import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import '../type/episodebrief.dart'; import '../util/extension_helper.dart'; import 'episodegrid.dart'; const kTwoPi = math.pi * 2; const kPi = math.pi; const kHalfPi = math.pi / 2; //Layout change indicator class LayoutPainter extends CustomPainter { double scale; Color color; LayoutPainter(this.scale, this.color); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = 1.0 = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 10 + 5 * scale, 10), _paint); if (scale < 4) { canvas.drawRect( Rect.fromLTRB(10 + 5 * scale, 0, 20 + 10 * scale, 10), _paint); canvas.drawRect( Rect.fromLTRB(20 + 5 * scale, 0, 30, 10 - 10 * scale), _paint); } } @override bool shouldRepaint(LayoutPainter oldDelegate) { return oldDelegate.scale != scale || oldDelegate.color != color; } } /// Multi select button. class MultiSelectPainter extends CustomPainter { Color color; MultiSelectPainter({@required this.color}); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = 1.0 = PaintingStyle.fill ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; final x = size.width / 2; final y = size.height / 2; var path = Path(); path.moveTo(0, 0); path.lineTo(x, 0); path.lineTo(x, y * 2); path.lineTo(x * 2, y * 2); path.lineTo(x * 2, y); path.lineTo(0, y); path.lineTo(0, 0); path.close(); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(MultiSelectPainter oldDelegate) { return false; } } //Dark sky used in sleep timer class StarSky extends CustomPainter { @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { final points = [ Offset(50, 100), Offset(150, 75), Offset(250, 250), Offset(130, 200), Offset(270, 150), ]; final pisces = [ Offset(9, 4), Offset(11, 5), Offset(7, 6), Offset(10, 7), Offset(8, 8), Offset(9, 13), Offset(12, 17), Offset(5, 19), Offset(7, 19) ].map((e) => e * 10).toList(); final orion = [ Offset(3, 1), Offset(6, 1), Offset(1, 4), Offset(2, 4), Offset(2, 7), Offset(10, 8), Offset(3, 10), Offset(8, 10), Offset(19, 11), Offset(11, 13), Offset(18, 14), Offset(5, 19), Offset(7, 19), Offset(9, 18), Offset(15, 19), Offset(16, 18), Offset(2, 25), Offset(10, 26) ].map((e) => Offset(e.dx * 10 + 250, e.dy * 10)).toList(); var paint = Paint() ..color = Colors.white ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; var _fullPaint = Paint() ..color = Colors.white ..strokeWidth = 1.0 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.butt = PaintingStyle.fill; _darwStar(Offset center, double radius) { canvas.drawCircle(center, radius, paint); var path = Path() ..addOval(Rect.fromCircle(center: center, radius: radius * 2)); canvas.drawShadow(path.shift(Offset(0, -6)), Colors.white, 6, true); } _darwBigStar(Offset center, double radius) { var path = Path(); path.moveTo(center.dx - radius * 1.5, center.dy); path.quadraticBezierTo(center.dx - radius * 0.2, center.dy - radius * 0.2, center.dx, center.dy - radius * 2); path.quadraticBezierTo(center.dx + radius * 0.2, center.dy - radius * 0.2, center.dx + radius * 1.5, center.dy); path.quadraticBezierTo(center.dx + radius * 0.2, center.dy + radius * 0.2, center.dx, center.dy + radius * 2); path.quadraticBezierTo(center.dx - radius * 0.2, center.dy + radius * 0.2, center.dx - radius * 1.5, center.dy); path.close(); canvas.drawPath(path, _fullPaint); canvas.drawShadow(path.shift(Offset(0, -6)), Colors.white, 10, true); } for (var center in pisces) { _darwStar(center, 2); } for (var center in orion) { _darwStar(center, 2); } for (var center in points) { _darwBigStar(center, 4); _darwStar(center, 2); } } @override bool shouldRepaint(StarSky oldDelegate) { return false; } } //Listened indicator class ListenedPainter extends CustomPainter { final Color _color; double stroke; ListenedPainter(this._color, {this.stroke = 1.0}); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = _color ..strokeWidth = stroke ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke; var _path = Path(); _path.moveTo(size.width / 6, size.height * 3 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width / 6, size.height * 5 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width / 3, size.height / 4); _path.lineTo(size.width / 3, size.height * 3 / 4); _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width / 2, size.height * 7 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width * 5 / 6, size.height * 3 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width * 5 / 6, size.height * 5 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height / 4); _path.lineTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 3 / 4); canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(ListenedPainter oldDelegate) { return false; } } //Listened Completely indicator class ListenedAllPainter extends CustomPainter { final Color color; final double stroke; ListenedAllPainter(this.color, {this.stroke = 1.0}); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = stroke ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke; var _path = Path(); _path.moveTo(size.width / 6, size.height * 3 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width / 6, size.height * 5 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width / 3, size.height / 4); _path.lineTo(size.width / 3, size.height * 3 / 4); _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height * 3 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width / 2, size.height * 5 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 4 / 9); _path.lineTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 5 / 9); _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height * 3 / 4); _path.lineTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 7 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width * 7 / 8, size.height * 5 / 8); canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(ListenedAllPainter oldDelegate) { return false; } } //Mark Listened indicator class MarkListenedPainter extends CustomPainter { final Color color; double stroke; MarkListenedPainter(this.color, {this.stroke = 1.0}); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = stroke ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke; var _path = Path(); _path.moveTo(size.width / 6, size.height * 3 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width / 6, size.height * 5 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width / 3, size.height / 4); _path.lineTo(size.width / 3, size.height * 3 / 4); _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height * 3 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width / 2, size.height * 5 / 8); // _path.moveTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 4 / 9); // _path.lineTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 5 / 9); _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height * 13 / 18); _path.lineTo(size.width * 5 / 6, size.height * 13 / 18); _path.moveTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 5 / 9); _path.lineTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 8 / 9); canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(MarkListenedPainter oldDelegate) { return false; } } /// Hide listened painter. class HideListenedPainter extends CustomPainter { Color color; Color backgroundColor; double fraction; double stroke; HideListenedPainter( {this.color, this.stroke = 1.0, this.backgroundColor, this.fraction}); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = stroke ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke; var _linePaint = Paint() ..color = backgroundColor ..strokeWidth = stroke * 2 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke; var _path = Path(); _path.moveTo(size.width / 6, size.height * 3 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width / 6, size.height * 5 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width / 3, size.height / 4); _path.lineTo(size.width / 3, size.height * 3 / 4); _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width / 2, size.height * 7 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width * 5 / 6, size.height * 3 / 8); _path.lineTo(size.width * 5 / 6, size.height * 5 / 8); _path.moveTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height / 4); _path.lineTo(size.width * 2 / 3, size.height * 3 / 4); canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint); if (fraction > 0) { canvas.drawLine( Offset(size.width, size.height) / 5, Offset(size.width, size.height) / 5 + Offset(size.width, size.height) * 3 / 5 * fraction, _linePaint); } } @override bool shouldRepaint(HideListenedPainter oldDelegate) { return oldDelegate.fraction != fraction; } } class HideListened extends StatefulWidget { final bool hideListened; HideListened({this.hideListened, Key key}) : super(key: key); @override _HideListenedState createState() => _HideListenedState(); } class _HideListenedState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { double _fraction = 0.0; Animation animation; AnimationController _controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 400)); animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(_controller) ..addListener(() { if (mounted) { setState(() { _fraction = animation.value; }); } }); if (widget.hideListened) _controller.forward(); } @override void didUpdateWidget(HideListened oldWidget) { if (oldWidget.hideListened != widget.hideListened) { if (widget.hideListened) { _controller.forward(); } else { _controller.reverse(); } } super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return CustomPaint( painter: HideListenedPainter( fraction: _fraction, color: context.textColor, backgroundColor: context.accentColor)); } } //Add new episode to palylist class AddToPlaylistPainter extends CustomPainter { final Color color; final Color textColor; AddToPlaylistPainter(this.color, this.textColor); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = 1 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke; var _path = Path(); _path.moveTo(0, size.height / 5); _path.lineTo(size.width * 4 / 7, size.height / 5); _path.moveTo(0, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(size.width * 4 / 7, size.height / 2); _path.moveTo(0, size.height * 4 / 5); _path.lineTo(size.width * 3 / 7, size.height * 4 / 5); var textPainter = TextPainter( textAlign:, textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, text: TextSpan( text: 'N', style: TextStyle( fontStyle: FontStyle.italic, color: textColor, fontSize: 10), )) ..layout(); textPainter.paint(canvas, Offset(size.width * 4 / 7, size.height * 3 / 5)); canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) { return true; } } /// Remove new flag icon. class RemoveNewFlagPainter extends CustomPainter { final Color color; final Color textColor; RemoveNewFlagPainter(this.color, this.textColor); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = 1 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke; var _path = Path(); _path.moveTo(size.width * 3 / 5, size.height / 5); _path.lineTo(size.width * 4 / 5, size.height * 2 / 5); _path.lineTo(size.width * 2 / 5, size.height * 4 / 5); _path.lineTo(size.width / 5, size.height * 3 / 5); _path.lineTo(size.width * 3 / 5, size.height / 5); _path.moveTo(size.width * 2 / 5, size.height * 2 / 5); _path.lineTo(size.width * 3 / 5, size.height * 3 / 5); var textPainter = TextPainter( textAlign:, textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, text: TextSpan( text: 'N', style: TextStyle( fontStyle: FontStyle.italic, color: textColor, fontSize: 10), )) ..layout(); textPainter.paint(canvas, Offset(size.width * 4 / 7, size.height * 3 / 5)); canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(RemoveNewFlagPainter oldDelegate) => false; @override bool shouldRebuildSemantics(RemoveNewFlagPainter oldDelegate) => false; } //Wave play indicator class WavePainter extends CustomPainter { final double _fraction; double _value; final Color _color; WavePainter(this._fraction, this._color); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { if (_fraction < 0.5) { _value = _fraction; } else { _value = 1 - _fraction; } var _path = Path(); var _paint = Paint() ..color = _color ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke; _path.moveTo(0, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(0, size.height / 2 + size.height * _value * 0.2); _path.moveTo(0, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(0, size.height / 2 - size.height * _value * 0.2); _path.moveTo(size.width / 4, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(size.width / 4, size.height / 2 + size.height * _value * 0.8); _path.moveTo(size.width / 4, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(size.width / 4, size.height / 2 - size.height * _value * 0.8); _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(size.width / 2, size.height / 2 + size.height * _value * 0.5); _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(size.width / 2, size.height / 2 - size.height * _value * 0.5); _path.moveTo(size.width * 3 / 4, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo( size.width * 3 / 4, size.height / 2 + size.height * _value * 0.6); _path.moveTo(size.width * 3 / 4, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo( size.width * 3 / 4, size.height / 2 - size.height * _value * 0.6); _path.moveTo(size.width, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(size.width, size.height / 2 + size.height * _value * 0.2); _path.moveTo(size.width, size.height / 2); _path.lineTo(size.width, size.height / 2 - size.height * _value * 0.2); canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(WavePainter oldDelegate) { return oldDelegate._fraction != _fraction; } } class WaveLoader extends StatefulWidget { final Color color; final bool animate; WaveLoader({this.color, this.animate = true, Key key}) : super(key: key); @override _WaveLoaderState createState() => _WaveLoaderState(); } class _WaveLoaderState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { double _fraction = 0.0; Animation animation; AnimationController _controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000)); animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(_controller) ..addListener(() { if (mounted) { setState(() { _fraction = animation.value; }); } }); _controller.forward(); _controller.addStatusListener((status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) { _controller.reset(); } else if (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) { _controller.forward(); } }); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return CustomPaint( painter: WavePainter( widget.animate ? _fraction : 1, widget.color ?? Colors.white)); } } //Love shape class LovePainter extends CustomPainter { @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _path = Path(); var _paint = Paint() ..color = ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; _path.moveTo(size.width / 2, size.height / 6); _path.quadraticBezierTo(size.width / 4, 0, size.width / 8, size.height / 6); _path.quadraticBezierTo( 0, size.height / 3, size.width / 8, size.height * 0.55); _path.quadraticBezierTo( size.width / 4, size.height * 0.8, size.width / 2, size.height); _path.quadraticBezierTo(size.width * 0.75, size.height * 0.8, size.width * 7 / 8, size.height * 0.55); _path.quadraticBezierTo( size.width, size.height / 3, size.width * 7 / 8, size.height / 6); _path.quadraticBezierTo( size.width * 3 / 4, 0, size.width / 2, size.height / 6); canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) { return true; } } //Line buffer indicator //Not used class LinePainter extends CustomPainter { final double _fraction; Paint _paint; final Color _maincolor; LinePainter(this._fraction, this._maincolor) { _paint = Paint() ..color = _maincolor ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { canvas.drawLine(Offset(0, size.height / 2.0), Offset(size.width * _fraction, size.height / 2.0), _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(LinePainter oldDelegate) { return oldDelegate._fraction != _fraction; } } class LineLoader extends StatefulWidget { @override _LineLoaderState createState() => _LineLoaderState(); } class _LineLoaderState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { double _fraction = 0.0; Animation animation; AnimationController controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); controller = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500)); animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(controller) ..addListener(() { if (mounted) { setState(() { _fraction = animation.value; }); } }); controller.forward(); controller.addStatusListener((status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) { controller.reset(); } else if (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) { controller.forward(); } }); } @override void dispose() { controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return CustomPaint( painter: LinePainter(_fraction, Theme.of(context).accentColor)); } } class ImageRotate extends StatefulWidget { final EpisodeBrief episodeItem; ImageRotate({this.episodeItem, Key key}) : super(key: key); @override _ImageRotateState createState() => _ImageRotateState(); } class _ImageRotateState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { Animation _animation; AnimationController _controller; double _value; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _value = 0; _controller = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 2000), ); _animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(_controller) ..addListener(() { if (mounted) { setState(() { _value = _animation.value; }); } }); _controller.forward(); _controller.addStatusListener((status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) { _controller.reset(); } else if (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) { _controller.forward(); } }); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Transform.rotate( angle: 2 * math.pi * _value, child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0), child: SizedBox( width: 30, height: 30, child: CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: widget.episodeItem.backgroudColor(context), backgroundImage: widget.episodeItem.avatarImage), ), ), ); } } class LoveOpen extends StatefulWidget { @override _LoveOpenState createState() => _LoveOpenState(); } class _LoveOpenState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { Animation _animationA; AnimationController _controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000), ); _animationA = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(_controller) ..addListener(() { if (mounted) setState(() {}); }); _controller.forward(); _controller.addStatusListener((status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) { _controller.reset(); } }); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } Widget _littleHeart(double scale, double value, double angle) => Container( alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: value), child: ScaleTransition( scale: _animationA, alignment:, child: Transform.rotate( angle: angle, child: SizedBox( height: 5 * scale, width: 6 * scale, child: CustomPaint( painter: LovePainter(), ), ), ), ), ); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( width: 50, height: 50, alignment:, child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: [ Row( children: [ _littleHeart(0.5, 10, -math.pi / 6), _littleHeart(1.2, 3, 0), ], ), Row( children: [ _littleHeart(0.8, 6, math.pi * 1.5), _littleHeart(0.9, 24, math.pi / 2), ], ), Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ _littleHeart(1, 8, -math.pi * 0.7), _littleHeart(0.8, 8, math.pi), _littleHeart(0.6, 3, -math.pi * 1.2) ], ), ], ), ); } } //Heart rise class HeartSet extends StatefulWidget { final double height; final double width; HeartSet({Key key, this.height, this.width}) : super(key: key); @override _HeartSetState createState() => _HeartSetState(); } class _HeartSetState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { Animation _animation; AnimationController _controller; double _value; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _value = 0; _controller = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(seconds: 2), ); _animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(_controller) ..addListener(() { if (mounted) { setState(() { _value = _animation.value; }); } }); _controller.forward(); _controller.addStatusListener((status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) { _controller.reset(); } }); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( height: widget.height, width: widget.width, alignment: Alignment(0.5, 1 - _value), child: Icon(Icons.favorite, color:, size: 20 * _value), ); } } class HeartOpen extends StatefulWidget { final double height; final double width; HeartOpen({Key key, this.height, this.width}) : super(key: key); @override _HeartOpenState createState() => _HeartOpenState(); } class _HeartOpenState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { Animation _animation; AnimationController _controller; double _value; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _value = 0; _controller = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(seconds: 2), ); _animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(_controller) ..addListener(() { if (mounted) { setState(() { _value = _animation.value; }); } }); _controller.forward(); _controller.addStatusListener((status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) { _controller.reset(); } }); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } Widget _position(int i) { var scale = _list[i]; var position = _list[i + 1]; return Positioned( left: widget.width * position, bottom: widget.height * _value * scale, child: Icon(Icons.favorite, color: _value > 0.5 ? - _value * 2) :, size: 20 * _value * scale), ); } final List _list = List.generate(20, (index) => math.Random().nextDouble()); final List _index = List.generate(19, (index) => index); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Stack( children: [ Container( height: widget.height, width: widget.width, alignment: Alignment(0.5, 1 - _value), child: Icon(Icons.favorite, color:, size: 20 * _value), ),, ], ); } } /// Icon using a painter. class IconPainter extends StatelessWidget { const IconPainter(this.painter, {this.height = 10, this.width = 30, Key key}) : super(key: key); final double height; final double width; final CustomPainter painter; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return SizedBox( height: height, width: width, child: CustomPaint( painter: painter, ), ); } } /// A dot just a dot. class DotIndicator extends StatelessWidget { DotIndicator({this.radius = 8, this.color, Key key}) : assert(radius > 0), super(key: key); final Color color; final double radius; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( width: radius, height: radius, decoration: BoxDecoration( shape:, color: color ?? context.accentColor)); } } ///Download button. class DownloadPainter extends CustomPainter { double fraction; Color color; Color progressColor; double progress; double pauseProgress; double stroke; DownloadPainter( {this.fraction, this.color, this.progressColor, this.progress = 0, this.stroke = 2, this.pauseProgress = 0}); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = stroke ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; var _circlePaint = Paint() ..color = color.withAlpha(70) = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = stroke; var _progressPaint = Paint() ..color = progressColor ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = stroke; var width = size.width; var height = size.height; var center = Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2); if (pauseProgress == 0 && progress < 1) { canvas.drawLine( Offset(width / 2, 4), Offset(width / 2, height * 4 / 5), _paint); canvas.drawLine(Offset(width / 4, height / 2), Offset(width / 2, height * 4 / 5), _paint); canvas.drawLine(Offset(width * 3 / 4, height / 2), Offset(width / 2, height * 4 / 5), _paint); } if (fraction == 0) { canvas.drawLine( Offset(width / 5, height), Offset(width * 4 / 5, height), _paint); } else if (progress < 1) { canvas.drawArc(Rect.fromCircle(center: center, radius: width / 2), math.pi / 2, math.pi * fraction, false, _circlePaint); canvas.drawArc(Rect.fromCircle(center: center, radius: width / 2), math.pi / 2, -math.pi * fraction, false, _circlePaint); } if (progress == 1) { canvas.drawLine(Offset(width / 5, height * 9 / 10), Offset(width * 4 / 5, height * 9 / 10), _progressPaint); canvas.drawLine(Offset(width / 5, height * 5 / 10), Offset(width * 2 / 5, height * 7 / 10), _progressPaint); canvas.drawLine(Offset(width * 4 / 5, height * 3 / 10), Offset(width * 2 / 5, height * 7 / 10), _progressPaint); } if (fraction == 1 && progress < 1) { canvas.drawArc(Rect.fromCircle(center: center, radius: width / 2), -math.pi / 2, math.pi * 2 * progress, false, _progressPaint); } if (pauseProgress > 0) { canvas.drawLine( Offset(width / 5 + height * 3 * pauseProgress / 20, height / 2 - height * pauseProgress / 5), Offset(width / 2 - height * 3 * pauseProgress / 20, height * 4 / 5 - height * pauseProgress / 10), _paint); canvas.drawLine( Offset(width * 4 / 5 - height * 3 * pauseProgress / 20, height / 2 - height * pauseProgress / 5), Offset(width / 2 + height * 3 * pauseProgress / 20, height * 4 / 5 - height * pauseProgress / 10), _paint); } } @override bool shouldRepaint(DownloadPainter oldDelegate) { return oldDelegate.fraction != fraction || oldDelegate.progress != progress || oldDelegate.pauseProgress != pauseProgress; } } /// Layout icon button. class LayoutButton extends StatelessWidget { const LayoutButton({this.layout, this.onPressed, Key key}) : super(key: key); final Layout layout; final ValueChanged onPressed; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return IconButton( padding:, onPressed: () { if (layout == Layout.three) { onPressed(; } else if (layout == Layout.two) { onPressed(Layout.three); } else { onPressed(Layout.two); } }, icon: layout == Layout.three ? SizedBox( height: 10, width: 30, child: CustomPaint( painter: LayoutPainter(0, context.textColor), ), ) : layout == Layout.two ? SizedBox( height: 10, width: 30, child: CustomPaint( painter: LayoutPainter(1, context.textColor), ), ) : SizedBox( height: 10, width: 30, child: CustomPaint( painter: LayoutPainter(4, context.textTheme.bodyText1.color), ), ), ); } } /// Remove scroll view overlay effect. class NoGrowBehavior extends ScrollBehavior { @override Widget buildViewportChrome( BuildContext context, Widget child, AxisDirection axisDirection) { return child; } } class Meteor extends CustomPainter { Paint _paint; Meteor() { _paint = Paint() ..color = Colors.white ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { canvas.drawLine(Offset(0, 0), Offset(size.width, size.height), _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(Meteor oldDelegate) { return false; } } /// Used in sleep mode widget. class MeteorLoader extends StatefulWidget { @override _MeteorLoaderState createState() => _MeteorLoaderState(); } class _MeteorLoaderState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { double _fraction = 0.0; double _move = 0.0; Animation animation; AnimationController controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); controller = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500)); animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(controller) ..addListener(() { if (mounted) { setState(() { _move = animation.value; if (animation.value <= 0.5) { _fraction = animation.value * 2; } else { _fraction = 2 - (animation.value) * 2; } }); } }); controller.forward(); } @override void dispose() { controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Positioned( top: 300 * _move + 10, left: 150 * _move + 50, child: SizedBox( width: 50 * _fraction, height: 100 * _fraction, child: CustomPaint(painter: Meteor())), ); } } /// Custom paint in player widget. Tab indicator. class TabIndicator extends CustomPainter { double fraction; double indicatorSize; Color color; Color accentColor; int index; TabIndicator( {this.fraction, this.color, this.accentColor, this.indicatorSize, this.index}); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { var _paint = Paint() ..color = color ..strokeWidth = 3.0 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; var _accentPaint = Paint() ..color = accentColor ..strokeWidth = 3.0 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; var leftStartE = Offset(indicatorSize, size.height); var rightStartE = Offset(size.width - indicatorSize, size.height); var startPoint = Offset(size.width / 2, 0); var leftStart = startPoint + (leftStartE - startPoint) * fraction; var rightStart = startPoint + (rightStartE - startPoint) * fraction; var leftEnd = startPoint + Offset(-size.height, size.height) + Offset(-(size.width / 2 - size.height) * fraction, 0); var rightEnd = startPoint + Offset(size.height, size.height) + Offset((size.width / 2 - size.height) * fraction, 0); canvas.drawLine(leftStart, leftEnd, index == 0 || fraction == 0 ? _accentPaint : _paint); canvas.drawLine(rightStart, rightEnd, index == 1 || fraction == 0 ? _accentPaint : _paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(TabIndicator oldDelegate) { return oldDelegate.fraction != fraction || oldDelegate.index != index; } } /// Custom back button class CustomBackButton extends StatelessWidget { const CustomBackButton({Key key}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return IconButton( splashRadius: 20, icon: const BackButtonIcon(), tooltip: context.s.back, onPressed: () { Navigator.maybePop(context); }, ); } } // Episode tag widget. Widget episodeTag(String text, Color color) { if (text == '') { return Center(); } return Container( decoration: BoxDecoration(color: color, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(15.0)), height: 25.0, margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 10.0), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0), alignment:, child: Text(text, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0, color:, ); } // Sleep time picker. class SleepTimerPicker extends StatefulWidget { final ValueChanged onChange; SleepTimerPicker({this.onChange, Key key}) : super(key: key); @override _SleepTimerPickerState createState() => _SleepTimerPickerState(); } class _SleepTimerPickerState extends State { final textStyle = TextStyle(fontSize: 60); int hour; int minute; @override void initState() { _initTimer(); super.initState(); } _initTimer() { var h =; var m =; if (m > 50) { hour = (h + 1) % 24; minute = 0; } else { hour = h; minute = m ~/ 10 * 10 + 10; } } _getDuration() { var h =; var m =; var d = Duration(hours: hour, minutes: minute) - Duration(hours: h, minutes: m); if (d >= { return d; } else { return Duration(hours: 24) - d; } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return SizedBox( height: 100, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ GestureDetector( onTap: () { setState(() { if (hour >= 23) { hour = 0; } else { hour++; } }); widget.onChange(_getDuration()); }, onLongPress: () { setState(() { hour =; }); widget.onChange(_getDuration()); }, child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: context.primaryColorDark, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10)), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20, vertical: 10), child: Text(hour.toString().padLeft(2, '0'), style: textStyle), ), ), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10), child: Text( ':', style: textStyle, ), ), GestureDetector( onTap: (() { setState(() { if (minute >= 55) { minute = 0; } else { minute += 5; } }); widget.onChange(_getDuration()); }), onLongPress: () { setState(() { minute = 0; }); widget.onChange(_getDuration()); }, child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: context.primaryColorDark, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10)), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20, vertical: 10), child: Text(minute.toString().padLeft(2, '0'), style: textStyle), ), ), ], )); } } class UpDownIndicator extends StatefulWidget { final bool status; final Color color; UpDownIndicator({this.status, this.color = Colors.white, Key key}) : super(key: key); @override _UpDownIndicatorState createState() => _UpDownIndicatorState(); } class _UpDownIndicatorState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { double _value; AnimationController _controller; Animation _animation; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _value = 0; _controller = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 300)); _animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(_controller) ..addListener(() { setState(() { _value = _animation.value; }); }); } @override void didUpdateWidget(covariant UpDownIndicator oldWidget) { if (widget.status != oldWidget.status) { widget.status ? _controller.forward() : _controller.reverse(); } super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Transform.rotate( angle: widget.status ? math.pi * _value : -math.pi * _value, child: Icon( Icons.keyboard_arrow_down, color: widget.color, ), ); } }