/* * RestMusicService.kt * Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Ultrasonic developers * * Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. */ package org.moire.ultrasonic.service import java.io.BufferedWriter import java.io.File import java.io.FileWriter import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import okhttp3.Protocol import okhttp3.Response import okhttp3.ResponseBody import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.ApiNotSupportedException import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.SubsonicAPIClient import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.AlbumListType.Companion.fromName import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.JukeboxAction import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.throwOnFailure import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.toStreamResponse import org.moire.ultrasonic.cache.PermanentFileStorage import org.moire.ultrasonic.cache.serializers.getIndexesSerializer import org.moire.ultrasonic.cache.serializers.getMusicFolderListSerializer import org.moire.ultrasonic.data.ActiveServerProvider import org.moire.ultrasonic.data.ActiveServerProvider.Companion.isOffline import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Bookmark import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.ChatMessage import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Genre import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Indexes import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.JukeboxStatus import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Lyrics import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicFolder import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Playlist import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.PodcastsChannel import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.SearchCriteria import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.SearchResult import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.Share import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.UserInfo import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.toDomainEntitiesList import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.toDomainEntity import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.toDomainEntityList import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.toMusicDirectoryDomainEntity import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.FileUtil import org.moire.ultrasonic.util.Util import timber.log.Timber /** * This Music Service implementation connects to a server using the Subsonic REST API */ @Suppress("LargeClass") open class RESTMusicService( val subsonicAPIClient: SubsonicAPIClient, private val fileStorage: PermanentFileStorage, private val activeServerProvider: ActiveServerProvider ) : MusicService { // Shortcut to the API @Suppress("VariableNaming", "PropertyName") val API = subsonicAPIClient.api @Throws(Exception::class) override fun ping() { API.ping().execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun isLicenseValid(): Boolean { val response = API.getLicense().execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.license.valid } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getMusicFolders( refresh: Boolean ): List { val cachedMusicFolders = fileStorage.load( MUSIC_FOLDER_STORAGE_NAME, getMusicFolderListSerializer() ) if (cachedMusicFolders != null && !refresh) return cachedMusicFolders val response = API.getMusicFolders().execute().throwOnFailure() val musicFolders = response.body()!!.musicFolders.toDomainEntityList() fileStorage.store(MUSIC_FOLDER_STORAGE_NAME, musicFolders, getMusicFolderListSerializer()) return musicFolders } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getIndexes( musicFolderId: String?, refresh: Boolean ): Indexes { val indexName = INDEXES_STORAGE_NAME + (musicFolderId ?: "") val cachedIndexes = fileStorage.load(indexName, getIndexesSerializer()) if (cachedIndexes != null && !refresh) return cachedIndexes val response = API.getIndexes(musicFolderId, null).execute().throwOnFailure() val indexes = response.body()!!.indexes.toDomainEntity() fileStorage.store(indexName, indexes, getIndexesSerializer()) return indexes } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getArtists( refresh: Boolean ): Indexes { val cachedArtists = fileStorage.load(ARTISTS_STORAGE_NAME, getIndexesSerializer()) if (cachedArtists != null && !refresh) return cachedArtists val response = API.getArtists(null).execute().throwOnFailure() val indexes = response.body()!!.indexes.toDomainEntity() fileStorage.store(ARTISTS_STORAGE_NAME, indexes, getIndexesSerializer()) return indexes } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun star( id: String?, albumId: String?, artistId: String? ) { API.star(id, albumId, artistId).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun unstar( id: String?, albumId: String?, artistId: String? ) { API.unstar(id, albumId, artistId).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun setRating( id: String, rating: Int ) { API.setRating(id, rating).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getMusicDirectory( id: String, name: String?, refresh: Boolean ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getMusicDirectory(id).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.musicDirectory.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getArtist( id: String, name: String?, refresh: Boolean ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getArtist(id).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.artist.toMusicDirectoryDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getAlbum( id: String, name: String?, refresh: Boolean ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getAlbum(id).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.album.toMusicDirectoryDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun search( criteria: SearchCriteria ): SearchResult { return try { if ( !isOffline() && Util.getShouldUseId3Tags() ) search3(criteria) else search2(criteria) } catch (ignored: ApiNotSupportedException) { // Ensure backward compatibility with REST 1.3. searchOld(criteria) } } /** * Search using the "search" REST method. */ @Throws(Exception::class) private fun searchOld( criteria: SearchCriteria ): SearchResult { val response = API.search(null, null, null, criteria.query, criteria.songCount, null, null) .execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.searchResult.toDomainEntity() } /** * Search using the "search2" REST method, available in 1.4.0 and later. */ @Throws(Exception::class) private fun search2( criteria: SearchCriteria ): SearchResult { requireNotNull(criteria.query) { "Query param is null" } val response = API.search2( criteria.query, criteria.artistCount, null, criteria.albumCount, null, criteria.songCount, null ).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.searchResult.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) private fun search3( criteria: SearchCriteria ): SearchResult { requireNotNull(criteria.query) { "Query param is null" } val response = API.search3( criteria.query, criteria.artistCount, null, criteria.albumCount, null, criteria.songCount, null ).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.searchResult.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getPlaylist( id: String, name: String ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getPlaylist(id).execute().throwOnFailure() val playlist = response.body()!!.playlist.toMusicDirectoryDomainEntity() savePlaylist(name, playlist) return playlist } @Throws(IOException::class) private fun savePlaylist( name: String, playlist: MusicDirectory ) { val playlistFile = FileUtil.getPlaylistFile( activeServerProvider.getActiveServer().name, name ) val fw = FileWriter(playlistFile) val bw = BufferedWriter(fw) try { fw.write("#EXTM3U\n") for (e in playlist.getChildren()) { var filePath = FileUtil.getSongFile(e).absolutePath if (!File(filePath).exists()) { val ext = FileUtil.getExtension(filePath) val base = FileUtil.getBaseName(filePath) filePath = "$base.complete.$ext" } fw.write(filePath + "\n") } } catch (e: IOException) { Timber.w("Failed to save playlist: %s", name) throw e } finally { bw.close() fw.close() } } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getPlaylists( refresh: Boolean ): List { val response = API.getPlaylists(null).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.playlists.toDomainEntitiesList() } /** * Either ID or String is required. * ID is required when updating * String is required when creating */ @Throws(Exception::class) override fun createPlaylist( id: String?, name: String?, entries: List ) { if (id == null && name == null) throw IllegalArgumentException("Either id or name is required.") val pSongIds: MutableList = ArrayList(entries.size) for ((id1) in entries) { pSongIds.add(id1) } API.createPlaylist(id, name, pSongIds.toList()).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun deletePlaylist( id: String ) { API.deletePlaylist(id).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun updatePlaylist( id: String, name: String?, comment: String?, pub: Boolean ) { API.updatePlaylist(id, name, comment, pub, null, null) .execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getPodcastsChannels( refresh: Boolean ): List { val response = API.getPodcasts(false, null).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.podcastChannels.toDomainEntitiesList() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getPodcastEpisodes( podcastChannelId: String? ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getPodcasts(true, podcastChannelId).execute().throwOnFailure() val podcastEntries = response.body()!!.podcastChannels[0].episodeList val musicDirectory = MusicDirectory() for (podcastEntry in podcastEntries) { if ( "skipped" != podcastEntry.status && "error" != podcastEntry.status ) { val entry = podcastEntry.toDomainEntity() entry.track = null musicDirectory.addChild(entry) } } return musicDirectory } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getLyrics( artist: String, title: String ): Lyrics { val response = API.getLyrics(artist, title).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.lyrics.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun scrobble( id: String, submission: Boolean ) { API.scrobble(id, null, submission).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getAlbumList( type: String, size: Int, offset: Int, musicFolderId: String? ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getAlbumList( fromName(type), size, offset, null, null, null, musicFolderId ).execute().throwOnFailure() val childList = response.body()!!.albumList.toDomainEntityList() val result = MusicDirectory() result.addAll(childList) return result } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getAlbumList2( type: String, size: Int, offset: Int, musicFolderId: String? ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getAlbumList2( fromName(type), size, offset, null, null, null, musicFolderId ).execute().throwOnFailure() val result = MusicDirectory() result.addAll(response.body()!!.albumList.toDomainEntityList()) return result } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getRandomSongs( size: Int ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getRandomSongs( size, null, null, null, null ).execute().throwOnFailure() val result = MusicDirectory() result.addAll(response.body()!!.songsList.toDomainEntityList()) return result } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getStarred(): SearchResult { val response = API.getStarred(null).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.starred.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getStarred2(): SearchResult { val response = API.getStarred2(null).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.starred2.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getDownloadInputStream( song: MusicDirectory.Entry, offset: Long, maxBitrate: Int ): Pair { val songOffset = if (offset < 0) 0 else offset val response = API.stream(song.id, maxBitrate, offset = songOffset) .execute().toStreamResponse() response.throwOnFailure() if (response.stream == null) { throw IOException("Null stream response") } val partial = response.responseHttpCode == 206 return Pair(response.stream!!, partial) } /** * We currently don't handle video playback in the app, but just create an Intent which video * players can respond to. For this intent we need the full URL of the stream, including the * authentication params. This is a bit tricky, because we want to avoid actually executing the * call because that could take a long time. */ @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getVideoUrl( id: String ): String { // Create a new modified okhttp client to intercept the URL val builder = subsonicAPIClient.okHttpClient.newBuilder() builder.addInterceptor { chain -> // Returns a dummy response Response.Builder() .code(100) .body(ResponseBody.create(null, "")) .protocol(Protocol.HTTP_2) .message("Empty response") .request(chain.request()) .build() } // Create a new Okhttp client val client = builder.build() // Get the request from Retrofit, but don't execute it! val request = API.stream(id, format = "raw").request() // Create a new call with the request, and execute ist on our custom client val response = client.newCall(request).execute() // The complete url :) val url = response.request().url() return url.toString() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun updateJukeboxPlaylist( ids: List? ): JukeboxStatus { val response = API.jukeboxControl(JukeboxAction.SET, null, null, ids, null) .execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.jukebox.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun skipJukebox( index: Int, offsetSeconds: Int ): JukeboxStatus { val response = API.jukeboxControl(JukeboxAction.SKIP, index, offsetSeconds, null, null) .execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.jukebox.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun stopJukebox(): JukeboxStatus { val response = API.jukeboxControl(JukeboxAction.STOP, null, null, null, null) .execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.jukebox.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun startJukebox(): JukeboxStatus { val response = API.jukeboxControl(JukeboxAction.START, null, null, null, null) .execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.jukebox.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getJukeboxStatus(): JukeboxStatus { val response = API.jukeboxControl(JukeboxAction.STATUS, null, null, null, null) .execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.jukebox.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun setJukeboxGain( gain: Float ): JukeboxStatus { val response = API.jukeboxControl(JukeboxAction.SET_GAIN, null, null, null, gain) .execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.jukebox.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getShares( refresh: Boolean ): List { val response = API.getShares().execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.shares.toDomainEntitiesList() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getGenres( refresh: Boolean ): List? { val response = API.getGenres().execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.genresList.toDomainEntityList() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getSongsByGenre( genre: String, count: Int, offset: Int ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getSongsByGenre(genre, count, offset, null).execute().throwOnFailure() val result = MusicDirectory() result.addAll(response.body()!!.songsList.toDomainEntityList()) return result } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getUser( username: String ): UserInfo { val response = API.getUser(username).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.user.toDomainEntity() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getChatMessages( since: Long? ): List { val response = API.getChatMessages(since).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.chatMessages.toDomainEntitiesList() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun addChatMessage( message: String ) { API.addChatMessage(message).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getBookmarks(): List { val response = API.getBookmarks().execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.bookmarkList.toDomainEntitiesList() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun createBookmark( id: String, position: Int ) { API.createBookmark(id, position.toLong(), null).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun deleteBookmark( id: String ) { API.deleteBookmark(id).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun getVideos( refresh: Boolean ): MusicDirectory { val response = API.getVideos().execute().throwOnFailure() val musicDirectory = MusicDirectory() musicDirectory.addAll(response.body()!!.videosList.toDomainEntityList()) return musicDirectory } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun createShare( ids: List, description: String?, expires: Long? ): List { val response = API.createShare(ids, description, expires).execute().throwOnFailure() return response.body()!!.shares.toDomainEntitiesList() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun deleteShare( id: String ) { API.deleteShare(id).execute().throwOnFailure() } @Throws(Exception::class) override fun updateShare( id: String, description: String?, expires: Long? ) { var expiresValue: Long? = expires if (expires != null && expires == 0L) { expiresValue = null } API.updateShare(id, description, expiresValue).execute().throwOnFailure() } init { // The client will notice if the minimum supported API version has changed // By registering a callback we ensure this info is saved in the database as well subsonicAPIClient.onProtocolChange = { Timber.i("Server minimum API version set to %s", it) activeServerProvider.setMinimumApiVersion(it.toString()) } } companion object { private const val MUSIC_FOLDER_STORAGE_NAME = "music_folder" private const val INDEXES_STORAGE_NAME = "indexes" private const val ARTISTS_STORAGE_NAME = "artists" } }