import 'dart:core'; import 'dart:developer' as developer; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:color_thief_flutter/color_thief_flutter.dart'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_isolate/flutter_isolate.dart'; import 'package:image/image.dart' as img; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'package:webfeed/webfeed.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; import '../local_storage/key_value_storage.dart'; import '../local_storage/sqflite_localpodcast.dart'; import '../type/fireside_data.dart'; import '../type/podcastlocal.dart'; class GroupEntity { final String name; final String id; final String color; final List<String> podcastList; GroupEntity(,, this.color, this.podcastList); Map<String, Object> toJson() { return {'name': name, 'id': id, 'color': color, 'podcastList': podcastList}; } static GroupEntity fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) { var list = List<String>.from(json['podcastList']); return GroupEntity(json['name'] as String, json['id'] as String, json['color'] as String, list); } } class PodcastGroup { /// Group name. final String name; final String id; /// Group theme color, not used. final String color; /// Id lists of podcasts in group. List<String> podcastList; PodcastGroup(, {this.color = '#000000', String id, List<String> podcastList}) : id = id ?? Uuid().v4(), podcastList = podcastList ?? []; Future getPodcasts() async { var dbHelper = DBHelper(); if (podcastList != []) { try { _podcasts = await dbHelper.getPodcastLocal(podcastList); } catch (e) { await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 200)); try { _podcasts = await dbHelper.getPodcastLocal(podcastList); } catch (e) { developer.log(e.toString()); } } } } Color getColor() { if (color != '#000000') { var colorInt = int.parse('FF${color.toUpperCase()}', radix: 16); return Color(colorInt).withOpacity(1.0); } else { return[400]; } } ///Podcast in group. List<PodcastLocal> _podcasts; List<PodcastLocal> get podcasts => _podcasts; ///Ordered podcast list. List<PodcastLocal> _orderedPodcasts; List<PodcastLocal> get ordereddPodcasts => _orderedPodcasts; set setOrderedPodcasts(List<PodcastLocal> list) => _orderedPodcasts = list; GroupEntity toEntity() { return GroupEntity(name, id, color, podcastList); } static PodcastGroup fromEntity(GroupEntity entity) { return PodcastGroup(, id:, color: entity.color, podcastList: entity.podcastList, ); } } enum SubscribeState { none, start, subscribe, fetch, stop, exist, error } class SubscribeItem { ///Rss url. String url; ///Rss title. String title; /// Subscribe status. SubscribeState subscribeState; /// Podcast id. String id; ///Avatar image link. String imgUrl; ///Podcast group, default Home. String group; SubscribeItem(this.url, this.title, {this.subscribeState = SubscribeState.none, = '', this.imgUrl = '', = ''}); } class GroupList extends ChangeNotifier { /// List of all gourps. final List<PodcastGroup> _groups = []; List<PodcastGroup> get groups => _groups; DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper(); /// Groups save in shared_prefrences. KeyValueStorage storage = KeyValueStorage('groups'); //GroupList({List<PodcastGroup> groups}) : _groups = groups ?? []; /// Default false, true during loading groups from storage. bool _isLoading = false; bool get isLoading => _isLoading; /// Svae ordered gourps info before saved. final List<PodcastGroup> _orderChanged = []; List<PodcastGroup> get orderChanged => _orderChanged; /// Subscribe worker isolate FlutterIsolate subIsolate; ReceivePort receivePort; SendPort subSendPort; /// Current subsribe item from isolate. SubscribeItem _currentSubscribeItem = SubscribeItem('', ''); SubscribeItem get currentSubscribeItem => _currentSubscribeItem; bool _created = false; /// Default false, true if subscribe isolate is created. bool get created => _created; /// Add subsribe item SubscribeItem _subscribeItem; setSubscribeItem(SubscribeItem item) async { _subscribeItem = item; await _start(); } _setCurrentSubscribeItem(SubscribeItem item) { _currentSubscribeItem = item; notifyListeners(); } Future _start() async { if (_created == false) { await _createIsolate(); _created = true; listen(); } else { subSendPort.send([ _subscribeItem.url, _subscribeItem.title, _subscribeItem.imgUrl, ]); } } Future<void> _createIsolate() async { receivePort = ReceivePort(); subIsolate = await FlutterIsolate.spawn(subIsolateEntryPoint, receivePort.sendPort); } /// Isolate listener to get subscrribe status. void listen() { receivePort.distinct().listen((message) { if (message is SendPort) { subSendPort = message; subSendPort.send([ _subscribeItem.url, _subscribeItem.title, _subscribeItem.imgUrl, ]); } else if (message is List) { _setCurrentSubscribeItem(SubscribeItem( message[1], message[0], subscribeState: SubscribeState.values[message[2]], )); if (message.length == 5) { _subscribeNewPodcast(id: message[3], groupName: message[4]); } } else if (message is String && message == "done") { subIsolate.kill(); subIsolate = null; _currentSubscribeItem = SubscribeItem('', ''); _created = false; notifyListeners(); } }); } void addToOrderChanged(PodcastGroup group) { _orderChanged.add(group); notifyListeners(); } void drlFromOrderChanged(String name) { _orderChanged.removeWhere((group) => == name); notifyListeners(); } clearOrderChanged() async { if (_orderChanged.length > 0) { for (var group in _orderChanged) { await group.getPodcasts(); } _orderChanged.clear(); // notifyListeners(); } } @override void addListener(VoidCallback listener) { loadGroups().then((value) => super.addListener(listener)); } @override void dispose() { subIsolate?.kill(); subIsolate = null; super.dispose(); } /// Load groups from storage at start. Future loadGroups() async { _isLoading = true; notifyListeners(); storage.getGroups().then((loadgroups) async { _groups.addAll(; for (var group in _groups) { await group.getPodcasts(); } _isLoading = false; notifyListeners(); }); } /// Update podcasts of each group Future updateGroups() async { for (var group in _groups) { await group.getPodcasts(); } notifyListeners(); } /// Add new group. Future addGroup(PodcastGroup podcastGroup) async { _isLoading = true; _groups.add(podcastGroup); await _saveGroup(); _isLoading = false; notifyListeners(); } /// Remove group. Future delGroup(PodcastGroup podcastGroup) async { _isLoading = true; for (var podcast in podcastGroup.podcastList) { if (!_groups.first.podcastList.contains(podcast)) { _groups[0].podcastList.insert(0, podcast); } } await _saveGroup(); _groups.remove(podcastGroup); await _groups[0].getPodcasts(); _isLoading = false; notifyListeners(); } updateGroup(PodcastGroup podcastGroup) async { var oldGroup = _groups.firstWhere((it) => ==; var index = _groups.indexOf(oldGroup); _groups.replaceRange(index, index + 1, [podcastGroup]); await podcastGroup.getPodcasts(); notifyListeners(); _saveGroup(); } _saveGroup() async { await storage.saveGroup( => it.toEntity()).toList()); } /// Subscribe podcast from search result. Future subscribe(PodcastLocal podcastLocal) async { _groups[0].podcastList.insert(0,; await _saveGroup(); await dbHelper.savePodcastLocal(podcastLocal); await _groups[0].getPodcasts(); notifyListeners(); } Future updatePodcast(String id) async { var counts = await dbHelper.getPodcastCounts(id); for (var group in _groups) { if (group.podcastList.contains(id)) { group.podcasts.firstWhere((podcast) => == id) ..episodeCount = counts; notifyListeners(); } } } /// Subscribe podcast from OMPL. Future<bool> _subscribeNewPodcast( {String id, String groupName = 'Home'}) async { //List<String> groupNames = =>; for (var group in _groups) { if ( == groupName) { if (group.podcastList.contains(id)) { return true; } else { _isLoading = true; notifyListeners(); group.podcastList.insert(0, id); await _saveGroup(); await group.getPodcasts(); _isLoading = false; notifyListeners(); return true; } } } _isLoading = true; notifyListeners(); _groups.add(PodcastGroup(groupName, podcastList: [id])); //_groups.last.podcastList.insert(0, id); await _saveGroup(); await _groups.last.getPodcasts(); _isLoading = false; notifyListeners(); return true; } List<PodcastGroup> getPodcastGroup(String id) { var result = <PodcastGroup>[]; for (var group in _groups) { if (group.podcastList.contains(id)) { result.add(group); } } return result; } //Change podcast groups changeGroup(String id, List<PodcastGroup> list) async { _isLoading = true; notifyListeners(); for (var group in getPodcastGroup(id)) { if (list.contains(group)) { list.remove(group); } else { group.podcastList.remove(id); } } for (var s in list) { s.podcastList.insert(0, id); } await _saveGroup(); for (var group in _groups) { await group.getPodcasts(); } _isLoading = false; notifyListeners(); } /// Unsubscribe podcast removePodcast(String id) async { _isLoading = true; notifyListeners(); for (var group in _groups) { group.podcastList.remove(id); } await _saveGroup(); await dbHelper.delPodcastLocal(id); for (var group in _groups) { await group.getPodcasts(); } _isLoading = false; notifyListeners(); } saveOrder(PodcastGroup group) async { group.podcastList = =>; await _saveGroup(); await group.getPodcasts(); notifyListeners(); } } Future<void> subIsolateEntryPoint(SendPort sendPort) async { var items = <SubscribeItem>[]; var _running = false; final listColor = <String>[ '388E3C', '1976D2', 'D32F2F', '00796B', ]; var subReceivePort = ReceivePort(); sendPort.send(subReceivePort.sendPort); Future<String> _getColor(File file) async { final imageProvider = FileImage(file); var colorImage = await getImageFromProvider(imageProvider); var color = await getColorFromImage(colorImage); var primaryColor = color.toString(); return primaryColor; } Future<void> _subscribe(SubscribeItem item) async { var dbHelper = DBHelper(); var rss = item.url; sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 1]); var options = BaseOptions( connectTimeout: 20000, receiveTimeout: 20000, ); try { var response = await Dio(options).get(rss); RssFeed p; try { p = RssFeed.parse(; } catch (e) { sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 6]); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 4]); items.removeWhere((element) => element.url == item.url); if (items.isNotEmpty) { await _subscribe(items.first); } else { sendPort.send("done"); } } var dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(); var realUrl = response.redirects.isEmpty ? rss : response.realUri.toString(); var checkUrl = await dbHelper.checkPodcast(realUrl); /// If url not existe in database. if (checkUrl == '') { img.Image thumbnail; String imageUrl; try { var imageResponse = await Dio().get<List<int>>(p.itunes.image.href, options: Options( responseType: ResponseType.bytes, receiveTimeout: 90000, )); imageUrl = p.itunes.image.href; var image = img.decodeImage(; thumbnail = img.copyResize(image, width: 300); } catch (e) { try { var imageResponse = await Dio().get<List<int>>(item.imgUrl, options: Options( responseType: ResponseType.bytes, receiveTimeout: 90000, )); imageUrl = item.imgUrl; var image = img.decodeImage(; thumbnail = img.copyResize(image, width: 300); } catch (e) { developer.log(e.toString(), name: 'Download image error'); try { var index = math.Random().nextInt(3); var imageResponse = await Dio().get<List<int>>( "" "${listColor[index]}&color=fff&name=${item.title}&length=2&bold=true", options: Options(responseType: ResponseType.bytes)); imageUrl = "" "${listColor[index]}&color=fff&name=${item.title}&length=2&bold=true"; thumbnail = img.decodeImage(; } catch (e) { developer.log(e.toString(), name: 'Donwload image error'); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 6]); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 4]); items.removeWhere((element) => element.url == item.url); if (items.length > 0) { await _subscribe(items.first); } else { sendPort.send("done"); } } } } var uuid = Uuid().v4(); File("${dir.path}/$uuid.png") ..writeAsBytesSync(img.encodePng(thumbnail)); var imagePath = "${dir.path}/$uuid.png"; var primaryColor = await _getColor(File("${dir.path}/$uuid.png")); var author = ?? ?? ''; var provider = p.generator ?? ''; var link = ?? ''; var podcastLocal = PodcastLocal(p.title, imageUrl, realUrl, primaryColor, author, uuid, imagePath, provider, link, description: p.description); await dbHelper.savePodcastLocal(podcastLocal); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 2, uuid,]); if (provider.contains('fireside')) { var data = FiresideData(uuid, link); try { await data.fatchData(); } catch (e) { developer.log(e.toString(), name: 'Fatch fireside data error'); } } await dbHelper.savePodcastRss(p, uuid); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 3, uuid]); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 4]); items.removeAt(0); if (items.length > 0) { await _subscribe(items.first); } else { sendPort.send("done"); } } else { sendPort.send([item.title, realUrl, 5, checkUrl,]); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 4]); items.removeAt(0); if (items.length > 0) { await _subscribe(items.first); } else { sendPort.send("done"); } } } catch (e) { developer.log('$e confirm'); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 6]); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); sendPort.send([item.title, item.url, 4]); items.removeWhere((element) => element.url == item.url); if (items.length > 0) { await _subscribe(items.first); } else { sendPort.send("done"); } } } subReceivePort.distinct().listen((message) { if (message is List<String>) { items.add(SubscribeItem(message[0], message[1], imgUrl: message[2], group: message[3])); if (!_running) { _subscribe(items.first); _running = true; } } }); }