package org.moire.ultrasonic.imageloader import import import android.os.Build import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.FileUtil import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util import timber.log.Timber @Suppress("UtilityClassWithPublicConstructor") class BitmapUtils { companion object { fun getAvatarBitmapFromDisk( username: String?, size: Int ): Bitmap? { if (username == null) return null val avatarFile = FileUtil.getAvatarFile(username) val bitmap: Bitmap? = null if (avatarFile != null && avatarFile.exists()) { return getBitmapFromDisk(avatarFile.path, size, bitmap) } return null } fun getAlbumArtBitmapFromDisk( entry: MusicDirectory.Entry?, size: Int ): Bitmap? { if (entry == null) return null val albumArtFile = FileUtil.getAlbumArtFile(entry) val bitmap: Bitmap? = null if (albumArtFile.exists()) { return getBitmapFromDisk(albumArtFile.path, size, bitmap) } return null } fun getAlbumArtBitmapFromDisk( filename: String, size: Int? ): Bitmap? { val albumArtFile = FileUtil.getAlbumArtFile(filename) val bitmap: Bitmap? = null if (albumArtFile != null && albumArtFile.exists()) { return getBitmapFromDisk(albumArtFile.path, size, bitmap) } return null } @Suppress("DEPRECATION") fun getSampledBitmap(bytes: ByteArray, size: Int): Bitmap? { val opt = BitmapFactory.Options() if (size > 0) { // With this flag we only calculate the size first opt.inJustDecodeBounds = true // Decode the size BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size, opt) // Now set the remaining flags if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { opt.inDither = true opt.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = true } opt.inSampleSize = Util.calculateInSampleSize( opt, size, Util.getScaledHeight(opt.outHeight.toDouble(), opt.outWidth.toDouble(), size) ) // Enable real decoding opt.inJustDecodeBounds = false } Timber.i("getSampledBitmap %s", size.toString()) return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size, opt) } @Suppress("DEPRECATION") private fun getBitmapFromDisk( path: String, size: Int?, bitmap: Bitmap? ): Bitmap? { var bitmap1 = bitmap val opt = BitmapFactory.Options() if (size != null && size > 0) { // With this flag we only calculate the size first opt.inJustDecodeBounds = true // Decode the size BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, opt) // Now set the remaining flags if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { opt.inDither = true opt.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = true } opt.inSampleSize = Util.calculateInSampleSize( opt, size, Util.getScaledHeight(opt.outHeight.toDouble(), opt.outWidth.toDouble(), size) ) // Enable real decoding opt.inJustDecodeBounds = false } try { bitmap1 = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, opt) } catch (expected: Exception) { Timber.e(expected, "Exception in BitmapFactory.decodeFile()") } Timber.i("getBitmapFromDisk %s", size.toString()) return bitmap1 } } }