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* StorageFile.kt
* Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Ultrasonic developers
* Distributed under terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
package org.moire.ultrasonic.util
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor
import android.net.Uri
import com.github.k1rakishou.fsaf.FileManager
import com.github.k1rakishou.fsaf.document_file.CachingDocumentFile
import com.github.k1rakishou.fsaf.file.AbstractFile
import com.github.k1rakishou.fsaf.file.RawFile
import com.github.k1rakishou.fsaf.manager.base_directory.BaseDirectory
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileInputStream
import java.io.FileOutputStream
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
import org.moire.ultrasonic.app.UApp
import timber.log.Timber
* Provides filesystem access abstraction which works
* both on File based paths and Storage Access Framework Uris
class StorageFile private constructor(
private var parent: StorageFile?,
private var abstractFile: AbstractFile,
private var fileManager: FileManager
): Comparable<StorageFile> {
override fun compareTo(other: StorageFile): Int {
return getPath().compareTo(other.getPath())
2021-11-19 20:34:03 +01:00
override fun toString(): String {
return name
var name: String = fileManager.getName(abstractFile)
var isDirectory: Boolean = fileManager.isDirectory(abstractFile)
var isFile: Boolean = fileManager.isFile(abstractFile)
fun length(): Long = fileManager.getLength(abstractFile)
fun lastModified(): Long = fileManager.lastModified(abstractFile)
fun delete(): Boolean = fileManager.delete(abstractFile)
fun listFiles(): Array<StorageFile> {
val fileList = fileManager.listFiles(abstractFile)
return fileList.map { file -> StorageFile(this, file, fileManager) }.toTypedArray()
fun getFileOutputStream(): OutputStream {
if (isRawFile()) return File(abstractFile.getFullPath()).outputStream()
return fileManager.getOutputStream(abstractFile)
?: throw IOException("Couldn't retrieve OutputStream")
fun getFileOutputStream(append: Boolean): OutputStream {
if (isRawFile()) return FileOutputStream(File(abstractFile.getFullPath()), append)
val mode = if (append) "wa" else "w"
val descriptor = UApp.applicationContext().contentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(
abstractFile.getFileRoot<CachingDocumentFile>().holder.uri(), mode)
return descriptor?.createOutputStream()
?: throw IOException("Couldn't retrieve OutputStream")
fun getFileInputStream(): InputStream {
if (isRawFile()) return FileInputStream(abstractFile.getFullPath())
return fileManager.getInputStream(abstractFile)
?: throw IOException("Couldn't retrieve InputStream")
// TODO there are a few functions which could be getters
// They are functions for now to help us distinguish them from similar getters in File. These can be changed after the refactor is complete.
fun getPath(): String {
if (isRawFile()) return abstractFile.getFullPath()
if (getParent() != null) return getParent()!!.getPath() + "/" + name
return Uri.parse(abstractFile.getFullPath()).toString()
fun getParent(): StorageFile? {
if (isRawFile()) {
return StorageFile(
return parent
fun isRawFile(): Boolean {
return abstractFile is RawFile
fun getRawFilePath(): String? {
return if (abstractFile is RawFile) abstractFile.getFullPath()
else null
fun getDocumentFileDescriptor(openMode: String): AssetFileDescriptor? {
return if (abstractFile !is RawFile) {
} else null
companion object {
// TODO it would be nice to check the access rights and reset the cache directory on error
private val MusicCacheFileManager: Lazy<FileManager> = lazy {
val manager = FileManager(UApp.applicationContext())
fun getFromParentAndName(parent: StorageFile, name: String): StorageFile {
val file = parent.fileManager.findFile(parent.abstractFile, name)
?: parent.fileManager.createFile(parent.abstractFile, name)!!
return StorageFile(parent, file, parent.fileManager)
fun getMediaRoot(): StorageFile {
return StorageFile(
// TODO sometimes getFromPath is called after isPathExists, but the file may be gone because it was deleted in another thread.
// Create a function where these two are merged
fun getFromPath(path: String): StorageFile {
Timber.v("StorageFile getFromPath %s", path)
val normalizedPath = normalizePath(path)
if (!normalizedPath.isUri()) {
return StorageFile(
val segments = getUriSegments(normalizedPath)
?: throw IOException("Can't get path because the root has changed")
var file = StorageFile(null, getMediaRoot().abstractFile, MusicCacheFileManager.value)
segments.forEach { segment ->
file = StorageFile(
MusicCacheFileManager.value.findFile(file.abstractFile, segment)
?: throw IOException("File not found"),
return file
fun getOrCreateFileFromPath(path: String): StorageFile {
val normalizedPath = normalizePath(path)
if (!normalizedPath.isUri()) {
return StorageFile(
val segments = getUriSegments(normalizedPath)
?: throw IOException("Can't get path because the root has changed")
var file = StorageFile(null, getMediaRoot().abstractFile, MusicCacheFileManager.value)
segments.forEach { segment ->
file = StorageFile(
MusicCacheFileManager.value.findFile(file.abstractFile, segment)
?: MusicCacheFileManager.value.createFile(file.abstractFile, segment)!!,
return file
fun isPathExists(path: String): Boolean {
val normalizedPath = normalizePath(path)
if (!normalizedPath.isUri()) return File(normalizedPath).exists()
val segments = getUriSegments(normalizedPath) ?: return false
var file = getMediaRoot().abstractFile
segments.forEach { segment ->
file = MusicCacheFileManager.value.findFile(file, segment) ?: return false
return true
fun createDirsOnPath(path: String) {
val normalizedPath = normalizePath(path)
if (!normalizedPath.isUri()) {
val segments = getUriSegments(normalizedPath)
?: throw IOException("Can't get path because the root has changed")
var file = getMediaRoot().abstractFile
segments.forEach { segment ->
file = MusicCacheFileManager.value.createDir(file, segment)
?: throw IOException("Can't create directory")
fun rename(pathFrom: String, pathTo: String) {
val normalizedPathFrom = normalizePath(pathFrom)
val normalizedPathTo = normalizePath(pathTo)
Timber.d("Renaming from %s to %s", normalizedPathFrom, normalizedPathTo)
val fileFrom = getFromPath(normalizedPathFrom)
val parentTo = getFromPath(FileUtil.getParentPath(normalizedPathTo)!!)
val fileTo = getFromParentAndName(parentTo, FileUtil.getNameFromPath(normalizedPathTo))
MusicCacheFileManager.value.copyFileContents(fileFrom.abstractFile, fileTo.abstractFile)
private fun getUriSegments(uri: String): List<String>? {
val rootPath = getMediaRoot().getPath()
if (!uri.startsWith(rootPath)) return null
val pathWithoutRoot = uri.substringAfter(rootPath)
return pathWithoutRoot.split('/').filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
private fun normalizePath(path: String): String {
// FSAF replaces spaces in paths with "_", so we must do the same everywhere
// TODO paths sometimes contain double "/". These are currently replaced to single one.
// The nice solution would be to check and fix why this happens
return path.replace(' ', '_').replace(Regex("(?<!:)//"), "/")
class MusicCacheBaseDirectory : BaseDirectory() {
override fun getDirFile(): File {
return FileUtil.defaultMusicDirectory
override fun getDirUri(): Uri? {
if (!Settings.cacheLocation.isUri()) return null
return Uri.parse(Settings.cacheLocation)
override fun currentActiveBaseDirType(): ActiveBaseDirType {
return when {
Settings.cacheLocation.isUri() -> ActiveBaseDirType.SafBaseDir
else -> ActiveBaseDirType.JavaFileBaseDir
fun String.isUri(): Boolean {
// TODO is there a better way to tell apart a path and an URI?
return this.contains(':')