?.notifyDownloaderStopped() Timber.i("Downloader stopped") } fun checkDownloads() { if (!started) { start() } else { try { handler.postDelayed(downloadChecker, 100) } catch (all: Exception) { Timber.w( all, "checkDownloads() can't run, maybe the Downloader is shutting down..." ) } } } @Suppress("ComplexMethod", "ComplexCondition") @Synchronized private fun checkDownloadsInternal() { if (!Util.isExternalStoragePresent() || !storageMonitor.isExternalStorageAvailable) { return } if (legacyPlaylistManager.jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled || !Util.isNetworkConnected()) { return } Timber.v("Downloader checkDownloadsInternal checking downloads") // Check the active downloads for failures or completions and remove them // Store the result in a flag to know if changes have occurred var listChanged = cleanupActiveDownloads() val playlist = legacyPlaylistManager.playlist // Check if need to preload more from playlist val preloadCount = Settings.preloadCount // Start preloading at the current playing song var start = mediaController.currentMediaItemIndex if (start == -1 || start > playlist.size) start = 0 val end = (start + preloadCount).coerceAtMost(playlist.size) for (i in start until end) { val download = playlist[i] // Set correct priority (the lower the number, the higher the priority) download.priority = i // Add file to queue if not in one of the queues already. if (!download.isWorkDone && !activelyDownloading.contains(download) && !downloadQueue.contains(download) && download.shouldRetry() ) { listChanged = true downloadQueue.add(download) } } // Fill up active List with waiting tasks while (activelyDownloading.size < PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS && downloadQueue.size > 0) { val task = downloadQueue.remove() activelyDownloading.add(task) startDownloadOnService(task) listChanged = true } // Stop Executor service when done downloading if (activelyDownloading.size == 0) { stop() } if (listChanged) { updateLiveData() } } private fun updateLiveData() { observableDownloads.postValue(downloads) } private fun startDownloadOnService(file: DownloadFile) { if (file.isDownloading) return file.prepare() DownloadService.executeOnStartedDownloadService { FileUtil.createDirectoryForParent(file.pinnedFile) file.isFailed = false file.downloadTask = DownloadTask(file) file.downloadTask!!.start() Timber.v("startDownloadOnService started downloading file ${file.completeFile}") } } /** * Return true if modifications were made */ private fun cleanupActiveDownloads(): Boolean { val oldSize = activelyDownloading.size activelyDownloading.retainAll { when { it.isDownloading -> true it.isFailed && it.shouldRetry() -> { // Add it back to queue downloadQueue.add(it) false } else -> { it.cleanup() false } } } return (oldSize != activelyDownloading.size) } @get:Synchronized val all: List get() { val temp: MutableList = ArrayList() temp.addAll(activelyDownloading) temp.addAll(downloadQueue) temp.addAll(legacyPlaylistManager.playlist) return temp.distinct().sorted() } /* * Returns a list of all DownloadFiles that are currently downloading or waiting for download, * including undownloaded files from the playlist. */ @get:Synchronized val downloads: List get() { val temp: MutableList = ArrayList() temp.addAll(activelyDownloading) temp.addAll(downloadQueue) temp.addAll( legacyPlaylistManager.playlist.filter { if (!it.isStatusInitialized) false else when (it.status.value) { DownloadStatus.DOWNLOADING -> true else -> false } } ) return temp.distinct().sorted() } @Synchronized fun clearDownloadFileCache() { downloadFileCache.clear() } @Synchronized fun clearBackground() { // Clear the pending queue downloadQueue.clear() // Cancel all active downloads with a low priority for (download in activelyDownloading) { if (download.priority >= 100) { download.cancelDownload() activelyDownloading.remove(download) } } backgroundPriorityCounter = 100 } @Synchronized fun clearActiveDownloads() { // Cancel all active downloads for (download in activelyDownloading) { download.cancelDownload() } activelyDownloading.clear() updateLiveData() } @Synchronized fun downloadBackground(songs: List, save: Boolean) { // By using the counter we ensure that the songs are added in the correct order for (song in songs) { val file = song.getDownloadFile() file.shouldSave = save if (!file.isDownloading) { file.priority = backgroundPriorityCounter++ downloadQueue.add(file) } } Timber.v("downloadBackground Checking Downloads") checkDownloads() } @Synchronized @Suppress("ReturnCount") fun getDownloadFileForSong(song: Track): DownloadFile { for (downloadFile in legacyPlaylistManager.playlist) { if (downloadFile.track == song) { return downloadFile } } for (downloadFile in activelyDownloading) { if (downloadFile.track == song) { return downloadFile } } for (downloadFile in downloadQueue) { if (downloadFile.track == song) { return downloadFile } } var downloadFile = downloadFileCache[song] if (downloadFile == null) { downloadFile = DownloadFile(song, false) downloadFileCache.put(song, downloadFile) } return downloadFile } companion object { const val PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS = 2 const val CHECK_INTERVAL = 5000L } /** * Extension function * Gathers the download file for a given song, and modifies shouldSave if provided. */ private fun Track.getDownloadFile(save: Boolean? = null): DownloadFile { return getDownloadFileForSong(this).apply { if (save != null) this.shouldSave = save } } private inner class DownloadTask(private val downloadFile: DownloadFile) : CancellableTask() { val musicService = MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService() @Suppress("LongMethod", "ComplexMethod", "NestedBlockDepth") override fun execute() { downloadFile.downloadPrepared = false var inputStream: InputStream? = null var outputStream: OutputStream? = null try { if (Storage.isPathExists(downloadFile.pinnedFile)) { Timber.i("%s already exists. Skipping.", downloadFile.pinnedFile) downloadFile.status.postValue(DownloadStatus.PINNED) return } if (Storage.isPathExists(downloadFile.completeFile)) { var newStatus: DownloadStatus = DownloadStatus.DONE if (downloadFile.shouldSave) { if (downloadFile.isPlaying) { downloadFile.saveWhenDone = true } else { Storage.rename( downloadFile.completeFile, downloadFile.pinnedFile ) newStatus = DownloadStatus.PINNED } } else { Timber.i( "%s already exists. Skipping.", downloadFile.completeFile ) } // Hidden feature: If track is toggled between pinned/saved, refresh the metadata.. try { downloadFile.track.cacheMetadata() } catch (ignore: Exception) { Timber.w(ignore) } downloadFile.status.postValue(newStatus) return } downloadFile.status.postValue(DownloadStatus.DOWNLOADING) // Some devices seem to throw error on partial file which doesn't exist val needsDownloading: Boolean val duration = downloadFile.track.duration val fileLength = Storage.getFromPath(downloadFile.partialFile)?.length ?: 0 needsDownloading = ( downloadFile.desiredBitRate == 0 || duration == null || duration == 0 || fileLength == 0L ) if (needsDownloading) { // Attempt partial HTTP GET, appending to the file if it exists. val (inStream, isPartial) = musicService.getDownloadInputStream( downloadFile.track, fileLength, downloadFile.desiredBitRate, downloadFile.shouldSave ) inputStream = inStream if (isPartial) { Timber.i("Executed partial HTTP GET, skipping %d bytes", fileLength) } outputStream = Storage.getOrCreateFileFromPath(downloadFile.partialFile) .getFileOutputStream(isPartial) val len = inputStream.copyTo(outputStream) { totalBytesCopied -> downloadFile.setProgress(totalBytesCopied) } Timber.i("Downloaded %d bytes to %s", len, downloadFile.partialFile) inputStream.close() outputStream.flush() outputStream.close() if (isCancelled) { downloadFile.status.postValue(DownloadStatus.CANCELLED) throw RuntimeException( String.format( Locale.ROOT, "Download of '%s' was cancelled", downloadFile.track ) ) } try { downloadFile.track.cacheMetadata() } catch (ignore: Exception) { Timber.w(ignore) } downloadAndSaveCoverArt() } if (downloadFile.isPlaying) { downloadFile.completeWhenDone = true } else { if (downloadFile.shouldSave) { Storage.rename( downloadFile.partialFile, downloadFile.pinnedFile ) downloadFile.status.postValue(DownloadStatus.PINNED) Util.scanMedia(downloadFile.pinnedFile) } else { Storage.rename( downloadFile.partialFile, downloadFile.completeFile ) downloadFile.status.postValue(DownloadStatus.DONE) } } } catch (all: Exception) { outputStream.safeClose() Storage.delete(downloadFile.completeFile) Storage.delete(downloadFile.pinnedFile) if (!isCancelled) { downloadFile.isFailed = true if (downloadFile.retryCount > 1) { downloadFile.status.postValue(DownloadStatus.RETRYING) --downloadFile.retryCount } else if (downloadFile.retryCount == 1) { downloadFile.status.postValue(DownloadStatus.FAILED) --downloadFile.retryCount } Timber.w(all, "Failed to download '%s'.", downloadFile.track) } } finally { inputStream.safeClose() outputStream.safeClose() CacheCleaner().cleanSpace() Timber.v("DownloadTask checking downloads") checkDownloads() } } override fun toString(): String { return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "DownloadTask (%s)", downloadFile.track) } private fun Track.cacheMetadata() { if (artistId.isNullOrEmpty()) return val onlineDB = activeServerProvider.getActiveMetaDatabase() val offlineDB = activeServerProvider.offlineMetaDatabase cacheArtist(onlineDB, offlineDB, artistId!!) // Now cache the album if (albumId?.isNotEmpty() == true) { // This is a cached call val albums = musicService.getAlbumsOfArtist(artistId!!, null, false) val album = albums.find { == albumId } if (album != null) { offlineDB.albumDao().insert(album) // If the album is a Compilation, also cache the Album artist if (album.artistId != null && album.artistId != artistId) cacheArtist(onlineDB, offlineDB, album.artistId!!) } } // Now cache the track data offlineDB.trackDao().insert(this) } private fun cacheArtist(onlineDB: MetaDatabase, offlineDB: MetaDatabase, artistId: String) { var artist: Artist? = onlineDB.artistDao().get(artistId) // If we are downloading a new album, and the user has not visited the Artists list // recently, then the artist won't be in the database. if (artist == null) { val artists: List = musicService.getArtists(true) artist = artists.find { == artistId } } // If we have found an artist, cache it. if (artist != null) { offlineDB.artistDao().insert(artist) } } private fun downloadAndSaveCoverArt() { try { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(downloadFile.track.coverArt)) { // Download the largest size that we can display in the UI imageLoaderProvider.getImageLoader().cacheCoverArt(downloadFile.track) } } catch (all: Exception) { Timber.e(all, "Failed to get cover art.") } } @Throws(IOException::class) fun InputStream.copyTo(out: OutputStream, onCopy: (totalBytesCopied: Long) -> Any): Long { var bytesCopied: Long = 0 val buffer = ByteArray(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) var bytes = read(buffer) while (!isCancelled && bytes >= 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytes) bytesCopied += bytes onCopy(bytesCopied) bytes = read(buffer) } return bytesCopied } } }