package org.moire.ultrasonic.model import import androidx.lifecycle.AndroidViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.moire.ultrasonic.R import import import import import import timber.log.Timber /** * ViewModel to be used in Activities which will handle Server Settings */ class ServerSettingsModel( private val repository: ServerSettingDao, private val activeServerProvider: ActiveServerProvider, application: Application ) : AndroidViewModel(application) { private val appScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.IO) /** * Retrieves the list of the configured servers from the database. * This function is asynchronous, uses LiveData to provide the Setting. * * It does not include the Offline "server". */ fun getServerList(): LiveData> { // This check should run before returning any result runBlocking { if (areIndexesMissing()) { reindexSettings() } } return repository.loadAllServerSettings() } /** * Retrieves a single Server Setting by its index * This function is asynchronous, uses LiveData to provide the Setting. */ fun getServerSetting(index: Int): LiveData { return repository.getLiveServerSettingByIndex(index) } /** * Moves a Setting up in the Server List by decreasing its index */ fun moveItemUp(index: Int) { if (index <= 1) return viewModelScope.launch { val itemToBeMoved = repository.findByIndex(index) val previousItem = repository.findByIndex(index - 1) if (itemToBeMoved != null && previousItem != null) { itemToBeMoved.index = previousItem.index previousItem.index = index repository.update(itemToBeMoved, previousItem) activeServerProvider.invalidateCache() } } } /** * Moves a Setting down in the Server List by increasing its index */ fun moveItemDown(index: Int) { viewModelScope.launch { if (index < repository.getMaxIndex() ?: 0) { val itemToBeMoved = repository.findByIndex(index) val nextItem = repository.findByIndex(index + 1) if (itemToBeMoved != null && nextItem != null) { itemToBeMoved.index = nextItem.index nextItem.index = index repository.update(itemToBeMoved, nextItem) activeServerProvider.invalidateCache() } } } } /** * Removes a Setting from the database */ fun deleteItemById(id: Int) { if (id == OFFLINE_DB_ID) return viewModelScope.launch { val itemToBeDeleted = repository.findById(id) if (itemToBeDeleted != null) { repository.delete(itemToBeDeleted) Timber.d("deleteItem deleted id: $id") reindexSettings() activeServerProvider.invalidateCache() } } } /** * Updates a Setting in the database */ fun updateItem(serverSetting: ServerSetting?) { if (serverSetting == null) return appScope.launch { repository.update(serverSetting) activeServerProvider.invalidateCache() Timber.d("updateItem updated server setting: $serverSetting") } } /** * Inserts a new Setting into the database */ fun saveNewItem(serverSetting: ServerSetting?) { if (serverSetting == null) return appScope.launch { serverSetting.index = (repository.count() ?: 0) + 1 repository.insert(serverSetting) Timber.d("saveNewItem saved server setting: $serverSetting") } } /** * Inserts a new Setting into the database * @return The id of the demo server */ fun addDemoServer(): Int { val demo = DEMO_SERVER_CONFIG.copy() runBlocking { demo.index = (repository.count() ?: 0) + 1 repository.insert(demo) Timber.d("Added demo server") } return demo.index } /** * Checks if there are any missing indexes in the ServerSetting list * For displaying the Server Settings in a ListView, it is mandatory that their indexes * aren't missing. Ideally the indexes are continuous, but some circumstances (e.g. * concurrency or migration errors) may get them out of order. * This would make the List Adapter crash, so it is best to prepare and check the list. */ private suspend fun areIndexesMissing(): Boolean { for (i in 1 until getMaximumIndexToCheck() + 1) { if (repository.findByIndex(i) == null) return true } return false } /** * This function updates all the Server Settings in the DB so their indexing is continuous. */ private suspend fun reindexSettings() { var newIndex = 1 for (i in 1 until getMaximumIndexToCheck() + 1) { val setting = repository.findByIndex(i) if (setting != null) { setting.index = newIndex newIndex++ repository.update(setting) Timber.d("reindexSettings saved $setting") } } } private suspend fun getMaximumIndexToCheck(): Int { val rowsInDatabase = repository.count() ?: 0 val indexesInDatabase = repository.getMaxIndex() ?: 0 if (rowsInDatabase > indexesInDatabase) return rowsInDatabase return indexesInDatabase } companion object { private val DEMO_SERVER_CONFIG = ServerSetting( id = 0, index = 0, name = UApp.applicationContext().getString(R.string.server_menu_demo), url = "", userName = "ultrasonic_demo", password = "W7DumQ3ZUR89Se3", jukeboxByDefault = false, allowSelfSignedCertificate = false, ldapSupport = false, musicFolderId = null, minimumApiVersion = "1.13.0", chatSupport = true, bookmarkSupport = true, shareSupport = true, podcastSupport = true ) } }