/* * MediaPlayerController.kt * Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Ultrasonic developers * * Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. */ package org.moire.ultrasonic.service import android.content.Intent import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent import org.koin.core.component.inject import org.moire.ultrasonic.app.UApp import org.moire.ultrasonic.data.ActiveServerProvider import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.PlayerState import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.RepeatMode import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.MediaPlayerService.Companion.executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.MediaPlayerService.Companion.getInstance import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.MediaPlayerService.Companion.runningInstance import org.moire.ultrasonic.service.MusicServiceFactory.getMusicService import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Settings import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.ShufflePlayBuffer import timber.log.Timber /** * The implementation of the Media Player Controller. * This class contains everything that is necessary for the Application UI * to control the Media Player implementation. */ @Suppress("TooManyFunctions") class MediaPlayerController( private val playbackStateSerializer: PlaybackStateSerializer, private val externalStorageMonitor: ExternalStorageMonitor, private val downloader: Downloader, private val shufflePlayBuffer: ShufflePlayBuffer, private val localMediaPlayer: LocalMediaPlayer ) : KoinComponent { private var created = false var suggestedPlaylistName: String? = null var keepScreenOn = false var showVisualization = false private var autoPlayStart = false private val jukeboxMediaPlayer: JukeboxMediaPlayer by inject() private val activeServerProvider: ActiveServerProvider by inject() fun onCreate() { if (created) return externalStorageMonitor.onCreate { reset() } isJukeboxEnabled = activeServerProvider.getActiveServer().jukeboxByDefault created = true Timber.i("MediaPlayerController created") } fun onDestroy() { if (!created) return val context = UApp.applicationContext() externalStorageMonitor.onDestroy() context.stopService(Intent(context, MediaPlayerService::class.java)) downloader.onDestroy() created = false Timber.i("MediaPlayerController destroyed") } @Synchronized fun restore( songs: List?, currentPlayingIndex: Int, currentPlayingPosition: Int, autoPlay: Boolean, newPlaylist: Boolean ) { addToPlaylist( songs, save = false, autoPlay = false, playNext = false, shuffle = false, newPlaylist = newPlaylist ) if (currentPlayingIndex != -1) { executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService { mediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService -> mediaPlayerService.play(currentPlayingIndex, autoPlayStart) if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying != null) { if (autoPlay && jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.skip( downloader.currentPlayingIndex, currentPlayingPosition / 1000 ) } else { if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying!!.isCompleteFileAvailable) { localMediaPlayer.play( localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying, currentPlayingPosition, autoPlay ) } } } autoPlayStart = false } } } @Synchronized fun preload() { getInstance() } @Synchronized fun play(index: Int) { executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService { service: MediaPlayerService -> service.play(index, true) } } @Synchronized fun play() { executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService { service: MediaPlayerService -> service.play() } } @Synchronized fun resumeOrPlay() { executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService { service: MediaPlayerService -> service.resumeOrPlay() } } @Synchronized fun togglePlayPause() { if (localMediaPlayer.playerState === PlayerState.IDLE) autoPlayStart = true executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService { service: MediaPlayerService -> service.togglePlayPause() } } @Synchronized fun start() { executeOnStartedMediaPlayerService { service: MediaPlayerService -> service.start() } } @Synchronized fun seekTo(position: Int) { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance mediaPlayerService?.seekTo(position) } @Synchronized fun pause() { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance mediaPlayerService?.pause() } @Synchronized fun stop() { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance mediaPlayerService?.stop() } @Synchronized @Suppress("LongParameterList") fun addToPlaylist( songs: List?, save: Boolean, autoPlay: Boolean, playNext: Boolean, shuffle: Boolean, newPlaylist: Boolean ) { if (songs == null) return val filteredSongs = songs.filterNotNull() downloader.addToPlaylist(filteredSongs, save, autoPlay, playNext, newPlaylist) jukeboxMediaPlayer.updatePlaylist() if (shuffle) shuffle() val isLastTrack = (downloader.getPlaylist().size - 1 == downloader.currentPlayingIndex) if (!playNext && !autoPlay && isLastTrack) { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance mediaPlayerService?.setNextPlaying() } if (autoPlay) { play(0) } else { if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying == null && downloader.getPlaylist().isNotEmpty()) { localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying = downloader.getPlaylist()[0] downloader.getPlaylist()[0].setPlaying(true) } downloader.checkDownloads() } playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) } @Synchronized fun downloadBackground(songs: List?, save: Boolean) { if (songs == null) return val filteredSongs = songs.filterNotNull() downloader.downloadBackground(filteredSongs, save) playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) } @Synchronized fun setCurrentPlaying(index: Int) { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance mediaPlayerService?.setCurrentPlaying(index) } fun stopJukeboxService() { jukeboxMediaPlayer.stopJukeboxService() } @set:Synchronized var isShufflePlayEnabled: Boolean get() = shufflePlayBuffer.isEnabled set(enabled) { shufflePlayBuffer.isEnabled = enabled if (enabled) { clear() downloader.checkDownloads() } } @Synchronized fun shuffle() { downloader.shuffle() playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) jukeboxMediaPlayer.updatePlaylist() val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance mediaPlayerService?.setNextPlaying() } @Synchronized fun moveItemInPlaylist(oldPos: Int, newPos: Int) { downloader.moveItemInPlaylist(oldPos, newPos) } @set:Synchronized var repeatMode: RepeatMode get() = Settings.repeatMode set(repeatMode) { Settings.repeatMode = repeatMode val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance mediaPlayerService?.setNextPlaying() } @Synchronized @JvmOverloads fun clear(serialize: Boolean = true) { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance if (mediaPlayerService != null) { mediaPlayerService.clear(serialize) } else { // If no MediaPlayerService is available, just empty the playlist downloader.clearPlaylist() if (serialize) { playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) } } jukeboxMediaPlayer.updatePlaylist() } @Synchronized fun clearCaches() { downloader.clearDownloadFileCache() } @Synchronized fun clearIncomplete() { reset() downloader.clearIncomplete() playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) jukeboxMediaPlayer.updatePlaylist() } @Synchronized // TODO: If a playlist contains an item twice, this call will wrongly remove all fun removeFromPlaylist(downloadFile: DownloadFile) { if (downloadFile == localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying) { reset() currentPlaying = null } downloader.removeFromPlaylist(downloadFile) playbackStateSerializer.serialize( downloader.getPlaylist(), downloader.currentPlayingIndex, playerPosition ) jukeboxMediaPlayer.updatePlaylist() if (downloadFile == localMediaPlayer.nextPlaying) { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance mediaPlayerService?.setNextPlaying() } } @Synchronized // TODO: Make it require not null fun delete(songs: List) { for (song in songs.filterNotNull()) { downloader.getDownloadFileForSong(song).delete() } } @Synchronized // TODO: Make it require not null fun unpin(songs: List) { for (song in songs.filterNotNull()) { downloader.getDownloadFileForSong(song).unpin() } } @Synchronized fun previous() { val index = downloader.currentPlayingIndex if (index == -1) { return } // Restart song if played more than five seconds. @Suppress("MagicNumber") if (playerPosition > 5000 || index == 0) { play(index) } else { play(index - 1) } } @Synchronized operator fun next() { val index = downloader.currentPlayingIndex if (index != -1) { when (repeatMode) { RepeatMode.SINGLE, RepeatMode.OFF -> { // Play next if exists if (index + 1 >= 0 && index + 1 < downloader.getPlaylist().size) { play(index + 1) } } RepeatMode.ALL -> { play((index + 1) % downloader.getPlaylist().size) } else -> { } } } } @Synchronized fun reset() { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance if (mediaPlayerService != null) localMediaPlayer.reset() } @get:Synchronized val playerPosition: Int get() { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance ?: return 0 return mediaPlayerService.playerPosition } @get:Synchronized val playerDuration: Int get() { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance ?: return 0 return mediaPlayerService.playerDuration } @set:Synchronized var playerState: PlayerState get() = localMediaPlayer.playerState set(state) { val mediaPlayerService = runningInstance if (mediaPlayerService != null) localMediaPlayer.setPlayerState(state, localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying) } @set:Synchronized var isJukeboxEnabled: Boolean get() = jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled set(jukeboxEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.isEnabled = jukeboxEnabled playerState = PlayerState.IDLE if (jukeboxEnabled) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.startJukeboxService() reset() // Cancel current download, if necessary. downloader.clearActiveDownloads() } else { jukeboxMediaPlayer.stopJukeboxService() } } /** * This function calls the music service directly and * therefore can't be called from the main thread */ val isJukeboxAvailable: Boolean get() { try { val username = activeServerProvider.getActiveServer().userName return getMusicService().getUser(username).jukeboxRole } catch (all: Exception) { Timber.w(all, "Error getting user information") } return false } fun adjustJukeboxVolume(up: Boolean) { jukeboxMediaPlayer.adjustVolume(up) } fun setVolume(volume: Float) { if (runningInstance != null) localMediaPlayer.setVolume(volume) } private fun updateNotification() { runningInstance?.updateNotification( localMediaPlayer.playerState, localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying ) } fun toggleSongStarred() { if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying == null) return val song = localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying!!.song Thread { val musicService = getMusicService() try { if (song.starred) { musicService.unstar(song.id, null, null) } else { musicService.star(song.id, null, null) } } catch (all: Exception) { Timber.e(all) } }.start() // Trigger an update localMediaPlayer.setCurrentPlaying(localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying) song.starred = !song.starred } @Suppress("TooGenericExceptionCaught") // The interface throws only generic exceptions fun setSongRating(rating: Int) { if (!Settings.useFiveStarRating) return if (localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying == null) return val song = localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying!!.song song.userRating = rating Thread { try { getMusicService().setRating(song.id, rating) } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e) } }.start() // TODO this would be better handled with a Rx command updateNotification() } @set:Synchronized var currentPlaying: DownloadFile? get() = localMediaPlayer.currentPlaying set(currentPlaying) { if (runningInstance != null) localMediaPlayer.setCurrentPlaying(currentPlaying) } val playlistSize: Int get() = downloader.getPlaylist().size val currentPlayingNumberOnPlaylist: Int get() = downloader.currentPlayingIndex val playList: List get() = downloader.getPlaylist() val playListDuration: Long get() = downloader.downloadListDuration fun getDownloadFileForSong(song: MusicDirectory.Entry): DownloadFile { return downloader.getDownloadFileForSong(song) } init { Timber.i("MediaPlayerController constructed") } }