/* This file is part of Subsonic. Subsonic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Subsonic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Subsonic. If not, see . Copyright 2009 (C) Sindre Mehus */ package org.moire.ultrasonic.util; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.content.*; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.NetworkInfo; import android.net.Uri; import android.net.wifi.WifiManager; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.widget.RemoteViews; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.annotation.ColorInt; import org.moire.ultrasonic.R; import org.moire.ultrasonic.activity.DownloadActivity; import org.moire.ultrasonic.activity.MainActivity; import org.moire.ultrasonic.activity.SettingsActivity; import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.*; import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory.Entry; import org.moire.ultrasonic.receiver.MediaButtonIntentReceiver; import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.DownloadFile; import java.io.*; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author Sindre Mehus * @version $Id$ */ public class Util { private static final String TAG = Util.class.getSimpleName(); private static final DecimalFormat GIGA_BYTE_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("0.00 GB"); private static final DecimalFormat MEGA_BYTE_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("0.00 MB"); private static final DecimalFormat KILO_BYTE_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("0 KB"); private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile(":"); private static DecimalFormat GIGA_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT; private static DecimalFormat MEGA_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT; private static DecimalFormat KILO_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT; private static DecimalFormat BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT; public static final String EVENT_META_CHANGED = "org.moire.ultrasonic.EVENT_META_CHANGED"; public static final String EVENT_PLAYSTATE_CHANGED = "org.moire.ultrasonic.EVENT_PLAYSTATE_CHANGED"; public static final String CM_AVRCP_PLAYSTATE_CHANGED = "com.android.music.playstatechanged"; public static final String CM_AVRCP_METADATA_CHANGED = "com.android.music.metachanged"; private static boolean mediaButtonsRegisteredForUI; private static boolean mediaButtonsRegisteredForService; private static final Map SERVER_REST_VERSIONS = new ConcurrentHashMap(); // Used by hexEncode() private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; private static Toast toast; private static Entry currentSong; private Util() { } public static boolean isScreenLitOnDownload(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SCREEN_LIT_ON_DOWNLOAD, false); } public static RepeatMode getRepeatMode(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return RepeatMode.valueOf(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_REPEAT_MODE, RepeatMode.OFF.name())); } public static void setRepeatMode(Context context, RepeatMode repeatMode) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_REPEAT_MODE, repeatMode.name()); editor.commit(); } public static boolean isNotificationEnabled(Context context) { // After API26 foreground services must be used for music playback, and they must have a notification if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) return true; SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SHOW_NOTIFICATION, false); } public static boolean isNotificationAlwaysEnabled(Context context) { // After API26 foreground services must be used for music playback, and they must have a notification if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) return true; SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_ALWAYS_SHOW_NOTIFICATION, false); } public static boolean isLockScreenEnabled(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SHOW_LOCK_SCREEN_CONTROLS, false); } public static String getTheme(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_THEME, "dark"); } public static int getMaxBitRate(Context context) { ConnectivityManager manager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo networkInfo = manager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (networkInfo == null) { return 0; } boolean wifi = networkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI; SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(wifi ? Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_MAX_BITRATE_WIFI : Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_MAX_BITRATE_MOBILE, "0")); } public static int getPreloadCount(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); int preloadCount = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_PRELOAD_COUNT, "-1")); return preloadCount == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : preloadCount; } public static int getCacheSizeMB(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); int cacheSize = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_CACHE_SIZE, "-1")); return cacheSize == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : cacheSize; } public static SharedPreferences getPreferences(Context context) { return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); } public static int getRemainingTrialDays(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); long installTime = preferences.getLong(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_INSTALL_TIME, 0L); if (installTime == 0L) { installTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putLong(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_INSTALL_TIME, installTime); editor.commit(); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long millisPerDay = 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L; int daysSinceInstall = (int) ((now - installTime) / millisPerDay); return Math.max(0, Constants.FREE_TRIAL_DAYS - daysSinceInstall); } /** * Get the contents of an InputStream as a byte[]. *

* This method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use a * BufferedInputStream. * * @param input the InputStream to read from * @return the requested byte array * @throws NullPointerException if the input is null * @throws java.io.IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream input) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); copy(input, output); return output.toByteArray(); } public static long copy(InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 4]; long count = 0; int n; while (-1 != (n = input.read(buffer))) { output.write(buffer, 0, n); count += n; } return count; } public static void atomicCopy(File from, File to) throws IOException { File tmp = new File(String.format("%s.tmp", to.getPath())); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(from); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tmp); try { in.getChannel().transferTo(0, from.length(), out.getChannel()); out.close(); if (!tmp.renameTo(to)) { throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to rename %s to %s", tmp, to)); } Log.i(TAG, String.format("Copied %s to %s", from, to)); } catch (IOException x) { close(out); delete(to); throw x; } finally { close(in); close(out); delete(tmp); } } public static void renameFile(File from, File to) throws IOException { if (from.renameTo(to)) { Log.i(TAG, String.format("Renamed %s to %s", from, to)); } else { atomicCopy(from, to); } } public static void close(Closeable closeable) { try { if (closeable != null) { closeable.close(); } } catch (Throwable x) { // Ignored } } public static boolean delete(File file) { if (file != null && file.exists()) { if (!file.delete()) { Log.w(TAG, String.format("Failed to delete file %s", file)); return false; } Log.i(TAG, String.format("Deleted file %s", file)); } return true; } public static void toast(Context context, int messageId) { toast(context, messageId, true); } public static void toast(Context context, int messageId, boolean shortDuration) { toast(context, context.getString(messageId), shortDuration); } public static void toast(Context context, CharSequence message) { toast(context, message, true); } public static void toast(Context context, CharSequence message, boolean shortDuration) { if (toast == null) { toast = Toast.makeText(context, message, shortDuration ? Toast.LENGTH_SHORT : Toast.LENGTH_LONG); toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0); } else { toast.setText(message); toast.setDuration(shortDuration ? Toast.LENGTH_SHORT : Toast.LENGTH_LONG); } toast.show(); } /** * Converts a byte-count to a formatted string suitable for display to the user. * For instance: *

  • format(918) returns "918 B".
  • *
  • format(98765) returns "96 KB".
  • *
  • format(1238476) returns "1.2 MB".
  • *
* This method assumes that 1 KB is 1024 bytes. * To get a localized string, please use formatLocalizedBytes instead. * * @param byteCount The number of bytes. * @return The formatted string. */ public static synchronized String formatBytes(long byteCount) { // More than 1 GB? if (byteCount >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { NumberFormat gigaByteFormat = GIGA_BYTE_FORMAT; return gigaByteFormat.format((double) byteCount / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); } // More than 1 MB? if (byteCount >= 1024 * 1024) { NumberFormat megaByteFormat = MEGA_BYTE_FORMAT; return megaByteFormat.format((double) byteCount / (1024 * 1024)); } // More than 1 KB? if (byteCount >= 1024) { NumberFormat kiloByteFormat = KILO_BYTE_FORMAT; return kiloByteFormat.format((double) byteCount / 1024); } return byteCount + " B"; } /** * Converts a byte-count to a formatted string suitable for display to the user. * For instance: *
  • format(918) returns "918 B".
  • *
  • format(98765) returns "96 KB".
  • *
  • format(1238476) returns "1.2 MB".
  • *
* This method assumes that 1 KB is 1024 bytes. * This version of the method returns a localized string. * * @param byteCount The number of bytes. * @return The formatted string. */ public static synchronized String formatLocalizedBytes(long byteCount, Context context) { // More than 1 GB? if (byteCount >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { if (GIGA_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT == null) { GIGA_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat(context.getResources().getString(R.string.util_bytes_format_gigabyte)); } return GIGA_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT.format((double) byteCount / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); } // More than 1 MB? if (byteCount >= 1024 * 1024) { if (MEGA_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT == null) { MEGA_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat(context.getResources().getString(R.string.util_bytes_format_megabyte)); } return MEGA_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT.format((double) byteCount / (1024 * 1024)); } // More than 1 KB? if (byteCount >= 1024) { if (KILO_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT == null) { KILO_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat(context.getResources().getString(R.string.util_bytes_format_kilobyte)); } return KILO_BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT.format((double) byteCount / 1024); } if (BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT == null) { BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat(context.getResources().getString(R.string.util_bytes_format_byte)); } return BYTE_LOCALIZED_FORMAT.format((double) byteCount); } public static boolean equals(Object object1, Object object2) { return object1 == object2 || !(object1 == null || object2 == null) && object1.equals(object2); } /** * Encodes the given string by using the hexadecimal representation of its UTF-8 bytes. * * @param s The string to encode. * @return The encoded string. */ public static String utf8HexEncode(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } byte[] utf8; try { utf8 = s.getBytes(Constants.UTF_8); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { throw new RuntimeException(x); } return hexEncode(utf8); } /** * Converts an array of bytes into an array of characters representing the hexadecimal values of each byte in order. * The returned array will be double the length of the passed array, as it takes two characters to represent any * given byte. * * @param data Bytes to convert to hexadecimal characters. * @return A string containing hexadecimal characters. */ public static String hexEncode(byte[] data) { int length = data.length; char[] out = new char[length << 1]; int j = 0; // two characters form the hex value. for (byte aData : data) { out[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(0xF0 & aData) >>> 4]; out[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[0x0F & aData]; } return new String(out); } /** * Calculates the MD5 digest and returns the value as a 32 character hex string. * * @param s Data to digest. * @return MD5 digest as a hex string. */ public static String md5Hex(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } try { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); return hexEncode(md5.digest(s.getBytes(Constants.UTF_8))); } catch (Exception x) { throw new RuntimeException(x.getMessage(), x); } } public static String getGrandparent(final String path) { // Find the top level folder, assume it is the album artist if (path != null) { int slashIndex = path.indexOf('/'); if (slashIndex > 0) { return path.substring(0, slashIndex); } } return null; } public static boolean isNetworkConnected(Context context) { ConnectivityManager manager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo networkInfo = manager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); boolean connected = networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected(); boolean wifiConnected = connected && networkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI; boolean wifiRequired = isWifiRequiredForDownload(context); return connected && (!wifiRequired || wifiConnected); } public static boolean isExternalStoragePresent() { return Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState()); } private static boolean isWifiRequiredForDownload(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_WIFI_REQUIRED_FOR_DOWNLOAD, false); } public static boolean shouldDisplayBitrateWithArtist(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DISPLAY_BITRATE_WITH_ARTIST, true); } public static boolean shouldUseFolderForArtistName(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_USE_FOLDER_FOR_ALBUM_ARTIST, false); } public static boolean shouldShowTrackNumber(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SHOW_TRACK_NUMBER, false); } public static void info(Context context, int titleId, int messageId) { showDialog(context, android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info, titleId, messageId); } public static void showWelcomeDialog(final Context context, final MainActivity activity, int titleId, int messageId) { new AlertDialog.Builder(context).setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info).setTitle(titleId).setMessage(messageId).setPositiveButton(R.string.common_ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int i) { dialog.dismiss(); activity.startActivityForResultWithoutTransition(activity, SettingsActivity.class); } }).show(); } private static void showDialog(Context context, int icon, int titleId, int messageId) { new AlertDialog.Builder(context).setIcon(icon).setTitle(titleId).setMessage(messageId).setPositiveButton(R.string.common_ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int i) { dialog.dismiss(); } }).show(); } public static void sleepQuietly(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException x) { Log.w(TAG, "Interrupted from sleep.", x); } } public static void disablePendingTransition(Activity activity) { activity.overridePendingTransition(0, 0); } public static Drawable getDrawableFromAttribute(Context context, int attr) { int[] attrs = new int[]{attr}; TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs); Drawable drawableFromTheme = null; if (ta != null) { drawableFromTheme = ta.getDrawable(0); ta.recycle(); } return drawableFromTheme; } public static Drawable createDrawableFromBitmap(Context context, Bitmap bitmap) { return new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), bitmap); } public static Bitmap createBitmapFromDrawable(Drawable drawable) { if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) { return ((BitmapDrawable)drawable).getBitmap(); } Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()); drawable.draw(canvas); return bitmap; } public static WifiManager.WifiLock createWifiLock(Context context, String tag) { WifiManager wm = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); return wm.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF, tag); } public static int getScaledHeight(double height, double width, int newWidth) { // Try to keep correct aspect ratio of the original image, do not force a square double aspectRatio = height / width; // Assume the size given refers to the width of the image, so calculate the new height using // the previously determined aspect ratio return (int) Math.round(newWidth * aspectRatio); } public static int getScaledHeight(Bitmap bitmap, int width) { return getScaledHeight((double) bitmap.getHeight(), (double) bitmap.getWidth(), width); } public static Bitmap scaleBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int size) { if (bitmap == null) return null; return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, size, getScaledHeight(bitmap, size), true); } public static void registerMediaButtonEventReceiver(Context context, boolean isService) { if (getMediaButtonsPreference(context)) { if (isService) mediaButtonsRegisteredForService = true; else mediaButtonsRegisteredForUI = true; AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); audioManager.registerMediaButtonEventReceiver(new ComponentName(context.getPackageName(), MediaButtonIntentReceiver.class.getName())); } } public static void unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver(Context context, boolean isService) { if (isService) mediaButtonsRegisteredForService = false; else mediaButtonsRegisteredForUI = false; // Do not unregister while there is an active part of the app which needs the control if (mediaButtonsRegisteredForService || mediaButtonsRegisteredForUI) return; AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); audioManager.unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver(new ComponentName(context.getPackageName(), MediaButtonIntentReceiver.class.getName())); Log.i(TAG, "MediaButtonEventReceiver unregistered."); } public static MusicDirectory getSongsFromSearchResult(SearchResult searchResult) { MusicDirectory musicDirectory = new MusicDirectory(); for (Entry entry : searchResult.getSongs()) { musicDirectory.addChild(entry); } return musicDirectory; } public static MusicDirectory getSongsFromBookmarks(Iterable bookmarks) { MusicDirectory musicDirectory = new MusicDirectory(); MusicDirectory.Entry song; for (Bookmark bookmark : bookmarks) { song = bookmark.getEntry(); song.setBookmarkPosition(bookmark.getPosition()); musicDirectory.addChild(song); } return musicDirectory; } /** *

Broadcasts the given song info as the new song being played.

*/ public static void broadcastNewTrackInfo(Context context, Entry song) { Intent intent = new Intent(EVENT_META_CHANGED); if (song != null) { intent.putExtra("title", song.getTitle()); intent.putExtra("artist", song.getArtist()); intent.putExtra("album", song.getAlbum()); File albumArtFile = FileUtil.getAlbumArtFile(context, song); intent.putExtra("coverart", albumArtFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { intent.putExtra("title", ""); intent.putExtra("artist", ""); intent.putExtra("album", ""); intent.putExtra("coverart", ""); } context.sendBroadcast(intent); } public static void broadcastA2dpMetaDataChange(Context context, int playerPosition, DownloadFile currentPlaying, int listSize, int id) { if (!Util.getShouldSendBluetoothNotifications(context)) { return; } Entry song = null; Intent avrcpIntent = new Intent(CM_AVRCP_METADATA_CHANGED); if (currentPlaying != null) song = currentPlaying.getSong(); if (song == null) { avrcpIntent.putExtra("track", ""); avrcpIntent.putExtra("track_name", ""); avrcpIntent.putExtra("artist", ""); avrcpIntent.putExtra("artist_name", ""); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album", ""); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_name", ""); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_artist", ""); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_artist_name", ""); if (Util.getShouldSendBluetoothAlbumArt(context)) { avrcpIntent.putExtra("coverart", (Parcelable) null); avrcpIntent.putExtra("cover", (Parcelable) null); } avrcpIntent.putExtra("ListSize", (long) 0); avrcpIntent.putExtra("id", (long) 0); avrcpIntent.putExtra("duration", (long) 0); avrcpIntent.putExtra("position", (long) 0); } else { if (song != currentSong) { currentSong = song; } String title = song.getTitle(); String artist = song.getArtist(); String album = song.getAlbum(); Integer duration = song.getDuration(); avrcpIntent.putExtra("track", title); avrcpIntent.putExtra("track_name", title); avrcpIntent.putExtra("artist", artist); avrcpIntent.putExtra("artist_name", artist); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album", album); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_name", album); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_artist", artist); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_artist_name", artist); if (Util.getShouldSendBluetoothAlbumArt(context)) { File albumArtFile = FileUtil.getAlbumArtFile(context, song); avrcpIntent.putExtra("coverart", albumArtFile.getAbsolutePath()); avrcpIntent.putExtra("cover", albumArtFile.getAbsolutePath()); } avrcpIntent.putExtra("position", (long) playerPosition); avrcpIntent.putExtra("id", (long) id); avrcpIntent.putExtra("ListSize", (long) listSize); if (duration != null) { avrcpIntent.putExtra("duration", (long) duration); } } context.sendBroadcast(avrcpIntent); } public static void broadcastA2dpPlayStatusChange(Context context, PlayerState state, Entry currentSong, Integer listSize, Integer id, Integer playerPosition) { if (!Util.getShouldSendBluetoothNotifications(context)) { return; } if (currentSong != null) { Intent avrcpIntent = new Intent(CM_AVRCP_PLAYSTATE_CHANGED); if (currentSong == null) { return; } if (currentSong != currentSong) { Util.currentSong = currentSong; } String title = currentSong.getTitle(); String artist = currentSong.getArtist(); String album = currentSong.getAlbum(); Integer duration = currentSong.getDuration(); avrcpIntent.putExtra("track", title); avrcpIntent.putExtra("track_name", title); avrcpIntent.putExtra("artist", artist); avrcpIntent.putExtra("artist_name", artist); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album", album); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_name", album); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_artist", artist); avrcpIntent.putExtra("album_artist_name", artist); if (Util.getShouldSendBluetoothAlbumArt(context)) { File albumArtFile = FileUtil.getAlbumArtFile(context, currentSong); avrcpIntent.putExtra("coverart", albumArtFile.getAbsolutePath()); avrcpIntent.putExtra("cover", albumArtFile.getAbsolutePath()); } avrcpIntent.putExtra("position", (long) playerPosition); avrcpIntent.putExtra("id", (long) id); avrcpIntent.putExtra("ListSize", (long) listSize); if (duration != null) { avrcpIntent.putExtra("duration", (long) duration); } switch (state) { case STARTED: avrcpIntent.putExtra("playing", true); break; case STOPPED: avrcpIntent.putExtra("playing", false); break; case PAUSED: avrcpIntent.putExtra("playing", false); break; case COMPLETED: avrcpIntent.putExtra("playing", false); break; default: return; // No need to broadcast. } context.sendBroadcast(avrcpIntent); } } /** *

Broadcasts the given player state as the one being set.

*/ public static void broadcastPlaybackStatusChange(Context context, PlayerState state) { Intent intent = new Intent(EVENT_PLAYSTATE_CHANGED); switch (state) { case STARTED: intent.putExtra("state", "play"); break; case STOPPED: intent.putExtra("state", "stop"); break; case PAUSED: intent.putExtra("state", "pause"); break; case COMPLETED: intent.putExtra("state", "complete"); break; default: return; // No need to broadcast. } context.sendBroadcast(intent); } public static int getNotificationImageSize(Context context) { DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); int imageSizeLarge = Math.round(Math.min(metrics.widthPixels, metrics.heightPixels)); int size; if (imageSizeLarge <= 480) { size = 64; } else size = imageSizeLarge <= 768 ? 128 : 256; return size; } public static int getAlbumImageSize(Context context) { DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); int imageSizeLarge = Math.round(Math.min(metrics.widthPixels, metrics.heightPixels)); int size; if (imageSizeLarge <= 480) { size = 128; } else size = imageSizeLarge <= 768 ? 256 : 512; return size; } public static int getMinDisplayMetric(Context context) { DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); return Math.min(metrics.widthPixels, metrics.heightPixels); } public static int getMaxDisplayMetric(Context context) { DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); return Math.max(metrics.widthPixels, metrics.heightPixels); } public static int calculateInSampleSize(BitmapFactory.Options options, int reqWidth, int reqHeight) { // Raw height and width of image final int height = options.outHeight; final int width = options.outWidth; int inSampleSize = 1; if (height > reqHeight || width > reqWidth) { // Calculate ratios of height and width to requested height and // width final int heightRatio = Math.round((float) height / (float) reqHeight); final int widthRatio = Math.round((float) width / (float) reqWidth); // Choose the smallest ratio as inSampleSize value, this will // guarantee // a final image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the // requested height and width. inSampleSize = heightRatio < widthRatio ? heightRatio : widthRatio; } return inSampleSize; } public static void linkButtons(Context context, RemoteViews views, boolean playerActive) { Intent intent = new Intent(context, playerActive ? DownloadActivity.class : MainActivity.class); intent.setAction("android.intent.action.MAIN"); intent.addCategory("android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.appwidget_coverart, pendingIntent); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.appwidget_top, pendingIntent); // Emulate media button clicks. intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 1, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.control_play, pendingIntent); intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 2, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.control_next, pendingIntent); intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 3, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.control_previous, pendingIntent); intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 4, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.control_stop, pendingIntent); intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_1)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 5, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.notification_five_star_1, pendingIntent); intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_2)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 6, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.notification_five_star_2, pendingIntent); intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_3)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 7, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.notification_five_star_3, pendingIntent); intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_4)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 8, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.notification_five_star_4, pendingIntent); intent = new Intent(Constants.CMD_PROCESS_KEYCODE); intent.setPackage(context.getPackageName()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_5)); pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 9, intent, 0); views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.notification_five_star_5, pendingIntent); } public static int getNetworkTimeout(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, "15000")); } public static int getDefaultAlbums(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_ALBUMS, "5")); } public static int getMaxAlbums(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_MAX_ALBUMS, "20")); } public static int getDefaultSongs(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_SONGS, "10")); } public static int getMaxSongs(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_MAX_SONGS, "25")); } public static int getMaxArtists(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_MAX_ARTISTS, "10")); } public static int getDefaultArtists(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_ARTISTS, "3")); } public static int getBufferLength(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_BUFFER_LENGTH, "5")); } public static int getIncrementTime(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_INCREMENT_TIME, "5")); } public static boolean getMediaButtonsPreference(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_MEDIA_BUTTONS, true); } public static boolean getShowNowPlayingPreference(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SHOW_NOW_PLAYING, true); } public static boolean getGaplessPlaybackPreference(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_GAPLESS_PLAYBACK, false); } public static boolean getShouldTransitionOnPlaybackPreference(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DOWNLOAD_TRANSITION, true); } public static boolean getShouldUseId3Tags(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_ID3_TAGS, false); } public static int getChatRefreshInterval(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_CHAT_REFRESH_INTERVAL, "5000")); } public static int getDirectoryCacheTime(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DIRECTORY_CACHE_TIME, "300")); } public static boolean isNullOrWhiteSpace(String string) { return string == null || string.isEmpty() || string.trim().isEmpty(); } public static String formatTotalDuration(long totalDuration) { return formatTotalDuration(totalDuration, false); } public static boolean getShouldClearPlaylist(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_CLEAR_PLAYLIST, false); } public static boolean getShouldSortByDisc(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DISC_SORT, false); } public static boolean getShouldClearBookmark(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_CLEAR_BOOKMARK, false); } public static String formatTotalDuration(long totalDuration, boolean inMilliseconds) { long millis = totalDuration; if (!inMilliseconds) { millis = totalDuration * 1000; } long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millis); long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(hours); long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(hours * 60 + minutes); if (hours >= 10) { return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); } else if (hours > 0) { return String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); } else if (minutes >= 10) { return String.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds); } else return minutes > 0 ? String.format("%d:%02d", minutes, seconds) : String.format("0:%02d", seconds); } public static VideoPlayerType getVideoPlayerType(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return VideoPlayerType.forKey(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_VIDEO_PLAYER, VideoPlayerType.MX.getKey())); } public static boolean isPackageInstalled(Context context, String packageName) { PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); List packages = null; if (pm != null) { packages = pm.getInstalledApplications(0); } if (packages != null) { for (ApplicationInfo packageInfo : packages) { if (packageInfo.packageName.equals(packageName)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static String getVersionName(Context context) { String versionName = null; PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); if (pm != null) { String packageName = context.getPackageName(); try { versionName = pm.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0).versionName; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException ignored) { } } return versionName; } public static int getVersionCode(Context context) { int versionCode = 0; PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); if (pm != null) { String packageName = context.getPackageName(); try { versionCode = pm.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0).versionCode; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException ignored) { } } return versionCode; } public static boolean getShouldSendBluetoothNotifications(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SEND_BLUETOOTH_NOTIFICATIONS, true); } public static boolean getShouldSendBluetoothAlbumArt(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SEND_BLUETOOTH_ALBUM_ART, true); } public static int getViewRefreshInterval(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_VIEW_REFRESH, "1000")); } public static boolean getShouldAskForShareDetails(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_ASK_FOR_SHARE_DETAILS, true); } public static String getDefaultShareDescription(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_SHARE_DESCRIPTION, ""); } public static String getShareGreeting(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_SHARE_GREETING, String.format(context.getResources().getString(R.string.share_default_greeting), context.getResources().getString(R.string.common_appname))); } public static String getDefaultShareExpiration(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_SHARE_EXPIRATION, "0"); } public static long getDefaultShareExpirationInMillis(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); String preference = preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_SHARE_EXPIRATION, "0"); String[] split = PATTERN.split(preference); if (split.length == 2) { int timeSpanAmount = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); String timeSpanType = split[1]; TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpanPicker.calculateTimeSpan(context, timeSpanType, timeSpanAmount); return timeSpan.getTotalMilliseconds(); } return 0; } public static void setShouldAskForShareDetails(Context context, boolean shouldAskForShareDetails) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_ASK_FOR_SHARE_DETAILS, shouldAskForShareDetails); editor.commit(); } public static void setDefaultShareExpiration(Context context, String defaultShareExpiration) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_SHARE_EXPIRATION, defaultShareExpiration); editor.commit(); } public static void setDefaultShareDescription(Context context, String defaultShareDescription) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_DEFAULT_SHARE_DESCRIPTION, defaultShareDescription); editor.commit(); } public static boolean getShouldShowAllSongsByArtist(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SHOW_ALL_SONGS_BY_ARTIST, false); } public static boolean getShouldScanMedia(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_SCAN_MEDIA, false); } public static void scanMedia(Context context, File file) { Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(file); Intent scanFileIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, uri); context.sendBroadcast(scanFileIntent); } public static int getImageLoaderConcurrency(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); return Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_IMAGE_LOADER_CONCURRENCY, "5")); } public static @ColorInt int getColorFromAttribute(Context context, int resId) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); Resources.Theme theme = context.getTheme(); theme.resolveAttribute(resId, typedValue, true); return typedValue.data; } public static int getResourceFromAttribute(Context context, int resId) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); Resources.Theme theme = context.getTheme(); theme.resolveAttribute(resId, typedValue, true); return typedValue.resourceId; } public static boolean shouldShowWelcomeScreen(Context context) { SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(context); boolean shown = preferences.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_WELCOME_SCREEN_SHOWN, false); if (shown) return false; SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCES_KEY_WELCOME_SCREEN_SHOWN, true); editor.apply(); return true; } }