This commit is contained in:
@ -19,17 +19,45 @@ By default Pull Request should be opened against **develop** branch, PR against
1. **License Acceptance:** All contributions must be licensed as [GNU GPLv3](LICENSE) to be accepted.
Use `git commit --signoff` to acknowledge this.
2. **App is migrating to [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/) programming language:** new Pull Requests
should be written in this programming language.
3. **No Breakage:** New features or changes to existing ones must not degrade the user experience.
4. **Coding standards:** best-practices should be followed, comment generously, and avoid "clever" algorithms.
2. **No Breakage:** New features or changes to existing ones must not degrade the user experience.
3. **Coding standards:** best-practices should be followed, comment generously, and avoid "clever" algorithms.
Refactoring existing messes is great, but watch out for breakage.
5. **No large PR:** Try to limit the scope of PR only to the related issue, so it will be easier to review
4. **No large PR:** Try to limit the scope of PR only to the related issue, so it will be easier to review
and test.
### Pull Request Process
On each Pull Request Github runs a number of checks to make sure there are no problems.
#### Signed commits
Commits must be signed. [See here how to set it up](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/signing-commits)
#### KtLint
This programm checks if the source code is formatted correctly.
You can run it yourself locally with
`./gradlew -Pqc ktlintFormat`
Running this command will fix common problems and will notify you of problems it couldn't fix automatically.
#### Detekt
Detekt is a static analyser. It helps to find potential bugs in our code.
You can run it yourself locally with
`./gradlew -Pqc detekt`
There is a "baseline" file, in which errors which have been in the code base before are noted.
Sometimes it is necessary to regenerate this file by running:
`./gradlew -Pqc detektBaseline`
#### Lint
Lint looks for general problems in the code or unused resources etc.
You can run it with
`./gradlew -Pqc lintRelease`
If there is a need to regenerate the baseline, remove `ultrasonic/lint-baseline.xml` and rerun the command.
1. Ensure [all commits are signed-off](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/authenticating-to-github/about-commit-signature-verification).
2. Check tests for the new code are added.
3. Check code style is passing.
4. Check code static analysis is passing.
Reference in New Issue