/* * MediaPlayerService.kt * Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Ultrasonic developers * * Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. */ package org.moire.ultrasonic.service import android.app.Notification import android.app.NotificationChannel import android.app.NotificationManager import android.app.PendingIntent import android.app.Service import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.Build import android.os.Handler import android.os.IBinder import android.os.Looper import android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat import android.view.KeyEvent import androidx.core.app.NotificationCompat import androidx.core.app.NotificationManagerCompat import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.CompositeDisposable import kotlin.collections.ArrayList import org.koin.android.ext.android.inject import org.moire.ultrasonic.R import org.moire.ultrasonic.activity.NavigationActivity import org.moire.ultrasonic.app.UApp import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.PlayerState import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.RepeatMode import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Track import org.moire.ultrasonic.imageloader.BitmapUtils import org.moire.ultrasonic.provider.UltrasonicAppWidgetProvider4X1 import org.moire.ultrasonic.provider.UltrasonicAppWidgetProvider4X2 import org.moire.ultrasonic.provider.UltrasonicAppWidgetProvider4X3 import org.moire.ultrasonic.provider.UltrasonicAppWidgetProvider4X4 import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Constants import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.MediaSessionHandler import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Settings import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.ShufflePlayBuffer import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.SimpleServiceBinder import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util import timber.log.Timber /** * Android Foreground Service for playing music * while the rest of the Ultrasonic App is in the background. * * "A foreground service is a service that the user is * actively aware of and isn’t a candidate for the system to kill when low on memory." */ @Suppress("LargeClass") class MediaPlayerService : Service() { private val binder: IBinder = SimpleServiceBinder(this) private val scrobbler = Scrobbler() private val jukeboxMediaPlayer by inject() private val playbackStateSerializer by inject() private val shufflePlayBuffer by inject() private val downloader by inject() private val localMediaPlayer by inject() private val mediaSessionHandler by inject() private var mediaSession: MediaSessionCompat? = null private var mediaSessionToken: MediaSessionCompat.Token? = null private var isInForeground = false private var notificationBuilder: NotificationCompat.Builder? = null private var rxBusSubscription: CompositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable() private var currentPlayerState: PlayerState? = null private var currentTrack: DownloadFile? = null override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder { return binder } override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() shufflePlayBuffer.onCreate() localMediaPlayer.init() setupOnSongCompletedHandler() localMediaPlayer.onPrepared = { playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) null } localMediaPlayer.onNextSongRequested = Runnable { setNextPlaying() } // Create Notification Channel createNotificationChannel() // Update notification early. It is better to show an empty one temporarily // than waiting too long and letting Android kill the app updateNotification(PlayerState.IDLE, null) // Subscribing should be after updateNotification to avoid concurrency rxBusSubscription += RxBus.playerStateObservable.subscribe { playerStateChangedHandler(it.state, it.track) } rxBusSubscription += RxBus.mediaSessionTokenObservable.subscribe { mediaSessionToken = it } rxBusSubscription += RxBus.skipToQueueItemCommandObservable.subscribe { play(it.toInt()) } mediaSessionHandler.initialize() instance = this Timber.i("MediaPlayerService created") } override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int { super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId) return START_NOT_STICKY } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() instance = null try { mediaSessionHandler.release() rxBusSubscription.dispose() localMediaPlayer.release() downloader.stop() shufflePlayBuffer.onDestroy() mediaSession?.release() mediaSession = null } catch (ignored: Throwable) { } Timber.i("MediaPlayerService stopped") } private fun stopIfIdle() { synchronized(instanceLock) { // currentPlaying could be changed from another thread in the meantime, // so check again before stopping for good if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying == null || localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.STOPPED ) { stopSelf() } } } fun notifyDownloaderStopped() { // TODO It would be nice to know if the service really can be stopped instead of just // checking if it is idle once... val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) handler.postDelayed({ stopIfIdle() }, 1000) } @Synchronized fun seekTo(position: Int) { if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled) { // TODO These APIs should be more aligned val seconds = position / 1000 jukeboxMediaPlayer.skip(downloader.currentPlayingIndex, seconds) } else { localMediaPlayer.seekTo(position) } } @get:Synchronized val playerPosition: Int get() { if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.IDLE || localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.DOWNLOADING || localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.PREPARING ) { return 0 } return if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.positionSeconds * 1000 } else { localMediaPlayer.playerPosition } } @get:Synchronized val playerDuration: Int get() = localMediaPlayer.playerDuration @Synchronized fun setCurrentPlaying(currentPlayingIndex: Int) { try { localMediaPlayer.setCurrentPlaying(downloader.getPlaylist()[currentPlayingIndex]) } catch (ignored: IndexOutOfBoundsException) { } } @Synchronized fun setNextPlaying() { // Download the next few songs if necessary downloader.checkDownloads() if (!Settings.gaplessPlayback) { localMediaPlayer.clearNextPlaying(true) return } var index = downloader.currentPlayingIndex if (index != -1) { when (Settings.repeatMode) { RepeatMode.OFF -> index += 1 RepeatMode.ALL -> index = (index + 1) % downloader.getPlaylist().size RepeatMode.SINGLE -> { } else -> { } } } localMediaPlayer.clearNextPlaying(false) if (index < downloader.getPlaylist().size && index != -1) { localMediaPlayer.setNextPlaying(downloader.getPlaylist()[index]) } else { localMediaPlayer.clearNextPlaying(true) } } @Synchronized fun togglePlayPause() { if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.PAUSED || localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.COMPLETED || localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.STOPPED ) { start() } else if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.IDLE) { play() } else if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.STARTED) { pause() } } @Synchronized fun resumeOrPlay() { if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.PAUSED || localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.COMPLETED || localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.STOPPED ) { start() } else if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.IDLE) { play() } } /** * Plays either the current song (resume) or the first/next one in queue. */ @Synchronized fun play() { val current = downloader.currentPlayingIndex if (current == -1) { play(0) } else { play(current) } } @Synchronized fun play(index: Int) { play(index, true) } @Synchronized fun play(index: Int, start: Boolean) { Timber.v("play requested for %d", index) if (index < 0 || index >= downloader.getPlaylist().size) { resetPlayback() } else { setCurrentPlaying(index) if (start) { if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.skip(index, 0) } else { localMediaPlayer.play(downloader.getPlaylist()[index]) } } setNextPlaying() } } @Synchronized private fun resetPlayback() { localMediaPlayer.reset() localMediaPlayer.setCurrentPlaying(null) playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) } @Synchronized fun pause() { if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.STARTED) { if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.stop() } else { localMediaPlayer.pause() } localMediaPlayer.setPlayerState(PlayerState.PAUSED, localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying) } } @Synchronized fun stop() { if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.STARTED) { if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.stop() } else { localMediaPlayer.pause() } } localMediaPlayer.setPlayerState(PlayerState.STOPPED, null) } @Synchronized fun start() { if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.start() } else { localMediaPlayer.start() } localMediaPlayer.setPlayerState(PlayerState.STARTED, localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying) } private fun updateWidget(playerState: PlayerState, song: Track?) { val started = playerState === PlayerState.STARTED val context = this@MediaPlayerService UltrasonicAppWidgetProvider4X1.getInstance().notifyChange(context, song, started, false) UltrasonicAppWidgetProvider4X2.getInstance().notifyChange(context, song, started, true) UltrasonicAppWidgetProvider4X3.getInstance().notifyChange(context, song, started, false) UltrasonicAppWidgetProvider4X4.getInstance().notifyChange(context, song, started, false) } private fun playerStateChangedHandler( playerState: PlayerState, currentPlaying: DownloadFile? ) { val context = this@MediaPlayerService // AVRCP handles these separately so we must differentiate between the cases val isStateChanged = playerState != currentPlayerState val isTrackChanged = currentPlaying != currentTrack if (!isStateChanged && !isTrackChanged) return val showWhenPaused = playerState !== PlayerState.STOPPED && Settings.isNotificationAlwaysEnabled val show = playerState === PlayerState.STARTED || showWhenPaused val song = currentPlaying?.track if (isStateChanged) { when { playerState === PlayerState.PAUSED -> { playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) } playerState === PlayerState.STARTED -> { scrobbler.scrobble(currentPlaying, false) } playerState === PlayerState.COMPLETED -> { scrobbler.scrobble(currentPlaying, true) } } Util.broadcastPlaybackStatusChange(context, playerState) Util.broadcastA2dpPlayStatusChange( context, playerState, song, downloader.getPlaylist().size, downloader.getPlaylist().indexOf(currentPlaying) + 1, playerPosition ) } else { // State didn't change, only the track Util.broadcastA2dpMetaDataChange( this@MediaPlayerService, playerPosition, currentPlaying, downloader.all.size, downloader.currentPlayingIndex + 1 ) } if (isTrackChanged) { Util.broadcastNewTrackInfo(this@MediaPlayerService, currentPlaying?.track) } // Update widget updateWidget(playerState, song) if (show) { // Only update notification if player state is one that will change the icon if (playerState === PlayerState.STARTED || playerState === PlayerState.PAUSED) { updateNotification(playerState, currentPlaying) } } else { stopForeground(true) isInForeground = false stopIfIdle() } currentPlayerState = playerState currentTrack = currentPlaying Timber.d("Processed player state change") } private fun setupOnSongCompletedHandler() { localMediaPlayer.onSongCompleted = { currentPlaying: DownloadFile? -> val index = downloader.currentPlayingIndex if (currentPlaying != null) { val song = currentPlaying.track if (song.bookmarkPosition > 0 && Settings.shouldClearBookmark) { val musicService = getMusicService() try { musicService.deleteBookmark(song.id) } catch (ignored: Exception) { } } } if (index != -1) { when (Settings.repeatMode) { RepeatMode.OFF -> { if (index + 1 < 0 || index + 1 >= downloader.getPlaylist().size) { if (Settings.shouldClearPlaylist) { clear(true) jukeboxMediaPlayer.updatePlaylist() } resetPlayback() } else { play(index + 1) } } RepeatMode.ALL -> { play((index + 1) % downloader.getPlaylist().size) } RepeatMode.SINGLE -> play(index) else -> { } } } null } } @Synchronized fun clear(serialize: Boolean) { localMediaPlayer.reset() downloader.clearPlaylist() localMediaPlayer.setCurrentPlaying(null) setNextPlaying() if (serialize) { playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) } } private fun createNotificationChannel() { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { // The suggested importance of a startForeground service notification is IMPORTANCE_LOW val channel = NotificationChannel( NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_NAME, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW ) channel.lightColor = android.R.color.holo_blue_dark channel.lockscreenVisibility = Notification.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC channel.setShowBadge(false) val manager = getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager manager.createNotificationChannel(channel) } } fun updateNotification(playerState: PlayerState, currentPlaying: DownloadFile?) { val notification = buildForegroundNotification(playerState, currentPlaying) if (Settings.isNotificationEnabled) { if (isInForeground) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { val manager = getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager manager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification) } else { val manager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(this) manager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification) } Timber.v("Updated notification") } else { startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification) isInForeground = true Timber.v("Created Foreground notification") } } } /** * This method builds a notification, reusing the Notification Builder if possible */ @Suppress("SpreadOperator") private fun buildForegroundNotification( playerState: PlayerState, currentPlaying: DownloadFile? ): Notification { // Init val context = applicationContext val song = currentPlaying?.track val stopIntent = Util.getPendingIntentForMediaAction( context, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP, 100 ) // We should use a single notification builder, otherwise the notification may not be updated if (notificationBuilder == null) { notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID) // Set some values that never change notificationBuilder!!.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_stat_ultrasonic) notificationBuilder!!.setAutoCancel(false) notificationBuilder!!.setOngoing(true) notificationBuilder!!.setOnlyAlertOnce(true) notificationBuilder!!.setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()) notificationBuilder!!.setShowWhen(false) notificationBuilder!!.setVisibility(NotificationCompat.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) notificationBuilder!!.priority = NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_LOW // Add content intent (when user taps on notification) notificationBuilder!!.setContentIntent(getPendingIntentForContent()) // This intent is executed when the user closes the notification notificationBuilder!!.setDeleteIntent(stopIntent) } // Use the Media Style, to enable native Android support for playback notification val style = androidx.media.app.NotificationCompat.MediaStyle() if (mediaSessionToken != null) { style.setMediaSession(mediaSessionToken) } // Clear old actions notificationBuilder!!.clearActions() if (song != null) { // Add actions val compactActions = addActions(context, notificationBuilder!!, playerState, song) // Configure shortcut actions style.setShowActionsInCompactView(*compactActions) notificationBuilder!!.setStyle(style) // Set song title, artist and cover val iconSize = (256 * context.resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt() val bitmap = BitmapUtils.getAlbumArtBitmapFromDisk(song, iconSize) notificationBuilder!!.setContentTitle(song.title) notificationBuilder!!.setContentText(song.artist) notificationBuilder!!.setLargeIcon(bitmap) notificationBuilder!!.setSubText(song.album) } else if (downloader.started) { // No song is playing, but Ultrasonic is downloading files notificationBuilder!!.setContentTitle( getString(R.string.notification_downloading_title) ) } return notificationBuilder!!.build() } private fun addActions( context: Context, notificationBuilder: NotificationCompat.Builder, playerState: PlayerState, song: Track? ): IntArray { // Init val compactActionList = ArrayList() var numActions = 0 // we start and 0 and then increment by 1 for each call to generateAction // Star if (song != null) { notificationBuilder.addAction(generateStarAction(context, numActions, song.starred)) } numActions++ // Next notificationBuilder.addAction(generateAction(context, numActions)) compactActionList.add(numActions) numActions++ // Play/Pause button notificationBuilder.addAction(generatePlayPauseAction(context, numActions, playerState)) compactActionList.add(numActions) numActions++ // Previous notificationBuilder.addAction(generateAction(context, numActions)) compactActionList.add(numActions) numActions++ // Close notificationBuilder.addAction(generateAction(context, numActions)) val actionArray = IntArray(compactActionList.size) for (i in actionArray.indices) { actionArray[i] = compactActionList[i] } return actionArray // notificationBuilder.setShowActionsInCompactView()) } private fun generateAction(context: Context, requestCode: Int): NotificationCompat.Action? { val keycode: Int val icon: Int val label: String when (requestCode) { 1 -> { keycode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS label = getString(R.string.common_play_previous) icon = R.drawable.media_backward_medium_dark } 2 -> // Is handled in generatePlayPauseAction() return null 3 -> { keycode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT label = getString(R.string.common_play_next) icon = R.drawable.media_forward_medium_dark } 4 -> { keycode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP label = getString(R.string.buttons_stop) icon = R.drawable.ic_baseline_close } else -> return null } val pendingIntent = Util.getPendingIntentForMediaAction(context, keycode, requestCode) return NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(icon, label, pendingIntent).build() } private fun generatePlayPauseAction( context: Context, requestCode: Int, playerState: PlayerState ): NotificationCompat.Action { val isPlaying = playerState === PlayerState.STARTED val keycode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE val pendingIntent = Util.getPendingIntentForMediaAction(context, keycode, requestCode) val label: String val icon: Int if (isPlaying) { label = getString(R.string.common_pause) icon = R.drawable.media_pause_large_dark } else { label = getString(R.string.common_play) icon = R.drawable.media_start_large_dark } return NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(icon, label, pendingIntent).build() } private fun generateStarAction( context: Context, requestCode: Int, isStarred: Boolean ): NotificationCompat.Action { val label: String val icon: Int val keyCode: Int = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STAR if (isStarred) { label = getString(R.string.download_menu_star) icon = R.drawable.ic_star_full_dark } else { label = getString(R.string.download_menu_star) icon = R.drawable.ic_star_hollow_dark } val pendingIntent = Util.getPendingIntentForMediaAction(context, keyCode, requestCode) return NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(icon, label, pendingIntent).build() } private fun getPendingIntentForContent(): PendingIntent { val intent = Intent(this, NavigationActivity::class.java) .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) val flags = PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT intent.putExtra(Constants.INTENT_SHOW_PLAYER, true) return PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, flags) } @Suppress("MagicNumber") companion object { private const val NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "org.moire.ultrasonic" private const val NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_NAME = "Ultrasonic background service" private const val NOTIFICATION_ID = 3033 @Volatile private var instance: MediaPlayerService? = null private val instanceLock = Any() @JvmStatic fun getInstance(): MediaPlayerService? { val context = UApp.applicationContext() // Try for twenty times to retrieve a running service, // sleep 100 millis between each try, // and run the block that creates a service only synchronized. for (i in 0..19) { if (instance != null) return instance synchronized(instanceLock) { if (instance != null) return instance if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { context.startForegroundService( Intent(context, MediaPlayerService::class.java) ) } else { context.startService(Intent(context, MediaPlayerService::class.java)) } } Util.sleepQuietly(100L) } return instance } @JvmStatic val runningInstance: MediaPlayerService? get() { synchronized(instanceLock) { return instance } } @JvmStatic fun executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService( taskToExecute: (MediaPlayerService) -> Unit ) { val t: Thread = object : Thread() { override fun run() { val instance = getInstance() if (instance == null) { Timber.e("ExecuteOnStarted.. failed to get a MediaPlayerService instance!") return } else { taskToExecute(instance) } } } t.start() } } }