package org.moire.ultrasonic.filepicker import android.content.Context import android.content.DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE import android.content.DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEUTRAL import android.content.DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.widget.Button import android.widget.TextView import import org.moire.ultrasonic.R /** * This dialog can be used to pick a file / folder from the filesystem. * Currently only supports folders. * @author this implementation is loosely based on the work of Yogesh Sundaresan, * original license: */ class FilePickerDialog { private var alertDialog: AlertDialog? = null private var filePickerView: FilePickerView? = null private var onFileSelectedListener: OnFileSelectedListener? = null private var currentPath: TextView? = null private var newFolderButton: Button? = null private constructor(context: Context) { alertDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(context).create() initialize(context) } private constructor(context: Context, themeResId: Int) { alertDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(context, themeResId).create() initialize(context) } private fun initialize(context: Context) { val view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.filepicker_dialog_main, null) alertDialog!!.setView(view) filePickerView = view.findViewById( currentPath = view.findViewById( newFolderButton = view.findViewById( newFolderButton!!.setOnClickListener { filePickerView!!.createNewFolder() } alertDialog!!.setTitle(context.getString(R.string.filepicker_select_folder)) alertDialog!!.setButton(BUTTON_POSITIVE, context.getString(R.string.filepicker_select)) { dialogInterface, _ -> dialogInterface.dismiss() if (onFileSelectedListener != null) onFileSelectedListener!!.onFileSelected( filePickerView!!.selected, filePickerView!!.selected.absolutePath ) } alertDialog!!.setButton(BUTTON_NEUTRAL, context.getString(R.string.filepicker_default)) { _, _ -> filePickerView!!.goToDefaultDirectory() } alertDialog!!.setButton(BUTTON_NEGATIVE, context.getString(R.string.common_cancel)) { dialogInterface, _ -> dialogInterface.dismiss() } } /** * Display the FilePickerDialog */ fun show() { filePickerView!!.start { currentDirectory, isRealPath -> run { currentPath?.text = currentDirectory newFolderButton!!.isEnabled = isRealPath } } alertDialog!!.show() alertDialog!!.getButton(BUTTON_NEUTRAL).setOnClickListener { filePickerView!!.goToDefaultDirectory() } } /** * Listener to know which file/directory is selected * * @param onFileSelectedListener Instance of the Listener */ fun setOnFileSelectedListener(onFileSelectedListener: OnFileSelectedListener) { this.onFileSelectedListener = onFileSelectedListener } /** * Set the initial directory to show the list of files in that directory * * @param path String denoting to the directory */ fun setDefaultDirectory(path: String) { filePickerView!!.setDefaultDirectory(path) } fun setInitialDirectory(path: String) { filePickerView!!.setInitialDirectory(path) } companion object { /** * Creates a default instance of FilePickerDialog * * @param context Context of the App * @return Instance of FileListerDialog */ fun createFilePickerDialog(context: Context): FilePickerDialog { return FilePickerDialog(context) } } }