package org.moire.ultrasonic.adapters import import import android.view.View import android.widget.Checkable import android.widget.CheckedTextView import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.LinearLayout import android.widget.TextView import androidx.core.view.isVisible import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.Disposable import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent import org.moire.ultrasonic.R import import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Track import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.DownloadFile import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.DownloadStatus import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.MusicServiceFactory import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.RxBus import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Settings import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util import timber.log.Timber /** * Used to display songs and videos in a `ListView`. */ class TrackViewHolder(val view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view), Checkable, KoinComponent { var check: CheckedTextView = view.findViewById( private var rating: LinearLayout = view.findViewById( private var fiveStar1: ImageView = view.findViewById( private var fiveStar2: ImageView = view.findViewById( private var fiveStar3: ImageView = view.findViewById( private var fiveStar4: ImageView = view.findViewById( private var fiveStar5: ImageView = view.findViewById( var star: ImageView = view.findViewById( var drag: ImageView = view.findViewById( var track: TextView = view.findViewById( var title: TextView = view.findViewById( var artist: TextView = view.findViewById( var duration: TextView = view.findViewById( var progress: TextView = view.findViewById( var entry: Track? = null private set var downloadFile: DownloadFile? = null private set private var isMaximized = false private var cachedStatus = DownloadStatus.UNKNOWN private var statusImage: Drawable? = null private var isPlayingCached = false private var rxSubscription: Disposable? = null var observableChecked = MutableLiveData(false) lateinit var imageHelper: Utils.ImageHelper fun setSong( file: DownloadFile, checkable: Boolean, draggable: Boolean, isSelected: Boolean = false ) { val useFiveStarRating = Settings.useFiveStarRating val song = file.track downloadFile = file entry = song val entryDescription = Util.readableEntryDescription(song) artist.text = entryDescription.artist title.text = entryDescription.title duration.text = entryDescription.duration if (Settings.shouldShowTrackNumber && song.track != null && song.track!! > 0) { track.text = entryDescription.trackNumber } else { track.isVisible = false } check.isVisible = (checkable && !song.isVideo) initChecked(isSelected) drag.isVisible = draggable if (ActiveServerProvider.isOffline()) { star.isVisible = false rating.isVisible = false } else { setupStarButtons(song, useFiveStarRating) } updateProgress(downloadFile!!.progress.value!!) updateStatus(downloadFile!!.status.value!!) if (useFiveStarRating) { setFiveStars(entry?.userRating ?: 0) } else { setSingleStar(entry!!.starred) } if (song.isVideo) { artist.isVisible = false progress.isVisible = false } rxSubscription = RxBus.playerStateObservable.subscribe { setPlayIcon(it.index == bindingAdapterPosition && it.track == downloadFile) } } fun dispose() { rxSubscription?.dispose() } private fun setPlayIcon(isPlaying: Boolean) { if (isPlaying && !isPlayingCached) { isPlayingCached = true title.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( imageHelper.playingImage, null, null, null ) } else if (!isPlaying && isPlayingCached) { isPlayingCached = false title.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) } } private fun setupStarButtons(song: Track, useFiveStarRating: Boolean) { if (useFiveStarRating) { // Hide single star star.isVisible = false val rating = if (song.userRating == null) 0 else song.userRating!! setFiveStars(rating) } else { // Hide five stars rating.isVisible = false setSingleStar(song.starred) star.setOnClickListener { val isStarred = song.starred val id = if (!isStarred) { star.setImageDrawable(imageHelper.starDrawable) song.starred = true } else { star.setImageDrawable(imageHelper.starHollowDrawable) song.starred = false } // Should this be done here ? Thread { val musicService = MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService() try { if (!isStarred) {, null, null) } else { musicService.unstar(id, null, null) } } catch (all: Exception) { Timber.e(all) } }.start() } } } @Suppress("MagicNumber") private fun setFiveStars(rating: Int) { fiveStar1.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 0) imageHelper.starDrawable else imageHelper.starHollowDrawable ) fiveStar2.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 1) imageHelper.starDrawable else imageHelper.starHollowDrawable ) fiveStar3.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 2) imageHelper.starDrawable else imageHelper.starHollowDrawable ) fiveStar4.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 3) imageHelper.starDrawable else imageHelper.starHollowDrawable ) fiveStar5.setImageDrawable( if (rating > 4) imageHelper.starDrawable else imageHelper.starHollowDrawable ) } private fun setSingleStar(starred: Boolean) { if (starred) { if (star.drawable !== imageHelper.starDrawable) { star.setImageDrawable(imageHelper.starDrawable) } } else { if (star.drawable !== imageHelper.starHollowDrawable) { star.setImageDrawable(imageHelper.starHollowDrawable) } } } fun updateStatus(status: DownloadStatus) { if (status == cachedStatus) return cachedStatus = status when (status) { DownloadStatus.DONE -> { statusImage = imageHelper.downloadedImage progress.text = null } DownloadStatus.PINNED -> { statusImage = imageHelper.pinImage progress.text = null } DownloadStatus.FAILED, DownloadStatus.CANCELLED -> { statusImage = imageHelper.errorImage progress.text = null } DownloadStatus.DOWNLOADING -> { statusImage = imageHelper.downloadingImage } else -> { statusImage = null } } updateImages() } fun updateProgress(p: Int) { if (cachedStatus == DownloadStatus.DOWNLOADING) { progress.text = Util.formatPercentage(p) } else { progress.text = null } } private fun updateImages() { progress.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( null, null, statusImage, null ) if (statusImage === imageHelper.downloadingImage) { val frameAnimation = statusImage as AnimationDrawable? frameAnimation?.setVisible(true, true) frameAnimation?.start() } } /* * Set the checked value and re-init the MutableLiveData. * If we would post a new value, there might be a short glitch where the track is shown with its * old selection status before the posted value has been processed. */ private fun initChecked(newStatus: Boolean) { observableChecked = MutableLiveData(newStatus) check.isChecked = newStatus } /* * To be correct, this method doesn't directly set the checked status. * It only notifies the observable. If the selection tracker accepts the selection * (might be false for Singular SelectionTrackers) then it will cause the actual modification. */ override fun setChecked(newStatus: Boolean) { observableChecked.postValue(newStatus) } override fun isChecked(): Boolean { return check.isChecked } override fun toggle() { isChecked = isChecked } fun maximizeOrMinimize() { isMaximized = !isMaximized title.isSingleLine = !isMaximized artist.isSingleLine = !isMaximized } }