import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:focused_menu/focused_menu.dart'; import 'package:focused_menu/modals.dart'; import 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import 'package:line_icons/line_icons.dart'; import 'package:fluttertoast/fluttertoast.dart'; import 'package:auto_animated/auto_animated.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import 'open_container.dart'; import '../state/audiostate.dart'; import '../state/download_state.dart'; import '../type/episodebrief.dart'; import '../episodes/episodedetail.dart'; import '../local_storage/sqflite_localpodcast.dart'; import '../local_storage/key_value_storage.dart'; import 'colorize.dart'; import 'context_extension.dart'; import 'custompaint.dart'; enum Layout { three, two, one } // ignore: must_be_immutable class EpisodeGrid extends StatelessWidget { final List episodes; final bool showFavorite; final bool showDownload; final bool showNumber; final int episodeCount; final Layout layout; final bool reverse; final int initNum; EpisodeGrid({ Key key, @required this.episodes, this.initNum = 12, this.showDownload = false, this.showFavorite = false, this.showNumber = false, this.episodeCount = 0, this.layout = Layout.three, this.reverse, }) : super(key: key); List _menuList = []; Future _isListened(EpisodeBrief episode) async { DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper(); _menuList = await _getEpisodeMenu(); return await dbHelper.isListened(episode.enclosureUrl); } Future> _initData(EpisodeBrief episode) async { int listened = await _isListened(episode); bool liked = await _isLiked(episode); bool downloaded = await _isDownloaded(episode); _menuList = await _getEpisodeMenu(); return Tuple3(listened, liked, downloaded); } Future _isLiked(EpisodeBrief episode) async { DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper(); return await dbHelper.isLiked(episode.enclosureUrl); } Future> _getEpisodeMenu() async { KeyValueStorage popupMenuStorage = KeyValueStorage(episodePopupMenuKey); List list = await popupMenuStorage.getMenu(); return list; } Future _isDownloaded(EpisodeBrief episode) async { DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper(); return await dbHelper.isDownloaded(episode.enclosureUrl); } _markListened(EpisodeBrief episode) async { DBHelper dbHelper = DBHelper(); bool marked = await dbHelper.checkMarked(episode); if (!marked) { final PlayHistory history = PlayHistory(episode.title, episode.enclosureUrl, 0, 1); await dbHelper.saveHistory(history); } } _saveLiked(String url) async { var dbHelper = DBHelper(); await dbHelper.setLiked(url); } _setUnliked(String url) async { var dbHelper = DBHelper(); await dbHelper.setUniked(url); } String _stringForSeconds(double seconds) { if (seconds == null) return null; return '${(seconds ~/ 60)}:${(seconds.truncate() % 60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}'; } Widget _title(EpisodeBrief episode) => Container( alignment: layout == ? Alignment.centerLeft : Alignment.topLeft, padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 2.0), child: Text( episode.title, maxLines: layout == ? 1 : 4, overflow: layout == ? TextOverflow.ellipsis : TextOverflow.fade, ), ); Widget _circleImage(BuildContext context, {EpisodeBrief episode, Color color, bool boo}) => Container( height: context.width / 16, width: context.width / 16, child: boo ? Center() : CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: color.withOpacity(0.5), backgroundImage: FileImage(File("${episode.imagePath}")), ), ); //Widget _listenIndicater(BuildContext context, // {EpisodeBrief episode, int isListened}) => // Center(); // Selector>( // selector: (_, audio) => Tuple2(audio.episode, audio.playerRunning), // builder: (_, data, __) { // return (episode.enclosureUrl == data.item1?.enclosureUrl && // data.item2) // ? Container( // height: 20, // width: 20, // margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), // decoration: BoxDecoration( // shape:, // ), // child: WaveLoader(color: context.accentColor)) // : layout != Layout.three && isListened > 0 // ? Container( // height: 20, // width: 20, // margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), // padding: EdgeInsets.all(2), // decoration: BoxDecoration( // color: context.accentColor, // shape:, // ), // child: CustomPaint( // painter: ListenedAllPainter( // Colors.white, // )), // ) // : Center(); // }); Widget _downloadIndicater(BuildContext context, {EpisodeBrief episode, bool isDownloaded}) => showDownload || layout != Layout.three ? isDownloaded ? Container( height: 20, width: 20, margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 5), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), decoration: BoxDecoration( color: context.accentColor, shape:, ), child: Icon( Icons.done_all, size: 15, color: Colors.white, ), ) : Center() : Center(); Widget _isNewIndicator(EpisodeBrief episode) => episode.isNew == 1 ? Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), child: Text('New', style: TextStyle(color:, fontStyle: FontStyle.italic)), ) : Center(); Widget _numberIndicater(BuildContext context, {int index, Color color}) => showNumber ? Container( alignment: Alignment.topRight, child: Text( reverse ? (index + 1).toString() : (episodeCount - index).toString(), style: GoogleFonts.teko( textStyle: TextStyle( fontSize: context.width / 24, color: color, ), ), ), ) : Center(); Widget _pubDate(BuildContext context, {EpisodeBrief episode, Color color}) => Text( episode.dateToString(), style: TextStyle( fontSize: context.width / 35, color: color, fontStyle: FontStyle.italic), ); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { double _width = context.width; var audio = Provider.of(context, listen: false); var downloader = Provider.of(context, listen: false); //Offset _offset; //_showPopupMenu(Offset offset, EpisodeBrief episode, BuildContext context, // {bool isPlaying, bool isInPlaylist}) async { // bool isLiked, isDownload; // int isListened; // var audio = Provider.of(context, listen: false); // var downloader = Provider.of(context, listen: false); // double left = offset.dx; // double top = offset.dy; // List menuList = await _getEpisodeMenu(); // if (menuList.contains(3)) isListened = await _isListened(episode); // if (menuList.contains(2)) isLiked = await _isLiked(episode); // if (menuList.contains(4)) isDownload = await _isDownloaded(episode); // await showMenu( // shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( // borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10))), // context: context, // position: RelativeRect.fromLTRB(left, top, _width - left, 0), // items: >[ // PopupMenuItem( // value: 0, // child: Row( // mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, // mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, // children: [ // Icon( // LineIcons.play_circle_solid, // color: Theme.of(context).accentColor, // ), // Padding( // padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), // ), // !isPlaying ? Text('Play') : Text('Playing'), // ], // ), // ), // menuList.contains(1) // ? PopupMenuItem( // value: 1, // child: Row( // children: [ // Icon( // LineIcons.clock_solid, // color: Colors.cyan, // ), // Padding( // padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), // ), // !isInPlaylist ? Text('Later') : Text('Remove') // ], // )) // : null, // menuList.contains(2) // ? PopupMenuItem( // value: 2, // child: Row( // children: [ // Icon(LineIcons.heart, color:, size: 21), // Padding( // padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), // ), // isLiked // ? Text( // 'Unlike', // ) // : Text('Like') // ], // )) // : null, // menuList.contains(3) // ? PopupMenuItem( // value: 3, // child: Row( // children: [ // SizedBox( // width: 23, // height: 23, // child: CustomPaint( // painter: // ListenedAllPainter(, stroke: 1.5)), // ), // Padding( // padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), // ), // isListened > 0 // ? Text('Listened', // style: TextStyle( // color: context.textColor.withOpacity(0.5))) // : Text('Mark\nListened') // ], // )) // : null, // menuList.contains(4) // ? PopupMenuItem( // value: 4, // child: Row( // children: [ // Icon(LineIcons.download_solid, color:, // Padding( // padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), // ), // isDownload // ? Text('Downloaded', // style: TextStyle( // color: context.textColor.withOpacity(0.5))) // : Text('Download') // ], // )) // : null, // ], // elevation: 5.0, // ).then((value) async { // switch (value) { // case 0: // if (!isPlaying) audio.episodeLoad(episode); // break; // case 1: // if (!isInPlaylist) { // audio.addToPlaylist(episode); // Fluttertoast.showToast( // msg: 'Added to playlist', // gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, // ); // } else { // audio.delFromPlaylist(episode); // Fluttertoast.showToast( // msg: 'Removed from playlist', // gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, // ); // } // break; // case 2: // if (isLiked) { // await _setUnliked(episode.enclosureUrl); // audio.setEpisodeState = true; // Fluttertoast.showToast( // msg: 'Unliked', // gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, // ); // } else { // await _saveLiked(episode.enclosureUrl); // audio.setEpisodeState = true; // Fluttertoast.showToast( // msg: 'Liked', // gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, // ); // } // break; // case 3: // if (isListened < 1) { // await _markListened(episode); // audio.setEpisodeState = true; // Fluttertoast.showToast( // msg: 'Mark listened', // gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, // ); // } // break; // case 4: // if (!isDownload) downloader.startTask(episode); // break; // default: // break; // } // }); //} final options = LiveOptions( delay:, showItemInterval: Duration(milliseconds: 50), showItemDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 50), ); final scrollController = ScrollController(); return SliverPadding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only( top: 10.0, bottom: 5.0, left: 15.0, right: 15.0), sliver: LiveSliverGrid.options( controller: scrollController, options: options, itemCount: episodes.length, gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount( childAspectRatio: layout == Layout.three ? 1 : layout == Layout.two ? 1.5 : 4, crossAxisCount: layout == Layout.three ? 3 : layout == Layout.two ? 2 : 1, mainAxisSpacing: 6.0, crossAxisSpacing: 6.0, ), itemBuilder: (context, index, animation) { Color _c = (Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.light) ? episodes[index].primaryColor.colorizedark() : episodes[index].primaryColor.colorizeLight(); scrollController.addListener(() {}); return FadeTransition( opacity: Tween(begin: index < initNum ? 0 : 1, end: 1) .animate(animation), child: Selector, bool>>( selector: (_, audio) => Tuple3( audio?.episode, => e.enclosureUrl).toList(), audio.episodeState), builder: (_, data, __) => OpenContainerWrapper( episode: episodes[index], closedBuilder: (context, action, boo) => FutureBuilder< Tuple3>( future: _initData(episodes[index]), initialData: Tuple3(0, false, false), builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { int isListened =; bool isLiked =; bool isDownloaded =; return Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0)), color: isListened > 0 ? context.brightness == Brightness.light ? Colors.grey[200] : Color.fromRGBO(40, 40, 40, 1) : context.scaffoldBackgroundColor, boxShadow: [ BoxShadow( color: context.brightness == Brightness.light ? context.primaryColor : Color.fromRGBO(40, 40, 40, 1), blurRadius: 0.5, spreadRadius: 0.5, ), ]), alignment:, // InkWell( // borderRadius: // BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0)), // onTapDown: (details) => _offset = Offset( // details.globalPosition.dx, // details.globalPosition.dy), // onLongPress: () => _showPopupMenu( // _offset, // episodes[index], // context, // isPlaying: data.item1 == episodes[index], // isInPlaylist: data.item2 // .contains(episodes[index].enclosureUrl), // ), // onTap: action, child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0)), border: Border.all( color: context.brightness == Brightness.light ? context.primaryColor : context.scaffoldBackgroundColor, width: 1.0, ), ), child: FocusedMenuHolder( blurSize: 0.0, menuItemExtent: 45, menuBoxDecoration: BoxDecoration( color: Colors.transparent, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(15.0))), duration: Duration(milliseconds: 100), tapMode: TapMode.onTap, animateMenuItems: false, blurBackgroundColor: context.brightness == Brightness.light ? Colors.white38 : Colors.black38, bottomOffsetHeight: 10, menuOffset: 6, menuItems: [ FocusedMenuItem( backgroundColor: context.brightness == Brightness.light ? context.primaryColor : context.scaffoldBackgroundColor, title: Text(data.item1 != episodes[index] ? "Play" : "Playing"), trailingIcon: Icon( LineIcons.play_circle_solid, color: Theme.of(context).accentColor, ), onPressed: () { if (data.item1 != episodes[index]) audio.episodeLoad(episodes[index]); }), _menuList.contains(1) ? FocusedMenuItem( backgroundColor: context.brightness == Brightness.light ? context.primaryColor : context.scaffoldBackgroundColor, title: data.item2.contains( episodes[index].enclosureUrl) ? Text("Remove") : Text("Later"), trailingIcon: Icon( LineIcons.clock_solid, color: Colors.cyan, ), onPressed: () { if (!data.item2.contains( episodes[index].enclosureUrl)) { audio.addToPlaylist(episodes[index]); Fluttertoast.showToast( msg: 'Added to playlist', gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, ); } else { audio .delFromPlaylist(episodes[index]); Fluttertoast.showToast( msg: 'Removed from playlist', gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, ); } }) : null, _menuList.contains(2) ? FocusedMenuItem( backgroundColor: context.brightness == Brightness.light ? context.primaryColor : context.scaffoldBackgroundColor, title: isLiked ? Text("Unlike") : Text("Like"), trailingIcon: Icon(LineIcons.heart, color:, size: 21), onPressed: () async { if (isLiked) { await _setUnliked( episodes[index].enclosureUrl); audio.setEpisodeState = true; Fluttertoast.showToast( msg: 'Unliked', gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, ); } else { await _saveLiked( episodes[index].enclosureUrl); audio.setEpisodeState = true; Fluttertoast.showToast( msg: 'Liked', gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, ); } }) : null, _menuList.contains(3) ? FocusedMenuItem( backgroundColor: context.brightness == Brightness.light ? context.primaryColor : context.scaffoldBackgroundColor, title: isListened > 0 ? Text('Listened', style: TextStyle( color: context.textColor .withOpacity(0.5))) : Text( 'Mark Listened', maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ), trailingIcon: SizedBox( width: 23, height: 23, child: CustomPaint( painter: ListenedAllPainter(, stroke: 1.5)), ), onPressed: () async { if (isListened < 1) { await _markListened(episodes[index]); audio.setEpisodeState = true; Fluttertoast.showToast( msg: 'Mark listened', gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, ); } }) : null, _menuList.contains(4) ? FocusedMenuItem( backgroundColor: context.brightness == Brightness.light ? context.primaryColor : context.scaffoldBackgroundColor, title: isDownloaded ? Text('Downloaded', style: TextStyle( color: context.textColor .withOpacity(0.5))) : Text('Download'), trailingIcon: Icon( LineIcons.download_solid, color:, onPressed: () { if (!isDownloaded) downloader.startTask(episodes[index]); }) : null ], action: action, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Expanded( flex: layout == ? 1 : 2, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ layout != ? _circleImage(context, episode: episodes[index], color: _c, boo: boo) : _pubDate(context, episode: episodes[index], color: _c), Spacer(), // _listenIndicater(context, // episode: episodes[index], // isListened:, _isNewIndicator(episodes[index]), _downloadIndicater(context, episode: episodes[index], isDownloaded: isDownloaded), _numberIndicater(context, index: index, color: _c) ], ), ), Expanded( flex: layout == ? 3 : 5, child: layout != ? _title(episodes[index]) : Row( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ _circleImage(context, episode: episodes[index], color: _c, boo: boo), SizedBox( width: 5, ), Expanded( child: _title(episodes[index])) ], ), ), Expanded( flex: 1, child: Row( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ layout != ? Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomLeft, child: _pubDate(context, episode: episodes[index], color: _c), ) : SizedBox(width: 1), Spacer(), layout != Layout.three && episodes[index].duration != 0 ? Container( alignment:, child: Text( _stringForSeconds( episodes[index] .duration .toDouble()), style: TextStyle( fontSize: _width / 35), ), ) : Center(), episodes[index].duration == 0 || episodes[index] .enclosureLength == null || episodes[index] .enclosureLength == 0 || layout == Layout.three ? Center() : Text( '|', style: TextStyle( fontSize: _width / 35, // color: _c, // fontStyle: FontStyle.italic, ), ), layout != Layout.three && episodes[index] .enclosureLength != null && episodes[index] .enclosureLength != 0 ? Container( alignment:, child: Text( ((episodes[index] .enclosureLength) ~/ 1000000) .toString() + 'MB', style: TextStyle( fontSize: _width / 35), ), ) : Center(), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(1), ), showFavorite || layout != Layout.three ? isLiked ? IconTheme( data: IconThemeData( size: _width / 35), child: Icon( Icons.favorite, color:, ), ) : Center() : Center() ], ), ), ], ), ), ), ), ); }), ), ), ); }, ), ); } } class OpenContainerWrapper extends StatelessWidget { const OpenContainerWrapper({ this.closedBuilder, this.episode, this.playerRunning, }); final OpenContainerBuilder closedBuilder; final EpisodeBrief episode; final bool playerRunning; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Selector( selector: (_, audio) => audio.playerRunning, builder: (_, data, __) => OpenContainer( playerRunning: data, flightWidget: CircleAvatar( backgroundImage: FileImage(File("${episode.imagePath}")), ), transitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 400), beginColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, endColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, closedColor: Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.light ? Theme.of(context).primaryColor : Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor, openColor: Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor, openElevation: 0, closedElevation: 0, openShape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10.0))), closedShape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0))), transitionType: ContainerTransitionType.fadeThrough, openBuilder: (BuildContext context, VoidCallback _, bool boo) { return EpisodeDetail( episodeItem: episode, hide: boo, ); }, tappable: true, closedBuilder: closedBuilder, ), ); } }