package org.moire.ultrasonic.service; import android.content.Context; import timber.log.Timber; import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory; import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.LRUCache; import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.ShufflePlayBuffer; import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import kotlin.Lazy; import static; import static org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.PlayerState.DOWNLOADING; import static org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.PlayerState.STARTED; /** * This class is responsible for maintaining the playlist and downloading * its items from the network to the filesystem. */ public class Downloader { public final List downloadList = new ArrayList<>(); public final List backgroundDownloadList = new ArrayList<>(); public DownloadFile currentDownloading; private final ShufflePlayBuffer shufflePlayBuffer; private final ExternalStorageMonitor externalStorageMonitor; private final LocalMediaPlayer localMediaPlayer; private final Context context; // TODO: This is a circular reference, try to remove private Lazy jukeboxMediaPlayer = inject(JukeboxMediaPlayer.class); private final List cleanupCandidates = new ArrayList<>(); private final LRUCache downloadFileCache = new LRUCache<>(100); private ScheduledExecutorService executorService; private long revision; public Downloader(Context context, ShufflePlayBuffer shufflePlayBuffer, ExternalStorageMonitor externalStorageMonitor, LocalMediaPlayer localMediaPlayer) { this.context = context; this.shufflePlayBuffer = shufflePlayBuffer; this.externalStorageMonitor = externalStorageMonitor; this.localMediaPlayer = localMediaPlayer; } public void onCreate() { Runnable downloadChecker = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { checkDownloads(); } catch (Throwable x) { Timber.e(x,"checkDownloads() failed."); } } }; executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(downloadChecker, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Timber.i("Downloader created"); } public void onDestroy() { stop(); clear(); clearBackground(); Timber.i("Downloader destroyed"); } public void stop() { if (executorService != null) executorService.shutdown(); Timber.i("Downloader stopped"); } public synchronized void checkDownloads() { if (!Util.isExternalStoragePresent() || !externalStorageMonitor.isExternalStorageAvailable()) { return; } if (shufflePlayBuffer.isEnabled) { checkShufflePlay(context); } if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.getValue().isEnabled() || !Util.isNetworkConnected(context)) { return; } if (downloadList.isEmpty() && backgroundDownloadList.isEmpty()) { return; } // Need to download current playing? if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying != null && localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying != currentDownloading && !localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying.isWorkDone()) { // Cancel current download, if necessary. if (currentDownloading != null) { currentDownloading.cancelDownload(); } currentDownloading = localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying;; cleanupCandidates.add(currentDownloading); // Delete obsolete .partial and .complete files. cleanup(); return; } // Find a suitable target for download. if (currentDownloading != null && !currentDownloading.isWorkDone() && (!currentDownloading.isFailed() || (downloadList.isEmpty() && backgroundDownloadList.isEmpty()))) { cleanup(); return; } // There is a target to download currentDownloading = null; int n = downloadList.size(); int preloaded = 0; if (n != 0) { int start = localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying == null ? 0 : getCurrentPlayingIndex(); if (start == -1) start = 0; int i = start; // Check all DownloadFiles on the playlist do { DownloadFile downloadFile = downloadList.get(i); if (!downloadFile.isWorkDone()) { if (downloadFile.shouldSave() || preloaded < Util.getPreloadCount(context)) { currentDownloading = downloadFile;; cleanupCandidates.add(currentDownloading); if (i == (start + 1)) { // The next file on the playlist is currently downloading localMediaPlayer.setNextPlayerState(DOWNLOADING); } break; } } else if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying != downloadFile) { preloaded++; } i = (i + 1) % n; } while (i != start); } // If the downloadList contains no work, check the backgroundDownloadList if ((preloaded + 1 == n || preloaded >= Util.getPreloadCount(context) || downloadList.isEmpty()) && !backgroundDownloadList.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < backgroundDownloadList.size(); i++) { DownloadFile downloadFile = backgroundDownloadList.get(i); if (downloadFile.isWorkDone() && (!downloadFile.shouldSave() || downloadFile.isSaved())) { if (Util.getShouldScanMedia(context)) { Util.scanMedia(context, downloadFile.getCompleteFile()); } // Don't need to keep list like active song list backgroundDownloadList.remove(i); revision++; i--; } else { currentDownloading = downloadFile;; cleanupCandidates.add(currentDownloading); break; } } } // Delete obsolete .partial and .complete files. cleanup(); } public synchronized int getCurrentPlayingIndex() { return downloadList.indexOf(localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying); } public long getDownloadListDuration() { long totalDuration = 0; for (DownloadFile downloadFile : downloadList) { MusicDirectory.Entry entry = downloadFile.getSong(); if (!entry.isDirectory()) { if (entry.getArtist() != null) { Integer duration = entry.getDuration(); if (duration != null) { totalDuration += duration; } } } } return totalDuration; } public synchronized List getDownloads() { List temp = new ArrayList<>(); temp.addAll(downloadList); temp.addAll(backgroundDownloadList); return temp; } public long getDownloadListUpdateRevision() { return revision; } public synchronized void clear() { downloadList.clear(); revision++; if (currentDownloading != null) { currentDownloading.cancelDownload(); currentDownloading = null; } } private void clearBackground() { if (currentDownloading != null && backgroundDownloadList.contains(currentDownloading)) { currentDownloading.cancelDownload(); currentDownloading = null; } backgroundDownloadList.clear(); } public synchronized void removeDownloadFile(DownloadFile downloadFile) { if (downloadFile == currentDownloading) { currentDownloading.cancelDownload(); currentDownloading = null; } downloadList.remove(downloadFile); backgroundDownloadList.remove(downloadFile); revision++; } public synchronized void download(List songs, boolean save, boolean autoPlay, boolean playNext, boolean newPlaylist) { shufflePlayBuffer.isEnabled = false; int offset = 1; if (songs.isEmpty()) { return; } if (newPlaylist) { downloadList.clear(); } if (playNext) { if (autoPlay && getCurrentPlayingIndex() >= 0) { offset = 0; } for (MusicDirectory.Entry song : songs) { DownloadFile downloadFile = new DownloadFile(context, song, save); downloadList.add(getCurrentPlayingIndex() + offset, downloadFile); offset++; } } else { for (MusicDirectory.Entry song : songs) { DownloadFile downloadFile = new DownloadFile(context, song, save); downloadList.add(downloadFile); } } revision++; } public synchronized void downloadBackground(List songs, boolean save) { for (MusicDirectory.Entry song : songs) { DownloadFile downloadFile = new DownloadFile(context, song, save); backgroundDownloadList.add(downloadFile); } revision++; checkDownloads(); } public synchronized void shuffle() { Collections.shuffle(downloadList); if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying != null) { downloadList.remove(getCurrentPlayingIndex()); downloadList.add(0, localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying); } revision++; } public synchronized DownloadFile getDownloadFileForSong(MusicDirectory.Entry song) { for (DownloadFile downloadFile : downloadList) { if (downloadFile.getSong().equals(song) && ((downloadFile.isDownloading() && !downloadFile.isDownloadCancelled() && downloadFile.getPartialFile().exists()) || downloadFile.isWorkDone())) { return downloadFile; } } for (DownloadFile downloadFile : backgroundDownloadList) { if (downloadFile.getSong().equals(song)) { return downloadFile; } } DownloadFile downloadFile = downloadFileCache.get(song); if (downloadFile == null) { downloadFile = new DownloadFile(context, song, false); downloadFileCache.put(song, downloadFile); } return downloadFile; } private synchronized void cleanup() { Iterator iterator = cleanupCandidates.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { DownloadFile downloadFile =; if (downloadFile != localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying && downloadFile != currentDownloading) { if (downloadFile.cleanup()) { iterator.remove(); } } } } private synchronized void checkShufflePlay(Context context) { // Get users desired random playlist size int listSize = Util.getMaxSongs(context); boolean wasEmpty = downloadList.isEmpty(); long revisionBefore = revision; // First, ensure that list is at least 20 songs long. int size = downloadList.size(); if (size < listSize) { for (MusicDirectory.Entry song : shufflePlayBuffer.get(listSize - size)) { DownloadFile downloadFile = new DownloadFile(context, song, false); downloadList.add(downloadFile); revision++; } } int currIndex = localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying == null ? 0 : getCurrentPlayingIndex(); // Only shift playlist if playing song #5 or later. if (currIndex > 4) { int songsToShift = currIndex - 2; for (MusicDirectory.Entry song : shufflePlayBuffer.get(songsToShift)) { downloadList.add(new DownloadFile(context, song, false)); downloadList.get(0).cancelDownload(); downloadList.remove(0); revision++; } } if (revisionBefore != revision) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.getValue().updatePlaylist(); } if (wasEmpty && !downloadList.isEmpty()) { if (jukeboxMediaPlayer.getValue().isEnabled()) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.getValue().skip(0, 0); localMediaPlayer.setPlayerState(STARTED); } else {; } } } }