/* * LocalMediaPlayer.kt * Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Ultrasonic developers * * Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. */ package org.moire.ultrasonic.service import android.content.Context import android.content.Context.POWER_SERVICE import android.content.Intent import android.media.MediaPlayer import android.media.MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener import android.media.audiofx.AudioEffect import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import android.os.PowerManager import android.os.PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK import android.os.PowerManager.WakeLock import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.StorageFile import java.net.URLEncoder import java.util.Locale import kotlin.math.abs import kotlin.math.max import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent import org.koin.core.component.inject import org.moire.ultrasonic.audiofx.EqualizerController import org.moire.ultrasonic.audiofx.VisualizerController import org.moire.ultrasonic.data.ActiveServerProvider.Companion.isOffline import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.PlayerState import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.CancellableTask import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Constants import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Settings import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.StreamProxy import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util import timber.log.Timber /** * Represents a Media Player which uses the mobile's resources for playback */ @Suppress("TooManyFunctions") class LocalMediaPlayer : KoinComponent { private val audioFocusHandler by inject() private val context by inject() @JvmField var onSongCompleted: ((DownloadFile?) -> Unit?)? = null @JvmField var onPrepared: (() -> Any?)? = null @JvmField var onNextSongRequested: Runnable? = null @JvmField @Volatile var playerState = PlayerState.IDLE @JvmField var currentPlaying: DownloadFile? = null @JvmField var nextPlaying: DownloadFile? = null private var nextPlayerState = PlayerState.IDLE private var nextSetup = false private var nextPlayingTask: CancellableTask? = null private var mediaPlayer: MediaPlayer = MediaPlayer() private var nextMediaPlayer: MediaPlayer? = null private var mediaPlayerLooper: Looper? = null private var mediaPlayerHandler: Handler? = null private var cachedPosition = 0 private var proxy: StreamProxy? = null private var bufferTask: CancellableTask? = null private var positionCache: PositionCache? = null private val pm = context.getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE) as PowerManager private val wakeLock: WakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, this.javaClass.name) val secondaryProgress: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData(0) fun init() { Thread { Thread.currentThread().name = "MediaPlayerThread" Looper.prepare() mediaPlayer.setWakeMode(context, PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK) mediaPlayer.setOnErrorListener { _, what, more -> handleError( Exception( String.format( Locale.getDefault(), "MediaPlayer error: %d (%d)", what, more ) ) ) false } try { val i = Intent(AudioEffect.ACTION_OPEN_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION) i.putExtra(AudioEffect.EXTRA_AUDIO_SESSION, mediaPlayer.audioSessionId) i.putExtra(AudioEffect.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, context.packageName) context.sendBroadcast(i) } catch (ignored: Throwable) { // Froyo or lower } mediaPlayerLooper = Looper.myLooper() mediaPlayerHandler = Handler(mediaPlayerLooper!!) Looper.loop() }.start() // Create Equalizer and Visualizer on a new thread as this can potentially take some time Thread { EqualizerController.create(context, mediaPlayer) VisualizerController.create(mediaPlayer) }.start() wakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false) Timber.i("LocalMediaPlayer created") } fun release() { // Calling reset() will result in changing this player's state. If we allow // the onPlayerStateChanged callback, then the state change will cause this // to resurrect the media session which has just been destroyed. reset() try { val i = Intent(AudioEffect.ACTION_CLOSE_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION) i.putExtra(AudioEffect.EXTRA_AUDIO_SESSION, mediaPlayer.audioSessionId) i.putExtra(AudioEffect.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, context.packageName) context.sendBroadcast(i) EqualizerController.release() VisualizerController.release() mediaPlayer.release() mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer() if (nextMediaPlayer != null) { nextMediaPlayer!!.release() } mediaPlayerLooper!!.quit() if (bufferTask != null) { bufferTask!!.cancel() } if (nextPlayingTask != null) { nextPlayingTask!!.cancel() } wakeLock.release() } catch (exception: Throwable) { Timber.w(exception, "LocalMediaPlayer onDestroy exception: ") } Timber.i("LocalMediaPlayer destroyed") } @Synchronized fun setPlayerState(playerState: PlayerState, track: DownloadFile?) { Timber.i("%s -> %s (%s)", this.playerState.name, playerState.name, track) synchronized(playerState) { this.playerState = playerState } if (playerState === PlayerState.STARTED) { audioFocusHandler.requestAudioFocus() } RxBus.playerStatePublisher.onNext(RxBus.StateWithTrack(playerState, track)) if (playerState === PlayerState.STARTED && positionCache == null) { positionCache = PositionCache() val thread = Thread(positionCache) thread.start() } else if (playerState !== PlayerState.STARTED && positionCache != null) { positionCache!!.stop() positionCache = null } } /* * Set the current playing file. It's called with null to reset the player. */ @Synchronized fun setCurrentPlaying(currentPlaying: DownloadFile?) { // In some cases this function is called twice if (this.currentPlaying == currentPlaying) return this.currentPlaying = currentPlaying RxBus.playerStatePublisher.onNext(RxBus.StateWithTrack(playerState, currentPlaying)) } /* * Set the next playing file. nextToPlay cannot be null */ @Synchronized fun setNextPlaying(nextToPlay: DownloadFile) { nextPlaying = nextToPlay nextPlayingTask = CheckCompletionTask(nextPlaying) nextPlayingTask?.start() } /* * Clear the next playing file. setIdle controls whether the playerState is affected as well */ @Synchronized fun clearNextPlaying(setIdle: Boolean) { nextSetup = false nextPlaying = null if (nextPlayingTask != null) { nextPlayingTask!!.cancel() nextPlayingTask = null } if (setIdle) { setNextPlayerState(PlayerState.IDLE) } } @Synchronized fun setNextPlayerState(playerState: PlayerState) { Timber.i("Next: %s -> %s (%s)", nextPlayerState.name, playerState.name, nextPlaying) nextPlayerState = playerState } /* * Public method to play a given file. * Optionally specify a position to start at. */ @Synchronized @JvmOverloads fun play(fileToPlay: DownloadFile?, position: Int = 0, autoStart: Boolean = true) { if (nextPlayingTask != null) { nextPlayingTask!!.cancel() nextPlayingTask = null } setCurrentPlaying(fileToPlay) if (fileToPlay != null) { bufferAndPlay(fileToPlay, position, autoStart) } } @Synchronized fun playNext() { if (nextMediaPlayer == null || nextPlaying == null) return mediaPlayer = nextMediaPlayer!! setCurrentPlaying(nextPlaying) setPlayerState(PlayerState.STARTED, currentPlaying) attachHandlersToPlayer(mediaPlayer, nextPlaying!!, false) postRunnable(onNextSongRequested) // Proxy should not be being used here since the next player was already setup to play proxy?.stop() proxy = null } @Synchronized fun pause() { try { mediaPlayer.pause() } catch (x: Exception) { handleError(x) } } @Synchronized fun start() { try { mediaPlayer.start() } catch (x: Exception) { handleError(x) } } @Synchronized fun seekTo(position: Int) { try { mediaPlayer.seekTo(position) cachedPosition = position } catch (x: Exception) { handleError(x) } } @get:Synchronized val playerPosition: Int get() = try { when (playerState) { PlayerState.IDLE -> 0 PlayerState.DOWNLOADING -> 0 PlayerState.PREPARING -> 0 else -> cachedPosition } } catch (x: Exception) { handleError(x) 0 } @get:Synchronized val playerDuration: Int get() { if (currentPlaying != null) { val duration = currentPlaying!!.song.duration if (duration != null) { return duration * 1000 } } if (playerState !== PlayerState.IDLE && playerState !== PlayerState.DOWNLOADING && playerState !== PlayerState.PREPARING ) { try { return mediaPlayer.duration } catch (x: Exception) { handleError(x) } } return 0 } fun setVolume(volume: Float) { mediaPlayer.setVolume(volume, volume) } @Synchronized private fun bufferAndPlay(fileToPlay: DownloadFile, position: Int, autoStart: Boolean) { if (playerState !== PlayerState.PREPARED && !fileToPlay.isWorkDone) { reset() bufferTask = BufferTask(fileToPlay, position, autoStart) bufferTask!!.start() } else { doPlay(fileToPlay, position, autoStart) } } @Synchronized private fun doPlay(downloadFile: DownloadFile, position: Int, start: Boolean) { setPlayerState(PlayerState.IDLE, downloadFile) // In many cases we will be resetting the mediaPlayer a second time here. // figure out if we can remove this call... resetMediaPlayer() try { downloadFile.setPlaying(false) val file = StorageFile.getFromPath(downloadFile.completeOrPartialFile) val partial = !downloadFile.isCompleteFileAvailable // TODO this won't work with SAF, we should use something else, e.g. a recent list // downloadFile.updateModificationDate() mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(null) setAudioAttributes(mediaPlayer) var dataSource: String? = null if (partial) { if (proxy == null) { proxy = StreamProxy(object : Supplier() { override fun get(): DownloadFile { return currentPlaying!! } }) proxy!!.start() } dataSource = String.format( Locale.getDefault(), "", proxy!!.port, URLEncoder.encode(dataSource, Constants.UTF_8) ) Timber.i("Data Source: %s", dataSource) } else if (proxy != null) { proxy?.stop() proxy = null } Timber.i("Preparing media player") if (dataSource != null) mediaPlayer.setDataSource(dataSource) else if (file.isRawFile()) mediaPlayer.setDataSource(file.getRawFilePath()) else { val descriptor = file.getDocumentFileDescriptor("r")!! mediaPlayer.setDataSource(descriptor.fileDescriptor) descriptor.close() } setPlayerState(PlayerState.PREPARING, downloadFile) mediaPlayer.setOnBufferingUpdateListener { mp, percent -> val song = downloadFile.song if (percent == 100) { mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(null) } // The secondary progress is an indicator of how far the song is cached. if (song.transcodedContentType == null && Settings.maxBitRate == 0) { val progress = (percent.toDouble() / 100.toDouble() * playerDuration).toInt() secondaryProgress.postValue(progress) } } mediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener { Timber.i("Media player prepared") setPlayerState(PlayerState.PREPARED, downloadFile) // Populate seek bar secondary progress if we have a complete file for consistency if (downloadFile.isWorkDone) { secondaryProgress.postValue(playerDuration) } synchronized(this@LocalMediaPlayer) { if (position != 0) { Timber.i("Restarting player from position %d", position) seekTo(position) } cachedPosition = position if (start) { mediaPlayer.start() setPlayerState(PlayerState.STARTED, downloadFile) } else { setPlayerState(PlayerState.PAUSED, downloadFile) } } postRunnable { onPrepared } } attachHandlersToPlayer(mediaPlayer, downloadFile, partial) mediaPlayer.prepareAsync() } catch (x: Exception) { handleError(x) } } private fun setAudioAttributes(player: MediaPlayer) { player.setAudioAttributes(AudioFocusHandler.getAudioAttributes()) } @Suppress("ComplexCondition") @Synchronized private fun setupNext(downloadFile: DownloadFile) { try { val file = StorageFile.getFromPath(downloadFile.completeOrPartialFile) // Release the media player if it is not our active player if (nextMediaPlayer != null && nextMediaPlayer != mediaPlayer) { nextMediaPlayer!!.setOnCompletionListener(null) nextMediaPlayer!!.release() nextMediaPlayer = null } nextMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer() nextMediaPlayer!!.setWakeMode(context, PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK) setAudioAttributes(nextMediaPlayer!!) // This has nothing to do with the MediaSession, it is used to associate // the equalizer or visualizer with the player try { nextMediaPlayer!!.audioSessionId = mediaPlayer.audioSessionId } catch (ignored: Throwable) { } if (file.isRawFile()) nextMediaPlayer!!.setDataSource(file.getRawFilePath()) else { val descriptor = file.getDocumentFileDescriptor("r")!! nextMediaPlayer!!.setDataSource(descriptor.fileDescriptor) descriptor.close() } setNextPlayerState(PlayerState.PREPARING) nextMediaPlayer!!.setOnPreparedListener { try { setNextPlayerState(PlayerState.PREPARED) if (Settings.gaplessPlayback && (playerState === PlayerState.STARTED || playerState === PlayerState.PAUSED) ) { mediaPlayer.setNextMediaPlayer(nextMediaPlayer) nextSetup = true } } catch (x: Exception) { handleErrorNext(x) } } nextMediaPlayer!!.setOnErrorListener { _, what, extra -> Timber.w("Error on playing next (%d, %d): %s", what, extra, downloadFile) true } nextMediaPlayer!!.prepareAsync() } catch (x: Exception) { handleErrorNext(x) } } private fun attachHandlersToPlayer( mediaPlayer: MediaPlayer, downloadFile: DownloadFile, isPartial: Boolean ) { mediaPlayer.setOnErrorListener { _, what, extra -> Timber.w("Error on playing file (%d, %d): %s", what, extra, downloadFile) val pos = cachedPosition reset() downloadFile.setPlaying(false) doPlay(downloadFile, pos, true) downloadFile.setPlaying(true) true } var duration = 0 if (downloadFile.song.duration != null) { duration = downloadFile.song.duration!! * 1000 } mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(object : OnCompletionListener { override fun onCompletion(mediaPlayer: MediaPlayer) { // Acquire a temporary wakelock, since when we return from // this callback the MediaPlayer will release its wakelock // and allow the device to go to sleep. wakeLock.acquire(60000) val pos = cachedPosition Timber.i("Ending position %d of %d", pos, duration) if (!isPartial || downloadFile.isWorkDone && abs(duration - pos) < 1000) { setPlayerState(PlayerState.COMPLETED, downloadFile) if (Settings.gaplessPlayback && nextPlaying != null && nextPlayerState === PlayerState.PREPARED ) { if (nextSetup) { nextSetup = false } playNext() } else { if (onSongCompleted != null) { val mainHandler = Handler(context.mainLooper) val myRunnable = Runnable { onSongCompleted!!(currentPlaying) } mainHandler.post(myRunnable) } } return } synchronized(this) { if (downloadFile.isWorkDone) { // Complete was called early even though file is fully buffered Timber.i("Requesting restart from %d of %d", pos, duration) reset() downloadFile.setPlaying(false) doPlay(downloadFile, pos, true) downloadFile.setPlaying(true) } else { Timber.i("Requesting restart from %d of %d", pos, duration) reset() bufferTask = BufferTask(downloadFile, pos) bufferTask!!.start() } } } }) } @Synchronized fun reset() { if (bufferTask != null) { bufferTask!!.cancel() } resetMediaPlayer() try { setPlayerState(PlayerState.IDLE, currentPlaying) mediaPlayer.setOnErrorListener(null) mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(null) } catch (x: Exception) { handleError(x) } } @Synchronized fun resetMediaPlayer() { try { mediaPlayer.reset() } catch (x: Exception) { Timber.w(x, "MediaPlayer was released but LocalMediaPlayer was not destroyed") // Recreate MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer() } } private inner class BufferTask( private val downloadFile: DownloadFile, private val position: Int, private val autoStart: Boolean = true ) : CancellableTask() { private val expectedFileSize: Long private val partialFile: String = downloadFile.partialFile override fun execute() { setPlayerState(PlayerState.DOWNLOADING, downloadFile) while (!bufferComplete() && !isOffline()) { Util.sleepQuietly(1000L) if (isCancelled) { return } } doPlay(downloadFile, position, autoStart) } private fun bufferComplete(): Boolean { val completeFileAvailable = downloadFile.isWorkDone val size = if (!StorageFile.isPathExists(partialFile)) 0 else StorageFile.getFromPath(partialFile).length() Timber.i( "Buffering %s (%d/%d, %s)", partialFile, size, expectedFileSize, completeFileAvailable ) return completeFileAvailable || size >= expectedFileSize } override fun toString(): String { return String.format("BufferTask (%s)", downloadFile) } init { var bufferLength = Settings.bufferLength.toLong() if (bufferLength == 0L) { // Set to seconds in a day, basically infinity bufferLength = 86400L } // Calculate roughly how many bytes BUFFER_LENGTH_SECONDS corresponds to. val bitRate = downloadFile.getBitRate() val byteCount = max(100000, bitRate * 1024L / 8L * bufferLength) // Find out how large the file should grow before resuming playback. Timber.i("Buffering from position %d and bitrate %d", position, bitRate) expectedFileSize = position * bitRate / 8 + byteCount } } private inner class CheckCompletionTask(downloadFile: DownloadFile?) : CancellableTask() { private val downloadFile: DownloadFile? private val partialFile: String? override fun execute() { Thread.currentThread().name = "CheckCompletionTask" if (downloadFile == null) { return } // Do an initial sleep so this prepare can't compete with main prepare Util.sleepQuietly(5000L) while (!bufferComplete()) { Util.sleepQuietly(5000L) if (isCancelled) { return } } // Start the setup of the next media player mediaPlayerHandler!!.post { setupNext(downloadFile) } } private fun bufferComplete(): Boolean { val completeFileAvailable = downloadFile!!.isWorkDone val state = (playerState === PlayerState.STARTED || playerState === PlayerState.PAUSED) val length = if (partialFile == null || !StorageFile.isPathExists(partialFile)) 0 else StorageFile.getFromPath(partialFile).length() Timber.i("Buffering next %s (%d)", partialFile, length) return completeFileAvailable && state } override fun toString(): String { return String.format("CheckCompletionTask (%s)", downloadFile) } init { setNextPlayerState(PlayerState.IDLE) this.downloadFile = downloadFile partialFile = downloadFile?.partialFile } } private inner class PositionCache : Runnable { var isRunning = true fun stop() { isRunning = false } override fun run() { Thread.currentThread().name = "PositionCache" // Stop checking position before the song reaches completion while (isRunning) { try { if (playerState === PlayerState.STARTED) { synchronized(playerState) { if (playerState === PlayerState.STARTED) { cachedPosition = mediaPlayer.currentPosition } } RxBus.playbackPositionPublisher.onNext(cachedPosition) } Util.sleepQuietly(100L) } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.w(e, "Crashed getting current position") isRunning = false positionCache = null } } } } private fun handleError(x: Exception) { Timber.w(x, "Media player error") try { mediaPlayer.reset() } catch (ex: Exception) { Timber.w(ex, "Exception encountered when resetting media player") } } private fun handleErrorNext(x: Exception) { Timber.w(x, "Next Media player error") nextMediaPlayer!!.reset() } private fun postRunnable(runnable: Runnable?) { if (runnable != null) { val mainHandler = Handler(context.mainLooper) val myRunnable = Runnable { runnable.run() } mainHandler.post(myRunnable) } } }