package org.moire.ultrasonic.service import import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.PriorityQueue import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent import org.koin.core.component.inject import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.PlayerState import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.LRUCache import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Settings import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.ShufflePlayBuffer import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util import timber.log.Timber /** * This class is responsible for maintaining the playlist and downloading * its items from the network to the filesystem. * * TODO: Implement LiveData * TODO: Move away from managing the queue with scheduled checks, instead use callbacks when * Downloads are finished */ class Downloader( private val shufflePlayBuffer: ShufflePlayBuffer, private val externalStorageMonitor: ExternalStorageMonitor, private val localMediaPlayer: LocalMediaPlayer ) : KoinComponent { val playlist: MutableList = ArrayList() var started: Boolean = false private val downloadQueue: PriorityQueue = PriorityQueue() private val activelyDownloading: MutableList = ArrayList() private val jukeboxMediaPlayer: JukeboxMediaPlayer by inject() private val downloadFileCache = LRUCache(100) private var executorService: ScheduledExecutorService? = null private var wifiLock: WifiManager.WifiLock? = null var playlistUpdateRevision: Long = 0 private set val downloadChecker = Runnable { try { Timber.w("Checking Downloads") checkDownloadsInternal() } catch (all: Exception) { Timber.e(all, "checkDownloads() failed.") } } fun onDestroy() { stop() clearPlaylist() clearBackground() Timber.i("Downloader destroyed") } fun start() { started = true if (executorService == null) { executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() executorService!!.scheduleWithFixedDelay( downloadChecker, 0L, CHECK_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) Timber.i("Downloader started") } if (wifiLock == null) { wifiLock = Util.createWifiLock(toString()) wifiLock?.acquire() } } fun stop() { started = false executorService?.shutdown() executorService = null wifiLock?.release() wifiLock = null MediaPlayerService.runningInstance?.notifyDownloaderStopped() Timber.i("Downloader stopped") } fun checkDownloads() { if (executorService == null || executorService!!.isTerminated) { start() } else { executorService?.execute(downloadChecker) } } @Synchronized @Suppress("ComplexMethod") fun checkDownloadsInternal() { if ( !Util.isExternalStoragePresent() || !externalStorageMonitor.isExternalStorageAvailable ) { return } if (shufflePlayBuffer.isEnabled) { checkShufflePlay() } if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled || !Util.isNetworkConnected()) { return } // Check the active downloads for failures or completions and remove them cleanupActiveDownloads() // Check if need to preload more from playlist val preloadCount = Settings.preloadCount // Start preloading at the current playing song var start = currentPlayingIndex if (start == -1) start = 0 val end = (start + preloadCount).coerceAtMost(playlist.size) for (i in start until end) { val download = playlist[i] // Set correct priority (the lower the number, the higher the priority) download.priority = i // Add file to queue if not in one of the queues already. if (!download.isWorkDone && !activelyDownloading.contains(download) && !downloadQueue.contains(download) ) { downloadQueue.add(download) } } // Fill up active List with waiting tasks while (activelyDownloading.size < PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS && downloadQueue.size > 0) { val task = downloadQueue.remove() activelyDownloading.add(task) startDownloadOnService(task) // The next file on the playlist is currently downloading if (playlist.indexOf(task) == 1) { localMediaPlayer.setNextPlayerState(PlayerState.DOWNLOADING) } } // Stop Executor service when done downloading if (activelyDownloading.size == 0) { stop() } } private fun startDownloadOnService(task: DownloadFile) { MediaPlayerService.executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService { } } private fun cleanupActiveDownloads() { activelyDownloading.retainAll { when { it.isDownloading -> true it.isFailed && it.shouldRetry() -> { // Add it back to queue downloadQueue.add(it) false } else -> { it.cleanup() false } } } } @get:Synchronized val currentPlayingIndex: Int get() = playlist.indexOf(localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying) @get:Synchronized val downloadListDuration: Long get() { var totalDuration: Long = 0 for (downloadFile in playlist) { val song = if (!song.isDirectory) { if (song.artist != null) { if (song.duration != null) { totalDuration += song.duration!!.toLong() } } } } return totalDuration } @get:Synchronized val downloads: List get() { val temp: MutableList = ArrayList() temp.addAll(playlist) temp.addAll(activelyDownloading) temp.addAll(downloadQueue) return temp.distinct() } @Synchronized fun clearPlaylist() { playlist.clear() // Cancel all active downloads with a high priority for (download in activelyDownloading) { if (download.priority < 100) download.cancelDownload() } playlistUpdateRevision++ } @Synchronized private fun clearBackground() { // Clear the pending queue downloadQueue.clear() // Cancel all active downloads with a low priority for (download in activelyDownloading) { if (download.priority >= 100) download.cancelDownload() } } @Synchronized fun clearActiveDownloads() { // Cancel all active downloads with a low priority for (download in activelyDownloading) { download.cancelDownload() } } @Synchronized fun removeFromPlaylist(downloadFile: DownloadFile) { if (activelyDownloading.contains(downloadFile)) { downloadFile.cancelDownload() } playlist.remove(downloadFile) playlistUpdateRevision++ } @Synchronized fun addToPlaylist( songs: List, save: Boolean, autoPlay: Boolean, playNext: Boolean, newPlaylist: Boolean ) { shufflePlayBuffer.isEnabled = false var offset = 1 if (songs.isEmpty()) { return } if (newPlaylist) { playlist.clear() } if (playNext) { if (autoPlay && currentPlayingIndex >= 0) { offset = 0 } for (song in songs) { val downloadFile = DownloadFile(song!!, save) playlist.add(currentPlayingIndex + offset, downloadFile) offset++ } } else { for (song in songs) { val downloadFile = DownloadFile(song!!, save) playlist.add(downloadFile) } } playlistUpdateRevision++ checkDownloads() } @Synchronized fun downloadBackground(songs: List, save: Boolean) { // Because of the priority handling we add the songs in the reverse order they // were requested, then it is correct in the end. for (song in songs.asReversed()) { downloadQueue.add(DownloadFile(song, save)) } checkDownloads() } @Synchronized fun shuffle() { playlist.shuffle() // Move the current song to the top.. if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying != null) { playlist.remove(localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying) playlist.add(0, localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying!!) } playlistUpdateRevision++ } @Synchronized @Suppress("ReturnCount") fun getDownloadFileForSong(song: MusicDirectory.Entry): DownloadFile { for (downloadFile in playlist) { if ( == song) { return downloadFile } } for (downloadFile in activelyDownloading) { if ( == song) { return downloadFile } } for (downloadFile in downloadQueue) { if ( == song) { return downloadFile } } var downloadFile = downloadFileCache[song] if (downloadFile == null) { downloadFile = DownloadFile(song, false) downloadFileCache.put(song, downloadFile) } return downloadFile } @Synchronized private fun checkShufflePlay() { // Get users desired random playlist size val listSize = Settings.maxSongs val wasEmpty = playlist.isEmpty() val revisionBefore = playlistUpdateRevision // First, ensure that list is at least 20 songs long. val size = playlist.size if (size < listSize) { for (song in shufflePlayBuffer[listSize - size]) { val downloadFile = DownloadFile(song, false) playlist.add(downloadFile) playlistUpdateRevision++ } } val currIndex = if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying == null) 0 else currentPlayingIndex // Only shift playlist if playing song #5 or later. if (currIndex > SHUFFLE_BUFFER_LIMIT) { val songsToShift = currIndex - 2 for (song in shufflePlayBuffer[songsToShift]) { playlist.add(DownloadFile(song, false)) playlist[0].cancelDownload() playlist.removeAt(0) playlistUpdateRevision++ } } if (revisionBefore != playlistUpdateRevision) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.updatePlaylist() } if (wasEmpty && playlist.isNotEmpty()) { if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.skip(0, 0) localMediaPlayer.setPlayerState(PlayerState.STARTED) } else {[0]) } } } companion object { const val PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS = 3 const val CHECK_INTERVAL = 5L const val SHUFFLE_BUFFER_LIMIT = 4 } }