/* * APIDataSource.kt * Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Ultrasonic developers * * Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. */ package org.moire.ultrasonic.playback import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.net.Uri import androidx.core.net.toUri import androidx.media3.common.C import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackException import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions import androidx.media3.common.util.Util import androidx.media3.datasource.BaseDataSource import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSourceException import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec import androidx.media3.datasource.HttpDataSource import androidx.media3.datasource.HttpDataSource.HttpDataSourceException import androidx.media3.datasource.HttpDataSource.InvalidResponseCodeException import androidx.media3.datasource.HttpDataSource.RequestProperties import androidx.media3.datasource.HttpUtil import androidx.media3.datasource.TransferListener import com.google.common.net.HttpHeaders import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import java.io.InterruptedIOException import okhttp3.Call import okhttp3.ResponseBody import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.SubsonicAPIClient import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.response.StreamResponse import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.throwOnFailure import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.toStreamResponse import timber.log.Timber /** * An [HttpDataSource] that delegates to Square's [Call.Factory]. * * * Note: HTTP request headers will be set using all parameters passed via (in order of decreasing * priority) the `dataSpec`, [.setRequestProperty] and the default parameters used to * construct the instance. */ @SuppressLint("UnsafeOptInUsageError") @Suppress("MagicNumber") open class APIDataSource private constructor( subsonicAPIClient: SubsonicAPIClient ) : BaseDataSource(true), HttpDataSource { /** [DataSource.Factory] for [APIDataSource] instances. */ class Factory(private var subsonicAPIClient: SubsonicAPIClient) : HttpDataSource.Factory { private val defaultRequestProperties: RequestProperties = RequestProperties() private var transferListener: TransferListener? = null override fun setDefaultRequestProperties( defaultRequestProperties: Map ): Factory { this.defaultRequestProperties.clearAndSet(defaultRequestProperties) return this } /** * Sets the [TransferListener] that will be used. * * See [DataSource.addTransferListener]. * * @param transferListener The listener that will be used. * @return This factory. */ fun setTransferListener(transferListener: TransferListener?): Factory { this.transferListener = transferListener return this } fun setAPIClient(newClient: SubsonicAPIClient) { this.subsonicAPIClient = newClient } override fun createDataSource(): APIDataSource { val dataSource = APIDataSource( subsonicAPIClient ) if (transferListener != null) { dataSource.addTransferListener(transferListener!!) } return dataSource } } private val subsonicAPIClient: SubsonicAPIClient = Assertions.checkNotNull(subsonicAPIClient) private val requestProperties: RequestProperties = RequestProperties() private var dataSpec: DataSpec? = null private var response: retrofit2.Response? = null private var responseByteStream: InputStream? = null private var openedNetwork = false private var bytesToRead: Long = 0 private var bytesRead: Long = 0 override fun getUri(): Uri? { return when (response) { null -> null else -> response!!.raw().request.url.toString().toUri() } } override fun getResponseCode(): Int { return if (response == null) -1 else response!!.code() } override fun getResponseHeaders(): Map> { return if (response == null) emptyMap() else response!!.headers().toMultimap() } override fun setRequestProperty(name: String, value: String) { Assertions.checkNotNull(name) Assertions.checkNotNull(value) requestProperties[name] = value } override fun clearRequestProperty(name: String) { Assertions.checkNotNull(name) requestProperties.remove(name) } override fun clearAllRequestProperties() { requestProperties.clear() } @Suppress("LongMethod", "NestedBlockDepth") @Throws(HttpDataSourceException::class) override fun open(dataSpec: DataSpec): Long { this.dataSpec = dataSpec bytesRead = 0 bytesToRead = 0 transferInitializing(dataSpec) val components = dataSpec.uri.toString().split('|') val id = components[0] val bitrate = components[1].toInt() Timber.i("DATASOURCE: %s", "Start") // FIXME // WRONG API CLIENT val request = subsonicAPIClient.api.stream(id, bitrate, offset = 0) val response: retrofit2.Response? val streamResponse: StreamResponse Timber.i("DATASOURCE: %s", "Start2") try { this.response = request.execute() Timber.i("DATASOURCE: %s", "Start3") response = this.response streamResponse = response!!.toStreamResponse() Timber.i("DATASOURCE: %s", "Start4") responseByteStream = streamResponse.stream Timber.i("DATASOURCE: %s", "Start5") } catch (e: IOException) { throw HttpDataSourceException.createForIOException( e, dataSpec, HttpDataSourceException.TYPE_OPEN ) } streamResponse.throwOnFailure() val responseCode = response.code() // Check for a valid response code. if (!response.isSuccessful) { if (responseCode == 416) { val documentSize = HttpUtil.getDocumentSize(response.headers()[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_RANGE]) if (dataSpec.position == documentSize) { openedNetwork = true transferStarted(dataSpec) return if (dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNSET.toLong()) dataSpec.length else 0 } } val errorResponseBody: ByteArray = try { Util.toByteArray(Assertions.checkNotNull(responseByteStream)) } catch (ignore: IOException) { Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY } val headers = response.headers().toMultimap() closeConnectionQuietly() val cause: IOException? = if (responseCode == 416) DataSourceException( PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_IO_READ_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE ) else null throw InvalidResponseCodeException( responseCode, response.message(), cause, headers, dataSpec, errorResponseBody ) } Timber.i("DATASOURCE: %s", "Start6") // If we requested a range starting from a non-zero position and received a 200 rather than a // 206, then the server does not support partial requests. We'll need to manually skip to the // requested position. val bytesToSkip = if (responseCode == 200 && dataSpec.position != 0L) dataSpec.position else 0 // Determine the length of the data to be read, after skipping. bytesToRead = if (dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNSET.toLong()) { dataSpec.length } else { val contentLength = response.body()!!.contentLength() if (contentLength != -1L) contentLength - bytesToSkip else C.LENGTH_UNSET.toLong() } openedNetwork = true transferStarted(dataSpec) try { skipFully(bytesToSkip, dataSpec) } catch (e: HttpDataSourceException) { closeConnectionQuietly() throw e } Timber.i("DATASOURCE: %s", "Start7") return bytesToRead } @Throws(HttpDataSourceException::class) override fun read(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): Int { return try { readInternal(buffer, offset, length) } catch (e: IOException) { throw HttpDataSourceException.createForIOException( e, Util.castNonNull(dataSpec), HttpDataSourceException.TYPE_READ ) } } override fun close() { if (openedNetwork) { openedNetwork = false transferEnded() closeConnectionQuietly() } } /** * Attempts to skip the specified number of bytes in full. * * @param bytesToSkip The number of bytes to skip. * @param dataSpec The [DataSpec]. * @throws HttpDataSourceException If the thread is interrupted during the operation, or an error * occurs while reading from the source, or if the data ended before skipping the specified * number of bytes. */ @Suppress("ThrowsCount") @Throws(HttpDataSourceException::class) private fun skipFully(bytesToSkip: Long, dataSpec: DataSpec) { var bytesToSkip = bytesToSkip if (bytesToSkip == 0L) { return } val skipBuffer = ByteArray(4096) try { while (bytesToSkip > 0) { val readLength = bytesToSkip.coerceAtMost(skipBuffer.size.toLong()).toInt() val read = Util.castNonNull(responseByteStream).read(skipBuffer, 0, readLength) if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted) { throw InterruptedIOException() } if (read == -1) { throw HttpDataSourceException( dataSpec, PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_IO_READ_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE, HttpDataSourceException.TYPE_OPEN ) } bytesToSkip -= read.toLong() bytesTransferred(read) } return } catch (e: IOException) { if (e is HttpDataSourceException) { throw e } else { throw HttpDataSourceException( dataSpec, PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_IO_UNSPECIFIED, HttpDataSourceException.TYPE_OPEN ) } } } /** * Reads up to `length` bytes of data and stores them into `buffer`, starting at index * `offset`. * * * This method blocks until at least one byte of data can be read, the end of the opened range * is detected, or an exception is thrown. * * @param buffer The buffer into which the read data should be stored. * @param offset The start offset into `buffer` at which data should be written. * @param readLength The maximum number of bytes to read. * @return The number of bytes read, or [C.RESULT_END_OF_INPUT] if the end of the opened * range is reached. * @throws IOException If an error occurs reading from the source. */ @Throws(IOException::class) private fun readInternal(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, readLength: Int): Int { var readLength = readLength if (readLength == 0) { return 0 } if (bytesToRead != C.LENGTH_UNSET.toLong()) { val bytesRemaining = bytesToRead - bytesRead if (bytesRemaining == 0L) { return C.RESULT_END_OF_INPUT } readLength = readLength.toLong().coerceAtMost(bytesRemaining).toInt() } val read = Util.castNonNull(responseByteStream).read(buffer, offset, readLength) if (read == -1) { return C.RESULT_END_OF_INPUT } bytesRead += read.toLong() // TODO // bytesTransferred(read) return read } /** Closes the current connection quietly, if there is one. */ private fun closeConnectionQuietly() { if (response != null) { Assertions.checkNotNull(response!!.body()).close() response = null } responseByteStream = null } }