apply plugin: 'kotlin' apply plugin: 'java-library' apply plugin: 'jacoco' apply from: '../gradle_scripts/code_quality.gradle' sourceSets { += "${projectDir}/src/main/kotlin" += "${projectDir}/src/integrationTest/kotlin" test.resources.srcDirs += "${projectDir}/src/integrationTest/resources" } dependencies { api other.kotlinStdlib api other.retrofit api other.jacksonConverter implementation(other.jacksonKotlin) { exclude module: 'kotlin-reflect' } implementation other.kotlinReflect // for jackson kotlin, but to use the same version implementation other.okhttpLogging testImplementation testing.junit testImplementation testing.kotlinJunit testImplementation testing.mockito testImplementation testing.mockitoInline testImplementation testing.mockitoKotlin testImplementation testing.kluent testImplementation testing.mockWebServer testImplementation testing.apacheCodecs } jacoco { toolVersion(versions.jacoco) } ext { // Excluding data classes jacocoExclude = [ '**/models/**' ] } jacocoTestReport { reports { html.enabled true csv.enabled false xml.enabled true } afterEvaluate { classDirectories = files(classDirectories.files.collect { fileTree(dir: it, excludes: jacocoExclude) }) } } test.finalizedBy jacocoTestReport test { jacoco { excludes += jacocoExclude } }