Change album ids type to String.

Signed-off-by: Yahor Berdnikau <>
This commit is contained in:
Yahor Berdnikau 2017-12-16 20:10:25 +01:00
parent a694f895e9
commit f2d838cb1c
9 changed files with 28 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ class SubsonicApiGetAlbumList2Test : SubsonicAPIClientTest() {
with(response.body().albumList) {
this.size `should equal to` 2
this[0] `should equal` Album(id = 962, name = "Fury", artist = "Sick Puppies",
artistId = 473, coverArt = "al-962", songCount = 13, duration = 2591,
this[0] `should equal` Album(id = "962", name = "Fury", artist = "Sick Puppies",
artistId = "473", coverArt = "al-962", songCount = 13, duration = 2591,
created = parseDate("2017-09-02T17:34:51.000Z"), year = 2016,
genre = "Alternative Rock")
this[1] `should equal` Album(id = 961, name = "Endless Forms Most Beautiful",
artist = "Nightwish", artistId = 559, coverArt = "al-961", songCount = 22,
this[1] `should equal` Album(id = "961", name = "Endless Forms Most Beautiful",
artist = "Nightwish", artistId = "559", coverArt = "al-961", songCount = 22,
duration = 9469, created = parseDate("2017-09-02T16:22:47.000Z"),
year = 2015, genre = "Symphonic Metal")

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@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ class SubsonicApiGetAlbumTest : SubsonicAPIClientTest() {
with(response.body().album) {
id `should equal to` 618L
id `should equal to` "618"
name `should equal to` "Black Ice"
artist `should equal to` "AC/DC"
artistId `should equal to` 362L
artistId `should equal to` "362"
coverArt `should equal to` "al-618"
songCount `should equal to` 15
duration `should equal to` 3331

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@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ class SubsonicApiGetArtistTest : SubsonicAPIClientTest() {
coverArt `should equal to` "ar-362"
albumCount `should equal to` 2
albumsList.size `should equal to` 2
albumsList[0] `should equal` Album(id = 618L, name = "Black Ice", artist = "AC/DC",
artistId = 362L, coverArt = "al-618", songCount = 15, duration = 3331,
albumsList[0] `should equal` Album(id = "618", name = "Black Ice", artist = "AC/DC",
artistId = "362", coverArt = "al-618", songCount = 15, duration = 3331,
created = parseDate("2016-10-23T15:31:22.000Z"),
year = 2008, genre = "Hard Rock")
albumsList[1] `should equal` Album(id = 617L, name = "Rock or Bust", artist = "AC/DC",
artistId = 362L, coverArt = "al-617", songCount = 11, duration = 2095,
albumsList[1] `should equal` Album(id = "617", name = "Rock or Bust", artist = "AC/DC",
artistId = "362", coverArt = "al-617", songCount = 11, duration = 2095,
created = parseDate("2016-10-23T15:31:23.000Z"),
year = 2014, genre = "Hard Rock")

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@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class SubsonicApiSearchThreeTest : SubsonicAPIClientTest() {
artistList[0] `should equal` Artist(id = "505", name = "The Prodigy", coverArt = "ar-505",
albumCount = 5)
albumList.size `should equal to` 1
albumList[0] `should equal` Album(id = 855, name = "Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned",
artist = "The Prodigy", artistId = 505, coverArt = "al-855", songCount = 12,
albumList[0] `should equal` Album(id = "855", name = "Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned",
artist = "The Prodigy", artistId = "505", coverArt = "al-855", songCount = 12,
duration = 3313, created = parseDate("2016-10-23T20:57:27.000Z"),
year = 2004, genre = "Electronic")
songList.size `should equal to` 1

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import java.util.Calendar
data class Album(
val id: Long = -1L,
val id: String = "",
val name: String = "",
val coverArt: String = "",
val artist: String = "",
val artistId: Long = -1L,
val artistId: String = "",
val songCount: Int = 0,
val duration: Int = 0,
val created: Calendar? = null,

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@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.Album
import org.moire.ultrasonic.domain.MusicDirectory
fun Album.toDomainEntity(): MusicDirectory.Entry = MusicDirectory.Entry().apply {
id =
id =
title =
coverArt = this@toDomainEntity.coverArt
artist = this@toDomainEntity.artist
artistId = this@toDomainEntity.artistId.toString()
artistId = this@toDomainEntity.artistId
songCount = this@toDomainEntity.songCount.toLong()
duration = this@toDomainEntity.duration
created = this@toDomainEntity.created?.time

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@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ import java.util.Calendar
class APIAlbumConverterTest {
fun `Should convert Album to domain entity`() {
val entity = Album(id = 387L, name = "some-name", coverArt = "asdas", artist = "some-artist",
artistId = 390L, songCount = 12, duration = 841, created = Calendar.getInstance(),
val entity = Album(id = "387", name = "some-name", coverArt = "asdas", artist = "some-artist",
artistId = "390", songCount = 12, duration = 841, created = Calendar.getInstance(),
year = 2017, genre = "some-genre")
val convertedEntity = entity.toDomainEntity()
with(convertedEntity) {
id `should equal to`
id `should equal to`
title `should equal to`
isDirectory `should equal to` true
coverArt `should equal to` entity.coverArt
artist `should equal to` entity.artist
artistId `should equal to` entity.artistId.toString()
artistId `should equal to` entity.artistId
songCount `should equal to` entity.songCount.toLong()
duration `should equal to` entity.duration
created `should equal` entity.created?.time
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class APIAlbumConverterTest {
fun `Should convert to MusicDirectory domain entity`() {
val entity = Album(id = 101L, name = "some-album", artist = "some-artist", artistId = 54L,
val entity = Album(id = "101", name = "some-album", artist = "some-artist", artistId = "54",
coverArt = "some-id", songCount = 10, duration = 456,
created = Calendar.getInstance(), year = 2022, genre = "Hard Rock",
songList = listOf(MusicDirectoryChild()))
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class APIAlbumConverterTest {
fun `Should convert list of Album entities to domain list entities`() {
val entityList = listOf(Album(id = 455), Album(id = 1), Album(id = 1000))
val entityList = listOf(Album(id = "455"), Album(id = "1"), Album(id = "1000"))
val convertedList = entityList.toDomainEntityList()

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.Artist
import java.util.Calendar
* Unit test for extension functions in [APIArtistConverter.kt] file.
* Unit test for extension functions in APIArtistConverter.kt file.
class APIArtistConverterTest {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class APIArtistConverterTest {
val convertedEntity = entity.toDomainEntity()
with(convertedEntity) {
id `should equal to`
id `should equal to`
name `should equal to`
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ class APIArtistConverterTest {
fun `Should convert Artist entity to domain MusicDirectory entity`() {
val entity = Artist(id = "101", name = "artist-name", coverArt = "some-art", albumCount = 10,
albumsList = listOf(Album(id = 562L, name = "some-name", coverArt = "zzz",
artist = "artist-name", artistId = 256L, songCount = 10, duration = 345,
albumsList = listOf(Album(id = "562", name = "some-name", coverArt = "zzz",
artist = "artist-name", artistId = "256", songCount = 10, duration = 345,
created = Calendar.getInstance(), year = 2011, genre = "Math Rock")))
val convertedEntity = entity.toMusicDirectoryDomainEntity()

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.SearchThreeResult
import org.moire.ultrasonic.api.subsonic.models.SearchTwoResult
* Unit test for extension function in [APISearchConverter.kt] file.
* Unit test for extension function in APISearchConverter.kt file.
class APISearchConverterTest {
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class APISearchConverterTest {
fun `Should convert SearchThreeResult to domain entity`() {
val entity = SearchThreeResult(
artistList = listOf(Artist(id = "612", name = "artist1")),
albumList = listOf(Album(id = 221, name = "album1")),
albumList = listOf(Album(id = "221", name = "album1")),
songList = listOf(MusicDirectoryChild(id = 7123, title = "song1"))