/** * This module provides a base for for submodules which depend on the Android runtime */ apply plugin: 'com.android.library' apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' apply plugin: 'jacoco' apply from: "${project.rootDir}/gradle_scripts/code_quality.gradle" android { compileSdkVersion versions.compileSdk defaultConfig { testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" minSdkVersion versions.minSdk targetSdkVersion versions.targetSdk } compileOptions { // Sets Java compatibility to Java 8 sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } sourceSets { main.java.srcDirs += "${projectDir}/src/main/kotlin" test.java.srcDirs += "${projectDir}/src/test/kotlin" test.java.srcDirs += "${projectDir}/src/integrationTest/kotlin" test.resources.srcDirs += "${projectDir}/src/integrationTest/resources" } buildTypes { debug { minifyEnabled false debuggable true } release { minifyEnabled false } } buildFeatures { buildConfig = false } } tasks.withType(Test) { useJUnitPlatform() jacoco { includeNoLocationClasses = true excludes += jacocoExclude } } dependencies { api other.kotlinStdlib testImplementation testing.junit testRuntimeOnly testing.junitVintage } jacoco { toolVersion(versions.jacoco) } ext { jacocoExclude = ['jdk.internal.*'] }